1st Periodical Test in ENGLISH VI

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A. Direction: Write your answer on the space provided before the number. Listen as the teacher reads the sentences.
Choose the letter of the correct meaning of the sentence based on the stressed word.
1. Mary will have a party on her birthday.
2. My uncle serves as a consultant in a publishing house.
3. Both Riza and Rhoda have badminton practice once a week.
B. Direction: Listen and follow the instruction that the teacher will give.
4. Circle the animal. Do not write any letters.
C. Direction: Listen to the selection carefully. Choose the letter that gives the main idea and write it on the space

5. Exercise as much as possible to keep your body healthy. Exercise helps keep your heart to
pump efficiently and your muscles to remain strong. It also increases your lung capacity so that
more oxygen gets into your body. It even helps you to burn off excess fats. One of the last
exercises is swimming because it uses all parts of your body at once.
6. All life on earth depends on the heat and light from the sun. Plants manufacture food with the
aid of sunlight. Photosynthesis cannot happen without the suns rays on leaves of green plants.
Animals will die from cold if the sun does not shine for many months. If we could use the suns
heat as a source of energy, the sunlight that falls on earth in one could run the worlds machines
for one month.

Department of Education
Region III
City Schools Division of Mabalacat
Mabalacat North District
Mabalacat City (P)
S.Y. 2013-2014
Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Grade and section: __________________________________________ Score: _______________________
A. Direction: Write your answer on the space provided before the number. Listen as the teacher reads the sentences.
Choose the letter of the correct meaning of the sentence based on the stressed word.
_____ 1. Mary will have a party on her birthday.
a. Not a dance contest but a party.
b. Not Anna but Mary

c. A birthday not a wedding

d. It will be Karen that will have a party not Jenny.

_____ 2. My uncle serves as a consultant in a publishing house.

a. Not an author but a consultant
b. Not a law firm but a publishing house

c. My uncle not my aunt

d. A publishing house not a coffee house

_____ 3. Both Riza and Rhoda have badminton practice once a week.
a. Both Riza and Rhoda only
b. Badminton not bowling

c. Not every day but once a week

d. A practice not a contest

B. Direction: Listen and follow the instruction that the teacher will give. (Circle the animal. Do not write any letters.)

ov ____

fr ____

c ____

b ____

C. Direction: Listen to the selection carefully. Choose the letter that gives the main idea and write it on the space
_____ 5. a. Exercise as much as possible to keep your body healthy.
b. Drink a lot of fluids.
c. Malnutrition must be defeated.
d. Dont block the drive way.
______6. a. Deserts are hot, dry lands, but many animals live in them.
b. All life on earth depends on the heat and light from the sun.
c. Clouds affect the weather in several ways.
d. The sun is the center of the solarsystem.
A. Direction: Identify the correct intonation to use. Draw for rising intonation and for falling intonation on the
space provided.
_____ 7. Are you hurt?
_____ 8. Why you believe in God-given talents?
_____ 9. Can you wait?
_____ 10. What do you have in mind?

B. Direction: Choose the correct expression used in a club meeting.

_____ 11. To close the meeting if there is no other business. _______________________
a. The meeting will now come to order
b. I suggest that...

c. Mr. President or Mr. Chairman

d. I move that this meeting will be adjourned

_____ 12. The meeting is formally opened. ________________________

a. The meeting will now come to order
c. Mr. President or Mr. Chairman
b. I suggest that...
d. I move that this meeting will be adjourned
_____ 13. To put something forward for discussion or decision. ________________________
a. The meeting will now come to order
c. Mr. President or Mr. Chairman
b. I suggest that...
d. I move that this meeting will be adjourned
_____ 14. A way of addressing the president. ________________________
a. The meeting will now come to order
c. Mr. President or Mr. Chairman
b. I suggest that...
d. I move that this meeting will be adjourned
C. Direction: Identify the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.
_____ 15 Most great leaders manifest their potency by leading as role model.
a. sanitation
c. bravery
b. effectiveness
d. gravity
_____ 16. Badjaos are said to be monogamous unlike Tausugs political leaders who resort to polygamy to have a big
a. married twice
c. never married
b. married once
d. married more than twice
D. Direction: Change the following statements into questions.
_____ 17. The show will start at 1:00 p.m.
a. What time is it?
b. Where is the show?
_____ 18. A loud sound woke him up.
a. Where are you sleeping?
b. Who woke up?
_____ 19. Zander is the only son in the family.
a. Is Zander the only son in the family?
b. Is Zander your brother?

c. When will the show start?

d. Why is he late?
c. Do you want to sleep more?
d. What made him wake up?
c. How old is Zander?
d. Where is Zander?

E. Direction: Select the letter that will complete the sentence.

_____ 20. Alex takes good care of his plant, _________?
a. dont he
b. did he
c. doesnt he
_____ 21. We can hear the thunder after the lightning, ____________?
a. can we
b. cant we
c. couldnt
_____ 22. Rovin will study hard, _____________________?
a. wont he
b. will he
c. doesnt he
_____ 23. You are the best, _______________________?
a. isnt you
b. arent you
c. are you

d. was he
d. does we
d. was he
d. were you

A. Direction: Identify the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.
_____ 24. When you throw a ball against the wall, it will bounce back to you.
a. to check
b. to throw back from a surface
c. to pick up
d. to roll
_____ 25. Suddenly, I was sure I saw a sharks long body disappearing behind the rocks
a. vanishing
b. conquered
c. humble
d. durable
_____ 26. Luckily, I had my old and long-lasting spear with me.
a. humble
b. gratitude
c. durable
d. reef
_____ 27. I got a little windmill as my souvenir.
a. remembrance
b. twilight
c. on board
d. boat
_____ 28. The teacher is going to preview the video before the class watches it.
a. an advance showing b. to give
c. for share
d. an advance support
_____ 29. The class will then have to write a review of the nonfiction video.
a. to see for the first time
c. to prevent
b. the process of going over a subject again in study
d. write again
_____ 30. When riding a bicycle one must be careful.
a. full of care
b. fully caring
c. funny
d. favored

_____ 31. People who throw their trash anywhere are heartless.
a. cruel
b. kind
c. sweet
d. amazing
B. Directions: Read the steps or directions in taking fingerprints. Answer the questions that follow.
Taking Fingerprints
Things to prepare: pencil, typing paper, clear tape magnifying hand glass
- Rub the sharpened end of the pencil across a sheet of paper 15 to 20 times to collect a layer of graphite on the paper.
- Rub your left index across the graphite on the paper.
-Tear off about 2 and centimeters of clear tape. Stick it on the fingertips with graphite.
- Remove the tape and stick it on a clean sheet of typing paper.
- You will see your fingerprint stuck on the tape.

____ 32. What are the materials needed?

a. fingerprint
b. pencil, typing paper

c. about 2 and centimeters

d. 15 to 20 times to collect a layer

____ 33. What is the first steps in taking fingerprints?

a. Stick it on the fingertips with graphite.
b. Rub the sharpened end of the pencil across a sheet of paper.
c. Remove the tape and stick it on a clean sheet of typing paper.

Rub your left index across the graphite on the paper.

C. Directions: In a box is a prescription for adults who are suffering from colds. Read it and answer the questions that
1 TAB.

____ 34. In what form is the medicine being prescribed?

a. capsule
b. syrup
c. tablet
____ 35. How are you going to administer the medicine as prescribed?
a. swallow it
b. inject it on the muscle
c. rub it on the skin

d. chewable
d. dice it

D. Directions: Read the steps or directions in cooking Scrambled Eggs. Answer the questions that follow.

1. Get ready of the following:

4 ounces of white fish meat, finely minced
2 tablespoon flour
teaspoon salt
6 eggs beaten
3 tablespoon sugar
2. Mix together fish, flour and salt.
3. Add beaten eggs and mix well.
4. When thoroughly blended, add sugar.
5. Heat oil in pan, and then pour in egg mixture.
6. Cover and simmer for fifteen minutes.
7. Turn and cook the other side.
8. Make four servings.

____ 36. What will you do if youre done blending the beaten eggs together?
a. cook the other side. b. cover and simmer
c. add sugar
d. heat oil
E. Directions: Compare and contrast two characters using a Venn diagram. Complete the graphic organizer.
Jack and Jay are twins. They are both good in table tennis. Both of them are model pupils in each class. Jack is a
born rock star who sings almost day and night. He spends his quality time composing songs. Jay on the other hand prefer
on discovering new dishes. If you are looking for him, go straight to the kitchen. Despite of being twins its easy
distinguish them apart. Jack has cute dimples while Jay has a mole on his forehead.


- likes singing
- compose songs

- good in
playing table


- likes cooking
- spend time in the

A. Directions: Number the sentences in the correct sequential order A-F. Then rewrite them to form a composition
showing introduction, body and conclusion.
____ 40. That day, I started counting the days because I knew Dad would be back by Christmas.
____ 41. The trip to the airport seemed very short and quiet.
____ 42. The day Father left for Saudi Arabia was a sad event in my life.
____ 43. My mother, elder brothers, youngest sister, grandparents and other relatives saw him off at the airports. We all
kissed him goodbye.
____ 44. Finally, he disappeared from our sight as he joined the rest of the passengers.
____ 45. At last we reached the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

46-50 B. Directions: Rewrite the sequenced events above to form a composition showing introduction, body and

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