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Business Ethics Previous 4 years QP

1. What is Business Ethics? Briefly explain the Concepts, Importance and benefits of
Business ethics

Explain in detail different Ethical theories.

3. What are the Values a Manager should possess? How can value based management make a
difference in our organisations?
Ethical corporate behavior is an integral part of todays corporate world elucidate the
above statement with examples.

Explain in detail the ethical issues at work place.


Explain with examples the ethics and cultural issues.

How can value based management make a difference in our organisations? Give examples
of ethical business models in Indian scenario.
In life every one confronts with an ethical dilemma. What is ethical dilemma? Explain with
a scenario from your life.
Environmental ethics is gaining prime importance. Why is it gaining importance? Being a
budding manager what is your responsibility to environment?
10. What is CSR? Explain the scope and relevance of CSR.
11. What is the necessity of studying Business Ethics in the globalised scenario? How can
ethical values be promoted among business community?
12. What is work ethics? Explain work ethics at different levels of management. State the need
for work ethics in business.
13. Compare and contrast Kantianism and Utilitarianism.
14. Explain teleological theories briefly. What are its strengths and weaknesses?
15. Explain the factors influencing business ethics.
16. What is right to privacy? Discuss the ethical issues involving privacy.
17. Discuss the societial responsibility issues for various stake holder groups.
18. Define CSR. Discuss the types of activities showing social responsibility.

19. Discuss the ethical issues in accounting and finance.

20. Explain the ethical and social issues in advertising.
21. Examine the ethical principles governing global business.
22. Outline any two important court verdicts in India with respect to business ethics.
23. Ethics is considered as everybodys Justice, do you agree? Comment.
24. Carefully examine two or more advertisements taken from current news papers or magazines
and assess the extent to which they meet, what you would consider adequate ethical stand for
25. Corporate culture has great potential as means of improving ethics in the organization.
Discuss the statement.
26. Explain Kants Categorical Imperative of Right concept with criticism.
27. Every principle of distributive justice, weather that of equalitarian, capitalist or the
libertarian or of Rawls, in the end is illegitimately advocating some type of equality Discuss the
28. Discuss the basic principles of Ramayana and Mahabharata with underlines ethical values.
29. Describe Mill and Bethams theory of Utilitarianism.
30. In view of Contractual agreement that every employee makes to be loyal to the employer, do
you think whistle blowing is ever morally justified? Explain.
31. Explain corporate governance practices in India.
32. Compare and contrast the view of an ecological ethic and Blackstons ethic of the
environment right and utilitarianism ethics of pollution control. Which views seem to you to be
more adequate? Justify your answer.
33. What is the necessity of studying Business Ethics in the globalised scenario? How can
ethical values be promoted among business community?
34. What is work ethics? Explain work ethics at different levels of management. State the need
for work ethics in business.
35. Compare and contrast Kantianism and Utilitarianism.
36. Explain teleological theories briefly. What are its strengths and weaknesses?
37. Explain the factors influencing business ethics.

38. What is right to privacy? Discuss the ethical issues involving privacy.
39. Discuss the societal responsibility issues for various stake holder groups.
40. Define CSR. Discuss the types of activities showing social responsibility.

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