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1. For new PAs: How did being a Program Assistant shape, change or inform your
experience as a JEP student? How did your experiences match your expectations
(or not)? What did you learn from your experiences this semester and what would
you do differently in the futureas a PA and/or as a JEP student?
2. For Veteran PAs: How was your experience in JEP (as a PA and as a JEP
student) different from prior semesters? Were you able to implement the
change(s) you wanted to make? Drawing on your experiences in the program, as
well as your understanding of JEPs goals and objectives, what other things might
you do differently in the futureeither as a JEP student or as a PAto have a
greater impact?


One chats were instituted a few years ago to give Individual PAs more face time with their
students, addressing a concern raised by Individual PAs about not knowing their students very
well. This semester, we are experimenting for the second time with a course-based wiki

Drawing from your experience as a JEP student and Program Assistant, what are
some ways we might modify our program requirements, curricula, procedures, etc.,
to help students get the most out of their experiences?
o Which of JEPs processes and procedures are most beneficial to students? (What
are our current strengths?)

ESSAY #3: Course Specific Prompt

(2 page essay, 40 points, due: Monday, 4/6)
Please respond to the question assigned for this week in the regular set of Reflective Questions
for your JEP course [available on Blackboard].

Instead of Blackboard Discussion: Moderate Discussion

(25 points, Discussion live: 4/13-/17)
No assignment this week. Your work guiding a Blackboard discussion as a PA fulfills this

ESSAY #4: Learning Outcomes of JEP

(2- 3 page essay, 60 points, due: Monday, 4/20)
Drawing from your experiences as a service-learning student and a peer educator, identify the
most significant outcomes associated with participating in JEP.
o What do you think are the strongest or most frequent learning outcomes associated
with participating in JEP as a service-learning student?
1. What specific skills or competencies do JEP students tend to develop?
2. What knowledge do they gain?
3. Thinking back to the developmental modal discussed at training (and in Essay #1
above) have you observed your students moving from shock to normalization
or engagement? Does this developmental model adequately capture the
learning youve observed in your students essays?
o Return to your response to Essay #1 and reflect on your own growth this semester,
both as a JEP student and as a Program Assistant.


How have your prior experiences in JEPas a service-learning student and as a

Program Assistantshaped your approach to being a service-learning student this

What do you hope to get out of doing JEP again? How might your role as a Program Assistant
help you achieve your goals as a service-learning student? What makes you most excited or
interested when you look forward to your experiences as a PA and JEP student this semester?
What concerns do you have?

Essay #2: Your Team

(1/2 page essay, 20 points, due: 3/9)
This week your team will be presenting the second or third lesson of the semester. You have
worked together to plan and teach lessons. Take a moment to reflect on how your team has been
working so farparticularly from the point of view of your dual role as a JEP student and a JEP

How well is your team gelling as a group?

What strengths do you think each member brings to the table? What weaknesses
are you concerned about, if any?
How does your role as a Program Assistant affect your relationship to the team?
o Do they defer to you as the de facto team leader? (Is your team aware of the fact
that you are a Program Assistant?)
o Do you approach the division of labor, role negotiations, team conflicts, etc.,
differently as a result of your training as a PA?
Have you encountered any ethical dilemmas or awkwardness because of your dual

Instead of JEPedia Entry: Moderate JEPedia

(TBA, 40 points, live: 3/23-27)
No assignment this week. Your work guiding the JEPedia creation as a PA fulfills this

Instead of Group Discussion Prompt: Program Improvements: JEPedia, Group

Discussion and More
(1/2 - 1 page essay, 25 points, due: 3/30)
JEP continuously tweaks and modifies its curriculum, frequently in response to
recommendations from PAs. For example, the sets of Reflective Questions their format and
content incorporate dozens of suggestions from Program Assistants over the years. One-on-


JEP Program Assistant Curriculum
Mini Course Assignments
This set of Reflective Questions is designed for JEP Program Assistants who are participating in
JEP as a service-learning student, as well. As a JEP student, you are expected to reflect on your
experiences and to connect your community service with your USC coursework. But your role
as a JEP Program Assistant gives you a unique perspective about JEP and the learning that
occurs. These prompts are intended to help you reflect on your dual role and to make the most of
both experiences.
Please submit your responses to these prompts through the Blackboard course in which you are
enrolled as a JEP student. The graduate student or full-time staff with whom you work most
closely will be responsible for reading and responding to essay responses.

Essay #1 - Expectations
(1 -2 page essay, 40 points, due: 3/2)
New JEP Program Assistants: Respond to Prompt #1.
Veteran JEP Program Assistants: Respond to Prompt #2.
#1 (New PAs): This semester, you will be participating in JEP in two very different waysas a
service-learning student and as a peer educator for other service-learning students.

How have your prior experiences in JEP as a service-learning student shaped your
approach to being a Program Assistant?

How have your experiences in the last seven weeks as a new PA shaped the way you
will approach your service-learning assignment this semester?

What do you hope to get out of doing JEP again? How might your role as a PA help you to
achieve your goals as a service-learning student? What makes you most excited or interested as
you look forward to both roles? What concerns do you have?
#2 (Veteran PAs): This semester, you will be participating in JEP in two very different ways
as a service-learning student and as a peer educator for other service-learning students.

Based on your prior experiences in JEPas a service-learning student and as a

Program Assistantwhat is one thing you would like to do differently this semester
as a PA?

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