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Ritual Calendar For

Observance Of The
Luciferian Cast Deities &
Classifications of

7 - JANUARY St Winebald day:

Blood rituals, dismemberment.
Animal/human sacrifice.

17 Satanic revels: Sexual

20 - 26: Sacrifice preparation:
kidnapping, holding and
ceremonial preparation of person
for human sacrifice.
26 The Da Muer ritual: Grand
climax. Sex rituals and human
sacrifice of woman/child.

2 - Candlemass: Mass initiation
of new members and animal or
human sacrifice.


1 - St Eichatadt Day: Blood

rituals involving the drinking of
human blood for strength and
homage/honours to demons.

Vernal/Spring Equinox: A feast
day involving orgies and animal
or human sacrifice.
24 Feast of the beast: A
sixteen year old girl becomes the
bride of satan in a marriage

Easter Week-end: Black
mass/black sabbath. To mock the
death of Jesus Christ, a man is
sacrificed on Good Friday. On

Easter Sunday, known to

satanists as unholy sunday, a
woman or man is sacrificed
followed by three days of fasting
and chanting.
19 - 25 Sacrifice preparation:
kidnapping, holding and
ceremonial preparation of person
for human sacrifice.
25 The Da Muer ritual: Grand
climax. Sex rituals and sacrifice
of a woman or young girl.
30 Walpurgis night/Beltane:
One of the most important
nights on the satanic calendar.
Blood rituals and human
sacrifice take place.


24 Ascension day: Rituals to

mock the ascension of Jesus
Christ into heaven.

17 Corpus Christi: Feast to
mock the body and blood of Jesus
21 St John's Eve: Feast day with
orgies and animal or human

1 Demon revels: Blood rituals
and sexual relations with

20 - 27 Sacrifice preparation:
Kidnapping, holding and
ceremonial preparation of person
for sacrifice.
27 Grand climax: Sexual rituals
and female sacrifice.

1 Lammas day: Animal or
human sacrifice.
3 Satanic revels: Sexual ritual.

20 Autumnal Equinox: Midnight
host. Blood ritual.

Dismemberment of corpses:
hands are removed from hand of
glory rituals. Cannibalism
usually occurs.
23 Feast day and sexual orgies,
with human sacrifice.

22 - 29 Sacrifice preparation:
kidnapping, holding and
ceremonial preparation of person
for human sacrifice.
28 - 30 Satanist high unholy
days: Related to halloween.
Human sacrifices.

31 All hallow's Eve (Halloween):

One of the two most important
nights of the year. Attempts are
made to break the bond which is
keeping the doors to the
underworld closed. Blood and
sexual rituals. Sexual
association with demons.
Animal and human sacrifice male or female.

1 3 High unholy days: Related
to halloween. Human sacrifices.
22 Summer Solstice: Animal and
human sacrifices are made.

24 Demon revels: Male and

female sacrifice.
25 Yuletide: Celebration of the
birth of the sun as a young babe
to the great goddess. The
satanist's own birthday is very
important. The satanist says:
"Every man is a god if he
chooses to recognise himself as
one". (LaVey, the satanic bible).



Darkness, night,
evil, devil, sorrow.
Vigilance, water, tears,
sadness, pornography.
nature, soothing,
physical life, energy.
purity, innocence.

wealth, glory, power.

In LaVey's Satanic
Bible, the four "Crown
Princes of Hell" are
Satan, Lucifer, Belial,
and Leviathan. The idea
that these are the "four
Princes" is taken from
the grimoire The Book
of the Sacred Magic of
Abra-Melin the Mage.
LaVey associated them

with the four directions

and the four elements
as follows:


Directi Eleme




Lucifer East







However, before the

four Princes are called
forth, a so-called
"Invocation to Satan" is
said facing west, not
In fact, west is one of
two directions
traditionally associated
with Satan for millenia.
For example, before
every baptism in the
Roman Catholic and
Eastern Orthodox
churches, a
"renunciation of Satan"
is said, facing west.

Older versions of the

rite involved "spitting
on Satan" by spitting
towards the west.
The other direction
traditionally associated
with Satan by
Christians is north.
Many old churches had
a "Devil's door" on the
north side. As part of
the exorcism before
baptism, the north door
was opened briefly to
let the Devil depart.

In the Western occult

tradition, the direction
west is usually
associated with the
element of Water. But it
doesn't make sense to
associate Satan
specifically with the
elemsnt of Water.
Nor does it make sense
to associate Satan
exclusively with the
element of Fire. Satan,
the Devil -- the entity
whom Christians
traditionally perceive
as their enemy -- also

encourages sensuality
and the desire for
worldly wealth and
power (Earth) and is
also a Promethean
figure who encourages
people to acquire
forbidden knowledge
(Air). In the New
Testament, Satan is
described as "Prince of
this world" (John 12:31,
John 14:30, John 16:11)
and "Prince of the
power of the air"
(Ephesians 2:2), among
other things.

Satan does have a

watery aspect too,
especially insofar as
Satan is a god of
magick. The things you
need most in order to
do magick, such as
intuition, primal
emotion, and access to
your subconscious
mind, are all associated
with the element of
Water. And, in the
Biblical book of
Satan is portrayed as
both a serpent and a

red dragon who spews

a river of water out of
his mouth (Revelation
Satan is a complex,
multi-faceted being
with aspects
corresponding to all the
Many occultists, if they
have a place for
"Satan" in their
systems at all, tend to
have a rather narrow
concept of who/what
"Satan" is. Often they

limit Satan to just one

element (usually Fire,
sometimes Earth) or
just one astrological
planet (usually Saturn,
Mars, or Pluto,
sometimes Mercury or
the Sun).
But the entity
traditionally known to
Christians as "Satan"
has a much broader
range of activity.
Most forms of theistic
Satanism are based, at
least in part, on a

reinterpretation of the
Christian idea of Satan.
Thus we tend to see
Satan not as a onedimensional
"archetype," but as a
being with a very broad
range of attributes.
Therefore, we should
use other names
besides "Satan" to refer
to narrower "Satan"
concepts, insofar as
those concepts can be
thought of as aspects
of the entity we call
Satan. So, we need

another name for

"Satan" as the Prince of
In the late 1990's C.E.,
there was a
"Demonolatry" website
which included
t correspondences
similar to LaVey's
except that some
demon I'd never heard
of, Flereous, was
substituted for Satan in
the south. Satan was
not associated
with any of the four

elements but, instead,

with the quintessence.
This made a lot of
sense to me, except
that I would prefer to
use a better-known
name than "Flereous"
for the south. (After a
long absence, some of
the people involved in
the original
"Demonolatry" website
are now back with a
new website, OFS

1. Lucifer and Belial

as aspects of Satan
In my Greetings to the
Princes and the Legions
of Hell, I use both
"Lucifer-Azazel" and
"Belial" as names of
aspects of Satan.
Associating Lucifer with
the east and with Air
makes perfect sense.
The name "Lucifer"
originally referred to
the morning star
(either the planet
Venus or the planet

Mercury, when seen in

the morning), and the
morning star is indeed
seen in the east. Also,
because the name
"Lucifer" literally
means "light-bearer," it
makes sense to use the
name "Lucifer" to refer
to the Promethean
aspect of Satan, the
bringer of new ideas.
And occultists
traditionally associate
human thought with
the element of Air.

"Belial" is a name
which, in the New
Testament (2
Corinthians 6:15), is
treated as simply a
synonym of "Satan."
The name "Belial" is
also used in some of
the Dead Sea scrolls to
refer to the main prince
of the demons.
In some grimoires such
as the Goetia, Belial is
said to help people
attain positions of
worldly power, e.g.
"senatorships" and

"preferments." So, it
makes sense to
associate Belial with
the desire for material
wealth and power, and
hence with the element
of Earth.
The names "Lucifer"
and "Belial" have also
been used to refer to
entities distinct from
Satan. For more about
this issue, see the
on Lucifer and Belial in
the Church of Azazel
FAQ. See also the

section on Lucifer-ofSophia in my article on

the Rising gods of the
modern West.
2. Leviathan and the
"Ancient Serpent"
It makes sense to
associate the name
Leviathan with Water
(and hence with the
west), because the
name "Leviathan"
originally referred to a
sea monster. In an
older version of my

standard ritual, I used

the name "Leviathan"
to refer to the aspect of
Satan associated with
the element of Water.
The name "Leviathan"
has occasionally been
used, in literature, as a
name of Satan.
However, because
"Leviathan" has not
been used very often as
a name of Satan, I
eventually decided to
use "Ancient Serpent,"
one of the Biblical
names of Satan

(Revelation 12:9, in the

same chapter of
where Satan is also
portrayed as a riverspewing red dragon).
3. Samael
What name should we
associate with the
south and with the
element of Fire, if not
"Satan"? In an older
version of my standard
ritual, I used the name

The Christian (New

Testament) idea of
Satan is derived, in
part, from Jewish lore
concerning an entity
known in first-century
C.E. Jewish lore as
"Samael ha-Satan," the
king of the demons.
Although "Samael" is
distinguished from
"Satan" in Jewish lore,
many of the same
legends are told about

The Christian "Satan"

concept is different
from what is now the
Jewish "Satan" concept.
In the first century C.E.,
there were some Jewish
sects that held ideas
about Satan/Samael
very similar to the
Christian idea, i.e.
"Prince of this World"
and opponent of "God."
However, mainstream
Judaism came to reject
this idea in favor of the
older Jewish idea of a
"Satan" who is not an

ememy of "God" at all,

but rather the heavenly
prosecuting attorney or
police agent, as
portrayed in the
Biblical Book of Job.
Thus, the mainstream
Jewish "Satan" (actually
"ha-satan," a common
noun, not a proper
name) is "evil" in the
sense of causing
concrete harm and
destruction, rather
than "Evil" in a Godcentered sense.
(See Satan and "Evil" in

Christianity and
Satanism.) The
mainstream Jewish
"Satan"/Samael does
not have a Promethean
aspect, for example,
but isonly a tormentor
and destroyer.
To this day, some Jews
still do believe in a
"Satan" who is at least
somewhat more like the
Christian Devil concept,
but regard that entity
as distinct from the
heavenly prosecuting
attorney. One

mystically-inclined Jew
told me that he
believed in two distinct
"Satan" entities -- the
"Greater Satan" (a
personification of the
"evil inclination" in
humans, and a rebel
against "God") and the
"Lesser Satan" (the
heavenly prosecuting
As I said earlier, most
forms of theistic
Satanism are based, at
least in part, on a
reinterpretation of the

Christian concept of
"Satan," who is seen as
manifesting in many
different ways.
To refer to the narrower
concept of "Satan the
fiery destroyer," one
could use the name
"Samael" rather than
"Satan." Samael is
associated with the
element of Fire in
Henry Cornelius
Agrippa's Celestial
Magic (Book Two of his
Three Books of Occult

However, these days

the name "Samael" is
ambiguous. Not many
people use that name
to refer to an enemy of
Jehovah anymore.
Modern Jews more
commonly identify
"Samael" with "hasatan" of the Book of
Job. Hence my decision
to use the more
unambiguous name
"Iblis" rather than
3. Iblis

Iblis is one of the most

common Islamic names
for the Devil. Muslims
traditionally believe
that Iblis was created
from fire. So it makes
sense to use the name
"Iblis" to refer to the
fiery aspect of Satan.
According to the Koran,
Iblis "fell" because he
refused to bow down to
Adam. So, it also makes
sense to associate the
name "Iblis" with pride
and with the aspect of
Satan that inspires in

people a refusal to bow

down to other people
or to accept other
people's beliefs blindly.
4. Satan, other gods,
the four directions,
and balance
As detailed above, I
associate all four
directions with aspects
of Satan.
Some other theistic
Satanists associate one
of the four directions
with Satan and
associate the other

three directions with

other, distinct gods.
However, in my opinion,
doing so suggests an
equality between Satan
and whichever gods
you associate with the
other three directions.
This doesn't make
sense if you regard
Satan as your primary
deity and/or as the king
of all other gods who
might be aligned with
In my standard ritual, I
aim to approach Satan

in a balanced way,
symbolized by a
balance of the four
elements. Thus I
associated Satan with
all four directions, and
with the downward
direction as well.
Some Satanists
perceive Satan almost
exclusively in terms of
His Luciferian aspect as
the bringer of
knowledge. Others
focus almost
exclusively on Satan as
the fiery destroyer, or

on Satan as an
embodiment of raw
To others, including me,
Satan is both a
creator and a destroyer
and fosters both
rationality and passion.
Likewise both
imagination and practic
ality, and likewise both
our animal
nature and our
uniquely human

In my standard ritual,
other gods are called
on separately, not as
part of a call to the four
directions. See the Call
to the rising gods of
our age.
5. The Dark One
My standard ritual
format involves
greeting the "Legions"
of the four directions
and then also the
"Legions of the Pit" -looking downward. I

associate the
downward direction not
with any specific name
but, rather, with the
nameless "Dark One,"
the hidden source from
which the various other
aspects of Satan
6. Lilith
In the Middle Ages
there arose the Jewish
folkloric myth of Lilith,
the queen of the
demons, wife of Satan

(or of Samael,
depending on your
source). The myth of
Lilith is almost identical
to the Islamic
Satan/Iblis myth. Lilith
and the Islamic
Satan/Iblis are both
said to have defied God
in precisely the same
way, namely refusing to
bow down to Adam.
Lilith was traditionally
thought of as a
destroyer (especially of
children -- She was
blamed for fatal

childhood diseases).
She is also associated
with sexual lust and
other sensual
indulgence. She also
encourages pride,
especially in women. In
recent decades, she
has come to be
associated with
feminism, due to her
refusal to bow down to
Adam. (She has been
adopted into the
pantheon of quite a few
feminist Neo-Pagans
who otherwise abhor

Satanism, even though

she's traditionally the
wife of you-know-who.)
It seems to me that
Lilith has found an
almost perfect
embodiment in
contemporary (postmid-20th-century)
Western civilization,
with its combination of
freedom for women,
relaxed sexual mores,
and great destructive
power, both deliberate
and unintentional.
Whereas LaVeyans

would say that we live

in the "Age of Satan," I
would say, more
specifically, that we live
in the Age of Lilith.
Thus, the recent
favorable changes in
Lilith's image are only
to be expected.
In an earlier version of
my standard ritual, I
associated Lilith with
the north and with the
element of Earth.
However, Lilith is really
too multi-faceted to be
associated with a

I now call on Lilith as
part of my Call to the
rising gods of our age.
See also the section
on Lilith in my article
on the Rising gods of
the modern West.
7. Azazel
8. Another name I use
in my standard ritual
format is Azazel,
another Jewish
mythological figure
on whom the

Christian (New
Testament) Satan
concept is partly
In the apocryphal Book
of Enoch, Azazel is the
leader of the rebel
angels (the "hosts of
Azazel") and is said to
have taught various
arts to humankind,
including everything
from metalwork to eye
makeup to "the eternal
secrets which were
(preserved) in heaven".
Thus, Azazel, like

Lucifer, is a very
Promethean figure.
But Azazel is also much
more than just a
Promethean "lightbearer" figure. In the
Old Testament, Azazel
is associated with the
scapegoat (Leviticus
16:10), and thus is
associated with all the
many "sinful" aspects
of human nature from
which the worshipers of
Yahweh aim to separate
themselves. Likewise,
the Book of Enoch says,

regarding Azazel, "To

him ascribe all sin."
Therefore, I consider
"Azazel" to be too
multi-faceted to be
associated with a
Azazel is the one figure
in Jewish lore who
corresponds most
closely with the
Christian idea of Satan,
in all of Satan's many
aspects. Furthermore,
"Azazil," an Arabic form
of "Azazel," is one of

Islam's names for the

Devil. Therefore, I
regard "Azazel" as
another name of the
entity Christians call
9. What names
should you use? How
to decide?
On various other
theistic Satanist
websites, you'll find
various other
between various

infernal names and

various directions.
Which infernal name
should you associate
with a given direction? I
would recommend that
you do your own
research and make
your own decision
about this, based on
what makes sense to
you in terms of your
own personal beliefs.
Feel free to use my own
correspondences, as
outlined above, if they
make sense to you, but

don't use them if they

don't feel right to you.
And don't accept
someone else's
channeled information
as the Absolute Truth,
no matter how "close to
Satan" that person may
claim to be.
correspondences you
do use, remember that
their meaning is purely
symbolic. It's not as if
the Earth is flat, and
likewise Hell beneath
it, with Leviathan (or

whoever you associate

with the west) literally
living in the west, Iblis
(or whoever you
associate with the
south) literally living in
the south, and so on.
If you don't like my
correspondences, I
would be interested to
hear your reasons -- as
long as your reasons
are something other
than "Person X, who is
The True Mouthpiece of
Satan on Earth today,

says we should
associate name Y with
direction Z." Feel free
to discuss this matter
in my Theistic Satanism
email groups.
Why bother to
associate infernal
names with the various
directions in the first
place? For one thing,
doing so helps you
create a sacred space
in which to do your
ritual. Also, associating
infernal names with the
four elements is a good

way to remind yourself

of various different
aspects of Satan in a
balanced way.

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