Theories and Approaches in Teaching Mathematics

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Theories and Approaches in teaching Mathematics

Constructivist Theories
Constructivist theories are based on the belief that children
construct their own knowledge and conceptual understanding through their
own activity. Piagets theories underlie much of constructivist thought.
Using Piagets theories, it is the teachers role to establish a mathematical
environment to enable students to construct this mathematical knowledge.
This environment would provide students with opportunities to hypothesize,
test out their thinking, manipulate materials, and
communicate their understanding in order to build mathematical knowledge.
It is the teachers role to facilitate student learning, through setting up
problems, monitoring student exploration, and negotiating meaning and
understanding with the student. The teacher guides the direction of student
inquiry and encourages new patterns in thinking.
Students are given a great deal of autonomy in a constructivist classroom.
Pre-set lessons are not taught, since classes depend on the direction of the
students explorations.
There is wide variation of thinking among those who are proponents of a
constructivist theory. This continuum ranges from radical Constructivists to
social constructivists, though all hold the common
view that children construct their own knowledge and understanding through
their own activity.
Sociocultural Theory
This theory of teaching and learning is based on the work of Lev
Vygotsky. He believed that there is an objective body of mathematical
knowledge that comes out of the work and experience of
mathematicians and constitutes the discipline of mathematics. It is this body
of knowledge, mediated through the culture of the school, political
institutions, and experts in the field that students need to learn and teachers
need to teach. He believed that children have their own mathematical
understandings and beliefs based on their experiences, but that it is the
adults responsibility to influence the childs thinking in order to move that
thinking into the realm of a more scientific,
conceptual understanding.

Key to Vygotskys theory was the concept that we learn from others
more competent in culturally appropriate skills and technologies. Vygotsky
maintained that learners, operating in the zone of proximal development
(ZPD) are able to use words and other artifacts in ways
that extend beyond their current understanding of them (Cole, Wertsch). In
other words, learners are able to interact and perform actions that would be
beyond their level of competence when acting alone.
The zone of proximal development is the gap between what is known
and what is not known. To help guide children to attain higher levels of
thinking and knowing, more capable and competent adults can explain,
demonstrate, and interact with children to facilitate new learning. The ZPD is
the difference between what children or students can accomplish
independently and what they can achieve in conjunction or in collaboration
with another, more competent person. The zone is created in the course of
social interaction (Phillips). For Vygotsky, this interaction is with adults who
display more advanced thinking.
He believed that teachers need to provide students with Conflict
Generating Problemsand with instruction that provides opportunities to
solve problems, since this will lead to higher-level thinking and learning.
Brain based learning
Renate and Geoffrey Caine have evolved a theory of brain-based
learning, which draws on research in neuroscience rather than cognitive
psychology. Their approach, much like the approaches of their predecessors,
emphasizes constructivism and active learning situations in which students
are highly engaged and provided with opportunities to make connections.
Caine and Caines model includes
the following principles:
The brain is a parallel processor in that it can perform numerous
activities simultaneously.
The quality of a childs thinking depends in part on physical variables such
as diet, sleep, and exercise.
Learning is a sense-making activity in which new knowledge is acquired
relative to existing knowledge.
The brain is a pattern-seeker. New information should therefore be
presented in a context, not in an isolated fashion.
Emotions affect the quality of thinking.
The brain processes parts and wholes simultaneously.
Learning involves both focused attention and peripheral perception.
Learning involves both conscious and unconscious processes.
The brain involves multiple memory systems, including the spatial
memory and the rote memory.
Regardless of the scientific origins from which the conclusions derive,
the implications for teaching and learning are clear: children learn best when

they feel secure rather than threatened, when they are physically
comfortable and well-nourished, when they are engaged and active rather
than bored and passive, and when they see relevance and meaning in what
they are learning.
Big Ideas
Students learn by making connections between new learning and what
they already know. Piaget (1973) explained this process in terms of
students assimilating new learning into their existing schema. Vygotsky
(1978) referred to the zone of proximal development to describe the
teachable range between what a child currently knows and the new learning
that he or she is expected to acquire. Today, educators such as Van De
Walle (2001), Wiggins and McTighe (1998) use terms such as Big Ideas
and Enduring Understandings to describe the overarching concepts
that help students truly understand a subject, as opposed to simply
coming to know numerous discrete facts. For example, understanding that
fractions and decimals are simply different ways of describing parts of a
whole helps young children see the connection between the concept of
fractions and the concept of decimals. Big ideas provide the schema that
help students make sense of mathematics. Conceived this way, big ideas
make it possible for students to consider what things are similar and what
things are different. Doing so helps students manage, file, organize, and
connect the many concepts they are learning and thereby come to
understand them more fully.
In this theory, big ideas address the conceptual foundation of
mathematics, not the procedures. They are developmental insofar as they
apply across all the grades. As students move from grade to grade, the level
of abstraction at which the big ideas operate increases. For example, in
kindergarten, children learn the concept that measurement is comparing two
things. Items can be measured with another item using a similar attribute
such as length. Students might measure a desk and report how many pencils
wide it is. As their concepts of measurement grow and they are able to move
from concrete to abstract, they begin to understand the need for people to
have standard units such as
centimetres. Unlike learning a specific mathematics fact, such as 10 mm
= 1 cm, students understanding of the big ideas of mathematics does not
occur at a specific moment in time. Grant Wiggins points out that big ideas
have to be uncovered for students, rather than covered by teachers. For
example, one big idea in measurement is that measurement involves
comparing a known quantity with one that is unknown.
This big idea will not be directly taught to students at a specific
moment in time; rather,
students will come to this understanding over time by responding to carefully
structured questions, by engaging in meaningful tasks, and by discussing the
concept of measurement with their peers and the teacher.

Instructional materials
Students learn principally through interactions with people (teachers
and peers) and instructional materials (textbooks, workbooks,
instructional software, web-based content, homework,
projects,quizzes, andtests). But education policymakers focus primarily
on factors removed from those
interactions, such as academic standards, teacher evaluation systems, and
school accountability policies. Its as if the medical profession worried about
the administrationof hospitals and patient insurance
but paid no attention to the treatments that doctors give their patients.There
is strong evidence that the choice of instructional materials has large effects
on student learning
effects that rival in size those that are associated with differences in teacher
effectiveness. But whereas improving teacher quality through changes in the
preparation and professional development of teachers
and the human resources policies surrounding their employment is
challenging, expensive, and time consuming,making better choices among
available instructional materials should be relatively easy, inexpensive, and
quick.Administrators are prevented from making better choices of
materials by the lack of evidence on the effectiveness of the materials
currently in
use. For example, the vast majority of elementary school mathematics
curricula examined by the Institute of Education Sciences What Works
Clearinghouse either have no studies of their effectiveness or have no
studies that meet reasonable standards of evidence.Not only is little
information available on the effectiveness of most instructional materials,
there is also very little systematic information on which materials are being
used in which schools. In every state except one, it is impossible to find out
what materials districts are currently using without contacting the districts
one at a time to ask them. And the districts may not even know what
materials they use if adoption decisions are made by individual schools. The
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), which has the mission of
collecting and disseminating information related to education in the U.S.,
collects no information on the usage of particular instructional materials.This
scandalous lack of information will only become more troubling as two major
policy initiativesthe Common Core standards and efforts to improve
teacher effectivenessare implemented. Publishers of instructional materials
are lining up to declare the alignment of their materials with the Common
Core standards using the most superficial of definitions. The Common Core
standards will only have a chance of raising student achievement if they are
implemented with high-quality materials, but there is currently no basis to
measure the quality of materials. Efforts to improve teacher effectiveness
will also fall short if they focus solely on the selection and retention of
teachers and ignore the instructional tools that teachers are given to practice
their craft.

Matthew M. Chingosis
a fellow in Governance Studies and research director of the Brown
Center on Education Policy at the Brookings Institution.
Choosing Blindly: Instructional Materials, Teacher Effectiveness, and the Common Core
Grover J. Whitehurst
is a senior fellow in Governance Studies and director of the Brown
Center on Education Policy at the BrookingsInstitution

We believe that this is a problem that can be fixed. Specifically, we

recommend the following actions:
State education agencies should collectdata from districts on the
instructional materials in use in their schools.The collection of
comprehensive and accurate data will require states to survey districts, and
in some cases districts may need to survey their schools. In the near term,
many states can quickly glean useful information by requesting purchasing
reports from their districts finance offices. Building on these initial efforts,
states should look to initiate future efforts to survey teachers, albeit on a
more limited basis.
The National Center for Education Statistics should develop data
collection templates for states to use through its Common Education
Data Standards (CEDS), and provide guidance on how states can use
and share data on instructional materials.The most recent version of
CEDS contains 679 data
elements for K12 education, none of which relate to instructional materials
in use.
The National Governors Association (NGA) and Council of Chief State School
Officers (CCSSO) have put their reputations on the line by sponsoring the
Common Core State Standards Initiative. Research based on current and past
state standards indicates that this initiative is unlikely to have much of
an effect on student achievement in and of itself. The NGA and CCSSO
should put their
considerable weight behind the effort to improve the collection of
information on instructional materials in order to create an
environment in which states, districts, and schools will be able to
the materials most likely to help students master theCommon Core
The Data Quality Campaign (DQC) has had tremendous success in
encouraging states to collect high-

quality education data with the goal of improving student achievement. The
DQC should use its influence in this area to encourage states to
collect information on the use of instructional materials and support
them in their efforts to gather these data. The DQC should also help
states use the data once they have been collected.
Major philanthropic organizationssuch as the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation and the Lumina Foundation for Education have invested heavily
in education reform efforts. Given the current strain on state budgets, most
states are unlikely to undertake new data collection efforts. Foundations
could have a major impact by providing the startup funding needed
to collect data on instructional materials and supportingthe
research that would put those data to use.
Student learning occurs primarily through interactions with people (teachers
and peers) and instructional materials (textbooks, workbooks, instructional
software, web-based content, homework, projects, quizzes, and tests). The
contexts within which these interactions occur are surely important. The
effectiveness of teachers, the behavior of peers, and the instructional
materials with which students have the opportunity to interact are affected
by layers of influences that range from circumstances in the home, to
leadership in the school, to the international macro-economy and everything
in between. But students do not engage in instructional interactions with the
governance mechanism for their school or with state standards or with a
school districts evAluation system for teachers or with collective bargaining
agreements or with the leadership qualities of their school principalthey
learn by engaging in cognitive processes that are triggered and shaped by
interactions with people and instructional materials. The balance between
attention to context and attention to instruction has come to be substantially
out-of-kilter among education policymakers.2It is as if the managers of a
professional sports team spent most of their time and resources on the
layout of the stadium, the advertising of the games, the logistics of travel,
and the equipment in the weight room while giving little attention to playing
the game itself. Instructional interactions are the core of student learning but
policymakers attend mostly to context. We must give priority to the
education policies that are most likely to improve instructional interactions if
we are going to achieve substantial progress in student achievement.
This report focuses on instruction materials, which havea direct influence on
student learning as students interact with them. For example, over 50
percent of fourth graders do math problems from their textbooks daily.
3 But instructional
materials also have a strong indirect path of influence on student learning
via their effects on teachers. Commercially produced instructional materials
dominate teaching practice in the United States
available estimates indicate that 70 to 98 percent of teachers use textbooks
at least weekly.

Teachers vary considerably in the way they use textbooks, teachers guides,
and assessment
materials, with some teaching strictly to-the-book and others exercising
considerable flexibility.
Despite such individual variability, in general,teachers are much more likely
to cover topics p
resented in the materials selected by their school or district than to cover
topics not included; they are likely to follow the sequence of topics in the
selected materials; and their pedagogical approach is
influenced by the instructional design of the materials

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