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ASME (American Society of Mechanical) Engineers

University of California, Merced

Club Constitution
The purpose of the ASME is to allow students to experience hands on experience with
engineering projects, as well as opportunities to be exposed to engineering facilities.
Section A: Name The name of this club shall be ASME (American Society of
Mechanical Engineers).
Section B: Purpose The purpose of this club shall be:
1. Provide opportunities with hands on engineering projects
2. Give engineering students the opportunity to visit professional engineering facilities
3. To collaborate with other clubs and organizations to promote UC Merced Student life.
4. To represent UC Merced in various engineering competitions and events.
Section A: Eligibility - Membership shall be open to all UC Merced students free of
Section A: Officers The officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary,
Treasurer, and Project Leads
Section B: Eligibility

- To run for an officer position within this student organization, all nominees must have
been an active member of ASME within the previous academic school year.
- All nominees (even if running unopposed) are required to make a 1-2 minute speech
explaining why they deserve the position and what they can do for ASME if elected.
- Officers meet outside of general meetings to coordinate with each other.
- All officers must collaborate together as a team to make ASME events successful. It is
the responsibility of all officers to make sure that all aspects of an event are taken care of
in order to function smoothly.

Section C: Election The officers shall be elected by nominations.

Section D: Term The officers shall serve for one year and their term of office shall
begin at the termination of the spring semester.

Section E: Vacancy If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice- President
shall assume the office for the remainder of the term and vacancies in any other office
shall be filled by a special election.
Section F: Officer Misconduct If any conflicts or issues arise involving an officer,
please contact the President or Vice President of the club. If problems persist, an
impeachment process may go into effect. In the impeachment process, a 2/3 majority vote
of officers is needed for impeachment.
Section G: Member Misconduct Campus Rules must be followed at all times by all
attendees of a SASA event. If any conflicts or issues arise involving a member of SASA,
please contact the President or Vice President of the club. Depending on the severity of
the issue, membership may be revoked without refund of membership dues.
Section A: President The President of this student organization is in charge of all
official business regarding university relations, planning strategies, setting goals for the
club, delegating tasks among officers within the club, presiding over elections, and
settling disputes within the club.
Section B: Vice-President The Vice President of this student organization is an
advisory position to the President. The Vice President is in charge of the general
meetings, overseeing event schedules for the academic school year, inter-club relations,
and covering for the president in his/her absence.
Section C: Treasurer The Treasurer of this student organization is in charge of all
aspects of club finances. This includes, but is not limited to, club funds, collecting dues,
purchase orders, filling out funding applications, event budgets, purchase receipts, and
the regulation of all club spending.
Section D: Secretary The Secretary of this student organization is in charge of keeping
all records for the club. Duties include typing and posting minutes for general meetings,
keeping attendance for events and general meetings, keeping a club roster, and organizing
all club files.
Section E: Project Leads They will be in charge of being the leaders of current
Engineering Projects and making sure that the project is going smoothly.
Section A: Meetings General meetings shall be held every other during the regular
school year. The time and day of these general meetings shall be determined at the first
general meeting.

Section B: Special Meeting Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the
ARTICLE VI: Officers Board
Section A: Responsibility Management of this club shall be vested in an Officers
Board responsible to the entire membership to uphold these bylaws.
Section B: Membership This committee shall consist of the officers as listed in Article
III and the faculty advisor.
Section C: Meetings This committee shall meet at least once between regular meetings
of the club to organize and plan future activities.
Section A: Selection there shall be a faculty/staff advisor who shall be selected each
year by the officers board.
Section B: Duties The responsibilities of the faculty advisor shall be to:


an awareness of the activities and programs sponsored by the student

club to the faculty and staff.
Attend regular meetings, executive board meetings as often as schedule allows.
Assist in the orientation of new officers.
Explain and clarify campus policy and procedures that apply to the club.
Provide direction in the area of meeting facilitation, group-building, goal
setting, and program planning.
Assist the club treasurer in monitoring expenditures, fundraising activities, and
corporate sponsorship to maintain an accurate and up-to-date account ledger.
Inform club members of those factors that constitute unacceptable behavior on
the part of the club members, and the possible consequence of said behaviors.


Section A: Selection these bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote
of the chapter membership.
Section B: Notice All members shall receive advance notice of the proposed
amendment at least five days before the meeting. [The time may be extended to the
following meeting.]

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