Website Review Form

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Website Review form

Website name “Wonderful Greece”

Website address
Date visited 1.19.2006 Reviewer Zlatis Chris

Brief description of the site (contents)

This site has a travel guide, a link for Business, the Ministry of Tourism and some
links for tourist institutions.
Also, it has a link for contact with e-mails and telephone numbers and a very useful
sitemap. Additionally, it has units such us “Vacations”, “What to see”, “Where to
stay”, “Downloads” and “Advertising campaigns”

When the site was last updated? It doesn’t mention that but it says that it is under
periodic update
Did it have any broken links? No
Who created the site? A person or an organization? An organization

What is the purpose of the site?

To inform? Yes
To convince? No
To argue for a particular cause? No

Do you think the content is reliable and objective or biased?

Justify your opinion.

I believe that the content is reliable, objective and very useful and interesting. The site
has many links which cover a wide range of subjects which are related with Greece.

Did you find the content difficult to understand? No

How interesting you find the site?

a. A lot b. not much c. not at all

Be specific
It was very interesting especially the link “Μένουμε Ελλάδα” which have
videos from many places of Greece
Write down three word/phrases that you liked

“Η Ελλάδα είναι μια χώρα με θαυμάσιες αντιθέσεις, ένα συνεχές ταξίδι μέσα στο
χρόνο από το παρόν στο παρελθόν.”

“Στην Ελλάδα η εναλλαγή των εικόνων δεν συμβαίνει στην φαντασία μας αλλά στην

“Ζήστε τον μύθο σας στην Ελλάδα.”

Would you recommend the site to other learners? Why/why not? (About 50
I would recommend this site to other learners. In my opinion this is the first site
which is easy and practical at the same time. Also, it has many useful links, all in the
same place. It gives a lot of information about Greece and its sightseeing. Finally, I
believe that this site can help our country to increase tourism which is very important
for our economy.

Final verdict
Excellent very good good average pour

Attached pages from the site:


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