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They entered a short hallway, made of dark blue stone that radiated cold.

At the end was what looked

like a regular steel door, except it didnt have a knob, and it appeared more as a piece of the wall then
an opening door. Harry had to stall for time, the deeper this went, the less he wanted to go along with
it. "You obviously realize the headmaster will be here any time, made it sound like that wasn't even
going to be an issue. You made it sound like it was part of the plan..." Voldemort smirked. "He is old,
and I have prepared for him." It seemed that was all he was willing to say about it. Harry had to give
him credit for not giving away the details to his evil plot, even when it was going perfectly. He really
could see why even Dumbledore and Moody consider this guy a legitimate super villain...
Ive seen your power first hand, and it is truly amazing, but I still dont think you will get through
Dumbledore as easily as you believe Harry was pushing it, he knew but he still had to buy time.
Voldemort stopped and turned to him, looking annoyed. You have seen nothing but tricks and
amusements. A wizard as learned as myself does not use his full power; it would be foolish and
pointless. Voldemort turned back and started again. Harry continued to follow. That statement
certainly didnt give him any comfort, it could be a bluff, but for some reason Harry very seriously
doubted it. He had thought the Azkaban duel had been intense, and then he seen Quirrell strike down 4
powerful wizards in a flash, and even then asked himself how high did it go. Voldemort appeared totally
confident in saying all the things he had done in Harrys presence was the equivalent of amusing
tricks. If he was telling the truth, and not just trying to get Harry to overestimate him, that was bad.
A super intelligent, super powered wizard is an extinction event, he had said that once, and now
standing here with Lord Voldemort in all his power, Harry could believe this man could take over the
world within a week. If he got the philosophers stone not even Dumbledore and his order could stand
against him, he wouldnt be playing both sides this time, it would be a slaughter
The wards on this door are intricate but not very complicated, it will only take me a moment to
circumvent them again. Voldemort stopped walking forward, he seemed to notice something. He
turned to Harry, looking slightly annoyed. I did want to give you a lesson on ward tampering, but our
guest has found us anyways, so there was no more time to waste. We have triggered something already
and the headmaster is coming, and we must be beyond the door when he arrives. With that,
Voldemort turned on the door, raised his wand and drew it down in a quick, precise S shape and
muttered a phrase. Reality itself seemed to open up, the wall parted in a wide gap. Harry stared at it
for a moment, but was interrupted by Voldemort pushing the barrel of the gun into his back, marching
him through the gap.
If Voldemort was so anxious to get into this particular room for a confrontation, he must have a plan in
place. Knowing him, he has probably already prepared this room to give him an advantage in a fight, or
to disappear, or who knows what else. Harry looked around and found another reason to want to get
into this room. It was the last one, made up of the same cold, magical stone as the deeper hallways, and
containing a great mirror. The room was longer then wide, along the sides of the walls were suits of
armour, half a dozen on each side. The roof was domed and 40 feet high at its peak, made of the same
stone as the rest of the room.

Voldemort had walked over towards the mirror, but he wasnt looking into it, he was standing about 5
feet in front and watching the door. The mirror itself was every bit as impressive as you would expect
an ancient portal that can ward off Lord Voldemort should be. It stood 10 feet high, and 4 feet wide, the
frame was made from what looked like mirror polished Damascus steel, woven in intricate ruins, and the
glass itself looked like a sheet of molten silver, reflecting nothing. Shouldnt we be trying to get the
stone before Dumbledore shows up? Harry asked, feeling like it was a stupid question. Voldemort
gave him a look that confirmed that. We cannot get the stone through any ordinary means. I will not
even attempt it, the mirror is rigged for me in particular, I think. Harry had thought this whole thing
was to get to the mirror, and get the stone. What are we doing here then? If you arent powerful
enough to get the stone, why expose yourself and draw Dumbledore in? Do you think you can make
him give you the stone? Voldemort had a strange look, almost admiration on his face. No. I do not
believe there is either a magical way, or any other way to force Dumbledore to do something he is truly
against, I will give him credit for that much, he is resilient in matters this important. He is however, a
fool. Harry considered that, So you plan to somehow trick Dumbledore into getting you the stone?
Harry wasnt sure how that would work either, maybe if
Harrys next thought was interrupted by the loudest, highest pitch scream of shattering glass he could
ever imagine. The doorway they had just passed through was made of ancient stone and magical steel,
and it had all suddenly imploded as if it were safety glass. Standing in the center of the cloud of falling
stone and steel shards was Albus Dumbledore, wand raised and surrounded by rotating white lightning
bolts, which crackled and sizzled so intensely it made Harrys hair stand on edge, and warmed his skin,
and made it tingle strangely, from across the room.
It was if the magic pouring off the old man, who suddenly looked 30 years younger and stronger, was
filling Harry with hope, and strength of his own. He found that he was putting slightly higher odds on
Dumbledore at least putting a stop to the immediate plot right now. That was until he took a closer look
at the whole scene. On one side, Dumbledore, looking every bit the superhero, charged up like a Super
Sayian, wielding his wand of dread like and extension of his arm. The other side, Lord Voldemort, with
his head cocked curiously, wand at half mast, and a confident smirk on his face. He was standing there
looking like it was the most comfortable situation in the world. It could be a bluff, it would be a
dangerous time to bluff, but if he is out matched he might not have any other choice, Harry wasnt quite
sure anymore what to make of The Def- Lord Voldemort.
Tom I aware of your plot here today, and I am here to stop it, and you if necessary. Dumbledores
voice had to be magically magnified and deepened Harry mused. Voldemort smirked, And me, if
necessary Do you plan to allow me to flee? Voldemort seemed highly amused at the idea of doing
anything other than, whatever it is he is here to do. He still hadnt raised his wand, or as far as Harry
could tell, cast any wordless magic. Dumbledore on the other hand had already put a bubblehead Harry
and himself. Harry had noticed a few other colors in strange shapes shimmer around him briefly in the
last few moments too. He was definitely preparing for a fight. Voldemort wasnt, or he was already so
prepared there was no need to do anything, which certainly seemed like it would be his style. He
probably wants Dumbledore to go all out for some reason Harry was confused, this whole setup
didnt seem right. Could it be as simple as Voldemort has planned the final showdown here, to a T, so

that a loss isnt even an option? Maybe it is an acceptable outcome; he did say he cant be truly killed,
even if he lost he could try again in another 10 years, coming back even smarter and stronger Harry
never though he would find an evil mastermind so terrible and unbeatable that it broke his suspension
of disbelief and ruined the story. That was something he thought about comics, he never even
considered applying that thought to real life until Lord Voldemort fully revealed himself today. If
somehow he gets out of this, and can put a stop to him, he is definitely going to write his own comic
book series..
Harry was shaken from his line of thought by a hauntingly beautiful, piercing war cry. He looked over at
the source, and it was Fawkes, he had burst into existence at Dumbledores side suddenly, and by the
look of him he was spoiling for a fight (He never realized until now phoenixes could spit fire, if you got
them worked up enough.) None of this boded well for anybody involved.
Harry saw movement from the other side, Lord Voldemort was slowly and precisely raising his wand, tip
glowing orange like a coal, and started to draw jagged ruins again. The shapes expanded, and joined
together, and seemed to suck, something from the room, the school, the world itself. The fiendfyre
formed a large snake this time, glowing dark red and deep black, swirling and almost conscious.
Dumbledore suddenly looked concerned for his bird, which didnt balk at the giant snake of glowing
dread, it looked every bit the predator, and Fawkes was obviously the prey. It flew towards the
conjuration, and the snake slithered through the air towards the bird, twisting and writhing, raising up
to strike. Dumbledore raised his wand and pointed it at the phoenix with cat like reflexes, and with a
bang Fawkes disappeared again, just in time to miss the swirling mass of shadow fire that was sure to
consume it. Dumbledore looked taken aback. You dare cast magic that black and destructive in these
halls Tom? I would have thought even you would respect Hogwarts more than that.
Voldemort let out a cold high pitched laugh, Harry noted this was totally not something he would expect
from the man he had known for the last year. He is putting on his full Lord Voldemort persona. I will
turn this school to a pile of rubble if I deem it necessary, and it may just come to that. He let the last
part hang in the air, as ridiculous a threat it was, it had power to it.
Dumbledore looked deep into Voldemorts eyes, Very well, you are willing to cross lines to take my
advantage from me, and perhaps it is best if I do the same. Dumbledore looked at Harry,
apologetically, and slashed his wand downwards, at the same time he heard Voldemort rapidly say
something that sounded like AVKDA, and noticed a flash of green coming towards him from the
opposite side the flash of purple was. He only had time to think, Oh. as the lights closed in on him.
Suddenly he was yanked off his feet and thrown clean across the room, the blow when he hit the wall
was cushioned so he figured it must have been Dumbledore. Voldemort was laughing again. You
cannot bluff to save your life; I suggest you avoid trying it again, it is very dangerous to try to fool Lord
Voldemort. As you can see, I am willing to kill the boy myself. He can be of use to me, but his loss will
hardly change a thing. Dumbledore looked ashamed, he not only used killing an innocent as a bluff, but
it had backfired on him and lost him ground. Of course, Harry knew Voldemort had mild preference to
keep him alive, and he was bluffing as well, he just does it much better than Dumbledore.

Dumbledore proved his inability to bluff Voldemort again immediately. He snapped from slumped
shouldered and nervous, to battle mage again, but Voldemort apparently seen that coming as well. As
Dumbledore brought his wand slashing down with a strange phrase, Voldemort brought his up with a
similar phrase. Two oscillating, multicolored waves rushed down the hall at each other, met, and
exploded with a rain of fire. The terrible snake was still sitting on the sidelines, either waiting for an
order, or waiting to make a choice to strike. It was hard to tell just how advanced this magic was.
Voldemort was already moving again, he had rapidly drawn three small circles with his wand while
muttering fast, and his wand burst into flame like a neon glow stick. Dumbledore was yelling something
in Latin from the other side, but it was almost drown out by the rushing sounds of flames as Voldemorts
pet snake began to spit out dozens of small balls of the cursed fire. He laughed as he waved his wand
back and forth, watching the wave of fireballs dance dangerously. Dumbledore was still yelling,
conducting a symphony with his wand. He was encased in a pyramid of blue crystal, and outside that
panels floated around him like sheets of ice made of the same magic. Harry found that he was also in a
similar, smaller pyramid. His didnt have the roaming shield panels though, or the lightning, but he
supposed he should be grateful for the effort anyways. He stuck his hand toward the edge of his ward,
and through up to the wrist. His hand disappeared, invisible, and he could not feel anything outside the
ward. He jumped back, and his hand returned to him. He had no idea what kind of spell this was but it
was scary, and comforting at the same time.
Voldemort was spinning his wand, and the fireballs were following along, forming a spinning tornado of
fiery debris. Dumbledore was standing in place, shielded by some powerful walls, waiting for Voldemort
to make a move. Voldemort wasnt doing much of anything offensively with this incredibly powerful
cursed fire; he was simply playing with it. Or was he? Harry had read a little about powerful magical
rituals, and there definitely was something to do with drawing ruins in there, but he seemed to
remember that once you drew the original shapes, you could control the effect mentally with this type
of spell. He didnt have much information about it from books though, a few blurbs, and what Quirrell
told him, which may or may not have been a lie.
To an average person, it would probably look like Voldemort is trying to intimidate Dumbledore with
impressive control and power, and psyche him out with close calls before the real attack. Somebody as
smart as Voldemort wouldnt waste time showing off when faced with a powerful opponent, its a
distraction. Harry watched Voldemort more closely, ignoring the impressive spiraling figure 8 of fireballs
around Dumbledore. Voldemort was muttering something to himself. Keeping the spell going?
Keeping it under control? He didnt know enough about the ritual to know if you had to sustain it.
Harry studied his wand movements. Voldemort drew a perfect figure 8, a circle in the center right after,
and a cross, and repeated the pattern over and over. Harry noticed the fire wasnt following the
patterns exactly, it had its own formations and flow, Voldemort was hiding his real move behind the
theatrics The fire had a mind of its own, it doesnt need to be directed with a wand, and he is drawing
different ruins then he did to make the cursed fire
Dumbledore seemed to realize this at the same time. He bellowed out a phrase Harry didnt think a
person with a tongue could make, and his crystalline shields erupted outward at all angles, and the
fireballs took their que to came at Dumbledore from every angle, shattering and dissipating the shields

where they hit, with the high pitched sound of tea boiling. Dumbledore was still working the ward to
protect himself from the molten rain, but Voldemort had immediately finished his last cross and simply
whispered a few words as he jabbed his wand at Dumbledore. Dumbledore was still battling the last of
the fire as the silver rings erupted from Voldemorts wand, with the sound of the deepest bass drum
Harry ever heard, WOOMP, WOOMP, WOOMP. Dumbledore dropped his main defense against the fire,
and was struck a few times but with minimal effect, but enough to knock him off balance mentally, as he
waved his wand in what looked to Harry like a sloppy effort. A gust of cold wind blew at hundreds of
miles an hour toward the brilliant rings of immense power; it slowed their progress, but Dumbledore
had miscast his spell, or curse, or whatever that was, and it wasnt enough. The rings approached
Dumbledore and he looked at a loss, he raised his wand in a final desperate effort, transfigured a Baton
from thin air.. and popped out of existence.. He looked over to Voldemort, and was surprised to see the
Headmaster was standing behind him swinging the police baton at Voldemorts head. Voldemort was
prepared for that type of thing though, he turned and ducked with grace, and brought his fist toward
Dumbledore in a calculated uppercut, The Headmaster only just managed to apparate out of the way
and back to his original position. The silver rings had traveled through the broken entrance and down
the last hallway, rebounding and returning toward Dumbledore, he simply vanished them with a wave of
his wand.
Voldemort laughed, what sounded like a legitimate, honest to god, That was damn funny type of
laugh. Which sounded even scarier coming from him then his High Cold Tea Kettle laugh (Harry had
begun categorizing his laughs subconsciously). Voldemort looked at The Headmaster Very impressive
old man. He sounded impressed. You have guarded that secret very well, even I was not aware the
Headmaster could apparate within the school. Dumbledore didnt look happy to have given that away.
Its not something one advertises lightly when there are other means. Harry knew Dumbledore didnt
need to pop in and out around the castle when he had Fawkes for emergencys, but it would be a good
secret to keep. He was curious how the previous headmasters stopped that from falling into popular
knowledge.. Perhaps Dumbledore had tinkered with the wards himself, if that was the case who knows
what else he could do. Voldemort cut off Harrys line of thought with another question aimed at
Dumbledore, The baton, you remembered how well it knocked out Mad Eyes teeth and gave me the
moment I needed on that one occasion you almost had me pinned down? Dumbledore smiled, Until
that moment, I never thought you would rely on simple muggle tricks, but it makes perfect sense now.
Voldemort nodded, All the tricks in the world wont save you, when your nose is being broken with an
iron rod.
Dumbledores demeanor changed suddenly, What are you doing Tom? He asked. You arent trying to
kill me, not seriously, and you know you wont escape at this point, I admit I am less sure I know what
your plan is. Dumbledore looked at the mirror, You havent even attempted to retrieve the stone, and
you surely know I will destroy the school myself before I tell you how to do so. Voldemort was amused
again, he was twirling his wand absent mindedly as his demon snake slithered around him. Enough!
Dumbledore bellowed, he struck out with his wand and Harry felt the wind as it rushed past him. It was
aimed at the snake, but the serpent slithered out of the way like a bolt of lightning and was headed
toward Dumbledore, who was ready, and guessed correctly which way the snaked would dodge,

connecting with it and evaporating it with a great screeching hiss. Voldemort didnt seem overly
concerned at the death of his pet. He did look up with an interested expression when Dumbledore
started to Chant. Omnibus Modis-Defedere Scolae! Three times Dumbledore chanted the phrase,
and suddenly, there was a rattling of steel on steel from all over. Harry looked, and the inanimate suits
of armour suddenly were animate. They no longer looked like tarnished steel decorations, the metal
shone and rippled like a glowing liquid mirror, and the suits appeared to contain battle hardened
warriors, from the way the steel was drawing their swords and maces, as they marched toward
The Hogwarts army had rounded on Voldemort, 24 of them, standing between him and Dumbledore in a
semi-circle, weapons trained on the dark lord. Voldemort smirked. Finally, you are thinking creatively.
This should be interesting indeed, do feel to join in at any time! He spoke the last two words quickly as
he drew his wand down in front of him producing a fine black mist, and at the same time, a long sword
made of the same shimmering molten sliver appeared in his hand. Another intricate ruin in the air
brought forth a shadow of a large dog, growling and salivating shadows that dissolved bits of the floor
away where they contacted. The battle begun, Voldemort brought the sword around in a wide arc
towards one of the armour suits, as his dog leapt into the air at another. The suit of armour brought its
own blade up in a savage cut to meet the magical blade Voldemort had, when the dark lord suddenly
said Pause!. And the scene stopped. The suits of armour were frozen in charge, the one he was
engaging had its sword stuck mid swing, the dog was locked in place, teeth bared and 5 feet off the
ground pointed toward another suit of armor.
Voldemort smiled, This is not one of your muggle fairy tales old man, your knights in shining armour
will not beat the evil dark lord. He finished his statement with a wave of his wand and the shadow
beast disappeared, along with his sword, and the armour men turned face and rounded on Dumbledore.
Harry suddenly realized the plan, or at least part of it. Voldemort had needed to, or at least preferred to
get into this room, where he had already tricked the wards into somehow believing he was the
commander of the armour army. The suits were advancing on Dumbledore, but he wasnt casting any
visible magic, offensive or defensive, instead, he was shouting so fast in Latin Harry couldnt catch a
word. Neither did the army apparently, they were preparing to strike, closing distance, 10 feet away
from Dumbledore. Suddenly The Headmaster drew himself up, gave his wand a simple wave along with
a bellowed incantation, which echoed though the room and went in one ear and out the other. From
the end of Dumbledores wand burst a magnificent white gold phoenix. Harry realized if Fiendfyre had
an anti-version, this would be it. The bird was 4 times the size of Fawakes, shone as bright as a
patronous and radiated a warm head that made your head swim with a tremendous power. The bird
simply flew into the swarm of armour, beating it away with wings of fury, suits were flying every
direction, losing their magical glow mid-air and shattering on impact with the walls and ceiling.
Voldemort was suddenly angry, and anxious, a little too much maybe Harry knew Voldemort was at
least aware of this particular spell by his reaction. If he knew about it, he had to expect Dumbledore to
use it if he knows it to be this powerful, why is he pretending to be caught off guard? Voldemort was
now yelling for the first time in natural passion, uttering the same incantation Dumbledore just had. His
silver animal was a dragon this time however, and twice the size of the conjuration Dumbledore had

come up with. They met in mid-air and begun battle, clawing, and biting, pecking, and shooting jets of
white gold flame at eachother. On the ground it was a similar scene, Dumbledore and Voldemort had
both engaged each other and let their animals fight for themselves. There were beams of color
exploding in showers of sparks, waves of light bouncing off of walls and distorting reality in their wake,
sonic booms, earthquakes, terrible winds of both hot and cold. Harry was protected from bulk of it, the
shields Dumbledore had put on him were stopping anything that happened to come his way. It was
obviously wearing on the old man however. He was trying desperately to keep his own shields up, it
seemed like Voldemort was more concerned with destroying his new shield when it appeared then
actually landing a blow. In the meantime Dumbledore was only sending what Harry could only assume
to be offensive spells or curses towards Voldemort every few moments, while Voldemort stood in place,
shadows rippling off him, flicking and twisting his wand, letting loose with a new flurry of color and
destruction with every move, looking like he was having the time of his life.
Harry decided to focus on the battle over head. On the ground, the incomprehensible gist was,
Voldemort was firing a machine gun at Dumbledores armoured car, and the armour was chipping away
slowly. In the air, the great silver beasts had grown to twice their size, and were fighting twice as
ferociously. Just as Harry looked up, the dragon grabbed onto the throat of the phoenix with dagger
long teeth, and tore at it in a way that would end a fight between two real animals. The bird however
struck the dragon with a wing, so hard the dragon flew sideways across the room and slammed into the
wall hard enough to shake the castle, but there wasnt so much as a ripple. The fight continued, each
animal holding its own, and growing larger, and more vicious as the battle on the ground grew even
more intense. Dumbledore had somehow take back some ground, he had a brilliant purple and gold
wall in front of him which Voldemort seemed to legitimately be trying to penetrate, but could not.
Except with the occasional killing curse which he was now using freely, but Dumbledore was much more
nimble and swift then his age should have allowed, he was dodging all the green jets that passed
through his shield. At the same time, he was firing what looked like equally deadly, crimson, black and
white jets at Voldemort. They spiraled through the air and Voldemort didnt even try to block them,
instead he was also dodging the jets, occasionally he would utter a word and with a wave, slightly
change the trajectory of one of them if he couldnt move fast enough. It looked like the duel had come
to a head, both of them were fighting with deadly intent. Curses were shooting back and forth, green,
red, orange, silver, every color Harry had seen on the color wheel was now streaking though the air, in
one direction or another, passing through walls, exploding on stone with no visible impact, outright
shattering stone, bouncing off stone. Some of the reflected spells seemed to move around Harry
instinctually, others Harry felt the need to dodge, even in his protective womb. Nothing had actually
penetrated it yet, which gave him great respect for the Headmaster, or the power of the elder wand, but
he still wasnt going to take any chances, after first hand witnessing some of the destructive powers at
play right now.
Dumbledore was slowing down, just a little but Harry could notice it, his breathing was laboured, his
posture limp, his movements awkward. He was too old for this extended physical exertion. A wand
wasnt heavy by any means, but if you hold a pencil for a half hour and swing it around with all your
might and have to do it precisely, while shouting and using up all your breath, it will take a toll on you.

Voldemort on the other hand wasnt slowing up one bit. He was a trained martial artist; his movements
were fluid, in physical fighting, and with his wand work. His breathing was steady, measured, calculated.
His footing was sure and light, the man was actually bouncing on the balls of his feet like he was boxing,
except his fists were his wand, and those punches would make him a heavy weight champ any day. It
wasnt just skill and practice though, Harry knew it couldnt be. Voldemort was moving faster than
Harry had ever seen a boxer on TV move, and this was after 30 minutes of hard fighting, which was after
hours of careful ward breaking and powerful brute force curses to get here. Harry couldnt even believe
it, there is no way any human is still in this top physical condition at this point. Voldemort doesnt miss
a beat, his movements, even his speech seem faster than they should be, even with extensive practice.
Harry searched his mind, every conversation about fighting he ever had with the defense professor. He
suddenly found himself thinking about the offer Quirrell made once, to have Harry face off against
Voldemort and cement his legend. Harry had worried about stray curses and accidents, but Quirrell
assured him that the dark lord would possess a device to boost his speed from the sound of it. Of
course that is something a seriously bad guy would take into a fight, how can you beat him if you cant
hit him? Voldemort was proving you couldnt. Voldemort was moving like fluid, dodging, or diverting
every terrible looking (and feeling) curse, or spell, or ritual effect, that Dumbledore could throw at him,
and he wasnt slowing down. Dumbledore was slowing down, but every bit of speed that he lost, he
seemed to put into power. He seemed to have a predictable pattern of offensive magic he used to fight,
Harry had noticed it right away, surely Voldemort had too, he had absolutely no pattern or logic to the
magic he used. Every time Dumbledore threw the black and red curse Voldemort actually worried
about, it was stronger than the last time. The first time, it had scared Harry, made his hair stand up, and
he felt the cold wind through the shield. After the 10th time, Harry tried to duck down, because the wind
would knock him off his feet otherwise, and if that cold lasted for any longer he might get frostbite.
Voldemort on the other hand, was exerting about the same incredible amount of magic. The forces The
Headmaster was putting out now were far greater than the spells Voldemort was using at the moment,
from what little Harry could observe anyways, but Voldemort was more efficient with his magic. Instead
of bellowing out long incantations, and getting out of breath, he would cast them wordlessly half the
time, somehow. He seemed to be able to push aside most of the strongest magic by a foot or 2 with a
wave of his wand as well, rather than jumping to the side and wasting energy. Instead of throwing
blasting curses at Dumbledore, he would transfigure rubble near his feet into explosives. It seemed like
he could go for hours at this pace yet, and still match Dumbledore who was putting out far more, and
without Fwakes, Dumbledore couldnt hold this up without doing something drastic, and soon.
Almost as Harry thought that, there was a brilliant flash from over head, Harry looked up in time to see
the mystical phoenix explode and expand to almost fill the room, as it did, the dragon increased size as
well. It seemed like both Dumbledore and Voldemort abandon their direct fight to channel power to the
creatures and finish the fight there. It was a sight you couldnt even right properly in crappy fan fiction if
you tried, just an incredible, terrifying struggle between a dragon and a phoenix made of molten, and
crackling silver.
They were locked together now, glowing brighter and brighter, the dragon had the bird by the wing,
and yanked it and flew it down, toward the mirror. Noo! Dumbledore yelled, frantically trying to

dismiss his ancient and powerful spell. Voldemort yelled another incantation and the dragon increased
its speed, and crashed along with the phoenix directly into the mirror. With the sound of a deep gong
which shook Harry off his feet, both images had gone, and Voldemort was standing in front of a
shattered mirror, with a cracked treasure chest in the pieces. He was paying no attention to that
however; instead, he had begun rapidly drawing ruins in the air with a glowing wand. A star to the left
of his head, a circle to the right, a triangle bellow both, and a diamond on top, he poked his wand
through he center and as he did, the neon shapes expanded into a wall and flew at Dumbledore, who
was too busy looking at the chest to notice. When he seen the ruins coming towards him, he seemed
resigned, he didnt bother to put up a shield, he did however begin to glow with a bright yellow hue,
lightning bolts started to pour off it, and he simply looked at Harry and said Please dont let as he
was struck with the white hot neon ruins which seemed to turn to fire and consume him as they hit
Dumbledore, knocking him to the ground, unconscious. Whatever Dumbledore did before he fell
caused an unintended effect apparently, as both Harry and Voldemort were caught off guard by the
immense shockwave that was produced by Dumbledore being hit. Voldemort had moved in close to
perform the final ritual that hit Dumbledore, and was knocked backwards towards Harry, who bounced
off the wall and fell into him. Harry didnt even have time to let it happen, his dark side fully took over
for the first time in ages, and his arm instinctively reached out, grabbed the wand from Voldemorts
hand, and jump up.
What now then boy? Voldemort asked Harry, from the ground. He didnt appear to be afraid to
stand, rather, he looked quite comfortable. Harry hadnt quite figured out what now, all he knew was
he had the slight advantage or at least it appeared so, for the moment. The reason I dont seem
concerned, is because I can have my wand back with a word, and you cannot cast magic on me in any
case, so whatever advantage you believe to have, is false. Hand me back my wand, I will break into the
chest, take the stone, fulfill our bargain in full, and our business will be complete. Voldemort said it
with a cool, calm tone that almost made Harry believe. If you could take your wand back that easily,
you would have done it already, every second I hold it is a risk. Harry said with a confidence his dark
side gave him. I also very much doubt that there wouldnt be retribution for disarming you, you are
simply pretending to lose. Again Harry was quite certain what he was saying was true, but Voldemort
still didnt give it away. I ask again, what now then? He said it calmly, like he was still in total control
and simply asking for a suggestion to reject.
Now, you sit there, while I open that chest and use the stone to fulfill the bargain myself. Voldemort
looked amused, and simply replied, Very well then. Harry walked over to the chest, Voldemort didnt
believe Harry could see through it, but Harry was fully using his dark side, aka Voldemorts own mind at
the moment. It took 2 incredibly powerful, out of control; ancient spells colliding with the mirror to
brute force it open like this, which was Voldemorts plan all along. Engage a fight of enough power to
bypass any protections and simply crack the mirror open like a coconut. It didnt seem likely this cheap,
cracked cedar chest really protected anything. Of course, most people would assume it would, so they
would try to break wards on it, or curse it open, but that probably initiates a self-destruct spell,
destroying the contents, perhaps even the person who tried to get in. No, the obvious answer, was to
simply grab the lid and pry it open. So thats what Harry did.

The top opened up and inside was a small velvet cushion with a blood red stone the size of a tennis ball
on it. Harry picked it up, and turned to Voldemort with a smirk on his face. Voldemort looked
unimpressed. So you got it, you dont know the ritual required to use it, without that its simply a
paper weight. He said it so smoothly Harry doubted himself for a moment, but caught himself, and
replied, Repeat in ssnake.. Voldemorts expression didnt change, but he didnt reply either. So Harry
did what he thought he had to do, there was maybe a 10% chance of this working out the way he
thought it would. However, there was a 100% chance of him being tortured forever if he hesitated for
an instant and let Voldemort somehow take the stone. So he simply held it to his chest, and begun to
transfigure himself. It was a huge risk, but it somehow seemed right. The transfiguration wasnt even
difficult, he was thinking about all the tiny changes to consider on a molecular level, but apparently that
didnt matter. Simply transfiguring yourself from a child, into a fully grown, and fully powered wizard
was as simple as changing a marble to a ball bearing, as long as you held the stone.
He now stood above Voldemort, feeling, like a squirrel against a shark, where moments ago he was less
than an ant. He was now at the peak of his magical age and power, if the stone had worked exactly like
it felt like it had. He couldnt hope to match Lord Voldemort, but he could hold him off if worst came to
worst now. Harry barely caught it, but Voldemort certainly looked more than annoyed that Harry had
used the stone, for a brief instant before returning to his calm, relaxed state. He looked over at
Dumbledores fallen body, and grew angry, and cold. You killed him. He said to Voldemort. Dont
be stupid boy, if Headmaster dies, his wards will seal shut, and not even I could break free from here.
He is simply subdued. Voldemort said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
This is the last time I will ask you. Voldemort said menacingly. What now then? He asked. Harry
looked at him, and took a moment to bask in his however momentary victory, and replied, Well, now I
bring my friend back. Then you give me some answers, if I think your plan, whatever that is, is overall a
good thing, I will help you. If I dont agree with it however, we will have to go another way
Voldemort looked at him for a moment before replying, I believe you will have no problemss with
overall plotss and endgame once you ssee all the threads.

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