Topic 1:: The Day of Croatian War Veterans. It's A Public Holiday in Croatia, and It's Celebrated

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Topic 1:

A stereotype is a thought that may be adopted about specific types of individuals or

certain ways of doing things, but that belief may or may not accurate. That is only a
psychological definition of stereotype. Stereotype content refers to the attributes that
people think characterize a group of people.
For example, a very known stereotype in our country is one about Dalmatians. A
stereotype about them is that they are lazy and unfriendly to foreigners. It might be
true, but we can't generalise things like that, and sometimes when you say to a
Dalmatian that he is lazy, he might get offended by that.
Another stereotype is about Japenese people. That one is positive, because it says that
they are polite, punctual and precise.

Topic 2:
Important celebration in Croatia is Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and
the Day of Croatian War Veterans. It's a public holiday in Croatia, and it's celebrated
on August 5th. On that day in 1995. Croatian Army took over the city of Knin during
the Army Operation named Storm. That operation was an end of self-proclaimed
Republic of Serbian Krajina, which was a paramilitary state on Croatian teritory for
four years since they announced their so called independence in August 1990.
The main celebration is centered in Knin where there are activities commemorating
the event, beginning with a mass and laying of wreaths in honor of those who died in
the war, and continuing with parades and concerts.

Topic 3:
Martin Luther King was an American pastor, activist and a leader of Afro-American
Civil Right Movement. He is best known for his nonviolent civil rights activities. He
also recieved the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for combating racial inequality through
nonviolence. In 1963, he was one of the organizers of March on Washington, where he
held a famous ''I had a dream'' speech. He was also against USA intervention in
Vietnam, and he wanted that money to be spend on social welfare. He was under
investigation by FBI for his so called spreading of communist ideas, but he wasn't
convicted for that. He was assasinated in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4th, 1968. He
was killed in a motel which later become a National Museum of Civil Rights.

Topic 5:
I don't have any big wishes to do something particular, i would like to finish with
studying, and get a history degree, so i wouldn't mind to work in a school as a history
teacher, or in some kind of social institute or archive. I'm very interested in history so
any kind of job related to it would be interesting to me.
On the other side, i really don't know what kind of job i wouldn't want to work,
expecially nowadays when lots of people are unemployed and living in poverty, so
then i would consider some jobs that i wouldn't like to do in other situation. But still,
nothing illegal.

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