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Topic 9 introduces you to the use of bibliotherapy in the classroom . It seeks to develop your
understanding on how bibliotheraphy can be used to assist children in overcoming problems by
having them read stories about characters who have successfully resolved a dilemma similar to
their own.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
raise an awareness of the use of childrens literature as a therapy
list the benefits of bibliotherapy to help problematic children
explain the childs developmental appropriateness when engaging in bibliotherapy
select the right books to use
develop suitable strategies in a variety of contexts and
identify and find ways to address childrens concerns





for presentation



A library is a hospital for the mind.

Bibliotherapy is using the reading of books as a way to heal yourself or solve a problem
(Alex.1993). In other words, bibliotherapy is the process of mending ones life by reading books
and it is therapeutic. Although it is often associated with "self-help" books, any kind of book,
fiction or nonfiction, can be used. Bibliotherapy is a dynamic process, by which you "meet" the
author in the pages of the book. As you read, a dialog begins to take place between you and the
author. You interpret what you read in light of your own experiences, and thus become a part of
the book.
Bibliotherapy can assist children in building confidence and self-esteem. It attempts to normalize a
child's world by offering coping skills and reducing their feelings of isolation, reinforcing creativity,
and problem solving. It also gives parents an opportunity to discuss the children's issues with
their children.

Benefits of bibliotheraphy

Bibliotheraphy can serve as an adjunct to teaching, and there are several compelling reasons for
using literature to teach children both how to read and how to break attitudinal or emotional
barriers to learning. Bibliotherapy offers benefits beyond the conventional methods and materials
that have long been used in teaching reading. The right books offer possible solutions to
problems that create childrens inner turmoil. Also, reading about a personal situation has the
potential to sharpen perception and deepen understanding. Intervention through a book can
make the difference between an emotionally well adjusted child and one who may later suffer
mental anguish.
Identification with a literary model can foster thought and possible resolution to a problem such as
dealing with a separation, illness, death, poverty, disability, alienation, disaster, war, etc. The
underlying premise of bibliotherapy is that interpreting stories is an ever-changing process to
which children bring their own needs and experiences. Since students often have difficulty
identifying and communicating their feelings, stories can serve to facilitate open discussion and
self-understanding. If children become emotionally involved with literary characters, they are more
able to verbalize, act out, or draw pictures describing their innermost thought.
Use of bibliotherapy is not limited to crisis situations, nor is it a cure for severe
psychological difficulties. It may not meet the needs of some children, especially those who are
not ready to face their specific issue. Other students may be unable to transfer insights gained
from reading into their own life, or may use literature as a form of escape. Yet, these experiences
with literary characters have been shown to be beneficial to many children.
Teachers and parents must be concerned with the emotional aspect of learning as well as
the academic. They can sensitize children to themselves and to others through books.
Bibliotherapy is particularly helpful because it has the potential to address the needs of the whole


Caring, competent, and knowledgeable educators fully appreciate how authentic
interaction with literature can contribute to overall cognitive and effective growth.
The goals of bibliotherapy are to help children:
identify and validate their feelings;
realize that other children have problems similar to their own;
stimulate discussion;
foster thought and self-awareness;
discover possible coping skills and solutions; and
decide on a constructive course of action
Bibliotherapy has provides numerous affective and cognitive benefits for children.
Affective benefits

Provides self-esteem and self-confidence

Provides Cathartic release
Provides psychological relief
Provides realization that they are not alone
Helps students with exceptional needs or those dealing with painful issues, deal
with their problems in an effective, realistic, and sensitive manner.

Cognitive benefits
a. Increases literacy skills.
b. Develops critical thinking (analysis, drawing conclusions, decision-making, and
problem solving).
c. Provides a vehicle for discussion of sensitive issues in non-threatening manner.
d. Promotes self-understanding, coping, conflict resolution, and self-evaluations skills


Developmental Appropriateness
Developmentally appropriate refers to activities, lessons and materials (toys, for example)
that corresponds with a childs mental and physical ability. For example, a little 7-month
old baby is in no way, shape or form able to ride a bike at his age. That would be
ridiculous! An exersaucer is instead developmentally appropriate for him at his age and
mental and physical capacity. It goes without saying that there are predictable sequences
of growth and change during childhood because of what we know about human
development. Yet, it is worth mentioning that while chronological age refers to certain
milestones, there is quite a large range of developmental differences in any one age.
Thats to say, some babies learn to walk at 9 months and others at 14 months. Some


children learn to read as pre-schoolers and others as first graders. Because of this,
developmentally appropriate activities can be generally applied but must be modified
depending on a childs individual differences. Developmental appropriateness was the
underpinning of how a school curriculum was once conceived prior to no child should be
left behind.

Now, take this concept and lets add the notion of a childs Zone of Proximal Development.
Vygotskys theory tells us that for a given task, there is a range in how a child is able to do
that task. On one end of the spectrum, a child needs help to complete a particular task.
On the other end of that same spectrum,

a child can complete the same task

independently and without any help. What happens as a child moves across that
spectrum for a given task is called learning.

Lets use little 7-month old baby again.

Currently, one task he is particularly focused on is standing. He is on the help side of

the spectrum. That is, he needs an adults hands, the couch or the exersaucer to help him
stand because he cannot stand on his own yet. As he is learning he will physically
develop the strength and balance to stand on his own. He will mentally gain a sense of
space and coordination. He will eventually need only one hand on the couch or only one
of my hands to stand. Then, he will reach the independent side of the spectrum when he
can stand all on his own and master the precursor to walking. The best conditions for
learning - whether at home or at school resembles an environment that has a vision of
where kids need to be (goals), knows where kids are at (assessment), and understands
how to help them learn (lessons) all within a developmentally appropriate framework. This
theory applies to essentially every skill a child learns to do standing, walking, writing,
memorizing math facts. The list goes on









appropriateness, individual appropriateness and cultural appropriateness.


Age appropriateness is based on human development research which indicates

that there are universal, predictable sequences of growth and change that occur in
children during the first nine years of life. These predictable changes occur in all domains
of development - physical, emotional, social, and cognitive. Knowledge of typical
development of children within the age span provides a framework from which teachers
prepare the learning environment and plan appropriate experiences.



Individual appropriateness refers to the fact that each child is a unique person

and comes to school with an individual pattern and timing of growth, as will as an
individual personality, learning style, and family background.

Cultural appropriateness recognizes the importance of the knowledge of

the social and cultural contexts in which children live to ensure that learning experiences
are meaningful, relevant, and respectful for the children and their families.

Choice of books

When choosing stories for bibliotherapy, there are specific criteria that the teacher needs to
consider :

The childs emotional and chronological age should be taken into account

The teacher should know the material

It should be related to the childs circumstances and feelings

Illustrations should be clear and colourful. Characters in illustrations should preferably be

depicted in active poses rather than passively, but it should not divert the childs attention

Characters should model healthy adaptation patterns

There should be a character suitable for identification. The hero in the story should also be
portrayed realistically, for instance s/he must have feelings such as uncertainty, fear and
anger. S/he must portray unacceptable behaviour such as being naughty, while people still
accept him/her

There should be other characters in the story that are more or less the same as those in
the childs situation

Long, complicated stories must be avoided as it is time consuming. It may also be difficult
to remember the whole story with all the plots. When using bibliotherapy with children,
stories should take about 30 minutes or less to read

The teacher should know the childs reading ability

Unacceptable characters in the story give the child the chance of projecting
negative feelings

In using bibliotherapy with small groups of children, the same principles of book selection should
be followed. However, there must be consideration of the individual needs and characteristics of
group members. Each member of the group must be faced with the same general problem. The


teacher must also assess the readiness of each group member for bibliotherapy, in terms of
having a good working relationship with the helper. Group members need to be fairly close in age
chronologically or at approximately the same developmental level so that any book selected will
be suitable for all group members
Once the child is ready for the bibliotherapeutic process and book selection has been completed,
the next concern is how to introduce the book. Most teachers feel that it is best to suggest books
rather than prescribe them to the child faced with the problem. The ideal situation would be for the
teachers to have on hand several appropriate books dealing with a certain problem that the child
could choose from.

Strategies for presentation

The first step to implementing bibliotherapy in your classroom is to choose an appropriate book.
Books chosen must address the needs of the student(s) youre focusing on and the main
character must have similar problems. It is also important to choose books where characters
make good choices when solving their problems, students should not imitate a bad model. Books
should be brief as often students with E(emotional)/BD (behaviour disorder) have short attention
spans and working with a longer book requires a great deal of concentration. Once a book is
chosen, one must decide the setting in which the bibliotherapy will take place; select if the book
will be read by the whole class, a small group, or an individual.
There are four main steps when engaging in a bibliotherapy. Students should never feel as if they
are being taught during any of these steps. The teacher should act as a facilitator to direct
questions and elicit student thought. These steps are pre-reading, guided reading, post-reading
discussion, problem-solving/reinforcement activity,. Before reading the story selected, a teacher
must activate background knowledge. This should be done creatively in a manner that introduces
the theme and allows students to compare their experiences with those in the book as well as
make predictions. Following pre-reading is guided reading and this typically involves an adult
reading the story aloud to the student(s). After the story or a portion of it is completed teachers
allow students to journal or reflect in some other way before discussion begins.
Next, is a post-reading discussion of the story. One model that is useful in discussing a story was
the I-SOLVE model developed by J.W. Forgan. The steps include having students identify the
problem, find solutions to the problem, look for obstacles that might get in the way of the possible


solutions, look at the solutions again and choose one, very good, try the solution, and evaluate
the outcome. This model, while being used for characters, is being imprinted into the memory of
the students who will hopefully use the model for insight into their problems.
The final necessity of bibliotherapy in a classroom is a reinforcement activity. This should vary
according to the interests of students and may involve skits, small group work, artwork, or
anything else to reinforce the lesson of the story in an engaging manner .
There are activities that can be conducted using bibliotherapy as follows:


Creating a sequel to the story to share

Read aloud of key passages with discussion and commentaries
"I am" Character Poem or "I know" character poem
Character Webs
Dramatic presentation of the issue or conflict in the book with

alternative resolutions
Panel debates
Reader-on-the-street- interview
Collages representing different characters
A new character for the book
A new ending/resolution for the book
Telling the story from the perspective of a different character(s)
Use of the Internet to build background knowledge
Inquiry done on the Internet in response to questions generated in

response to the reading of the

Letters to or from a character
An Interview with the character (Hot Seat)

Classroom Application of Bibliotherapy

Today, there is a diversity of children in schools, and an influx of children who deal with very
serious: (a) social, (b) emotional, (c) economic, and/or (d) academic issues. Societal and social
issues present children with a number of difficult choices and situations. The choices children
must make, and the problems and issues they face affect teachers everywhere. Regardless of
the degree of risk, whether that is minimal, remote, high, or imminent, teachers must address the
issues of their students. Bibliotherapy can be used as:
(a) a prevention program,
(b) an early intervention program,
(c) a treatment program.


Classroom teachers can use bibliotherapy to help a specific child or children in a specific situation
or as a general method to teach appropriate social and developmental skills in their classrooms.
Finally, if available, classroom teachers should collaborate with other school personnel such as
counsellors, psychologists, and librarians. Ideally, children could work with bibliotherapy material
in the classroom, discuss their feelings about the book in group settings, and discuss with a
school counsellor more intimate feelings and emotions that were elicited by the book.
Unfortunately, not all schools can offer the help of counsellors and psychologists, in which case,
by themselves, teachers must provide for the children opportunities to grow and learn through
Steps to Implement Bibliotherapy
There are 10 steps guide for the implementation of bibliotherapy into the classroom.

Develop rapport, trust, and confidence with the student .

Teachers must create a trusting relationship with students before they begin bibliotherapy.
Students are unlikely to share deep emotions with an adult they do not trust.

Identify other school personnel who may assist. It is important for teachers to obtain help
from other school personnel.

Possible help may come from:

(a) counsellors, (b)

psychologists, (c) administrators, (d)social workers, (e) nurses, and/or (f) special education

Solicit support from the students parents or guardians.

Parents can be a huge support

and source of information in regard to his or her childs behaviours. Parents can offer
advice as to what works for the child and what does not. However, one should be cautious
if the students issue is strongly connected to the parent.

Define a specific problem the student is experiencing. Teachers should observe student
behaviours and talk to students about feelings they may have about: (a) school, (b) social
situation, and (c) other concerns.


Create goals and activities to address the problem. Bibliotherapy should have a specific
goal and defined outcomes. Bibliotherapy and its activities should be evaluated for their


Research and select books appropriate for the situation. Books should be
selected based on: (a) appropriateness for the developmental age and reading
ability of the student; (b) the portrayal of the topic of interest (e.g., homelessness);
(c) realism and honesty of character portrayals, and (d) literary quality.



Introduce the book to the student.

In the introduction of bibliotherapy materials,

care and sensitivity should be employed.

If the literature to be used in

bibliotherapy is intended only for one child or a small group, the teacher should
present it only to those students. The teacher should explain to a student that he or
she has noticed a specific behaviour, and suggest working on it together through
an activity (i.e., bibliotherapy).

Incorporate reading activities. It is important for students to interact with the bibliotherapy
literature as they would with any other literature. Teachers can lead activities used for all
other books with bibliotherapy books (e.g., vocabulary, questioning, etc.).


Implement post-reading activities. Teachers should lead students through discussion of

the bibliotherapy book and encourage students to discuss how the book relates to their
own lives and situations. Also, students can make other creative projects related to the
story. Finally, once students have finished all post-reading activities, the teacher should
meet with the student individually to discuss the work done and the students feelings
about the book.


Evaluate the effects of bibliotherapy on the student. Once the student has
completed the bibliotherapy book and projects, the teacher should reflect on the
effectiveness of bibliotherapy for that student. In addition, the teacher should note
successes and areas for improvement.

This 10 step guide can be used in the classroom for any students along the continuum for risk.
This format can be easily applied to the everyday classroom, but for it to be effective, teachers
need to provide carefully selected materials for students.

Addressing childrens concern

Emotional and Behavioural concern

There are many terms used to describe emotional, behavioural or mental disorders. Currently,
children diagnosed with such disorders are categorized as having a serious emotional
disturbance, which can be characterized by: an inability to learn; an inability to build or maintain
satisfactory interpersonal relationships; inappropriate types of behaviour or feelings under normal
circumstances; general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression; or a tendency to develop
physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems.
The causes of emotional disturbance have not been adequately determined. Although various


factors such as heredity, brain disorder, diet, stress, and family functioning have been suggested
as possible causes, research has not shown any of these factors to be the direct cause of
behaviour problems. Some of the characteristics and behaviours seen in children who have
emotional disturbances include: hyperactivity; aggression/self-injurious behaviour; withdrawal;
immaturity; and learning difficulties.
Children with the most serious emotional disturbances may exhibit distorted thinking, excessive
anxiety, bizarre motor acts, and mood swings and are sometimes identified as children who have
a severe psychosis or schizophrenia.
Many children who do not have emotional disturbances may display some of these same
behaviours at various times during their development. However, when children have serious
emotional disturbances, these behaviours continue over long periods of time. Their behaviour
thus signals that they are not coping with their environment or peers.

i) Using Childrens Literature to Build Social-Emotional Skills

As a children's author, I don't just write stories. I build bridges with my words to connect
young readers to the characters in my stories, to themselves, and to other readers. I carefully
construct dialogue for children to gain insight into others' thoughts, feelings, and actions, as well
as their own. My objective, after all, is quite simple: to help children and the adults who work with
them address tough issues that kids face in their everyday social world. - Trudy Ludwig
(Ludwig, 2012)
The notion that books have therapeutic value for readers is not new and it can be traced back to
ancient Greece. Inscribed over the door of a sacred library in the tomb complex of Ramses II was
the phrase psyches iatreion, "healing place of the soul." In 1916, Reverend Samuel McChord
Crothers coined the term bibliotherapy to describe the guided use of literature to help people
understand and solve problems relevant to their therapeutic needs.
For years, adults have used children's literature as an adjunct tool to help guide a child's thinking,
instil moral values, strengthen personal character, and shape behaviour. More recently, however,
children's books have taken on an additional role: empowering young minds with critical thinking
skills to foster social-emotional learning (SEL) in a safe social setting, in the classroom, and in the
counselling practitioner's office to foster empathy and perspective in children. Through the



imaginative process that reading involves, children have the opportunity to do what they often
cannot do in real lifebecome thoroughly involved in the inner lives of others, better understand
them, and eventually become more aware of themselves. And the more competent children are in
their SEL skills, the more successful they will be in school and in life.
Well-written, developmentally age-appropriate literature offers wonderful teachable moments that
allow children to:

identify with the story's protagonist

acquire insight into the characters' thoughts, feelings, and actions in relation to the
particular issue

experience catharsis (the release of pent-up emotional feelings) upon the realization
that they aren't the only ones who have this problem

explore other possible ways of working out their own problems by seeing how the
characters handled the problems themselves and how their actions or words played


share personal experiences as a natural progression of discussion

Complete the task and keep a record in your portfolio


Prepare a graphic organiser to show the benefits of bibliotherapy children.


Find other reading resources or surf any website and search for any
related articles pertaining to the benefits of bibliotheraphy.


Surf related web sites and look for further information on the criteria of
selecting bibiliotherapy book for problematic children.


Refer to the url listed, read the articles and list down other stages/steps
on how to go about using bibliotherapy with children.



Norton, D. E. (2003). Through the Eyes of a Child: An Introduction to Childrens
Literature.(6th Edition). Pearson Education Ltd. New Jersey.
Anderson, N.A.(2002). Elementary childrens literature: the basics for teachers and
parents (2nd ed). USA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Alex,N.K. (1993) Bibliotherapy. ERIC Digest.(ERIC Documentation Reproduction Service
No. ED357 3330)
Ludwig, T (2012). Using Childrens Literature to Build Social-Emotional Skills. Retrieved
Anti-Defamation League (2005). Words that heal: Using children's literature to increase
empathy and help students cope with bullying. ADL curriculum connections: Anti-bias
lesson plans and resources for K12 educators. Retrieved from connections/winter 2005/Words that
Committee for Children (2011). Self-regulation skills and the new elementary Second
Step program. Second Step: Skills for Social and Academic Success. Retrieved PDF:
K-5 Self-Regulation Skills.pdf
Myracle, L. (1995). Molding the minds of the young: The history of bibliotherapy as
applied to children and adolescents. The ALAN Review, 22(2). Retrieved from
Rozalski, M., Stewart, A. L., & Miller, J. (2010). Bibliotherapy: Helping children cope with
life's challenges. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 47(1), 3337.
Shechtman, Z. (2009). Treating child and adolescent aggression through bibliotherapy.
New York: Springer, 2637.
Sullivan, A. K., & Strang, H. R. (2003). Bibliotherapy in the classroom: Using literature to
promote the development of emotional intelligence. Childhood Education, 79(2), 74

Take a break before you move on to the next topic.



Kurotol Aini binti Muhamad Mukhtar





This topic introduces you to the childrens literature in Malaysian Primary English Language
curriculum which is implemented to equip pupils with basic language skills in order to enable them
to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts that is appropriate to the pupils level of
development. This topic also helps to develop your ability to understand childrens literature and
describe how literature can be used in English language classroom.It also guides you to teach the
pupils to appreciatiate literature through texts read, sing songs, recite rhymes and poems as well
as produce creative works for enjoyment.




By the end of this session, you will be able to:

demonstrate an understanding of childrens literature in the Malaysian Primary English

Language Curriculum by examine the literature content of the curiculum

identify and evaluate the different literary genres suitable for the primary English classroom.
demonstrate an awareness of the use of childrens literature in teaching English langugage

through purposeful activities in meaningful contexts.

train the pupils to appreciatiate literature through texts read , sing songs, recite rhymes and
poems as well as produce creative works for enjoyment.


10.2.1. Examine the Literature Content of the Curriculum

The curriculum content is organised in terms of Content Standards and Learning Standards.
Content Standards specify the essential knowledge, skills, understandings and strategies that



pupils need to learn. Learning Standards describe in detail the degree or quality of proficiency that
pupils need to display in relation to the Content Standards for a particular year.
In the initial stages of learning English, pupils will have the opportunity to listen to meaningful
English input, in the form of stories or oral descriptions by teachers based on graphic texts.
Through listening, pupils will become familiar with words that will be introduced in their early
reading and writing lessons. The emphasis in the initial stages will be on vocabulary acquisition.
English is taught as a second language in all Malaysian primary and secondary schools. The
mastery of English is essential for pupils to gain access to information and knowledge written in
English. In line with the governments policy on strengthening English, the curriculum has been
designed to produce pupils who will be proficient in the language.
The goal of the English language curriculum is to help pupils acquire the language in order to help
them use it in their daily lives, to further their studies, and for work purposes.
This curriculum stresses the development of critical literacy. Teachers will provide opportunities for
pupils to question and evaluate texts that they listen to, read or view. These opportunities are
essential for achieving personal growth and confidence in functioning as an effective and
productive member of our society. This is in line with the goals of the National Philosophy of
Education which seeks to optimise the intellectual, emotional and spiritual potential of pupils.
The English Language Curriculum for Primary Schools aims to equip pupils with basic language
skills to enable them to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts that is appropriate to the
pupils level of development.
In the language arts module, pupils are trained to show appreciation of and demonstrate
understanding of texts read, sing songs, recite rhymes and poems as well as produce creative
works for enjoyment.
Definition of childrens literature
Childrens literature can be defined as the
material created for and widely read, viewed and
heard by children, that has an
imaginative element.



( Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum KPM, 2006 )

Children's literature exists as an idea in the adult mind about the ways one speaks to children,
about how we adults configure childhood. Childrens literature celebrates the imagination we think
is necessary for us to engage childhood as adults. It is a way for adults, in short, to distinguish
children from adults ( Barnad, & Winn. 2006 ).
It is probably most useful to define childrens literature broadly, as literature that doesn't exclude
children, family literature, literature for a number of generations ( Laffrodo, 2006 ).
Childrens literature represent our first encounters with literature, in which we hear words used
beautifully and tune ourselves to the rhythms of our language. ( Chech, 2004 ).Childrens
literature is a gymnasium where children enter it, they exercise the imagination, the emotions, the
intelect and even the conscience on moral sensisibility in a way that they can know nowhere else.
( Jones, ( 2001 ).
Benefits of having Childrens Literature

Personal and Emotional gains

Literature gives enjoyment.
It enriches their understanding of themselves and the world around them.
It develops imagination.
It helps children make sense of their own experience.
It evokes ones feelings on issues related to life.

Learning Gains
It allows children to learn new ideas and knowledge.
It adds to their understanding of concepts.
It allows children to understand cultural traditions and values and
issues in life.
It allows children to develop respect for self and others.
It encourages them to become aware of their audience.

Language Gains
It helps children develop an awareness of how language works in communication.
It helps them develop an understanding of the meaning of words.
It allows them to experience new ways of using language that bridges
the gap between written and spoken language.


Analyse the Literature Component of the Curriculum

Dokumen Standard Kurikulum Sekolah Rendah ( Modul Teras Asas)

Bahasa Inggeris SK, Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum 2010



Dokumen Standard Kurikulum Sekolah Rendah ( Modul Teras Asas)

Bahasa Inggeris SJK, Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum 2010

Aims and objectives of the childrens literature programme

To help pupils improve their English through reading simple fiction

To provide a continuum for the literature component introduced in secondary school

To create an enjoyable learning environment

To instil and inculcate the reading habit among pupils.

To enrich pupils vocabulary and language content.

To enhance pupils thinking skills.

To promote cultural understanding in the Malaysian context

To improve English language proficiency of pupils.

To provide lively, enjoyable and high-interest readings.

By the end of each year of learning, learners should be able to:

talk about their friends and family confidently and

express concerns about growing up;

sing songs,

recite simple poems and;

tell simple stories;

read and understand simple stories

give an opinion on the story and

write stories,

show an awareness of moral values and love towards the nation.

A Modular Curriculum
The modularity of the standard based English Language Curriculum (KSSR) is of a modular
structure. By organizing the organizing the curriculum standards under five modules (four for Year
1 and 2), pupils will be able to focus on the development of salient language skills under each
module through purposeful activities in meaningful contexts.



This modular approach does not exclude integration skills. However, skills integration is exploited
strategically to enhance pupils development of specific language skills as described in the
content and learning standards in a module. The curriculum is modular in design and this is
reflected in the organization of the content and learning standards.
In order to make learning more meaningful and purposeful, language input is presented under
themes and topics which are appropriate for pupils. Three broad themes have been identified in
the curriculum.

World of Self, Family and Friends;

World of Stories and

World of Knowledge.

Language Arts
Language Arts Bahasa Inggeris SK Year 1&, 2
The standards for language arts in Year 1 and 2 will explore the power of story, rhyme, and song
to activate pupils imagination and interest, thus encouraging them to use English language
This component will ensure that they benefit from hearing and using language from fictional
as well as non fiction sources. Through fun filled and meaningful activities in this component,
pupils will gain a rich and invaluable experience in using the English language. When taught well,
pupils will take pride in their success.
They will also benefit strongly from consistent praise for effort and achievement by the teachers
with the aim of making their learning as rewarding as possible. Pupils will also be encouraged to
plan, prepare and produce simple creative works.
In addition, the Language Arts module also provides pupils an opportunity to integrate, experiment
and apply what they have learnt in the other modules in fun-filled, activity-based and meaningful



The standards for language arts in Year 1 and 2 will explore the power of story, rhyme and song to
activate pupils imagination and interest, thus encouraging them to use English language widely.
This component will ensure that they benefit from hearing and using language from fictional as
well as non-fictional sources.
Through fun-filled and meaningful activities in this component, pupils will gain a rich and
invaluable experience in using the English language. When taught well, pupils will take pride in
their success. They will also benefit strongly from consistent praise for effort and achievement by
the teachers with the aim of making their learning as rewarding as possible.
Pupils will also be encouraged to plan, prepare and produce simple creative works. In addition,
the Language Arts module also provides pupils an opportunity to integrate, experiment and apply
what they have learnt in the other modules in fun-filled, activity-based and meaningful
Table 1 : Content and Learning Standards - Language Arts
( Bahasa Inggeris SK Year 1 and 2 )
By the end of the 6-year
schooling, pupils will be able
enjoy and appreciate
poems and songs, through

Year One
4.1.1 Able to enjoy nursery
rhymes, jazz chants and action
songs through non-verbal
4.1.2 Able to recite nursery rhymes ,
jazz chants and sing action songs
with correct pronunciation and

By the end of the 6-year


4.2.1 Able to demonstrate skills in

handling books appropriately.

schooling pupils will be able

to express personal
response to literary texts.

4.2.2 Able to respond to:

a. book covers
b. pictures in books
with guidance.

Language Arts Bahasa Inggeris SJK Year 1, 2 and 3


Year Two
4.1.1.Able to enjoy action songs
and jazz chants through nonverbal response.
4.1.2 Able to sing action songs and
recite jazz chants with correct
pronunciation, rhythm and

4.2.1 Able to respond to:

a. book covers
b. pictures in books
c. characters
with guidance.


The standards for language arts in Year 1, 2 and 3 will explore the power of story, rhyme and song
to activate pupils imagination and interest, thus encouraging them to use English language
This component will ensure that they benefit from hearing and using language from fictional as
well as non-fictional sources. Through fun-filled and meaningful activities in this component, pupils
will gain a rich and invaluable experience in using the English language. When taught well, pupils
will take pride in their success.
They will also benefit strongly from consistent praise for effort and achievement by the teachers
with the aim of making their learning as rewarding as possible. Pupils will also be encouraged to
plan, prepare and produce simple creative works. In addition, the Language Arts module also
provides pupils an opportunity to integrate, experiment and apply what they have learnt in the
other modules in fun-filled, activity-based and meaningful experiences.
Table 2 : Content and Learning Standards Year One and Two- Language Arts
( Bahasa Inggeris SJK Years 1, 2 and 3 )

Year One

Year Two

4.1 By the end of the

6-year primary
schooling, pupils will
be able to enjoy and
appreciate rhymes,
poems and songs,

4.1.1 Able to enjoy nursery

rhymes and action songs
through non-verbal response.
4.1.2 Able to recite nursery
rhymes and sing action songs
with correct pronunciation and

4.1.1 Able to enjoy action

songs and jazz chants
through non-verbal
4.1.2 Able to sing action
songs and recite jazz
chants with correct
pronunciation, rhythm
and intonation.

4.1.1 Able to enjoy jazz

chants and poems through
non-verbal response.
4.1.2 Able to recite jazz
chants and poems with
correct pronunciation,
rhythm and intonation.

4.2 By the end of the

6-year primary
schooling pupils will
be able to express
personal response
to literary texts.

4.2.1 Able to demonstrate

skills in handling books
4.2.2 Able to respond to:
a. book covers
b. pictures in books with

4.2.1 Able to respond to:

a. book covers
b. pictures in books
c. characters with

4.2.1 Able to respond to:

a. characters
b. place with guidance.

10.2.3 Identify Literary Sources For Children


Year Three


Reading stories with children introduces them to the complex nature of language and helps them
in acquiring important language skills. However, the type of books read to children contributes to
the depth of their learning. Parents should try to include a variety of books in their read aloud
experience. Different types of genre books are associated with different amounts and types of
language and each will encourage a different dialog or conversation with children.
Let's start this analysis by defining children's literature as both fiction and non-fiction books written
especially for children from 0 to 12 years old. Children's books are classified by the following

Picture Books.
Children's books that provide a "visual experience" - telling a
story with pictures. There may or may not be text with the
book. The content of the book, however, can be fully explained
or illustrated with pictures.

Picture Story Books.

Children's books that contain pictures or illustrations that complement the story, often mirroring
the plot. Both the text and the illustrations are important to the development of the story. The
pictures are the "eye-candy" that get people's attention, but the text is also needed to complete
the story.
Suggested Reading:
Quick as a cricket by Don and Audrey Wood
Flower Garden by Eve Bunting
Traditional Literature.
Stories that are passed down from generation to generation, changing slowly over time are called
traditional literature, this is what makes them so fascinating - they provide a link between the past
and the future. The stories, while retaining much of their original flavor and content have to



evolve in subtle ways to remain meaningful in different eras. Traditional literature is a great
starting point to introduce children to the concept of a story and introduce them to different types
of stories or genres and we can further break traditional literature down as:
Suggested Reading:
Goldilocks and Three Bears by James Marshall
The Acorn Tree and other Folktales by Anne F. Rockwell

These feature common folks, such as peasants, and commonplace events. There maybe
be some "make-believe" elements, like talking animals, but the stories, overall, sound
logical - even realistic. Folk tales seek to explain things about life, nature, or the human

Fairy Tales
Also called "magic stories," these are filled with dreamlike possibility. Fairy tales feature
magical and enchanted forces. They always have a "happily ever after" ending, where
good is rewarded and evil is punished.

Short stories, in verse or prose, with an moral ending. These types of stories are credited
Aesop (6th century BC), who told tales of animals and other inanimate objects that teach
lessons about life.

While based in history, these stories embellish the life of a real person. The facts and
adventures of the person are exaggerated, making the individual famous for their deeds.

Some stories have to be told as related tales to be meaningful. Myths portray themselves
as representing a distant past. They contain common themes and characters, often
"gods." Myths attempt to explain the beginning of the world, natural phenomena, the
relationships between the gods and humans, and the origins of civilization. Myths, like
legends, are stories told as though they were true.



Historical Fiction.
These are stories that are written to portray a time period or convey information about a specific
time period or an historical event. Authors use historical fiction to create drama and interest
based on real events in people's lives. The characters may be real, based on real people, or
entirely made up.
In many ways, these types of books can be more powerful teaching tools than nonfiction,
especially for children. Often, historical fiction presents history from the point of view of young
participants. There are few contemporary accounts of how children have experienced and
participated in Children's historical fiction features youth playing an important, participatory role in
Modern Fantasy.
This broad genre is probably easier to define by example or by what it is NOT. The
stories are contemporary or are nondescript as to when they occur. They are
imaginative tales require young readers to accept elements and story lines that clearly
cannot be true - readers must suspend disbelief. The stories may be based on
animals that talk, elements of science fiction, supernatural or horror, or combinations
of these elements.

Suggested Reading:
Charlottes Web,
Winnie The Pooh,
Alice In the Wonderland,
Willie Wonka and The Chocolate Factory,
The Wizard of Oz.



Realistic Fiction.
Books that are written for today's youths, representing contemporary times, based on real world
situations are called realistic fictions. Similar to historical fiction, except these stories are based
on current events. They feature children as their main characters and often allow young readers
to experience different settings, cultures, and situations than what is the norm for their
lifestyle. Childrens realistic fiction features main characters of approximately the age (or slightly
older than) the books intended audience. The books present a real young person solves that
Non-fiction or Informational Books.
Books that are designed to help readers learn more about real things. They provide young
readers information without the literary devises common to fiction. They can be a challenging
genre for children because a given presentation about the real world has to assume something
about a readers abilities, understanding of interest. The challenge is to match high interest topics
with appropriate reading levels and backgrounds knowledge. For example, may children
interested in jets and rockets, but few are ready to read rocket science. In schools, these books
have traditionally been used for academic study and research projects.



Suggested Rea Reading:
Dinosaur Bones by Bob Barner
From Wheat to Pasta by Robert Egan
A form of non-fiction that is based on the life of a person. Children enjoy reading stories
about other people - biographies and form an effective "bridge" between storytelling and nonfiction
- after all - everyone's life is a story! Because biographies are almost always published about notable
people in notable fields,

biographies are often used to introduce children to the concept of non - fiction.

Biographies can also be extremely motivating young children to dream about when they grow up. The lives
of famous, important people let children see how the process of growing up shapes the opportunities,
choices, and challenges people face in life.
Poetry and Drama.
Poems and drama are important genres that introduce children to verse, prose, rhythm, rhyme, writing
styles, literary devices, symbolism, analogies, and metaphors. From a librarians point of view, they are
important because they are written at different reading levels so that a young readers interests can be
matched with text that is consistent with their abilities. This is a especially important for reluctant readers
that may read below their age group. The simple language used in some poems and drama can be
appreciated by readers of varying abilities, providing a context to teach a variety of language skills.
Suggested Reading:
Sing a Song of Popcorn : Every Childs Book of Poems by M. White
Read - Aloud Rhymes for the Very Young by Jack Prelutsky
Richard Scarrys Best Mother Goose by Richard Scarry
The Real Mother Goose by Blanche Wrigh

Table : 3 Titles for Contemporary Childrens Literature Year 4 (SK)



( Dokumen Standard Kurikulum Sekolah Rendah ( Modul Teras Asas)
Bahasa Inggeris SK, Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum 2010 )

Tidy Your Room, Tanya! - Pamela Rushby

Karisma Productions2
Tales and Tails -Hyacinth Gaudart
Gapura Cita3.
The Little Blue Boy -Fatou Keita
Danalis Distributors4.

Kedah, PulauPinang,
Wilayah Persekutuan,
Negeri Sembilan,
Johor, Melaka

Coral Bay Surprise -Barbara & David Miller

Rima Enterprise5
Everyone is Good At Something -Peter Etherton
Falcon Press6.
The Humble Prince-Kumara Velu
Oscar Book International

Samples childrens poetry

Three Little Kittens

Three little kittens
Lost their mittens
And they began to cry
Oh Mother dear,
We sadly fear
Our mittens we have lost!
What! Lost your mittens,
You naughty kittens?
Then you shall have no pie!
Meow! Meow! Meow!
Three little kittens
They found their mittens
And they began to cry
Oh Mother dear,
See here, see here,
Our mittens we have found!
What! Found your mittens,


Kelantan, Labuan,
Sabah ,Sarawak


You darling little kittens?
Then you shall have some pie!
Purr, purr, purr.

Samples rhymes
Two Little Black Birds
Two little black birds,
Sitting on the wall,
One is Peter, One is Paul
Fly away Peter
Fly away Paul
Come back Peter
Come back Paul
Samples of childrens songs
Que Serra Serra
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother
What will I be
Will I be preety
Will I be rich
Heres what she said to me
Que serra serra
What ever will be, will be
The future is not us to see
Que serra serra
What will be will be
The English Language syllabus has introduced Childrens Contemporary Literature in Year 4, 5
and 6 in order to provide an early beginning and a foundation in literature. Pupils will develop an
understanding of other societies, cultures, values and traditions that will help them in their



emotional and spiritual growth. A follow-up programme to the structured reading programme for
Year 1 and Year 2 pupils.
The implementation of KSSR has put more emphasis in children literature.The standards for
Language Arts in Year 1 and Year 2 will explore the power of story, rhyme and song to activate
pupils imagination and interest, thus encouraging them to use English language widely.
The standards for Language Arts in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 for SJK will also explore the power
of story, rhyme and song to activate pupils imagination and interest, thus encouraging them to
use English language widely.
This component will ensure that they benefit from hearing and using language from fictional as
well as non-fictional sources. Through fun-filled and meaningful activities in this component, pupils
will gain a rich and invaluable experience in using the English language. When taught well, pupils
will take pride in their success.
They will also benefit strongly from consistent praise for effort and achievement by the teachers
with the aim of making their learning as rewarding as possible. Pupils will also be encouraged to
plan, prepare and produce simple creative works. In addition, the Language Arts module also
provides pupils an opportunity to integrate, experiment and apply what they have learnt in the
other modules in fun-filled, activity-based and meaningful experiences.
The objective of the Language Arts component also complement the reading skills.Students read
and enjoy simple stories and poems and respond to them by talking about people, animals and
moral values in the story or poem, and relating it to ones life.Students need to read simple texts
and predict outcomes at a level suited to learnersability.Students also need to read simple texts
and make inferences and draw obvious conclusions.

Tutorial Question
Task 1



1 ( a ) Choose any literary genre suggested in Year 2 KSSR curriculum. Design one activity
which promote cultural understanding in Malaysian context.
Task 2
2 ( a ) Discuss the importance of having a literature component in the curiculum
( b) Discuss the roles of literature in The English Language Curriculum for Primary Schools
Task 3: Plan a language art lesson on talking about people, animals and moral values in the
story or poem, and relating it to pupils life
Task 4: Choose one story suggested in year 4 curriculum. Design an activity you plan to use in
your next literature lesson to help the students follow the plot of the story.
Thats all you have to do. Good Luck!
Dokumen Standard Kurikulum Sekolah Rendah ( Modul Teras Asas) Bahasa Inggeris SK,
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum 2010
Dokumen Standard Kurikulum Sekolah Rendah ( Modul Teras Asas) Bahasa Inggeris SJK,
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum 2010
Access literature : An Introduction to fiction, poetry and drama ( Barnard, B & Winn, F, David,
2006 ) Thomas Wadsworth, Boston USA.
Literature : An Introduction to Reading and writing ( Roberts. V.E & Jacobs, H.E, 1998 ) PrenticeHall, New Jersey.
Power Point Kursus Pelaksanaan Program Bacaan Sastera Kontemporari Kanak-Kanak Bahasa
Inggeris Tahun 6 contemporary childrens literature overview & assessment (2006)
Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
Siti Hawa Hasim




















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