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Orgins Of Gods

The mighty God Amun was the first God to spark life within the Heavens. Feeling
he should do something creative with the divine powers he has, he created the
universe (the planets, stars and the moons). Once the building blocks of the
universe under way and the universe was building itself, Amun realised he was
going to be needing help looking after it and making sure everything ran
smoothly so he created other Gods.
So the Gods such as Ra, Shu, Tefnut, Geb and Nut where created. Ra was to
look after the sun, make sure they burnt properly for life, Shu was responsible for
the air on the planets, making sure that each planet had the right about of air the
what has being produced on the planets in the universe. Tefnut was responible
for the moisture on the planets that would grow crops, and other foods so then
each spieces has a good chance to survive and grow. Geb was in charge of the
earth working with Tefnut to make sure that the soil would be able any grain,
barley any seeded martial put into the ground would grow safely without any
problems. Nut probably had the most important job for the plants, which would be
the sky, so then if part of a world was suffering then she would be able to move
anything within the sky such as warmth, moisture and air over to the particular
area so it may help the world.
Once Ra, Shu, Tefnut, Geb and Nut had finished with the first part of their jobs,
and life was begining to evolve on the planets Amun created other Gods to help
with the evolution of the spieces, such as Hathor, Osiris, Isis, Seth and Ma'at.
Hathor would teach the spieces how to love each other, Hathor would later on in
life marry Ra. Osiris and Isis would play the role of King and Queen to help build
a respective order so then spieces would can be more civilised within their lifes,
later in life Osiris would become the king of the Dead. Seth had an unfortunate
job to do which was to bring all the negativity into each planet, some planets he
played a strong part in and others he only played a small part in. But it is
becuase of Seth that one of the biggest murders in all creation happen, where
Seth murdered Osiris and cast his spirit in to the center of the universe. Ma'at
was created to help bring justice in the universe so then when Seth had played a
part there will be a counter to doing something bad within the universe.
As time went on Amun's universe and the Gods evolved some of them formed
relationships and had children such as Osiris and Isis, they gave birth to the God
Horus (who got vengence for Osiris by killing Seth). Others just form
relationships without children such as Ra and Hathor.
After Osiris death by the hands of Seth, Amun used his creative power to form

two more God. Anubis and Thoth. This was so that Osiris's body can be cared for
on the way to the afterlife and his betrayel can be recorded for future reference.

Creation Of Life
With Amun power and not alot to do, he created the universe with all the
creations within it, and allowing them evolve in the beings for which they are
At the begining when Amun started he started off small with the basic elements
to form planets, stars and everything that is found within the known universe.
Then when the time was right he let everthing go and it expanded and began to
form. While the building blocks of the universe where being built, he created the
Gods and the Void (the void for where the God's may watch the universe grown
and whisper into the speices for what they would like).
Once the universe was form Amun set the Gods to do their work making sure
that everything was running smoothly for life to begin on the worlds. On some
planets the God decided that the life growing on it would have to die to allow the
right speices to grow on it.
They allowed the speices grow from the single cell organisams so then they may
grow properly instead of just putting the full advance speices down the planets.
They do this so then the speices can learn from their mistakes and grow and
allows the Gods to intervine to puch them in the right directions as well.
Slowing as life begin some of the Gods such as Osiris, Isis, Hathor, and Horus
would walk amounst the life unseen but only heard to allow the life to grow the
way that it was suppose to and not fall apart from when times got to tough. They
would talk to specific people as well so something wounderful could come to the
world. Sometimes Amun would get people to create a war to so then it would
control the world population if it is getting to much. This would also allow the God
to putting in some new technology into the world as well so then when peace
came the new population would be able to produce something wonderous for
everyone to enjoy.

The Afterlife

After a person has died the people around would take out their main organs (the
brain, heart and lungs) the organ are then placed into jars this is because it is
believed that you will need them in the afterlife. Once this is done the body is
wrapped in bandages and placed into a coffin which then would have the jars
with the organs placed in as well. Then the coffin would be placed into the ground
for the God Anubis and Nepthys to find. After Anubis has found your body and
soul, you and he will take you down the hall of Judgement where Ma'at and
Thoth await to judge you. Along the walk down the Judgement hall, Anubis shall
ask you the names of the other Gods that he works along side with. Once this is
done you shall be in the Judgement room with Ma'at and Thoth, there shall be
scale in the middle of the room with a feather on side of it. This is because your
heart will be put to the test. If your heart is greater than the feather (such as
being guilty of sin) that then your soul shall be destroyed, if your heart is is lighter
than you may go into the void and be at peace with the Gods.
For each God there will alway be a different prayer. Such as Hathor is the God of
Love, so a good prayer for her would be a prayer of love and friendship.
Here is a list of the Gods and of what they do so then you may prepare a prayer
for the God of your choosing:Amun (Amen, Amon, Yimen; GR Zeus-Ammon, Jupiter-Ammon):- Amun is
the King of the Gods.
Anubis as known as Yinepu:- Anubis is the God who watches and prepares the
Dead until they reach the Judgement Hall and Anubis is also the God of Magic.
Bast (Ubasti; G/R Bastet, Bubastis):- Bastet is the Goddess of Protection.
Geb(WB Seb, Keb, Qeb):- Geb is the God of the Earth.
Hap(i)/Hapy:- Hapy is the God of Innundation (Flood which comes once a year)
Hathor:- Hathor also another Goddess who bring Protection, but she also brings
Love and Joy.
Horus:- Horus is the God of Vengance (For the death of his father Osiris)
Isis, another name for Aset:- Isis is another Goddess of Protection, she does
spell to those who really need it.

Khepera (Khepri; Khoprer; G/R Xepera):- Khepri is known as the creator, who
helped Amun to create the Universe and life.
Ma'at (G/R Mayet):- Ma'at is the Goddess of Truth, Justice and Harmony.
Nephthys:- Nepthys is Protective God of the dead, (she is also the mother of
Nut:- Nut is the Goddess of the sky.
Osiris:- Osiris is the God of the Dead and the Underworld.
Ptah:- Ptah is the God of Crafts.
Ra:- Ra is the God of the Sun.
Seth:- Seth is the God of Chaos. Seth was the one who killed Osiris and made
him the God of the Dead and UnderWorld.
Shu:- Shu was the God of Air
Sobek:- Sobek is the God of the Nile
Tawaret:- Tawaret is the Goddess who protects women through pregancy and
Tefnut:- Tefnut is the Goddess of Moisture.
Thoth:- Thoth is the God of writting. He also writes down the judgement of the
dead whether they have been good or bad.
What prayer you say for your God is up to you as it is more personal to you.
All the Gods like offerings from their worshippers such as:- Herbs, fruits, flowers,
and burning incense. Each God prefers different herbs and fruit as it can help
bring their power to the you a lot more effectively.

The 42 Confessions
1. Have you done wrong?

2. Have you robbed with violence?

3. Have you stolen?
4. Have you slain another?
5. Have you defrauded the offering?
6. Have you reduced measures?
7. Have you plundered the Gods?

8. Have you spoken lies?

9. Have you spoken evil?
10. Have you caused pain to another?
11. Have you committed fornication?
12. Have you caused the shedding of tears?
13. Have you dealt with deceit?
14. Have you transgressed?

15. Have you dissembled?

16. Have you laid waste to the land?
17, Have you discussed secrets?
18. Have you brought false lawsuits?
19. Have you been angry but for just cause?
20. Have you defiled the wife of any man?
21. Have you caused terror?

22. Have you polluted yourself?

23. Have you been hot tempered?

24. Have you been neglectful of truthful words?

25. Have you cursed another?
26. Have you acted with insolence?
27. Have you stirred up strife?
28. Have you judged hastily?

29. Have you gossiped?

30. Have you sought for unearned honors?
31. Have you been garrulous in speech?
32. Have you done evil?
33. Have you disputed the King?
34. Have you fouled the waters?
35. Have you spoken scornfully?

36. Have you cursed a God?

37. Have you carried off goods by force?
38. Have you damaged the offerings to the Gods.
39. Have you plundered the offerings to the Blessed dead.
40. Have you stolen food from a babe?
41. Have you harmed the God of your place of birth?
42. Have you slain the cattle of the Gods?

The Ma'at Ritual

This Ritual focuses on the Great Goddess Maat in the aspect of bringer of justice

and order from chaos.

Cast Sacred Space in your normal manner. If Maat is a cardinal point Goddess,
substitute another Goddess for this ritual, and have Maat as the main Goddess
on the Altar.

Once Sacred Space has been cast, the HP says:

Glorious Lady whose Feather decides our fates,

We look to you to provide your justice.
Look upon all of your worshippers assembled this evening.
Look deep into our hearts and see the truth
Let each of us know the truth you show.

A bag of 42 small stones is given to each person present, along with a copy of
the 42 negative confessions. As these are being handed out, the HPS explains
their purpose with the following words:

The paper you hold has the 42 negative confessions written upon it, and the
pouch has 42 small stones. Each of you are asked to sit quietly and read each
confession while searching your heart. If you have at any time in your life
committed this sin, then take one stone from the bag and set it aside. When you
have honestly answered each of the confessions, bring the stones which
represent the sins you have committed and place them within this cauldron.

As each member finishes the task, they place the stones in the cauldron and the
pouch and paper on the work table. When all have finished, the HP adds enough
water to the cauldron to completely cover the stones and hangs the cauldron
over the balefire. As he is doing so, he says:

With this water and fire, may our sins be purged.

The HPS adds a handful of powdered incense and a handful of salt to the water,
while saying:

With this scent and salt of our earth, may our sins be purged.

Everyone turns to face the altar and raises their hands to the skies. The HP says:

Great Goddess Maat, hear our prayers

and grant us forgiveness for the sins
we have committed in ignorance of your laws.
From this day forth, we shall remember those laws
and strive to follow them at all times.
When our time comes to walk your Hall of Judgment,
let our hearts be judged true and be found pure.
So that we may join with the Great Gods and Goddesses
In the Eternal Field of Reeds.

All members now should be invited to come forward and request spells to be
performed to aid them in stopping negative behaviors. Once those spells have
been performed, then members may request spells for any other aspect of their

By this time, the water in the cauldron should be warmed, if not boiling. Strain the
water into a bowl and place it on the altar as an offering. This bowl should be left
on the altar until all the water is gone, even if that means it stays there through
other rituals.

Once all work is done, then close your circle in your normal manner.
(This information was from the Temple Ankh)
Gods Birthdays:Amun:- January 1st
Anubis:- August 25th
Bast:- July 13th
Geb:- January 4th
Hapy:- March 14th
Hathor:- Febuary 2nd
Horus:-September 16th
Isis:- Febuary 4th
Khepri:- October 13th
Ma'at:- Febuary 10th
Nephthys:- April 2nd
Nut:- January 6th
Osiris:- Febuary 16th
Ptah:- September 12th
Ra:- January 3rd
Seth:- Febuary 12th
Shu:- January 5th
Sobek:-December 12th
Tawaret:- November 1st
Tefnut:-.January 4th
Thoth:- Febuary 13th

With the birthdays of the God/dess it is expected to have a feast for the one's for
which you worship, and if you remember any along the way the God/dess would
appreciate it.
Loyalty Oath
I ........ hereby swear loyalty to my God/dess, where I will forsake everything else
to put him/her first within my life. If I break my loyalty for someone else upon my
honor may my soul not be allowed into the Void and either be returned to earth to
be tested again or be destroyed, I shall accept this punishment upon my name.
Story's Of Egypt
The Revenge of Re
In the beginning, before there was any land of Egypt, all was darkness, and there
was nothing but a great waste of water called Nun. The power of Nun was such
that there arose out of the darkness a great shining egg, and this was Re.
Now Re was all-powerful, and he could take many forms. His power and the
secret of it lay in his hidden name; but if he spoke other names, that which he
named came into being.
"I am Khepera at the dawn, and Re at noon, and Atum in the evening," he said.
And the sun rose and passed across the sky and set for the first time.
Then he named Shu, and the first winds blew; he named Tefnut the spitter, and
the first rain fell. Next he named Geb, and the earth came into being; he named
the goddess Nut, and she was the sky arched over the earth with her feet on one
horizon and her hands on the other; he named Hapi, and the great River Nile
flowed through Egypt and made it fruitful.
After this Re named all things that are upon the earth, and they grew. Last of all
he named mankind, and there were men and women in the land of Egypt.
Then Re took on the shape of a man and became the first Pharaoh, ruling over
the whole country for thousands and thousands of years, and giving such
harvests that for ever afterwards the Egyptians spoke of the good things "which
happened in the time of Re".
But, being in the form of a man, Re grew old. In time men no longer feared him or
obeyed his laws. They laughed at him, saying: "Look at Re! His bones are like
silver, his flesh like gold, his hair is the colour of lapis lazuli!"
Re was angry when he heard this, and he was more angry still at the evil deeds

which men were doing in disobedience to his laws. So he called together the
gods whom he had made - Shu and Tefnut and Geb and Nut - and he also
summoned Nun. Soon the gods gathered about Re in his Secret Place, and the
goddesses also. But mankind knew nothing of what was happening, and
continued to jeer at Re and to break his commandments. Then Re spoke to Nun
before the assembled gods: "Eldest of the gods, you who made me; and you
gods whom I have made: look upon mankind who came into being at a glance of
my Eye. See how men plot against me; hear what they say of me; tell me what I
should do to them. For I will not destroy mankind until I have heard what you
Then Nun said: "My son Re, the god greater than he who made him and mightier
than those whom he has created, turn your mighty Eye upon them and send
destruction upon them in the form of your daughter, the goddess Sekhmet."
Re answered: "Even now fear is falling upon them and they are fleeing into the
desert and hiding themselves in the mountains in terror at the sound of my
"Send against them the glance of your Eye in the form Sekhmet!" cried all the
other gods and goddesses, bowing before Re until their foreheads touched the
"...and her chief delight was in slaughter, and her pleasure was in blood."
So at the terrible glance from the Eye of Re his daughter came into being, the
fiercest of all goddesses. Like a lion she rushed upon her prey, and her chief
delight was in slaughter, and her pleasure was in blood. At the bidding of Re she
came into Upper and Lower Egypt to slay those who had scorned and disobeyed
him: she killed them among the mountains which lie on either side of the Nile,
and down beside the river, and in the burning deserts. All whom she saw she
slew, rejoicing in slaughter and the taste of blood.
Presently Re looked out over the land and saw what Sekhmet had done. Then he
called to her, saying: "Come, my daughter, and tell me how you have obeyed my
Sekhmet answered with the terrible voice of a lioness as she tears her prey: "By
the life which you have given me, I have indeed done vengeance on mankind,
and my heart rejoices."
Now for many nights the Nile ran red with blood, and Sekhmet's feet were red as
she went hither and thither through all the land of Egypt slaying and slaying.

Presently Re looked out over the earth once more, and now his heart was stirred
with pity for men, even though they had rebelled against him. But none could
stop the cruel goddess Sekhmet, not even Re himself: she must cease from
slaying of her own accord -and Re saw that this could only come about through
So he gave his command: "Bring before me swift messengers who will run upon
the earth as silently as shadows and with the speed of the storm winds." When
these were brought he said to them: "Go as fast as you can up the Nile to where
it flows fiercely over the rocks and among the islands of the First Cataract; go to
the isle that is called Elephantine and bring from it a great store of the red ochre
which is to be found there."
The messengers sped on their way and returned with the blood-red ochre to
Heliopolis, the city of Re where stand the stone obelisks with points of gold that
are like fingers pointing to the sun. It was night when they came to the city, but all
day the women of Heliopolis had been brewing beer as Re bade them.
Re came to where the beer stood waiting in seven thousand jars, and the gods
came with him to see how by his wisdom he would save mankind.
"Mingle the red ochre of Elephantine with the barley-beer," said Re, and it was
done, so that the beer gleamed red in the moonlight like the blood of men.
"Now take it to the place where Sekhmet proposes to slay men when the sun
rises," said Re. And while it was still night the seven thousand jars of beer were
taken and poured out over the fields so that the ground was covered to the depth
of nine inches -- three times the measure of the palm of a man's hand-with the
strong beer, whose other name is "sleep-maker".
When day came Sekhmet the terrible came also, licking her lips at the thought of
the men whom she would slay. She found the place flooded and no living
creature in sight; but she saw the beer which was the colour of blood, and she
thought it was blood indeed -- the blood of those whom she had slain.
Then she laughed with joy, and her laughter was like the roar of a lioness hungry
for the kill. Thinking that it was indeed blood, she stooped and drank. Again and
yet again she drank, laughing with delight; and the strength of the beer mounted
to her brain, so that she could no longer slay.
At last she came reeling back to where Re was waiting; that day she had not
killed even a single man.
Then Re said: "You come in peace, sweet one." And her name was changed to

Hathor, and her nature was changed also to the sweetness of love and the
strength of desire. And henceforth Hathor laid low men and women only with the
great power of love. But for ever after her priestesses drank in her honour of the
beer of Heliopolis coloured with the red ochre of Elephantine when they
celebrated her festival each New Year.
So mankind was saved, and Re continued to rule old though he was. But the
time was drawing near when he must leave the earth to reign for ever in the
heavens, letting the younger gods rule in his place. For dwelling in the form of a
man, of a Pharaoh of Egypt, Re was losing his wisdom; yet he continued to reign,
and no one could take his power from him, since that power dwelt in his secret
name which none knew but himself. If only anyone could discover his Name of
Power, Re would reign no longer on earth; but only by magic arts was this
Geb and Nut had children: these were the younger gods whose day had come to
rule, and their names were Osiris and Isis, Nephthys and Seth. Of these Isis was
the wisest: she was cleverer than a million men, her knowledge was greater than
that of a million of the noble dead. She knew all things in heaven and earth,
except only for the Secret Name of Re, and that she now set herself to learn by
Now Re was growing older every day. As he passed across the land of Egypt his
head shook from side to side with age, his jaw trembled, and he dribbled at the
mouth as do the very old among men. As his spittle fell upon the ground it made
mud, and this Isis took in her hands and kneaded together as if it had been
dough. Then she formed it into the shape of a serpent, making the first cobra -the uraeus, which ever after was the symbol of royalty worn by Pharaoh and his
"...the venom of its bite coursed through his veins..."
Isis placed the first cobra in the dust of the road by which Re passed each day as
he went through his two kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt. As Re passed by
the cobra bit him and then vanished into the grass. But the venom of its bite
coursed through his veins, and for a while Re was speechless, save for one great
cry of pain which rang across the earth from the eastern to the western horizon.
The gods who followed him crowded round, asking: "What is it? What ails you?"
But he could find no words; his lips trembled and he shuddered in all his limbs,
while the poison spread over his body as the Nile spreads over Egypt at the
inundation. When at last he could speak, Re said: "Help me, you whom I have
made. Something has hurt me, and I do not know what it is. I created all things,

yet this thing I did not make. It is a pain such as I have never known before, and
no other pain is equal to it. Yet who can hurt me?-for none knows my Secret
Name which is hidden in my heart, giving me all power and guarding me against
the magic of both wizard and witch. Nevertheless as I passed through the world
which I have created, through the two lands that are my special care, something
stung me. It is like fire, yet is not fire; it is like water and not water. I burn and I
shiver, while all my limbs tremble. So call before me all the gods who have skill in
healing and knowledge of magic, and wisdom that reaches to the heavens."
Then all the gods came to Re, weeping and lamenting at the terrible thing which
had befallen him. With them came Isis, the healer, the queen of magic, who
breathes the breath of life and knows words to revive those who are dying. And
she said:
"What is it, divine father? Has a snake bitten you. Has a creature of your own
creating lifted up its head against you? I will drive it out by the magic that is mine,
and make it tremble and fall down before your glory."
"I went by the usual way through my two lands of Egypt," answered Re, "for I
wished to look upon all that I had made. And as I went I was bitten by a snake
which I did not see -- a snake that, I had not created. Now I burn as if with fire
and shiver as if my veins were filled with water, and the sweat runs down my face
it runs down the faces of men on the hottest days of summer."
"Tell me your Secret Name." said Isis in a sweet, soothing voice. "Tell it me,
divine father; for only by speaking your name in my spells can I cure you."
Then Re spoke the many names that were his: "I am Maker Heaven and Earth."
he said. "I am Builder of the Mountains. I am Source of the Waters throughout all
the world. I am Light and Darkness. I am Creator of the Great River of Egypt. I
am the Kindler of the Fire that burns in the sky; yes, I am Khepera in the,
morning, Re at the noontide, and Tum in the evening."
But Isis said never a word, and the poison had its way in the veins of Re. For she
knew that he had told her only the names which all men knew, and that his
Secret Name, the Name of Power, still lay hidden in his heart.
At last she said: "You know well that the name which I need to learn is not among
those which you have spoken. Come, tell me the Secret Name; for if you do the
poison will come forth and you will have an end of pain."
The poison burned with a great burning, more powerful than any flame of fire,
and Re cried out at last: "Let the Name of Power pass from my heart into the

heart of Isis! But before it does, swear to me that you will tell it to no other save
only the son whom you will have, whose name shall be Horus. And bind him first
with such an oath that the name will remain with him and be passed on to no
other gods or men."
Isis the great magician swore the oath, and the knowledge of the Name of Power
passed from the heart of Re into hers.
Then she said: "By the name which I know, let the poison go from Re for ever!"
So it passed from him and he had peace. But he reigned upon earth no longer.
Instead he took his place in the high heavens, traveling each day across the sky
in the likeness of the sun itself, and by night crossing the underworld of Amenti in
the Boat of Re and passing through the twelve divisions of Duat where many
dangers lurk. Yet Re passes safely, and with him he takes those souls of the
dead who know all the charms and prayers and words that must be said. And so
that a man might not go unprepared for his voyage in the Boat of Re, the
Egyptians painted all the scenes of that journey on the walls of the tombs of the
Pharaohs, with all the knowledge that was written in The Book of the Dead, of
which a copy was buried in the grave of lesser men so that they too might read
and come safely to the land beyond the west where the dead dwell.
(from the website
There are many story within within the early days of creation such as:- The
Betrayal of Osiris, Isis Search, The Secret Power of Ra and there are many
This legend is about Strength, Wisdom, Unity and Honesty, how one man was
able to create a better world using these 3 things.
This story begins in Egypt in the Year 700 BC. Egypt was under a rule of a tyrant
of a Pharaoh. He took much food from the land as well as money from the people
who lived under his rule. Thought of nothing but of himself and of wealth.
After 5 years of ruling the people of Egypt had enough, feeling that they were not
strong enough to take on the Pharaoh and his guards, they prayed for someone
to come and take the evil Pharaoh away from them so then they may replace him
with someone better equiped for to rule the land.
After a few months of pray and rituals to the Gods the people of Egypt were at
the edge of giving up hope when a stranger walked through the boarders of

Egypt, this was no ordinary person, they bore a mask with skull features on it,
wore a hooded brown robe down past his feet, his skin that showed was tattooed
and it looked like reached further up his body.
When this stranger reached the first village with his skull mask and hooded robe,
people just stopped and stared at him, women dropped what they were carrying,
children hid behind their fathers. One man walked out to the stranger and ask a
simple question 'Who are you, my friend?'
The stranger tilted his head to the right slightly and said 'My name is not
important, friend, only what I am here to do.'
'What are you here to do?' was the only reply the man could say.
'The Gods spoke to me within a dream that a plague has hit this land so I have
come to help rid of it.' The masked figure said with a serious tone within his
'There is no plague that has got the land the only trouble we have is the Pharaoh,
he is a tyrant to us.' The man explained
'It is the Pharaoh I have come to take care of but I need information first before I
can continue.' Tke skulled figure replied.
'Well friend, come inside and I will tell you what I know.'
Both people went into the man's house and the man explained everything. His
name was Imotep and went on to explain how the Pharaoh was corrupt, did not
do anything for the Gods, was a curse upon the planet as far as they knew. The
Pharaoh took everything from them leaving them just enough to feed themselves
and to work with. The convosation went on for hours, during this convosations
the skulled figure explained how he was, what many people over the times have
called him, (all names were refering to the night). By the end of it the skulled
figure had a new name to go by which was 'NightLight' meaning a light of hope
for when times seem dark, and hadalready figured out a plan for how he was
going to take down the Pharaoh, and explained it to Imoptep.
'That insane, you can not be serious with that plan?' said Imoptep shocked.
'Its a good plan for me to work by to as I work alone.' replied NightLight.
'But 1 person verses the Guards and the Pharaoh as well.' Was Imoptep's
suprise that NightLight was going to be working alone.
'I am have defeat armies, and men who are much more powerful than your

Pharaoh.' said NightLight with a wide smile upon his face.

'Fair enough' was Imotep's relpy
Over the next couple of nights NightLight worked his way closer and closer to the
Pharaoh moving town to town. Take guards away from their patrols, taking
weapons, writing messages on the walls, firstly striking fear into the guards and
into the Pharaoh as well. Within a month NightLight managed to get into the
Pharaoh's temple keeping to the shadows and the night.
One night the Pharaoh came into his temple to do a late night ritual, and this is
when NightLight decided to strike, jumping down from a ledge within the temple,
landing silently on the floor, and running straight to the Pharaoh to deliever the
killing blow.
Some how the Pharaoh knew Nightlight was there, he turned round and instead
delievered a blow to NightLight, sending him flying across the temple room.
'You really think that you could defeat me? Do you know who I am?' said the
Pharaoh smiling as he walked over to NightLight.
'Your the plague that has haunted my dreams, the Gods want me to rid you off
this world' said NightLight lifting himself off the floor
'I am not a plague upon this world, I am a person trying to look after the people
starting with me' was the reply NightLight got.
'You dont look after your people, you just treat them like cattle and they need .....'
NightLight started
'They need a strong leader, someone who thinks of them and not of themselves?
Yeah there was not law I could do what I'm doing' the Pharaoh said smiling.
Suddenly turning into a frown, 'I should kill you for making an attempt on my life
but I am not. I am going to let you live as long as you leave Egypt to me and
never return.'
'Never! You would have to kill me' growled NightLight
'Fine, ok then, where shall I strike the head or the heart?' said the Pharaoh as he
was taking a knife from his robe.
Suddenly there was a loud bang that came from outside. The Pharaoh suprised
walked out to the window and was shocked to see buildings burning and riots in
the streets, 'I see that you have friends within Egypt.' The Pharaoh said smiling.

Suddenly a knife sliding into the middle of the Pharaoh's back 'No they were part
of my plan to unite Egypt, with honesty, telling that that I was going to bring you
down, so then they could have better ruler and live better. You should have
listened to my warning.'
The Pharaoh said nothing as he fell to the floor. NightLight then walked over to
the window and raised a knife into the air to symbolise that he had killed the
Pharaoh and they can choose a new ruler.
There was a loud cheer from the people of Egypt. What happend next was
known as the biggest event of Egypt, celebrations running within the street for
days, and everyone was overjoyed with the Pharaoh dying.
During the celebrate Imotep found NightLight hiding in the shadows as he always
had. Imotep walked over to NightLight and said 'I can't believe your plan worked'
'Well with the information you gave me then it was easy to plan what had to be
done, where Egypts people were scattered so then they had to be united and
strike at once.' NightLight explained.
'Look I've been talking to a lot of people and they say that they want you to rule
Egypt and to make us great again.' asked Imoptep
'I am not a ruler Imotep, I am just a servant of the Gods, I go where I am need to
do what needs to be done, but I think that you will do the job fine, after all you
managed to organise the rest of this. I will help out until you are on your feet but
then I will take my leave for another place.'
So from then on Imotep ruled Egypt and ruled fair and just, the people said there
was not a better ruler for Egypt.
As for NightLight, after Egypt was restored the person disappeared and was not
seen or heard off again. Rumors say that NightLight appeared in many other
wars thorough out time, whether it was the same person or not no-one knows but
this person was wearing the same clothing and masking as NightLight.
The Preface
This story is to be found in the Harris Papyrus in the British Museum. It was
complete when first discovered, but an unfortunate accident partly destroyed it,
so that the end of the tale is lost. It is supposed to belong to the end of the
Eighteenth Dynasty.
There was once a king who was sore in heart because no son had been born to
him. He prayed the gods to grant his desire, and they decreed that as he had

prayed, so it should be. And his wife brought forth a son. When the Hathors came
to decide his destiny they said, "His death shall be by the crocodile, or by the
serpent, or by the dog." And those who stood round, upon hearing this, hurried to
tell the king, who was much grieved thereat and feared greatly.
And because of what he had heard he caused a house to be built in the
mountains and furnished richly and with all that could be desired, so that the child
should not go abroad. When the boy was grown he went one day upon the roof,
and from there he saw a dog following a man upon the road. Then he turned to
his attendant and said, "What is that which follows the man coming along the
road?" And he was told that it was a dog.
And the child at once wished to possess a dog, and when the king was told of his
desire he might not deny him, lest his heart should be sad.
As time went on and the child became a man he grew restive, and, being told of
the decree of the Hathors, at once sent a message to his father, saying, "Come,
why and wherefore am I kept a prisoner? Though I am fated to three evil fates,
let me follow my desires. Let God fulfill His will."
And after this he was free and did as other men. He was given weapons and his
dog was allowed to follow him, and they took him to the east country and said to
him, "Behold, thou art free to go wheresoever thou wilt."
He set his face to the north, his dog following, and his whim dictated his path.
Then he lived on all the choicest of the game of the desert. And then he came to
the chief of Nahairana. And this chief had but one child, a daughter. For her had
been built a house with seventy windows seventy cubits from the ground. And
here the chief had commanded all the sons of the chiefs of the country of Khalu
to be brought, and he said to them "He who climbs and reaches my daughter's
windows shall win her for wife."
And some time after this the prince arrived, and the people of the chief of
Nahairana took the youth to the house and treated him with the greatest honor
and kindness. And as he partook of their food they asked him whence he had
come. He answered them, saying, "I come from Egypt; I am the son of an officer
of that land. My mother died and my father has taken another wife, who, when
she bore my father other children, grew to hate me. Therefore have I fled as a
fugitive from her presence." And they were sorry for him and embraced him.
Then one day he asked the climbing youths what it was they did there. And when
they told him that they climbed the height that they might win the chief's daughter
for wife, he decided to make the attempt with them, for afar off he beheld the face

of the chief's daughter looking forth from her window and turned toward them.
And he climbed the dizzy height and reached her window. So glad was she that
she kissed and embraced him.
And thinking to make glad the heart of her father, a messenger went to him,
saying, "One of the youths hath reached thy daughter's window." The chief
inquired which of the chief's sons had accomplished this, and he was told that sit
was the fugitive from Egypt.
At this the chief of Nahairana was wroth and vowed that his daughter was not for
an Egyptian fugitive. "Let him go back whence he came!" he cried.
An attendant hurried to warn the youth, but the maiden held him fast and, would
not let him go. She swore by the gods, saying, "By the being of Ra-Harakhti, if he
is taken from me, I will neither eat nor drink and in that hour I shall die!"
And her father was told of her vow, and hearing it he sent some to slay the youth
while be should be in his house. But the daughter of the chief divined this and
said again, "By the Great Lord Ra, if he be slain, then I shall die ere the set of
sun. If I am parted from him, then I live no longer!"
Again her words were carried to the chief. He caused his daughter and the youth
to be brought before him, and at first the young man was afraid, but the chief of
Nahairana embraced him affectionately, saying "Tell me who thou art, for now
thou art as a son to me." He answered him, "I come from Egypt; I am the son of
an officer of that land. My mother died and my father has taken another wife,
who, when she bore my father children, grew to hate me. Therefore have I fled
as a fugitive from her presence!"
Then the chief gave him his daughter to wife; he gave him a house and slaves,
he gave him lands and cattle and all manner of good gifts.
The time passed. One day the youth told his wife of his fate, saying to her, "I am
doomed to three evil fates- to die by a crocodile, a serpent, or a dog." And her
heart was filled with a great dread. She said to him, "Then let one kill the dog
which follows thee." But he told her that could not be' for he had brought it up
from the time it was small.
At last the youth desired to travel to the land of Egypt, and his wife, fearing for
him; would not let him go alone, so one went with him. They came to a town, and
the crocodile of the river was there. Now in that town was a great and mighty
man, and he bound the crocodile and would not suffer it to escape. When it was
bound the mighty man was at peace and walked abroad. When the sun rose the

man went back to his house, and this he did every day for two months.
After this as the days passed the youth sat at ease in his house. When the night
came he lay on his couch and sleep fell upon him. Then, his wife filled a bowl of
milk and placed it by his side. Out from a hole came a serpent, and it tried to bite
the sleeping man, but his wife sat beside him watching and unsleeping.
And the servants, beholding the serpent, gave it milk so that it drank and was
drunk and lay helpless on its back. Seeing this, with her dagger the wife
dispatched it. Upon this her husband woke and, understanding all, was
astonished. "See," she said to him, "thy god hath given one of thy dooms into thy
hand. Surely he shall also give thee the others!"
And then the youth made sacrifices to his god and praised him always.
One day after this the youth walked abroad in his fields, his dog following him.
And his dog chased after the wild game, and he followed after the dog, who
plunged into the river. He also went into the river, and then out came the
crocodile, who took him to the place where the mighty man lived. And as he
carried him the crocodile said to the youth, "Behold, I am thy doom, following
after thee...
The Afterward
At this point the papyrus is so extensively mutilated that in all probability we shall
never know what happened to the prince, Was he at last devoured by the
crocodile? or perchance did his faithful dog lead him into still graver danger? Let
everyone concoct his own ending to the tale!
(from the website
There is a prophecy that a man will come to this world when the world is in the
most darkest of its time. This mans orgins are going to be unknown even to him.
But he will be able to bring the world to live under one rule and life will thrive to
beyond to everyone's wildest dream.
**Warning** There will another person who will decieve pretending to be a
saviour but this person is not to be trusted and to avoid at all times.

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