AT&T 2 Minco Times 2-11-15

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Page 2A February 11,2015


Financial Focus

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the trust.
The Oklahoma Educa
tional Technology Trust
continues to provide
cutting edge technology
and engaging learning
opportunities for students
in our state," said Steve
Hahn, president of AT&T
AT&T is proud to
partner with OETT in
this endeavor to serve
schools, teachers and
Trustees of OETT
are Phil Berkenbile
appointed by the Okla
homa State Board of
Career & Technology
Education, Steven
Crawford appointed by
the Cooperative Council
for Oklahoma School
Administration, Robert
Franklin appointed by
the Oklahoma State Sen
ate Education Committee,
David Duvall appoint
ed by the Oklahoma
Education Association,
Scott Parks appointed
by the Oklahoma State
Superintendent of Public
Instruction, Bob Stafford
appointed by AT&T,
John A. Wright appointed
by the Oklahoma State
House of Representatives
Committee on Education,
Shawn Hime appointed
by the Oklahoma State

Financial preparations for spouse

can brighten every Valentines Day

Matt Soutee.
AAMS and
Financial Advisor
Member SIPC

Edward Jones

-Photo by Melinda Morrison - Minco Public Schools

AT&T's Jan Moran sees firsthand how technology is being

used at Minco High School through an Oklahoma Edu
cational Technology Grant that came about through an
agreement between AT&T Oklahoma and former Okla
homa attorney general Drew Edmondson. The $65,000
technology grant was awarded last year.

School Boards Associa

tion and Sandy Johnson
appointed by the Attorney

Auta Supply

OETT is administered
by Communities Foun
dation of Oklahoma and
the OK-ACTS Phase II
Grants-to-School profes
sional development team
is administered through
the University of Oklaho
mas K20 Center.
For additional informa
tion on OETT, visit www.


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Help us learn more about type II Diabetes

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Valentines Day is almost here. And

while its certainly fun to give and
receive chocolates and roses, why not
go a little deeper this year? Specifically,
if you are married, consider using this
commemoration of love as a starting
point for taking care of your spouse in
the future even if youre not part of
Actually, both you and your spouse
could designate Valentines Day as the
beginning of your joint efforts to pro
vide financial security for the surviving
spouse when one of you is gone. Your
strategy should involve at least these
three key elements:
Understanding your households
finances In some marriages, one
spouse handles all the household finan
cial matters, including investments. If
this person were to pass away first, it
could leave the surviving spouse with
the dual responsibility of managing
day-to-day finances and tracking down
all investment information. These tasks
could be overwhelming to someone
who is unprepared to deal with them,
so youll want to take steps to ensure
you and your spouse are aware of your
joint financial picture. For starters,
keep good records of all your financial

assets, including investment accounts, life

insurance policies and legal documents
and make sure both of you know where
these records are kept. Also, if you use the
services of a financial professional, its a
good idea for you and your spouse to meet
regularly with this individual to ensure both
of you know where your money is being
invested and how close you are to achieving
your financial goals.
Creating a future income plan You and
your spouse should discuss your sources
of income and identify which ones are
specifically tied to each spouse and may be
affected by a death, such as pensions and
Social Security benefits. Youll also want
to talk about options to boost future income
upon the death of a spouse. Do you have
adequate life insurance? Have you consid
ered investments that can be structured to
provide a lifetime income stream? Have you
thought about having the higher-earning
spouse delay taking Social Security to max
imize the survivor benefit for the surviving
spouse? These are the types of questions
youll want to answer as you think about
providing adequate income for the partner
who outlives the other.
Leaving a legacy If you and your
spouse havent already done so, take this
opportunity to discuss your estate plans. For
example, you may want to talk about the
need to consult with a legal advisor to deter
mine if you, as a couple, could benefit from
setting up some type of trust arrangement.
You should also discuss how, when the time
comes, you want to handle any retirement
assets, such as IRAs, that were titled in the
deceased spouses name. Do you both want
the assets to immediately roll over to the
surviving spouse, or should you name your
children as beneficiaries? Estate consider
ations can be complex and involve many
different aspects of your financial resources.
So you and your spouse need to be on the
same page with your desires and goals.
Valentines Day will come and go quickly.
But if you use the occasion to start having
the types of discussions described above,
you can create something that will last a lot
longer than candy or flowers.

This article was written by Edward Jones

for use by your local Edward Jones Finan
cial Advisor

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