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Project Package: UDL Book

Learning is not always easy, but as a teacher you want to help support each student through those dicult
spots. One way to provide support is by providing models. You are writing a story that discusses your
own personal experience as a learner. Specically, you will be telling a story about a time when you faced
diculties and made it through by:
Persisting and growing despite what may have seemed like hopeless odds
Drawing on a sense of belonging and/or
Opening yourself up to new ways of thinking
Your audience is a late high school student or early college student to remind them that no matter how hard
the transition from high school (or work) to college may be, they can still do it, and you are using your own
experiences as an example. Make sure you consult the rubric to see what is important in this project.
Your UDL Book Should Include:

At least 6 pages, not including a title page.

An image (properly licensed and cited) on every page.
At least three entries in the Glossary that assist the learner to understand your story.
Use of 3 Coaches on each page on which you make use of the Student Response Area.
A question on at least one page in the Student Response Area that encourages readers to connect
with their prior experiences or knowledge.
A question on dierent pages in the Student Response Area that align with each of the four
Reciprocal Teaching Strategies (Predict, Summarize, Question, and Visualize).
A question on at least one page in the Student Response Area that encourages the reader to think
forward to a dierent situation or context.
Models of Practice
This is a list of projects from prior semesters that represent a range of disciplines and grade levels. Although I
consider all of these to be very good examples, make sure you evaluate these models yourself and determine
what you can learn from these models. Note that these books do not make use of the Reciprocal Teaching Strategies
so do not follow their example of using the Student Response Area and the Coaches.
Discovering My Heritage:
Past to the Present: Physical Activities for Kids:
The Tall Tale of John Henry:
Other UDL Book Resources

Photos for Class (where you can get free photos):
(Other) Places to Get Free Images:
Example UDL Book:
UDL Book Glog:

it outside of class. The link to your UDL Book is due in TaskStream on November 14.

You will have the opportunity to work on your UDL Book in class, although you may have to nish some of

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