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Water & Waste Water Treatment

Market in India - 2013

July 2013

InfralineEnergy Publications

Water & Waste Water Treatment Market in India - 2013

Industry-first Analysis On
Innovations in the Water & waste water
treatment technologies & solutions
Purchase Process in Municipal bodies,
Industrial & Commercial sector
Business practice in Water & waste water
treatment Industry
Key Drivers and Challenges associated
with the Industry
Pricing strategies of the Industry
Detailed company profiles of some of the
large companies
Companies up for merger and acquisitions
Company strategy of some of the market
leaders in the segment
Likely consolidation in the sector
Demand for Water & waste water treatment
solutions from Municipal, Commercial &
Industrial segments
Market Size of all type of Water & waste
water treatment solutions (Water treatment,
ETP, STP, Water Recycling) in India Value
Market share of the top companies and
emerging companies
Trends in market size of top 5 companies in
the industry
Variance in the Product Price of different
Future market estimates based on
investments in industry
After sales & service strategy of key
companies in the sector

Key Questions Answered

What is the total market size of Water & waste
water treatment Industry (Water treatment,
ETP, STP, Water Recycling) in India ?
How has the market grown over the years
and likely to grow over the coming years?
Which company is leader and which
company is emerging as a challenger?
What are the challenges faced by the
Is there room for new company to enter this
What are the industry best practices?
Customer preferences criterias - quality or
low price?
What regulations are driving / governing the
demand for Water & waste water treatment
Which strategy is better to enter?
What is the opportunity on the after sales &
service side of business?
Which company to invest in as an investor?
How company A is different to company B?
Industry usage and purchase practice?
Whats the best strategy to gain market
share Volume approach or niche
approach? Project business or product
business, Trunkey EPC solutions?

Background :
Water & Waste Water Treatment market primarily covers Water treatment, ETP, STP, Water
recycling. This report will cover all the 4 and in addition will also cover the project business
market. The report will cover the market size by value, its spread and type of technology.
The intent is not just to provide market data but insights that could help companies existing
or planning to enter this fast growing business. Moreover, the report will highlight the latest
innovations & technologies in the market. The report covers the best industry practices
followed by the leading companies in the Water & Waste Water Treatment business.

Industry At A Glance :
Indias population of 1.3 billion is growing about 1.3 % annually, set to overtake China as
the most populous nation by 2025. India demand for clean water by 2030 may exceed
supply by 50 % while pollution is making whats available unfit for human consumption,
industrial or agricultural use. India is leading sector growth due to contracts from
municipalities struggling with clean water shortages and an inundation of sewage.
With India projected as a water stressed nation by 2025, need to concentrate efforts on
water and wastewater treatment for sustainability. The Indian Government have started
to support private party participation (PPP) in the water sector and has introduced
many regulatory reforms to encourage water treatment programs. The efforts seem
to have made a progress as the Indian water and wastewater treatment is expected
to reflect a growth phase in the coming years. Proposed tax breaks for industries that
save water and environmental concerns can be cited as the two main causes for the
gaining importance of water recycling and other treatment solutions.
Backed by the governments national water policy that encourages private investments
in municipal water and wastewater projects, an upswing in the wastewater treatment
can be expected in the next five years. Various schemes and Special Central Assistance
to the state governments and Urban Local Bodies support the various initiatives that
aim to enhance the infrastructure for water supply and sanitation in the country.

Market dynamics :
Water & Waste Water Treatment matket in India expected to reach around INR 22,000
Crs (USD 4230 Million) by FY2018. Rise in Demand for Water and Wastewater Treatment
in India, which is expected to grow at around 18 to 20 % as growing cities overwhelmed
by water and sewage drive government contracts. Market driven by municipal & industrial
demand in India, just because there is so much need for water Treatment solutions. In most
of India, outside of the biggest cities doesnt even have a wastewater collection system,
which is biggest opportunity for water Treatment companies. Water supply is more than
just an economic input, it is a social and physical necessity. Industry not seen too much of
a slowdown because the governments priority is to keep water & waste water treatment
projects going. Agriculture accounts for around 70 to 75% of Indias water consumption,
industrial demand is growing at 2 to 3 times the pace of municipal or farm use.

Stakeholders in the Water and Waste Water Treatment Business value chain:

Water & Waste Water Treatment Market in India - 2013

Companies, Technologies & End user segments :
Industry presence with over 250 companies operating in Water & waste water treatment
market place. Around 25 to 30 organised companies operating across India offering
wide range of products & solutions. Also presence of large number of medium & small
companies operating at regional level, with limited product & solution ranges. Key
companies includes Thermax, Ion Exchange, VA Tech Wabag, , Doshion, Driplex,
Hindustan Dorr Oliver, Degremont, Praj, Aquatech, Paramount Ltd, Aquatech, Siemens,
GE, UEM, Fontus, Veolia water, Bestech, Aqua Filsep,PermeonicsManaswatertech,
Fontuswater. Few companies have manufacturing setup at multiple locations & few have
technical collaborations with international firms. Indigenous development of various
water treatment components & spares like resins, RO membranes and vessels have
reduced costs of treatment plants and have made various technologies easily available
on a mass-scale to end customer segments.New entrants in India are Hitachi (HPT)
(Japan), Voltas, IDE Technologies Ltd (Israel ) and Hyflux Ltd. (HYF) (Singapore),
Abengoa SA (ABG) (Spain).
Companies offerings products & solutions across the segments of municipal wastewater,
industrial wastewater, and wastewater recycling & reclamation and residuals management
include: Aeration, Biological treatment, Anaerobic treatment, Wastewater clarification,
Digestion, Separation, Chemical feed , Residuals management , Disinfection , Reuse
and recycling systems, Odor control systems and controls.
Municipal corporations continue to be relatively large users of water & sewage treatment
plants. Municipalities across India are in search of workable and cost effective water
& sewage treatment Technologies. Water scarcity is now making it mandatory for
industry in several states to go for water recycling & ZLD (Zero liquid discharge). Power,
Textiles, Petrochemical, Refineries, Steel, Pharma, Fertilizers & Chemicals are major
user segments in industrial sector. Aid from World Bank and other financial institutions
increasing over the years, which is key driver for investment in water segment.Bulk water
user segment like Municipal corporation & building projects use basic treatment as the
water and effluent quantity generated is high. Pharma segment use the water for critical
process and the quality of water used has direct impact on quality of the final product
manufactured. Other industrial process water and waste generation segment has high
water requirement and the treatment used varies depending on the criticality of the
process & End application.

Water & Waste Water Treatment Techniques & Methods:

Scope of the research work :

Water & Waste water treatment market
size estimation for the year 2012-13
Market size estimation for the year 201213 for Water treatment, ETP, STP, Water
Market size by sales value, by companies,
by technology types, by End use segment,
by region, by product vs. services, value
added services
SWOT analysis of each market segment
Highlights on new product offering/
innovation in the market
Key orders & developments in the market
Opportunity assessment for future outlook

Must Buy For

Domestic / International Manufacturers
Water & waste water treatment Equipment,
Chemicals, solution providers
Component Suppliers for Water & waste
water treatment equipment Global &
domestic companies
Component & other spares manufacturers
Global & domestic
Raw material suppliers & manufacturers
Water Treatment Chemical suppliers &
manufacturers - Global & domestic
OEMs & Assemblers
Brokerage Firms
Investment Banks
Private Equity
Venture Capital
Financing Institutions
Consulting Companies
Industry Associations
State water bodies & associations

Reasons to refer this research report:

The report on Water & Waste Water
Treatment Market in India will be useful to;
Know the market landscape
Know the total size of the market
Know the market share of different
Know whether there is an entry opportunity
or the market is saturated with competition
Know the how market is spread across the
Know what unique are the top companies
doing to remain in the business

For Sales & Support

Ravinder Nagar
Ph +91 11 46250027, +91 9873422453

Know what new is happening in the industry

new offerings, product innovation etc.
Keep a track of your market share on an
annual basis without paying huge cost to
commission a separate market research

Table of Contents
1. Overview of Water & Waste Water Treatment Market in India

4. Service practices in Water & Waste Water Industry in India

a. Market overview

a. Key service offerings (Spares, AMC, O & M, other value added


b. Key developments in the industry

b. Key segments catered by competition

c. Key initiatives & developments among competition

c. Competition Service Business Model in India

2. Water& Waste Water Treatment Industry market landscape

a. Water & Waste Water Treatment in India (Key Water & waste
water treatment Techniques)
b. Key business stakeholders
c. Role of the various stakeholders
d. Product offerings &application matrix (Technologies vs.

d. Service practices among End Use segments (In-house Vs.

5. Products & Solutions Usage Practices Across END Use
a. End Use Segment classification based on water& waste water
treatment needs
b. Solutions used across end use segments

e. Typical Project Execution Flow Process in Water & Waste

Water Treatment

c. End use segments Spend levels on water & waste water


f. Product usage practices

d. Product purchase practices

g. Supplier vs. Products

e. Brand Awareness

3. Water & Waste Water Treatment market in India (2012-13)

a. Water & Waste Water Treatment and its classification
b. Products and technologies used in India
c. Current Technology & trends
d. Water & Waste Water Treatment Industry Structure in India
e. Competition Market characteristics
f. Competition vs. product offerings (Technologies & Products)
g. Companies Geographical spread
h. Market size in 2012-13: By value
i. Domestic Production Exports +Imports = Domestic market
ii. Market Size (2012-13) : By Organised Vs. Unorganised
iii. Market Size (2012-13) : By Domestic Vs. Imports
iv. Market Size (2012-13) : By Companies
v. Market Size (2012-13) : By Business Segments (Products,
Projects, Services)
vi. Market Size (2012-13) : By Technologytypes (Water
Treatment, Water Recycling, Effluent Treatment Plant
(ETP), Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)) ; Competition vs.
End use Technologies
vii. Market Size (2012-13) : By End Use Segment Industrial,
Community/ Muncipal, Commercial) ; Competition vs. End
use segment
viii. Market Size (2012-13) : By region; Competition vs. region
ix. Market Size (2012-13) : By Products (Standard Products &
Retrofit)& Competition
x. Market Size (2012-13) : By Services (AMC, Spares, O &
M) - By Competition, By business segment, By region

f. Brand Selection criteria

g. Key influencers in the industry
h. Role of Consultants in the value chain
i. Details on End use segments
j. O & M cost involved across End Use Segment
k. Need gap Analysis across End use segments
l. Key service expectations from End use segment
m. Technology trends in the industry
6. Government Rules & regulations in Water & Waste water
Treatment industry in India
a. Pollution Control Board (PCB) norms
b. End Use segment details based on PCB norms
c. Key initiatives from Government bodies
d. State level Norms (if any)
e. Other details
7. Current and Future Innovations in Water & Waste Water
Treatment Technologies in India
a. Technology trends in the industry
b. Trunkey Project Business models : BOOT, BOO, Others
c. Outsourcing technologies Trend in India New models &
d. Market Awareness On New Concepts / Models & future trends
8. Future outlook for Water & Waste Water Treatment market
in India
a. Water sector in India Current & future
b. Key drivers and enablers

i. Product pricing & commercial

c. Emerging Market trends

j. Marketing & distribution practices

d. Future Market outlook in India

k. Key selling practices

e. Issues with domestic competition

l. Competition : End User perception Analysis

f. Market challenges

m. Market Trends

g. Key Success factors in the industry

n. Market Drivers & Enablers

h. New entrants in the Industry

o. Past & Future market

9. Appendix

p. Major Competition Details

a. Company profiles(Top 5 Company Profiles)

q. Competition : Strength vs. Weakness

b. Emerging company in Water & Waste Water Treatment

market in India


To know more about this report and pricing options kindly contact:

Ravinder Nagar, Ph +91 11 46250027, +91 9873422453

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