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Torontos new multifaceted

Entrepreneurial Class:
Latin American Businesses
and Professionals

Conducted by the Toronto Hispanic

Chamber of Commerce (THCC)
Co-sponsored by the City of Toronto
Latin American Businesses and Professionals

With 2.7 million people, Toronto is Canadas largest
city and employment centre. It is the 5th largest city in
North America, with access to a market of 180 million
people within a one-day drive. Toronto is one of the most
multicultural cities in the world more than 180 languages
are spoken in the city and Latin Americans constitute the
fastest-growing immigrant group.
The economy of the Toronto region is as large as it is diverse.
This strength gives the city resiliency, making it better able
to weather economic downturns. Toronto is a leading North
American and global centre for business and professional
services, education, fashion/ apparel, information and
communications technology, film, finance, food production,
green technology, life sciences and tourism. Thanks to a
highly educated workforce, great international connections
and low operating costs, Toronto businesses have the topnotch support network that is essential to success.
The City of Toronto is pleased to support the Toronto
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

2012 Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (THCC).

No information in this study may be published without
recognizing the source as the 2012 THCC Latin American
Businesses and Professionals in Toronto and the GTA.
For more information, contact THCC by email at or visit:
Mailing Address:
720 King Street West, Suite 523, Toronto, ON M5V 3S5
This study was conducted for THCC by GD Economics
(a division of GDA Economics Inc.). The firm undertakes
assignments in municipal and regional economic
development, economic impact assessment, labour
market analysis and the planning and economics of
transportation infrastructure.

Supported by Guia Hispana

Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Diverse, educated and young

Latin Americans in Toronto are an
emerging entrepreneurial force.
Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

About this Initiative

Key Findings

Background 7
Approach 8
Latin American Businesses
Methodology 11
Latin American Firms by Sector
Distribution of Latin American Businesses
Compared to the Toronto Employment Survey 2011 15
Survey Results
Latin American Businesses
Latin American Professionals
Benchmarking Against Torontos Labour Force


Conclusions 25
Appendix A
Latin American Businesses in Toronto and the GTA


Appendix B
Latin American Organizations


Special Thanks


Toronto Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce
Bridging Business Opportunities for Canadians and Hispanics
The Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (THCC) is a
nonprofit organization established in 2002. Our focus is to
support economic development for Hispanic business in
Canada and Latin America.
Our mission is to be the bridge connecting Canadians
with Hispanics/Latin-Americans in pursue of business
opportunities. We strive to be the leading advocate and
facilitator for both the Hispanic community in Canada and
the Canadian community in Spanish-speaking countries and
Latin America.

About this Initiative

This research project is Part One of an ambitious plan on
the part of the THCC to fulfill its mandate as a Chamber of
Commerce. It is a major step forward in gathering muchneeded metrics and data upon which informed business
decisions could be made.
The THCC offers many activities for members and the
broader Latin American1 business community alike. In an
effort to help shape those activities, this research paints a
portrait of the local Latin American business and professional
community, focused on two aspects:
The compilation and analysis of a database of businesses across the
Greater Toronto Area (GTA) which are owned by Latin Americans.
The analysis of results from a survey undertaken of entrepreneurs and
professionals in the Latin American business community in the GTA.

This research project is a first step at understanding the

importance of the Latin American community to the local
and regional economy and sets a precedent for future
phases of work to be undertaken by THCC.

1 For the purposes of this research Latin America includes all Spanish
speaking countries in North, Central and South America, and the
Caribbean, and Brazil.

Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Key Findings
There are over 500 Latin American owned businesses
operating in the Toronto region: they are very diverse and
they operate in all sectors of the regions economy.
Latin American owned businesses are dominated
by those in the Food & Beverage (17.7%), Personal
Services (14.4%), and Business and Professional
Services (24.3%) sectors important and growing
sectors of the regional economy, and a source of
business and employment opportunities.
Half of the 140 Latin American-owned businesses
surveyed have started operations in the last five years.
An additional 20% have been in operation between 5
and10 years, and the firms in both groups are largely
small to medium enterprises (SMEs).
Based on a preliminary assessment, the economic
impact of Latin American businesses on the regional
economy ranges from $49.2 million to $73.8 million in
direct effects. Expectations are that this contribution
will grow going forward, as the firms are young and
immigration from Latin America continues apace.
The contribution to the local economy is through both
domestic sales and foreign trade, with one-third of
businesses reporting they do business in Latin America
the latter leading to positive balance of payments impact.
Latin American professionals 32% of which arrived in
the past five years are very active in all areas of the
regional economy. Given their high level of education
attainment, they occupy a range of professional and
technical positions in small and large firms including
Corporate Canada.

Latin American Businesses and Professionals

Growing: 99,300+
The Latin American community in the GTA has grown by
61.5% between 1996 and 2006
(2006 Census)

Most Latin Americans in Toronto come from

Colombia, Mexico & Brazil

Since 2006, 4000+ Latin Americans have
made Toronto their home every year

Since the 2006 Census, 22,750 permanent residents have
arrived to the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area (CMA)
from Latin America, of which 15,354 (67.5%) chose to settle
in the City of Toronto. Roughly the same numbers arrived
during the previous inter-censal period from 2002 through
2006. The dominant countries of origin for Latin American
immigrants across the CMA were Colombia at 20.1%,
Mexico at 15.9% and Brazil at 15.1%. These three nations
were responsible for 11,640 new permanent residents
across the CMA.
In responding to the 2006 Census, those who reported a
visible minority status of Latin American have grown by
61.5% between 1996 and 2006, to 99,300 individuals, or 2%
of the population of the Toronto CMA. Results of the 2011
Census have not yet been released, but there is evidence
that immigration from Latin America has continued apace.
Annual data from Citizenship and Immigration Canada shows
that immigration from Latin America to the Toronto region
(Census Metropolitan Area or CMA) since the Census of
2006 has consistently outpaced the annual trend prior to
2006 (Figure 1).
For the City of Toronto, 19.6% of Latin American arrivals are
from Colombia, while 17.6% are from Mexico and 17% are
from Brazil. The 8,327 new permanent Toronto residents
from these three nations represent 71.5% of the CMA total.

It is against this backdrop that the Toronto Hispanic

Chamber of Commerce commissioned this important
research into the contribution Latin Americans have on the
regional economy.

City Total
CMA Total





2003 2004









Figure 1 - New Permanent Residents Arriving from Latin America by Year

Source: Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 2012
Prepared by: GD Economics, Toronto, June 2012

Our findings show that Latin Americans are making

important and growing contributions to the regional
economy. This impact is outlined throughout this report,
and demonstrates:
There are a significant number of businesses owned by Latin Americans
across all sectors of the economy not simply as local services to Torontos
Latin American population.
A significant number of professionals from Latin America, with advanced
qualifications, are active across the entire spectrum of the regional economy.

This research initiative seeks to:
1. To quantify how many businesses in the Toronto area are
owned by Latin Americans, the sectors they are active
in, and how many Toronto area businesses in general are
active in Latin America.
2. To profile Latin American professionals working in
businesses and their sectors, in the GTA.

Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Latin American
have advanced

Additionally, it examines the role of business organizations

that cater to the Latin American business community.
Information about local businesses owned by Latin
Americans was collected through the completion of a
web-based survey. These returns, combined with an
examination of other business listings, trade memberships
and research into various media, has yielded a considerable
first step toward profiling the local Latin American
business community.
The results of the survey of business owners and
professionals, offers insight into the dynamics of the
local Latin American business community and a better
understanding of the contribution Latin American business
owners and professionals bring to the regional economy.
The following organizations were approached and provided
support for this project:
Brazil-Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Brazilian Consulate in Toronto
Canadian Colombian Professional Association
Canadian Council of the Americas
City of Toronto
Exatec Ontario
Hispanic Ontario Lawyers Association
Javeriana Professional Alumni Association
Latin American Business Club at Rotman
Latin Project Management Network
Mexico-Canada Alliance of Commerce
Mexican Consulate in Toronto
Peruvian Canadian Chamber of Commerce

Latin American Businesses and Professionals

There are over 500 Latin American owned

businesses operating in the Toronto region



million to


million in
direct effects
Rudimentary assessment of
the economic impact of Latin
American businesses on the
regional economy per year

Business &
Services Combined


Food & Beverage


Personal Services


Prominent sectors for Latin

American owned businesses

Latin American Businesses

A key objective of this project is the initiation of a
consolidated database of Greater Toronto Area (GTA)
businesses owned and operated by Latin Americans.
Appendix A represents a first step toward such a database.
The resulting listing of 547 businesses is a starting point in
building this important vehicle for profiling, and promoting,
Latin American businesses throughout the GTA.

Research was conducted by examining lists acquired
from various commercial, not-for-profit, and business
organizations, independent research through various media
(print and electronic), as well as responses to the survey of
businesses conducted by THCC throughout April and
May, 2012. Additional entries were added by contacting
professional and trade associations, as well as media
research and other private organizations including:

Directorio Latino Canada
El Mundo Latino News
Guia Hispana

The list was further refined in consultation with staff at the

City of Toronto Economic Development and Culture Division.
The final list of 547 is significant, but cannot be considered
exhaustive at this time. By the very nature of the research
method there remains a heavy emphasis on retail, personal,
home and auto services aimed at the local Latin American
community, in addition to consumers in general.

Latin American Firms by Sector

The firms that form the database for this research project,
as listed in Appendix A, are organized by economic sectors.
At 17.7%, Food & Beverage is the largest sector including
restaurants, clubs and food retailers and wholesalers. The
next largest sector is Personal Services (14.4%) which
includes a lot of local services oriented to the Hispanic
residential community. With 9.3%, Other includes
manufacturing (a small number of firms), along with
miscellaneous retail, construction and home renovation
companies, and other services not easily classified under the
other sectors (Table 1 and Figure 2).
Table 1 - Latin American Firms by Sector


Arts & Culture



Auto Sales & Services



Business Services



Fashion & Apparel



Food & Beverage





Medical & Pharma



Personal Services



Professional Services



Tourism & Hospitality








Media & Communications


The Food and Beverage Sector, with 97 firms, is the largest

segment of the database identified to date. This is in
concordance with observations about the regional economy.
Along with Los Angeles, Torontos Food & Beverage cluster
is one of the largest in North America, employing 58,000
people. Torontos food cluster has annual sales of over $18
billion. With over 700 businesses in the City of Toronto and
1500 in the broader region, employment has increased at a
rate of 5% per year. (


Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

5.9% Arts & Culture

7.1% Auto Sales & Service
10.8% Business Services
2.4% Fashion & Apparel
17.7% Food & Beverage
4.4% Media & Communications
11.3% Medical & Pharma
14.4% Personal Services
13.5% Professional Services
3.1% Tourism & Hospitality
9.3% Other

Figure 2 - Distribution of Latin American Firms by Sector

Sources: La Guia Hispana / THCC Survey / independent research
Prepared by: GD Economics, Toronto, June 2012

Imminent growth
in the Latin American
business community
will benefit the Food
and Beverage Sector,
creating further
opportunities for the
upcoming PanAm
and Parapan
Games in 2015.

The diversity of businesses in this cluster is revealed by this

current research project. The specialty foods sub-sector has
been important in the City of Toronto, and continues to grow
in importance, reflecting the multi-ethnic makeup of Toronto.
The Latin American business community contributes
significantly to this growing sub-sector as evidenced by the
97 businesses identified to date (see Appendix A). While
many of these businesses are restaurants, cafes, and
caterers, there are a number of producers (bakeries) and
importers which will have linkages to the broader Food &
Beverage business network.
As the Latin American population grows it can be expected
that this sector will be even more important, both as an area
for new businesses and, more generally, for job creation as
more opportunities present themselves, especially in relation
to the upcoming PanAm and Parapan Games in 2015.
Business and Professional Services are tabulated separately
in this version of a Latin American Business listing.
Combined, they represent 24.4% of all the businesses
identified, revealing more concordance with the results
of the Toronto Employment Survey (see page 15). As a
combined sector this reflects the importance of these
business activities to Torontos economy. There are over
316,000 people employed in business and professional
services activities in the City of Toronto and the 24,000
firms in Toronto make up 21% of the Canadian total for
this cluster. The breadth of services in this sector across
the City and Region, is reflected in the Latin American
business community with firms identified in Law,
Accounting, Advertising, Architectural and Engineering

Latin American Businesses and Professionals


The Latin American business community reflects the breath of

services of the GTAs business and professional services sector
with firms identified in: Law, Accounting, Advertising, Architectural
and Engineering services, and Specialized Design services.
services and Specialized Design services. Notable within
the Latin American business community, are services in
the area of international trade and immigration consultation.
The Business and Professional Services sectors
combined growth, has seen the addition of 440 business
establishments over the past five years, or 48% of the
total increase in businesses across Toronto, with total jobs
growing by 3,899 employees (17% of City-wide job growth).
Given the high level of education attained by immigrants
from Latin America, the Business and Professional Services
sectors will see an increased presence of Latin Americans in
the near future.
Other prominent sectors like Auto Services and Personal
Services may be areas where business start ups are aimed
at servicing the local Latin American population, clearly
however, their prevalence suggests they play an important
role in the broader local service economy and will continue
to do so going forward as the Latin American population
to grow.


Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Distribution of Latin American Businesses Compared to

the Toronto Employment Survey 2011
The distribution of Latin American businesses is compared to the City of Toronto Employment Survey
(TES), which counts firms and number of employees throughout Toronto. This comparison is presented
as a reference for indicating relative sectoral weights (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Distribution of Latin American Businesses vs Toronto Employment Survey, 2011

Sources: Latin American Business List, 2012; Toronto Employment Survey, 2011
Prepared by: GD Economics, Toronto, June 2012

Latin American Businesses and Professionals


Most firms are concentrated in

Professional Business

Services Services

36% 29%
This is reflective of the very high levels of educational attainment in

Latin American Entrepreneurs

THCC Survey of Latin American Businesses 2012

Industries where Latin American

professionals work
Business Services
Professional Services
Government & Non-profit
Financial Services


THCC Survey of Latin American Professionals 2012

Survey Results
The survey of Latin American businesses and professionals
was conducted to present a more nuanced story about the
scope and influence of local entrepreneurs and professionals
of Latin American heritage.
Two online surveys were designed: One aimed at
entrepreneurs and another aimed at professionals. These
professionals may work in a variety of sectors and capacities
in the regional economy, are of Latin American origin and
actively network within this community.
The questionnaires were accessible through the website.
An email solicitation was sent out to all individuals who had participated in THCC events and
subscribers to THCCs newsletter.
THCC contacts through LinkedIn were directed to the survey link.
A press release was issued announcing the project and directing people to the survey link.
Numerous Latin American business and trade associations were approached for assistance in
raising awareness of the survey effort, including Latin American consulates in Toronto.
THCC printed special business cards promoting the survey; these were handed out at
networking events.
Respondents were encouraged to forward the link to other like-minded professionals and
business owners the snowball method.
Additional responses were collected at two major THCC events where laptop computers linked
to the survey site were available for registration.

Survey responses were gathered between April 2nd and

May 28th, 2012. The survey of professionals garnered 199
responses, while the survey of business owners was
completed by 140 entrepreneurs. The following sections
describe the findings revealed about these two dimensions
of the local Latin American business community.

Latin American Businesses

Owners of 140 businesses responded to the survey.
Respondents are from a diverse range of Latin American
countries, but most prominently from Colombia, Mexico,
Peru, Argentina and Venezuela. Respondents to this survey
tended to be clustered in Professional and Business
Services (88 businesses in total). The 49 Professional
Services firms include accounting firms, law, medical, and
dental practices. 39 firms can be classified as Business
Services, which captures establishments offering services
to other businesses such as printing, media, marketing, IT
and consulting firms.
The demographic makeup of the entrepreneurs surveyed is
revealing. Not unexpectedly, the reported length of time in
Canada suggests that longer term residents are more likely
to own a business. The majority of respondents,
55%, have been in Canada for more than 10 years, and
74% have been here for 5 years or more while 10% were
born in Canada (Figure 5). For those who were born outside
of Canada, over 26% are from Colombia, almost 18% from
Mexico, 10% from Peru, and Argentina and Venezuela both
represent 8.5%.

22 of 117 responses were from newer arrivals, within the past five years
predominantly from Colombia and Venezuela
These newer immigrants seem to be clustered in Professional and Business
Services (14 of 22)
Close to half of these more newly-arrived entrepreneurs report doing business
in Latin American countries.

The majority of firms are concentrated in Professional

Services (36%) and Business Services (29%) and this is
reflective of the very high levels of educational attainment
in the Latin American community as these sectors typically
have high educational requirements (Figure 4).


Have been in Canada

for more than 10 years

74% 10%

Have been in Canada

for 5 years or more

Were born
in Canada

THCC Survey of Latin American Businesses 2012


Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

5.8% Arts & Culture

28.5% Business Services
5.1% Communications & Broadcasting
8.0% Financial Services
3.6% Local Services
5.8% Manufacturing
35.8% Professional Services
5.1% Retail & Wholesale
2.2% Scientific & Technical

Figure 4 - Latin American Businesses by Industry




5 - 10


10 +

Figure 5 - Years in Operation Figure 6 - Size of Business

Most firms are small with 55% being one or two-person
operations and fully 80% having five or fewer employees. It
is worth noting that the average size of the 75,000 business
establishments in the Toronto Employment Survey is 17.5.
Most of the businesses surveyed are small with almost 70%
reporting annual sales below $200,000 (Figure 6).

Latin American Businesses and Professionals


One-third of
respondents conduct
business or derive
income from Latin
American countries,
benefiting Canadas

One-third of respondents conduct business or derive income

from Latin American countries (Figure 7). Importantly, this
is export income being earned with positive impacts on
Canadas balance of payments. Businesses active in trade
with Latin America are clustered in Professional Services
(35%) and Business Services (29%). Additionally, 40%
of respondents reported deriving more than 20% of their
business income from Latin American Canadians.
The largest concentration of businesses is in Downtown
Toronto (27%) with another 7% located in the older cities
of Toronto, York or East York (Figure 8). There is, however,
a strong suburban presence with 17% of firms located in
North York, over 11% in Peel Region and 13% in York Region.
Meanwhile, 8% of respondents reported multiple locations
across the GTA.

Figure 7 - Business Type by Presence in Latin America

Figure 8 - Business Location


Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Latin American Professionals

Professionals who have arrived from Latin American
countries are very active in all areas of the regional economy,
in large firms and small. Surveys were completed by 199
professionals. The most prominent industries represented
are in Business Services and Professional Services, but with
considerable representation in a number of other areas such
as Financial Services, Communications, Government and
the not for profit sector. Many hold down Management or
Business Administration occupations in these firms, with
significant numbers in Natural and Applied Sciences.
In contrast to the responses from entrepreneurs,
respondents to the survey of professionals tend to be more
recent arrivals to Canada. Fully 32% have been in Canada
less than 5 years. Over one-third have been here more than
10 years and almost 29% have been here for between 5
and 10 years. Only 2.6% were born in Canada (Figure 9 and
Figure 10).

Figure 9 - Length of Time in Canada

Of the 186 respondents who were born outside of Canada,
24% are from Mexico, 21% are from Colombia, just over
12% are from Venezuela, while 8% are from Argentina; 38%
have been here over 10 years while 29% have been here
between 5 and 10 years. One-third of those born outside
of Canada have been here less than five years, equally split
between under 2 years and 2 to 5 years.
Latin American professionals are working in a wide range of
industries with over 19% in Business Services and over 16%
in Professional Services. Interestingly, 14.5% are found in
Government and the not for profit sector, more than those
working in Financial Services (12%), and almost 10% are
found in Manufacturing industries.
The occupation categories that these professionals occupy
within these industries show the following large clusters:

Latin American Businesses and Professionals


Figure 10 - Length of Time in Canada by Country of Origin

occupation types:
30% Management;
20% Business,
Finance and
Administration; and
15% Education,
Law and Social,
Community and


Nearly 30% are Management, followed by over 20%

in Business Services, Finance, and Administration, and
almost 15% in Education, Law and Social, Community and
Government occupations (Figure 11).
By comparison, the 2006 Census reports 11.6% of the
employed labour force working in Management, 21.4%
in Business, Finance and Administration, and 8.4% in
occupations dealing with Education, Law and Social,
Community and Government. This is reflective of a very
highly educated respondent population (Figure 12).
Respondents reported working in Management occupations
across all industry types with concentrations in Business
Services and Communications/Broadcasting. A wide
range of professions are represented in the survey
responses from Engineers, Doctors and Lawyers, to
Psychotherapists, teachers, mathematicians, Accountants,
and Communications specialists. Over 28% of respondents
are members of LAMBA and almost 24% are members of
Exatec Ontario.
The survey reveals a highly educated professional
community (Figure 12) with over 91% reporting a Bachelor
degree or higher. This contrasts with education levels within
the broader population, in which 26.7% of CMA residents
and 29.5% of City residents report having a Bachelor degree
or higher.
Most respondents work in Downtown Toronto (51.7%) and
the inner city (5.6%), while 14% work in Peel Region and
6.7% in York Region (Figure 13). Almost 7% report that they
have multiple work locations across the GTA. Respondents
reside throughout the GTA with almost 30% living
Downtown and another 11% residing elsewhere in the inner
city, while 18% live in North York and 16% in Peel Region.

Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Figure 11 - Professionals by Group Occupation

Figure 12 - Educational Attainment of Professionals

Figure 13 - Professionals by Place of Work

Latin American Businesses and Professionals


Benchmarking Against Torontos Labour Force

The proportionate responses to the THCC survey of professionals against the breakdown of the
Toronto CMA labour force by occupation. The latest labour force information available is the 2011
yearly overview of the Labour Force Survey conducted by Statistics Canada. Given the nature of our
data collection method it is not surprising that we found a much greater proportion of respondents in
Management occupations, and Social Sciences / Government ; and a significantly smaller proportion
reporting occupations in Manufacturing, Trades, Transportation & Equipment Operators, and Sales and
Service. Interestingly, the proportion of respondents working in occupations in Business, Finance and
Administration of businesses is quite comparable to the proportion found in the broader labour force
across the region (Figure 14).

Figure 14 - Occupations: THCC Survey vs Labour Force Survey, 2011

Sources: THCC Survey of Professionals, 2012; Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey, 2011
Prepared by: GD Economics, Toronto, June 2012


Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Highlights of the dynamics of

the Latin American business and
professional community in the
GTA: Educated and entrepreneurial,
this group is growing fast. Their
contribution provides a significant
impact to the regional economy.

This research is the first step towards a gathering of
information about the Latin American business community
in the GTA. This data will help the THCC in its mandate
to support the economic development of Latin American
business in both Canada and Latin America and cultivate
partnerships between the various communities. As the Latin
American population grows within the City of Toronto and
the broader region, they will continue to make a significant
contribution to the regional economy.
The information gathered in this report is new, and provides
THCC with a base on which to inform the broader community
about the scale and scope of economic contribution, and
breadth of activity engaged in by the Latin American business
community. Its size alone suggests a significant market
for any businesses, Latin American, or non-Latin American
firms interested in selling to and buying from Latin American
businesses, or the general community. Latin American
professionals will continue to be sought after due to their high
qualifications, particularly as interest in doing business in Latin
America increases. This will be important as Latin American
immigration continues, their business and professional
numbers increase and as trade with Latin American countries
grows in the years ahead.
The THCC intends to continue its outreach efforts to the
Latin American community to continue building its profile.
There are many self-employed individuals offering business
or professional services that may grow into more formal
businesses in their own right. Additionally, the Food &
Beverage, Personal Service, general retailing and other
areas will continue to offer opportunities for this new
multifaceted and entrepreneurial class to flourish, grow
and prosper in Toronto.
Latin American Businesses and Professionals


Appendix A
Latin American Businesses in Toronto and the GTA
Arts & Culture
Academy of Spanish Dance
AG Analogue Gallery
Audio Station
Ayalavi Photography
Big Guy Studio
Big Time Moments
Carolina Pineda Visual Artist
Crackers World Communications
Frameline Productions
Froma-z Recordings
Fromaz Records
Imagen Real
Latin Fever
Liquid HDV Productions
Magia Negra
Mi Casita Media Group Inc.
Okokan Productions
OSCARDO (Design, outsourcing)
Rhythmic Fire Danz Centre
Santana Entertainment
Seduccion by design visual
Spanish Centre (language school)
Spanish in Canada
Tango de Oro
The Communication Embassy
TMI Studio
Toronto Foto Art
Toronto Latin Djs
Unikron inc.

Auto Sales & Service

A A Auto Electric Rebuilders Ltd.
AB2000 Auto Body Inc.
Airlift Limousine
Alberto Auto Mechanic Service
AM Collision
Amberes Repairs LTD
Amigo Auto repair
Amigo Towing
Auto Collision Centre Ltd.
Auto Mex
C&M Tire
Caliber Motors
Canas Transport & Repair
Can-Fix Auto
Chons Towing
Colombia Auto Repair
Continental Mobile Windshield
Cross Performance Auto Service
D&G Limousine Services
E.T.M. Auto
Edwins Auto Sales & Services
Francescos Limousine Inc


Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Global Fine Imports

Globe Auto Electric Co.
Gonzalez General Auto Service Inc.
J&C Auto Maintenance LTD
Lion Auto
Manhattan Livery Services
Mejicol Auto Collision & Detailing
Miguels Mechanic Service
Miriam Tires & Wheels
Oscar Auto Repair
Pacheco Auto Electric
Paisacar Auto Service
PNG Auto Collision & Mechanical Centre
Robert Towing Auto Service
Tires Tires LTD
Walter Towing Services
Willys Tires LTD

Business Services
$um-it Credit Solutions
AA Management Consulting
Alcivar & Associates
Alex Enterprises Ltd.
Alma Barrero Image Consulting
Ascencion & Associates
Associates of Santiago Rodriguez
Atlantic Trade International
Atto Dcor
Ayala Enterprises
Bacellar Venture Partners
Be-Clear Language Services
Blok Design (graphic design)
Boardsuite Corp.
C.O Souvenirs
Canadian Latinoamerican Comercial Service
Casco Design
Claudio Tapia
Direct Audiovisual
Distribuidora Carrillo
DS4 Studio - Coporate Image Design
Exito Trade Consulting Inc.
Extra equipaje
Galarza Shipping
Grace Marketing
GTA Credit Solutions Service Ltd.
Guayoyo Events
Ideas Fan Inc
Inter Host Canada
International Capital Management
ITC Invoice to Cash, Inc.
ITPL Productions
Jose Cabezas Distributor
K D Technology
Omega Trading Cargo
Optiweb Canada
Partners promotional group Inc

PBS Peralta Bros. Shipping

QSQ (Scanning / Printing)
Rico Imagen
Santa Fe Import - Export
Sapphire Canada Trade
Satelites CSL
Style Cleaning Services
Toronto Shipping
Torreblanca Language Consulting
Trade Partners
Tremco Canada Ltd.
Vega design solutions
Via Mar
viarapid logistics
Warren & Associatess

Fashion & Apparel

Amazona Wear
Aztec Goddess of Maize, Xilonen
Cobra Sportwear
Cynthias lingerie
Fashion / Apparel Studio 7
Goal Planet
Lady Mosquito
Saddle Bag
Stellas Corset
Unu Design Workshop
V.I.L. Very Intimate Lingerie
Variedades Gladys
Very intimate lingerie

Food & Beverages

Alianza Latina
Aquarela Restaurant
Arepa caf
Autentic Homemade Famous empanadas
Autnticas Famosas Empanadas
Ba Ba Luu Supper Club
Bagel Flame
Caf Latino
Caf Lurin Tapas
Cantina Mexicana
Carniceria del Baby Beef
Casa Barcelona
Charlies Meat
Chilango Taco
Churrasqueria Costa Verde
Churrasqueria Estrela
Cocina Lucero
Columbus Panderia Colombiana
Comedor popular ecuatoriano
Dos amigos mexican food restaturant
El Almacen
El arriero Restaurante
El buen Precio
El Chinamo restaurant
El Dorado Golf Club and Restaurant
El Eden Ecuatoriano
El Emporio de los Sandwiches

El Fogon Restaurant
El Gordo Fine Foods
El Jacal
El Palenque restaurante
El rincon mexicano
El rinconcito Criollo
El Tenampa Bar & Restaurant
El Trompo Restaurant
Embrujo Flamenco Restaurant
Empanada Company
Emporio de los Sandwiches
Frida Restaurant
Fuzion 99 Restaurant Lounge
Global Food traders
Johns Italian Caf
Juan Meat Market El Gaucho
Julios Quality Food
Jumbo empanadas
La Bahia
La Cocina de Doa Luz
La Costeita
La Favorita
La Merceria
La Mexicana Restaurant (2 locations)
La Mexicana Tortilleria y Antojitos
La paisa Colombian Cousine
La Pasiva Restaurant
La Risata Ristorante
La tortilleria
Las Americas
Las Fronteras
Latin American Emporium & Emporium Express
Latin Super Chicken
Leos Bar- Restaurante
Macelleria del Baby Beef
Machu Picchu Restaurant
Malbec Restaurant
Mama Mia
Mario Bross
Mi Pueblo Restaurante Salvadoreo
Mi Tierra Restaurant
Milagro Restaurant (2 locations)
Nino DAversa
Nueva Super Guatemala
Pasteleria Barreda
Perola Supermarket
Plaza Flamingo
Portofino Vineria
Pupuseria Salvadorea
Rincon Latino
Sabor hispano
Santa Fe
Santo Restaurante
Segovia Meat Market
Sky Ranch Restaurante
So Many Cakes
Tenoch Restaurant Grill & Bar
The Alamo
The Boulevard Caf
Tienda Guadalupe
Tifco/ Fernando Massalin
TRADESA Corp. (Wine & Spirits)

Latin American Businesses and Professionals


Venerica Meats, INC
Vitoria Panaderia

AGA Latin Productions
Comercio Latino
Compra Y Venta
Cristina Alvaradejo Enterprises
El Centroamericano Newspaper
El Diario Popular
El Expreso Newspaper
El Mundo Latino News
FW Media and Marketing Services/Santiago Osegera
Hispanic Roots
La guia
Latino Communication Services
Mercado News
Periodico La Buena Nueva
Periodico Orgullo Hispano
PG Advertising
Revista Debate
Sports Astros
The Bakery Communications
Voces Latinas
Zerofactral Studio Inc.

Dr. Ramon Humeres

Dr. Roberto Burgos
Dr. Rodolfo Olvera & Asociados
Dr. Tony Canals Dental Office
Dra. Irma Montes Hussey
Dra. K. Lucia Pentzke & Associados
Dra. Monica Iriarte
Dundas Euclid Animal Hospital
Emel Silva Denturist
Empress Dentistry
Etobicoke Veterinary Hospital
Glencairn Dental Office
Global Optical
GTA Counselling Services
Hillcrest Health Centre
Hipnoterapia Avanzada
Indian Road Family Dentistry
Iris/Diana Alarcon
Keele & Finch Dental Office
Lansdowne Dental Care
My Dentist on Steeles Dr. Sanchez-Caccavella &
Natural Medicine Homeopathy
Sanlyn/ Sandra Levy Wellness Centre
The Ads Centre
Toronto Medical Plaza
United Dental Clnic
Universal Optical
Vitality Health Centre
Warden Animal Hospital

Medical & Pharmaceutical


AAA Dental
Alex Alexander
Ana M. Diaz de Molnar
Ashleys Optical
Avenue Road Eye Care
Bellesmere Dental Clinic
Benitez Dental Clinic
Blanca Cabrera-Vera
Caprice Optical
Cesar Garcia
Clinica Castillo Cirugia
Clinica Cordero
Clinica Dental Dr. Rommel Gutierrez
College & Ossington Dental Office
Consumers Optical
Conversaciones Terapeuticas
Dental Centre
Dental Med @ Keele & Finch
Dentistry on Dupont
Dr Ingrid Gore and Associates
Dr. Alberto Vazquez / Dr. Carmita Bau
Dr. Angela Mendoza Baez
Dr. Elena Calderon Denture Clinic
Dr. Hidalgo Dental Clinic
Dr. Humberto B. Claveria
Dr. Irene V. Ayala
Dr. Jaime Muyal
Dr. Jhon Olarte
Dr. Julio A. Garcia
Dr. Luis Ezqueda
Dr. Mario Mazariegos
Dr. Martha J. Roman
Dr. Oscar Dalmao

4UR Convenience
Adrians Appliances
Agua Pura
Barcelona Home Appliances
Blow Plast of Canada Ltd.
BRS international group
Carmenza Gifts & Video
Carpet & Blinds Depot
Celis enterpraise Ltd
Cellular Pro
Claudia Campos - Aloe Vera
Colombia Copper & Aluminum
Cponce Construction Inc./ Camilo ponce
E&J Stone G.C. Inc.
Edgar Gonzalez Herbalife
First Choice Electrodomesticos
Glacier Refrigeration
Golds Used Appliances
Hollywood Times
Hondumex General Construction
International Abrasives
Intex Renovations
Israel Garage Doors
J.P. Paving Co Inc.
JD interprises
JDG Electronics Ltd.
Jesan Company
Johns Flooring
LozanoDiaz Construction

Media & Communications


Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Luis Valencia Jewellery Inc

Mariposa Renovaciones
MC&D Builders & Renovators
Menace Installers windows and doors
Mimas Gift Shop
Mistura Timepieces
Moras Services
NBD Inc.
P&J Signs
Pampa Leather Corp.
Perez Constructing Inc.
R & T Import & Export Ltd
Royal Railings Co.
Tile Mart Ltd.
Tommys garage doors
VERS (Design, manufacturing furniture)

Personal Services
4 dogs grooming salon
Alejandro Uribe MA Laser Skin Care Clinic
Alexandrias Beauty Salon
Alfa & Omega libreria Hispana
Alicias Beauty Salon
ALM Amigo Latino Moving
Alma Unisex Salon de Belleza
Amigo Latino Mudanzas
Amigo Plumbing
Angelas Hair design
Aquamed Spa
Argent Mechanical
Beau Solei Tanning Studio
Bio Skin Care clinic Inc.
Blizzard Driving School
Brazilian Hair Studio
Brisa Driving School Inc.
Canadian Aesthetics Academy Inc.
Casa Nova contracting garage doors
Cash Rapido
Christie Refrigeration
Cocos Driving School
Del Sol Muebleria y Tapiceria
DRS Plumbing & Heating
Durangos Beuaty Salon
Eco Cartage & Movers
Economy Optical
Elcys Beauty Salon
Empresas Amazonas
Espejos Hair Styling
Fabiolas Beauty Salon
Hi-Tech Driver Education
Imagen Latina Inc.
International Foot Care Centre
Isabel Serrano - Great glasses
Jaime Rents
Jane St. Optical
Joel Pest Control
Julia M. Pardo Health & Wellness Clinic
Keele Computers Servicio y Reparacion
Kwik Kopy Design & Print Centre (Queensway)
Latino Auto Services
Learners Academy
Leonardo - International Hair Salon

Lipo Express
Long Life Heating & A/C
Los tres reyes
Lucys Beauty Salon
Manuel Bentes
Martha Beauty Centre
Mauros Beauty Salon
Melaleuca Wellness Company of Canada
Moreno Electric
MR Services
Mudanzas Amigo latino
Mystic pointe yoga studies
Nelcys Hair Salon
Party Kids
Phone Cash
Phone Cash
Ria envios de Dinero
Roses Spa
Royal Moving
SDExp Santo Domingo Express
Skin Deep
Spa Serene
Success Inc.
Taima Zone
The Beatiful Lady
The place of Beauty
The renew beautiful salon & Spa service
Toms Heating & Cooling Inc.
Toronto Latino
Via Express
Victor Gomez - Scrap Renoval la familia
Vigo Remittance Corp.

Professional Services
AB Spanish Traslation Services
Able Tax Management Partners
Adela Crossley
Andres Perera Translation Services
Battiston & Associates
Canada International Translations Services
Carcamo Personal Injury
Carlos Ampuero
Carranza LLP
Cesar A. Castellon
Codina International
Crane Davies Spina LLP
Cruz Herrera Ltd.
Daniel Grzymisch Accounting
David Noguera
Defensa Hispana
Delgado & Associates
Denise Beker Languages
DN Accouning & Tax
Duffus Consulting
ED Credit Counselling & Consulting
Esteban Uribe
Estela Gonzalez
Federico Perez Hernandez
Felix Rocca
Filici- Palacio Immigration Services
Francisco Rojas Legal Services

Latin American Businesses and Professionals


Gallardo & Associates

Gasparetto Law Office
Ghisilieri & Company
Injury Claims Services
Judith D. Arrillaga
Latino Financial Services
Licata Disability Management
Maria Cruzado & Associates
Markle Reid Munoz LLP
Martin Montes
Maureen Elizondo
Maurizio Vani
Mazinani Law Offices
Metro Tax
Micro Management
Mike Palacio
Morataya & Associates
Morcan Financial Inc.
Mortgage Centre
Nicholas Charitsis
Nicolas Canizares
OAS Ocampos Accounting Services
Omnicom Translations Inc
Optimum Inspection
Pappas - Romero Law Firm
Patricia Wells
Patricio Romann
Paul K. Mergler
Provincial Personal Injury Claims Inc.
Ricardo Francis Claims negotiations
professional corporation
Ricardo Rivera

Rodolfo Higuera
Rojas Canadian Immigration Services
Ron Palleschi
Rossanna Pena
RR Translations
Sivil Consulting Inc
Tax Help
Tax Uno
Torres Toro & Associates
Translation Services for You
Visionlife Inc.
Warren Viegas & Associates
White Gold Financial Services

Tourism & Hospitality

1-2-1 Travel Connections
Acadia Travel Agency
Ace Place
Amigo Travel Ltd
Amigos Tours
Andes Travel & Tours
Andina Travel
Dundas Travel & Tours
Hispana Travel & Tours
IBERCAN Consulting
Latin America Multi Services
Luxor Tours LTD
Martour Travel
Moreno Travel
The Travel Depot
Viajes Andes
Wander Travel Advisers Inc.

Appendix B
Latin American Organizations
Association of Hispanic Professionals
Brazil-Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Canada Colombia Chamber of Commerce
Canadian Association for Latin American
Caribbean Studies
Canadian Colombian Professional Association
Canadian Council of the Americas
Canadian-Latin American Business
Networking Community
Canadian-Latin Group
Casa Cultura
Exalumnos de La Salle
Exatec Ontario
Halton Peel Hispanic Association
Hispanic Ontario Lawyers Association


Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Hispanic Ontario Lawyers Association
Javeriana Professional Alumni Association
LABA Shulich
Latin American Business Club at Rotman
Latin American Researchers of Ontario
Latin Project Management Network
Mexico-Canada Alliance of Commerce
Peruvian Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Toronto PanAmerican Business Group

Special Thanks
The THCC sends special thanks to the members of the
project committee, our supporters, and contributors, without
whom this project would not be possible.

Our Co-sponsor

City of Toronto

Project Committee

Alicia Bulwik
Diego Casco
Jacob Moshinsky
Fabiola Sicard
Guillermo Schible

Guia Hispana
Daniel Morano
Michel Fournier

Our Printing Partner

Captain Printworks

Creative Collaborators

Lauren Boyce
Jairo Arango

Latin American Businesses and Professionals


Toronto Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce
Mailing Address:
720 King Street West, Suite 523
Toronto, ON M5V 3S5
To download a digital version of this
report please visit our website or

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Printing partner:

Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

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