Questions For Copra Workers

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Luisa Andrea Garcia

Patricia Anne Guevara

IS 111

S 11:30-2:30

August 16, 2014

Copra Workers in Sorsogon city,

This field research will mainly evaluate the current conditions of copra workers in Bicol
Region. Copra is the dried sections of the meat of the coconut; the kernel of the fruit of the
coconut palm (Britannica, n.d.). It is valued for the coconut oil extracted from it and for the
resulting residue, coconut oil cake which is used mostly for livestock feed. This research will
investigate about the working plights of those who make the copra firsthand. The process
includes the collection, husking, drying or burning, and extraction of coconuts. This intricate
process includes careful inspection to avoid contamination of molds and prevention of the drying
out of meat completely in the sun. Despite the fact that copra business is an extensive industry in
the Philippines, the pricing of the copras aren't regulated. The working conditions of these
farmers are hazardous; the farmers mostly need careful attention due to the risks of their working
environment. The researchers will analyze the current obstacles of copra farmers particularly
their social, political, environmental, and economical vulnerabilities.
Block 1: Workers Profile

What is your full name?

Where do you live?
Is your workplace near to your house?
How old are you now?
Are there schools near this area?
Did you finish grade school?
Did you finish high school?
If not, what year did you finish?

Block 2: Household Profile

Are you still staying with your family as of the moment?

Do your parents still work? If yes, what are their jobs?
How many siblings do you have?
Are you currently providing for the needs of your family?
If not, do you have your own family?
At what age did you start your family?
How many children do you have?
How old are they?
Are all of them currently studying?
Where do you live together?
Are you providing financial assistance aside from your family(ies)?
Do you have family members who also work in the copra business?

Block 3: Wages and Working Conditions

Is this your only job?

If not, what are your other job(s)?
Is this your first job?
If not, what was your first job?
When did you start entering the copra business?
Who influenced you in entering the copra business?
How did you start as an apprentice in this business?
Did they give you training initially or not?
Did you co-workers help you in during your first days?
Was it hard getting used to the work regimen at first?
Are you still having a difficult time adjusting?
Is it difficult to be a copra worker? Why or Why not?
What are the working conditions you like in your job? And what are the things you dislike?
Do you obtain regular income from your work?
How do you cope with situations like typhoons where copra products are damaged?
Is your work affected?
During the time of financial shortage where do you get sources of income?
How much do you earn in your work?
Do you think that it is enough to provide for your family? Or do you need other jobs in order

to earn more?
How much do you sell your copra?
Do you think this price is justifiable?
Does the price of copra change?

Block 4: Dreams about the nation

If you have the choice to pick a job, what would it be?

What are your dreams?
As a copra worker, what do you think are the things that are needed to be addressed in terms

of your working conditions and the like?

Considering your hazardous working environment, do you think that your work needs the
attention of the government?


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