Frozen Dialogues

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Olaf: [singing] Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle / But put me in summer and I'll be a...
[pauses in front of a puddle]
Olaf: ... happy snowman!
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Kristoff: Your hair... it's turning white.

Anna: Does it look bad?
Kristoff: No.
Olaf: You hesitated.
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Anna: I'm Anna.

Olaf: And who's the funky looking donkey over there?
Anna: That's Sven.
Olaf: Uh-huh, and who's the reindeer?
Anna: ...Sven.
Olaf: Oh they're bo - oh! Okay. Makes things easier for me.
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Anna: Olaf! You're melting!

Olaf: Some people are worth melting for.
[begins to melt, grabs his face to stay up]
Olaf: Just... maybe not right this second.
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Olaf: [after getting pierced by an icicle] Oh, look at that. I've been impaled.
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Kristoff: Hey guys!

Anna: They're... rocks.
Kristoff: [off in the distance] You are a sight for sore eyes.
Olaf: [whispering] He's crazy!
Kristoff: Hey, whoa, I don't even recognize you. You've lost so much weight.
Olaf: [whispering to Anna] I'll distract them while you run.
[loud, slow voice]
Olaf: Hi, Sven's family! It's nice to meet you!
Olaf: Because I love you, Anna, I insist you run.
[loud, slow voice]
Olaf: I understand you're love experts. Ooh!
Olaf: Why aren't you running?
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[after listening to Olaf sing about his dreams of summer]

Kristoff: I'm gonna tell him.
Anna: Don't you dare!

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Olaf: Oh, I love it. It's so cute. It like a little baby unicorn.
[touches his new carrot nose excitedly]
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Anna: Are you all right?

Kristoff: Yeah. I have a thick skull.
Olaf: I don't have a skull. Or bones.
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[after arriving at Elsa's ice palace]

Kristoff: Whoa. Now that's ice. I might cry.
Anna: Go ahead. I won't judge.
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Anna: Olaf, did Elsa build you?

Olaf: Yeah, why?
Anna: Do you know where she is?
Kristoff: [examining Olaf's arm] Fascinating.
Olaf: Yeah, why?
Anna: Do you think you could show us the way?
Olaf: Yeah, why?
Kristoff: [still examining Olaf's arm] How does this work?
[gets slapped by Olaf's arm]
Kristoff: Ow!
Olaf: [talking to Kristoff while putting his arm back on] Stop it Sven. Try and focus here.
[back to Anna]
Olaf: Yeah, why?
Kristoff: I'll tell you why, we need Elsa to bring back summer.
Olaf: Summer?
Anna: M-hm.
Olaf: Oh, I don't know why, but I've always loved the idea of summer, and sun, and all things hot...
Kristoff: Really? I'm guessing you don't have much experience with heat.
Olaf: Nope!
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[Olaf finds Anna slowly freezing to death. He quickly builds a fire to keep her warm]
Anna: [concerned for Olaf] Olaf, get away from there!
Olaf: [mesmerized] Whoa, so this is heat. I love it.
[His hand catches fire]
Olaf: Ow, but don't touch it.
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Anna: [after explaining the features of the new sled] Do you like it?
Kristoff: Like it? I love it!
[spins her around]
Kristoff: I could kiss you!
[puts her down]
Kristoff: I could. I mean, I'd like to. I - may I? We me? I mean, may we? Wait, what?

Anna: [kisses him on the cheek] We may.

[Kristoff kisses Anna]
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Kristoff: So, uh tell me. What made the Queen go all ice crazy?
Anna: Oh well, it was all my fault. I got engaged, but then she freaked out because I'd only just met him, you
know that day. She said she wouldn't bless the marriage and...
Kristoff: [Interrupts] Wait, you got engaged to someone you just met that day?
Anna: Yeah. Anyway I got mad and so she got mad and then she tried to walk away and I grabbed her glove...
Kristoff: [Interrupts] Hang on, you mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you just met that day?
Anna: Yes, pay attention, but the thing is she wore the gloves all the time, so I just thought, maybe she has a
thing about dirt...
Kristoff: [Interrupts] Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?
Anna: Yes, they did.
[Moves further away from Kristoff]
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Olaf: You guys go and I'll distract him.

[Kristoff and Anna leave, as do Olaf's feet and torso]
Olaf: No, no! Not you guys!
[Olaf's head falls to the ground]
Olaf: This just got a lot more complicated.
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[Looking at the remnants of Kristoff's sled]

Anna: Whoa. I'll replace your sled, and everything in it. And I understand if you don't want to help me anymore.
Kristoff: [to Sven] Of course I don't want to help her anymore. In fact, this whole thing's ruined me for helping
anyone ever again.
[as Sven]
Kristoff: She'll die on her own.
[Normal voice]
Kristoff: I can live with that.
[as Sven]
Kristoff: But you won't get your new sled if she's dead.
[Normal voice]
Kristoff: Sometimes I really don't like you.
[to Anna]
Kristoff: Hold up! We're coming.
Anna: You are? I mean, sure, I'll let you tag along.
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Kristoff: Worry about your hair!

Anna: What? I just fell off a cliff. You should see your hair.
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Young Anna: I think some company is overdue; I started talking to the pictures on the walls
[points to woman, Joan of Arc, in painting]
Young Anna: Hang in there Joan!
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Elsa: [singing] The cold never bothered me anyway.

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[repeated lines]
Olaf: Hi, everyone. I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!
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Kristoff: You want to talk about a problem? I sell ice for a living.
Anna: Ooh, that's a rough business to be in right now. That is really - ahem - that's unfortunate.
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Olaf: All right! Let's go kiss Hans! Who is this Hans?

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Hans: Anna? But she froze your heart.

Anna: The only frozen heart around here is yours.
[she turns away from Hans, then quickly turns around again to punch him into the lake]
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[playing as children]
Young Elsa: [as Olaf] Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.
Young Anna: [jumps up and hugs Olaf] I love you, Olaf!
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Anna: But I want to help!

Kristoff: No! I don't trust your judgement!
Anna: Excuse me?
Kristoff: Who marries a man they just met?
Anna: It's true love!
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[from film trailer]

Kristoff: Now we just have to survive this blizzard.
Anna: That's no blizzard. That's my sister.
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Olaf: I can't feel my legs!

Kristoff: Those are my legs.
Olaf: [as his lower body runs by] Ooh, do me a favor and grab my butt.
[Kristoff grabs Olaf's lower body and puts the rest of him on top]
Olaf: Ah, that feels better.
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Kristoff: You almost set me on fire!

Anna: But I didn't.
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Anna: Kristopher!
Kristoff: It's Kristoff!
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Olaf: [His head is upside down] What am I looking at here? Why are you hanging from the earth by your feet like
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Anna: [after falling on top of Prince Hans] This is awkward. Not you're awkward but just because we're - I'm
awkward, you're gorgeous - wait what?
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[Kristoff watches as his sled falls off a cliff and burns in a fiery explosion]
Kristoff: Ahh, and I just paid it off!

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Anna: Kristoff loves me?

Olaf: Whoa, you really don't know anything about love, do you?
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Elsa: [to a guard] The party is over. Close the gates.

Guard: Right away, Your Majesty.
Anna: What? Elsa, no! No, wait!
[She tries to grab Elsa's hand, but instead yanks off her glove]
Elsa: [gasps, desperately] Give me my glove!
Anna: [also desperate] Elsa, please! Please! I can't LIVE like this anymore!
Elsa: [pauses] Then leave.
[Anna looks at her with a hurt expression; Elsa then turns to leave]
Anna: [calling after her] What did I ever do to you?
Elsa: [impatiently] Enough, Anna.
Anna: No! Why? Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut THE WORLD out? What are you so AFRAID of?
Elsa: I said ENOUGH!
[In her fury, she conjures up an icicle wall around herself. Everyone - including Anna - stares at her in fright. Elsa
shrinks back at what she's done]
[hides behind one of his bodyguards]
Duke: I knew there was something dubious going on here.
Anna: [shocked] Elsa...
[Devastated, Elsa flees the ballroom]
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Kristoff: [to Anna, who put her feet on his sled] Whoa, whoa, whoa, put your feet down. This is fresh lacquer.
Seriously, were you raised in a barn?
[Spits on sled to clean it]
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Olaf: Hands down, this is the best day of my life,

[starts melting]
Olaf: and quite possibly the last.
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Kristoff: Foot size?

Anna: Foot size doesn't matter.
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Anna: It's not nice to throw people!

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[last lines]
Anna: I like the open gates.
Elsa: We are never closing them again.
[uses her magic to give Anna a pair of skates]
Anna: Oh, Elsa, they're beautiful, but you know I don't skate.
Elsa: [pulling her] Come on! You can do it!
Kristoff: Look out. Reindeer coming through.
Anna: I got it, I got it. I don't got it, I don't got it.

Olaf: Hey, guys!

Elsa: That's it, Olaf.
Olaf: Glide and pivot. And glide and pivot.
Elsa: Go!
[laughs, pan out with triumphant instrumental reprise of "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"]
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Anna: Can I say something crazy?

Hans: I love crazy.
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Hans: Can I say something crazy? Will you marry me?

Anna: Can I say something even crazier? Yes!
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Anna: Um, I was just wondering, has another young woman, the queen perhaps, I don't know, come through here
Oaken: The only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you, dear.
[Kristof enters, covered in snow and ice]
Oaken: You and this fellow.
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[Hans and a weakened Anna lean in to kiss. But then Hans stops and smiles evilly]
Hans: Oh, Anna. If only there was someone out there who loved you.
[Gets up and leaves]
Anna: What...?
[Shocked, she turns to see him walking to a window]
Anna: Y-you said you did.
Hans: [Closing the curtains] As thirteenth in line in my own kingdom, I didn't stand a chance. I knew, I'd have to
marry into the throne somewhere...
Anna: What-what are you talking about?
Hans: [puts out a candle] As heir, Elsa was preferable, of course, but no one was getting anywhere with her. But
Anna: Hans?
Hans: You were so desperate for love, you were willing to marry me, just like that!
[He picks up a pitcher of water and goes to the fireplace]
Hans: I figured after we married, I'd have to stage a little accident for Elsa.
[He pours water onto the fire, putting it out. Anna reaches out to stop him, but collapses onto the floor]
Anna: Hans, no! Stop!
Hans: But then she doomed herself, and you were dumb enough to go after her.
Anna: Please...
Hans: [chuckles] All that's left now is to... kill Elsa and bring back summer.
Anna: [bravely] You're no match for Elsa.
Hans: No, YOU'RE no match for Elsa. I, on the other hand, am the hero who's going to save Arendelle from
[Hans walks to the door]
Anna: [angrily] You won't get away with this...!
Hans: Oh... I already have.
[Hans leaves, locking the door behind him]

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Bulda: Take off your clothes, I wash them.

Kristoff: No! No, I'm going to keep my clothes on.
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Duke: [to Anna] You, is there sorcery in you, too? Are you a monster, too?
Anna: No! No, I'm completely ordinary.
Hans: That's right, she is.
[Anna looks at him quizzically]
Hans: In... in the best way.
[Anna smiles at him]
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Olaf: I guess I was wrong. I guess Kristoff doesn't love you enough to leave you behind.
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Anna: Snow, it had to be snow. She couldn't have had tropical magic that covered the fjords in white sand and
[spots trading post in distance]
Anna: FIRE!
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Anna: But Hans is not a stranger.

Kristoff: Oh yeah? What's his last name?
Anna: Of the Southern aisles.
Kristoff: What's his favourite food?
Anna: Sandwiches.
Kristoff: Best friends name?
Anna: Probably John.
Kristoff: Eye colour?
Anna: Dreamy.
Kristoff: Foot size?
Anna: Foot size doesn't matter.
Kristoff: Have you had a meal with him yet? What if you hate the way he eats? What if you hate the way he picks
his nose?
Anna: Picks his nose?
Kristoff: And eats it.
Anna: Excuse me sir, he is a prince.
Kristoff: All men do it.
Anna: Eww.
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[repeated line]
Anna: Wait, what?
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Anna: [knocking on the doors of Elsa's ice palace] It opened. That's a first. Oh, you should probably wait out here.
Kristoff: What?
Anna: Last time I introduced her to a guy, she froze everything.
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Kristoff: So, uh tell me. What made the Queen go all ice crazy?

Anna: Oh well, it was all my fault. I got engaged, but then she freaked out because I'd only just met him, you
know that day. She said she wouldn't bless the marriage and...
Anna, Kristoff: [Interrupts] Wait, you got engaged to someone you just met that day?
Anna: Yeah. Anyway I got mad and so she got mad and then she tried to walk away and I grabbed her glove...
Kristoff: [Interrupts] Hang on, you mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you just met that day?
Anna: Yes pay attention, but the thing is she wore the gloves all the time, so I just thought, maybe she has a
thing about dirt...
Kristoff: [Interrupts] Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?
Anna: Yes they did.
[Moves further away from Kristoff]
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[first lines]
Young Kristoff: [pulling on the reins of his reindeer in a snowy land] Come on, Sven!
[the scene changes to the castle of Arendelle]
Young Anna: [approaching her little sister, who is sleeping soundly in bed] Elsa, psst! Elsa!
[Anna climbs on the bed and pushes on Elsa]
Young Anna: Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
Young Elsa: Anna, go back to sleep!
Young Anna: [sighs and rolls around] I just can't! The *sky's* awake, so *I'm* awake, so we *have* to *play*!
Young Elsa: Go play by yourself!
[Elsa pushes Anna off the bed. Anna hits the floor, but suddenly smiles, climbs back on the bed, and opens Elsa's
left eye]
Young Anna: [mischievously] Do you want to build a snowman?
[Elsa opens her eyes and a bemused smile forms on her face; cuts to Anna and Elsa running downstairs to the
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Anna: [singing to her sister Elsa] Do you want to build a snowman? Or ride our bikes across the hall? I think some
company is overdue, I've started talking to the pictures on the walls.
[spoken, to a picture of Joan of Arc]
Anna: Hang in there, Joan.
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Anna: I never knew winter could be so beautiful.

Olaf: Yeah, it really is beautiful, isn't it? But it's so white. Y'know, how about a little color? I'm thinking maybe
some crimson, chartreuse. How about yellow? No, not yellow. Yellow and snow?
Olaf: No go. Am I right?

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