Realm Guardians: Jeremiah Josh Cuevas

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Realm Guardians

Jeremiah Josh Cuevas


Authors Profile:

Name: Jeremiah Josh G. Cuevas

Age: 16 years old
Address: Tungkop, Minglanilla Cebu
I am Jeremiah, a high school student. I go to Southern Bethany Christian School of Minglanilla.
I am fat and tall, I love drawing and singing. I watch anime and cartoons most of the time. I love playing
online games such as Dota 2 or Ran Online and such. Im not such an interesting person. I dont talk to
other people so much except for my classmates and my friends. My best friends are Khoby and Rhojann.
They are the most amazing people I have encountered so far, because we have a lot of similarities. We
play games together, sometimes hang out. Thats all I can say for myself.

It was 3 in the afternoon, and it was just Khoby, Rhojann and Jeremiah in their classroom. It was quite,
too quite. They didnt see any of their classmates after the afternoon snack. They were suspicious about
what was happening when they saw a beam of light right next to their school. After the light went out,
they ran out of their classroom and went to check what that light they just saw was.
When they arrived, they found a necklace and a note. They picked up the necklace and Jeremiah read
the note aprire le Porte Del regno. Then a flash of light circled around them and they were knocked
unconscious and lay on the ground.
Moments later Rhojann woke up and saw his two friends in the ground unconscious, he woke them up and
looked around, to grasp what was really happening to them. He was speechless about what he saw that it
made Jeremiah and Khoby to wonder what Rhojann saw and when they looked at the direction he was
looking at they saw a dragon attacking a town.
The town was on fire and many people were fighting against the dragon. Let us help them Khoby said.
Are you out of your mind? They are being attacked by a dragon! We are just normal high school
students, how can we possibly defeat a dragon that huge!? Rhojann replied.
No, Khobys right, we must help them maybe we can get information about this place and about this
necklace and how we can get out of here. Jeremiah answered.
Fine, but we must find weapons first. Rhojann replied.
Hey guys, I found some weapons here, mostly swords but there are some bow and arrows and some
axes. Khoby shouted.
Each of them got weapons which they found suitable for each of them. A bow for Khoby, two swords for
Jeremiah, and an axe for Rhojann, after they finished getting weapons they ran towards the direction of
the town.
They arrived at the town, seeing the dragon was still there they hid behind a burnt house to plan their
attack. Then they heard a noise above them, when they looked up the dragons mouth was right above
them, their leaped away from the house which was consumed immediately when they dragon spew flames
from its mouth.
Khoby was shooting the dragon, when Rhojann rushed in and attacked the dragons belly.
Jeremiah attacked the dragon using the two swords he was holding, but all of their attacks cannot
pierce the scales of the dragon. They got pushed back by the dragon which flapped its wings in
annoyance of the attacks of the three.
Just then a word suddenly entered Jeremiahs mind. He then unconsciously shouted those words.
Vattene Jeremiah shouted. Suddenly, the dragon fell from where it was standing, its scales were
falling to the ground, making it vulnerable to attacks. Rhojann grabbed the chance to attack the dragon,
he grabbed a spear in the ground, rushed in and pierced the dragons heart.
The dragon made a loud roar before falling to the ground, the dragons flesh disappeared and the three
of them saw a spirit like energy enter into their bodies, this made them feel strangely stronger.
The town elder went to them, Thank you so much for defeating the dragon and saving our town, Please
tell us your names, we are in debt to you, please tell us what we can do to repay this debt. The mayor
said. I am Khoby, and this is Jeremiah and Rhojann, what place is this and who are you people? How can
there be dragons here? Khoby asked.
Sir, do you know what this is? said Jeremiah while showing the necklace to the old man.

The people around them were shocked, This is the lost necklace of the Princess Arbell, and this is a
very precious necklace, she will give a reward to anyone who can give this back to her. Said the old man.
And where can we find this Princess Arbell, sir? Rhojann asked.
It is located north of here, through those mountains, it is a castle in the middle of a lake. The old man

We will give you horses and Armon will guide you there, its the least we can do for the savior of our
town. the old man added.
Thank you very much, now we must take our leave and go to the Princess. Said Jeremiah
The people of the town looked at them while they were going towards the mountains, waving them
The four of them were travelling towards the castle where Princess Arbell was when they saw 5 orcs
who were attacking a merchant. Khoby went down from his horse, grabbed his bow and shot one of the
orcs, the others orcs saw them and rushed to kill Khoby, just then Rhojann and Jeremiah ran to the orcs
attacking them furiously with the weapons they were wielding the Armon was just hiding behind a tree
for he was not a fighter, it was quite hard for the three for they were against warriors who were
accustomed to fighting while the three of them were still learning how to fight properly.
It took almost an half an hour before they finally defeated the orcs, the merchant was still on the
ground trying to take in what was happening, then he came to his senses. He went to the 4 of them, he
gave them food, water, and money to compensate for saving him. They once again began to travel
towards the castle, luckily not encountering more trouble as they went.
They arrived at the castle after 2 days journey. They were at the entrance when they were stopped by
the castle guards.
Halt, who goes there. asked the guard
I am Jeremiah, and this is Rhojann, Khoby and Armon, we have come to talk to the Princess. Said
Please give us your weapons first if you wish to enter, there is a strict policy within this castle to
confiscate every weapon from everyone who wants to enter, but dont worry it will be returned to you
once you leave. One of the guard said.
Very well then. Said Jeremiah while taking the weapons of his friends and giving it to the guard.
The guards opened the castle gate for the four of them, they went to the throne of the princess while
marveling at the site of the beautiful castle.
The four of them bowed in front of the Princess throne. What is it that you want? asked the Princess.
Princess, we have come to return to you the necklace you have lost. Said Rhojann. I believe this is it
Your Majesty? replied Jeremiah while showing the necklace to the princess.
Yes, this is it, where have you found it? I have been looking for it for a year now. Gasped the Princess.
We found it outside of our school, Your Majesty. We found it together with a note that says aprire le
porte del regno. Replied Khoby.
Oh, so you are brought here by magic, well then there is a reward for returning my necklace to me, now
tell me what do you want as your reward? asked the Princess.
We just want to return home, Your Majesty. Replied Jeremiah
And maybe a hundred gold coins. Smiled Khoby.
Very well, I shall order my servants to prepare the gold coins and you can just wait here if you want.
Said the Princess.
Can we get our weapons back? We really want to have those weapons so that we can remember this
place as we get back to our world, Please? replied Khoby.
Very well then. Replied the Princess.
After a couple of minutes they are ready to return home.

Thank you for returning my necklace to me, we will never forget your kindness. Said the Princess
We thank you for your kindness as well, farewell and may we see each other again someday. Replied
The Princess chanted tornare da dove sei venuto. Then a magic circle appeared below the three
friends. Then a chill filled them, there was utter darkness for a little while. Then they opened their eyes
and saw that they were back to their classroom.
Months later, the three of them were talking about what they experience in that world, when there was
a beam of light again. The three of them smiled to each other, I wonder whats waiting for us on the
other side smiled Jeremiah. I guess well have to find out. Replied Khoby as they ran towards the
beam of light.

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