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A Quick Look at the History of Corruption in the Philippines

A discussion pertaining to the history of corruption in the Philippines is most

likely going to require volumes of books to be tackled extensively. It is
impossible to sum it up in a short article. Meanwhile, some of the more
recent historical events can be asserted as being the roots of the corruption
practices in the country today. To better understand the historical accounts of
corruption in the country, this article will tackle how three of its presidents
have been dragged into controversies.
President Ferdinand Marcos
In one report from the Jakarta Post, it has been reiterated that Marcos is
basically the one responsible for institutionalizing corruption, at an extent at
which it is still felt at this current time. During his 20-year reign as the
president of the Philippines, foreign debt has ballooned from $1 billion to $25
billion. The country and its citizens still continue to pay this debt, expected to
last until 2025. Also, it is believed that $8 billion from such foreign debt went
directly to the pockets of Marcos and his allies.
Even up to this day, many are still alleging the Marcos family for starting the
trend of corruption in the country. Recently, a bunch of high-end paintings
have been pulled out from the familys mansion with the belief that they
have been acquired illegally. For sure, given the experience of the country
during the Martial Law, corruption during the time of Marcos will always be a
point of comparison when looking at the corruption cases during the reign of
other presidents.
President Joseph Estrada

After Marcos, Aquino and Ramos took over the presidency in the succeeding
years. Although the two have been involved in various allegations, none of
them have been as loud as the cases filed against President Joseph Estrada,
now the Mayor of the city of Manila. Being subjected in an impeachment trial
during his term, he was forced to leave the Palace and has been in house
arrest for several years because of the corruption raps that have been filed
against him.
According to Luis Singson, a former ally of Estrada, he was the one who
personally gives Estrada an estimated amount of $10 million from illegal
gambling. He was also alleged to have spent millions for sustaining her three
mistresses as well as mansions in different places.
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
When Estrada was ousted from office, he was replaced by then Vice
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, who also ran and won as the countrys
President in the following election. During her term, she was accused of
electoral fraud and corruption allegations. Some of the biggest issues that
involved her name include the fertilizer fund scam, as well as the NBN ZTE
broadband deal. Aside from Arroyo herself, her family has also been dragged
on the issue of corruption, with the belief that they have been instrumental
in her fraudulent activities during her reign. Up to this day, investigations are
still underway while Arroyo remains to be under hospital arrest.


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