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4511 Peralta Blvd.

Fremont Ca 94536
Newsletter 2014

Dates to Remember
December 16

Winter Concert


Phone 510-870-2324 I
Fax 510-952-3555

Greetings families and welcome to the month of December!

This is the last month of the year and a very busy month as
well. Some might be planning for winter vacations while

December 24-31 NO SCHOOL- Winter Break

others might be planning for shopping and family get together.

Plan Ahead
January 1-2

NO SCHOOL- Winter Break

January 19

NO SCHOOL- Martin Luther King Jr.

January 30

Student Appreciation Day

While we at LAPMS are planning a mixture of both and more.

In November Curriculum we mainly concentrated on
United States, Peninsula and Gulf.
We also focused on Zoology and Botany.
We did Amphibians and Roots.
We also planted some seeds and saw how the roots grew.
During the December month we will be doing Antarctica,

If parents are planning to

take a vacation or withdraw from
our facility, please keep
in mind that there is a 30 day
notice required. You may inquire
the form from the front desk.

Glaciers and Icebergs. In Zoology and botany we will be

doing Reptiles and stems of plants.
Special Thanks to all our parents for bringing delicious food
for our Thanksgiving Luncheon and also taking your precious
time off and celebrating Thanksgiving with LAPMS

4511 Peralta Blvd. Fremont Ca 94536
December Newsletter


Phone 510-870-2324 I
Fax 510-952-3555

Christmas Concert
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
The Winter Concert will take Place on
December 16th at 10:00am in our parking Lot.
All Classroom will be participating and parents are all invited.
As Parking lot will be used for the Concert, please plan ahead
and come early to drop off your child on time.
Please be advised that all children MUST be on-time and
should arrive to school by 9:00 am to prepare for the concert.
Parents who choose to take their children home after the event
during school hours MUST notify the teachers and the front
desk administrators. Please make sure you are signing your
child out to avoid any confusion. Again, this is for the safety of

the children. Please allow the child to enter their classroom

for headcounts before leaving.

Special Thank You &

Winter Break
4511 Peralta Blvd. Fremont Ca 94536
December Newsletter


Phone 510-870-2324 I
Fax 510-952-3555

Thank you to parents for coming to Observation and Parent/Teacher Conferences .

In November we had Observations, followed by our Parent-Teacher conference.
During Observations, we welcomed parents to their childs classro om and gave an opportunity to get a glimpse of what
life is like in a Montessori Classroom and also to find out more about your childs day.
And during our Parent-Teacher Conference, we provided parents with some valuable insights about their childs
progress in school.
We look forward to our continued partnership throughout the rest of the year.


Facility will be
Wednesday, December 24 th to Friday, January 2 nd for
winter break.
School will resume on Monday, January 5 th 2015.

4511 Peralta Blvd. Fremont Ca 94536


December Newsletter 2014

Phone 510-870-2324 I
Fax 510-952-3555

For a full list of all our exciting events, please visit

our school calendar on our school website, under
Peralta campus calendar:

Opening January 2015

New Location

School Calendar:

Irvington Fremont
40803 Fremont Blvd.
Fremont CA
New state of the art Irvington Fremont Campus is
scheduled to open January 2015.

You may put your name on the

interest list at no cost.

For more information about this campus,

please email us
at or
call us at (510) 299-5054

Irvington Fremont Location

Learn and Play Montessori School LLC

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