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Circular No.


Dated: 18-01-2015

Subject: Short Training Courses/ Workshops Scheduled to be Held in DBI in February, 2015
Dear Sir/Madam,
The following short training courses/workshops are scheduled to be held in DCCI Business Institute
(DBI) in February, 2015, for development of forward-looking & knowledgeable entrepreneurs and skilled &
efficient business managers and executives:


Training Courses/ Workshops


International Business Communication in



06-07 February,2015 (Friday &Saturday),

10:00 a.m.- 05:30 p.m.

Professional Business Management


06-07 February,2015 (Friday & Saturday),

10:00 a.m.- 05:30 p.m.

How to Operate Import & Export Business


13-14 February,2015 (Friday &Saturday),

10:00 a.m.- 05:30 p.m.

Tools, Techniques & Skills for Business



13-14 February,2015 (Friday & Saturday),

10:00 a.m.- 05:30 p.m.

Uniform Customs and Practice

Documentary Credits (UCPDC)


20 February, 2015 (Friday),

10:00 a.m.- 05:30 p.m.

Human Resource Development (HRD)


27-28 February, 2015 (Friday & Saturday),

10:00 a.m.- 05:30 p.m.

Customer Behaviour and Excellent

Customer Services


27-28 February,2015 (Friday & Saturday),

10:00 a.m.- 05:30 p.m.



These courses/ workshops would help participants enhance their knowledge, skills and positive
attitude, apply advanced tools and techniques for intelligent decision-making, use modern strategic
business management methods, cut costs, ensure customer satisfaction so as to become
competitive in globalised market and reach organizational goals.

Brief of the Training Courses/Workshops are given below:

1. International Business Communication in English
Objectives: The objectives of this course are to make the participants conversant with: the Principles
and Practices of Written and Oral Communication, Practices of Internal Business Communication,
Good manners of Telephonic Conversation, Practices of conducting meetings and so on.
Course Contents: An Introduction: Communication in International Business and Its Types
Written and Oral Communication; How to make communication more effective? E-mail and written
importance in business;
Banking correspondence in good
business: Correspondence with customers for different kinds of accounts; Correspondence with
customers for loans and advances; Correspondence with customers for handling complaints
and adjustments; Various types of written communication: Internal office communication (Memo,
Notice, Minutes); International business correspondence; How to make your writing more effective,
Short report writing, Importance of report writing in business, Press release & how to prepare it; Oral
communication How to make a successful presentation? Using the telephone, effective telephonic

procedure; Internal Business Communication; Role of Meeting in Business Techniques of

conducting a successful meeting; Effectiveness of different media: Communication Processes of
Local & International Trade Inquiry, Quotation, Order, Invoice and Correctness in writing.
Target group: Entrepreneurs, Executives/Officers from Banks, any other business firm and other
persons with special interest in business communication.
2. Professional Business Management
Objectives: The main objectives of the workshop are to help people improve their managerial skills.
It aims at equipping participants with practical ideas for optimizing the most important resource in the
organization its people. The main take away concepts and skills are how to plan, organize, lead,
motivate and control people and the individuals concerned in an effective way for achieving the
organizational goal.
Course Contents: Introduction, Communication skills: Avoiding communication breakdown,
Listening skills, Assertiveness, Managing requests, Managing conflict, Giving & Receiving delegation
of power, Constructive criticism skills, Meetings, Report & letter writing, Taking notes and writing
minutes and Editing and proof-reading skills; Desk Management: Office layout and ergonomics,
Information System, Managing the paper load, e-mail and office technology. Supervising
administrative staff: Motivating, Coaching and Training Staff, Performance Appraisal and Reward.
Target group: Potential entrepreneurs, Office administrators, Supervisor of administrative staff,
Executive secretaries, other persons having special interest in office management and interpersonal
and professional skills.

3. How to Operate Import and Export Business

Objectives: The Objectives of the course are to improve and up-grade the skill of the people incharge of Importing and Exporting functions in business organizations. On completion of the course,
the participants will have fair ideas about how to: simplify export/import procedures; profitably raise
exports / imports; undertake timely steps for production of cost effective exportables; import goods
at a competitive price; expand existing markets; make exportable items more attractive to the market
through product diversification, quality improvement, etc.
Course Contents: Current Export and Import Scenario of Bangladesh; General Steps for Import
& Export Procedures; Import Procedures; Types of Importers; Letter of Credit (L/C) for Imports;
Different types of L/Cs and Obligations of Different Parties involved in L/C; Customs & Customs
Clearance; Export Policy, Export Performance and Economic Growth in Bangladesh; Export
Procedures & Registration, Checking and Advising of Export L/C; Export Procedures, EPC, ERF &
Preparation of Export Documents and Negotiation of Export Documents, Export Incentives,
Disputes and Settlement of Export Claims.
Target group: Directors /Managers/In-charges/Executives operating Imports & Exports business and
also working as the Manufacturers representatives; new Entrants in such business and persons
having special interest in export & import business.
4. Tools, Techniques & Skills for Business Negotiation
Objectives: The objective is to provide functional as well as effective knowledge about resultoriented negotiation. This is an intensive training course to provide transparent knowledge about
negotiation skills and its proper implementation for the purpose of business promotion and arrive at
a Win-Win-Agreement/Contract.

Course Contents: Introduction to Negotiation - Why Negotiate, Style and Outcome; The
Negotiation Model: Phases of Negotiation Detailed Investigation, Non-verbal communication,
Creative Presentation, Effective Bargaining; Win-Win Agreement; Making of a Motivated
Negotiator: Test to Determine the Motivation; The Areas of Negotiation & Cultural Negotiations;
The Technique and Principles of Negotiation; Application and Relevance in Bangladesh.
Target group: Entrepreneurs, Business leaders, Managers /Sales Professionals, Teachers,
Trainers, Consultants, Students and any one who likes to be a good negotiator to reach an Win-Win
agreement and to win friends and influence people.

5. Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCPDC)

Objectives: The objective of the course is to make the participants conversant with Uniform Customs
and Practices for Documentary Credit (UCPDC)600 with latest changes and related ICC
publications that govern presentation of documents in electronic form. UCPDC600 contains
important new provisions in the fields of transport, insurance and compliance which forms the basis
of Letter of Credit (L/C) transactions and international trade. The training is designed to add value to
the participants, concerned with import and export business through Documentary Credit.
Course Contents: Background, Definition, Interpretations, Applications of Different Articles of
UCPDC600; Uniform Rules for Reimbursement (URR-725); International Standard Banking
Practices (ISBP-681) for Handling Documentary Credit; and Problems & Solutions through Case
Study and more.
Target Groups: Exporters, Importers and Persons directly or indirectly related with Import and
Export business through Documentary Credit, Employed in Banks, Non-Bank Financial Institutions,
Firms, Companies.

6. Human Resource Development (HRD)

Objectives: The main objectives of the course are to provide effective and functional knowledge of
Human Resources Development (HRD) issues. On completion of the course the participants would
be able to know about Procedures of Organizational Change, Human Resource Management,
Employment Obligations, Induction and Redeployment, Factors vital for Fair Employment Conditions
and so on.
Course Contents: Introduction and Brief History of Human Resource Development (HRD), Modern
HR Management Functions, Job Analysis, Recruitment and Selection Policies, Human Resource
Plan, HR Management System, Motivation of HR, Compensation & Benefit Packages; Staff
Development and Succession Planning, Industrial Relations and CBA, Managing Grievances and
Conflicts, Disciplinary hearings and more.

Target group: Entrepreneurs & Would-be Entrepreneurs, Line Managers and HR Management
Professionals; Would-be HR Professionals; job seekers and others interested.
7. Customer Behaviour and Excellent Customer Services
Objectives: The objectives of the workshop are to know about Effective Customer Management to
provide value added customer services to external and internal customers, in a timely manner by
developing proper attitude, knowledge, technical support and quality of services.

Course Contents: What is Customer Service & why need it? Who are the customers & their needs &
expectations? Identifying & dealing with different types of customers: how to deal with challenging
customers, managing your stress in tense situation, why do customers leave, the art of customer
service. The power of effective customer communication: define effective communication, different
communication styles, conflict management styles, listening. Effective use of customer service
communication tools: customer service protocol; e-mail, voice mail, fax, non-verbal communication,
know your audience, identifying personality styles, etc.
Target group: Potential entrepreneurs, Office administrators, Supervisors of administrative staff,
Executive secretaries, Personal assistants and other persons having interest in office management,
specially those who are interested to develop interpersonal and professional skills to satisfy
customers for enhancing profit.
Facilitators for all courses: Highly qualified, professionally trained, reputed and experienced
resource persons in the related areas, having ample theoretical and practical knowledge from home
and abroad, with current information, are invited to conduct the training courses/workshops.
Selection Procedure: The intending participants may collect Registration Form from DCCI Business
Institute (DBI) or download copy from Participants belonging to the
target group will be registered on payment of requisite fees by Payment Order (PO)/Demand Draft
(DD) or in Cash in favour of Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
Discount : 10% for : (i) DCCI Members; (ii) women participants; (iii) graduate students ; (iv) 3 or
more participants from one organization; (v) early bird pakage (payment 5 days before registration
Registration Deadline: 3 working days prior to the starting date.

Seats are Limited.

First come First served.

Certificates: Certificates are awarded under signature of the President, DCCI and the Executive
Director, DBI.
I would appreciate if you would like to participate and/or nominate participants from your esteemed
organization for the selected course/workshop.
For registration, please contact: DBI at Mobile: 01913756587/01718972656/01913745062
Thanking in anticipation and with best regards.
Yours Sincerely,

(Md. Hossain Ali)

Executive Director, DBI
Mobile no. 01711079721

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