Water Jet Eductors

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PERFORMANCE DATA ON WATER yb SET EDUCTORS I se SCHUTTE & KOERTING WATER JET EDUCTORS “This supplement should be used in conjunction with S & K, Bulletin 2M which describes the construction, operation, and application of Schutte and Koerting Water Jet Educ tors Electors). Bulletin 2M also contains information on available types, sizes and dimensions. This supplement contaiis capacity data. If you do not have a copy of Bulletin 2h, request one. For capacity data on the types of eductors offered, refer ‘to the following index. . INDEX “Type Eavetor ‘Source Page 22 Tables 182 co 22 Nomograph 8 222 Portable) Nomoaé=ph 8 24 Tebles 12 813, a 238 | Nemoaraph 8 2 Tabled 5 2 Nomograph 8 254 Tabeso ar | 67 258 Table? 8 284 Tabs 1,283 4 268 Tables 182 - 4 2045 ‘Tables 48.5 8 207 Contact 8K a 268 ‘hart 8 6 ' TABLE 1. Suction Capacities of Water Jet E“vctors, Types 268,266, and 212=1 Inch Size Only. To determina cap. Jes for sizes ether than + inch, moltily these expacities by the propar capacity ratio factor noted In Tables 2 o 3 lor PVG, KYNAR oF Polypropylene Eductorsh. Eee sae) zee See ay ‘ple ype 264 Wiads eve « Dyscavoe 2 fisted xvwan SF Patpronione — ‘ite Edger in | T T | Pa eeeeters nee eye see iy Ria [eas | ose | ese | vee | 2ar | ear 1 eee neg eee = ‘ato oft ae a a r @ ee t ih Te 7 am ey 24 ah a grag |g ere gee pare ae ana i oS SS ee i Me ° TYPE 258 and 38 TANK MIXING EDUCTORS || Ree tie, Bees MG. “Type 28 and 58 Tar’ ising Bdactors are ued to anh e Ti, dissolve powell in gad: aed to mix too oF tore quia intimately sithina taka tir ves wii Thee bate or moving pares nese the anh Tse Unite tka the plae of machonictaqiatar, "The 39 is sed in poterenc oto 259 n operations where {te dsrabio to start mixing fom 9 sallow “Type 258 and 263 Biductors are operated by a flow of pres: sure ligsid throush the nostles Ar shown in the sectional Aratengs, the mative lguld entaina suction liquid the teo fro miss intimately inthe venturi, andthe mistore s Charged into the tank. Pressure liquid can be takea fom {ank by means of « pump or i ean bes ew liquid Sanda ‘Hock nits are designed to entrain 3 gallons of suction fas {or each gallon of motive fuld. (Special deslgns ofthe 283 auctor can be made fo give 1 to U ratio) . ‘Normally, the tank filled by means ofthe edutors. Mix- lng occurs aa soon asthe level ofTiqld in the tank covers > ‘ction of the ctor. In ation tothe mixing obtained B= {Green tuction dl motive fds inthe educor the fet ation ofthe discharge eom the eductor serves to agitate the f23 ‘tnd prevents stratification. if a draring or sketch of the ming tank i furnished, S wil recommend and quote onthe proper type of distil System ‘Performance information is given in accompanying, Per- TYPE 268 tee :2n¢ WATERS T See SAND and MUD EDUCTOR: PEs (S “Type 4 Taluctore ore used Sn pumping out wells its ws where there fa an accumation of sand, terial nob easily handled by the standard ‘tx "The ote ideal for handling the eaey sludge ning operations. & typical application of 2'Fope 22! Suuctor ia shown inthe epilation ston, ‘Teac a eues hve am open setion and are designed ‘inthe material being handled. The pre wring though the nozzle, produces a hish ‘jist won entaine tho stage or mud Tis mbcure ep tarough a Sertialpipe or hose, Por pet= ‘eematlon, 260 accompanying. Performance ug sh use stato the motive power are tin 2A under “Type 225 Syphon.” 2. SES and DIMENSIONS, TYPE 224 EDUCTORS handling eapaitles, they are particularly well Priming Taree pumps such as dredging pumps which feequently encounter ie pockets. A typeal application is sh vin Uw application section, ~ tale on the periphery of the throat introduce the The presrare water create vacuum which draws in and enteaine the material beng handled and all ‘ow discharges thrush the discharge connection. All su Hon flow is in 3 ataight Line through the edocor. For Ferformance infomation, see accompanying Perfomance Bats, Se 1 |e Te [a wie it Lede, Ce reeeer! * great, 26pig | reader) EpvctoR Fano TET — Agee Peed Bent} UL Nene ame Ca ea Ca LH LAVADORES:°~ HUMEDOS Sy AEC est AAU aay UAT TE fa eae | Astec de Mexico,S.A. | ‘SISTEMA De enFRIAMIENTO joe auipos| ‘avanon HUMEDD PARA AEMOVER HUM Y Gases A etceee Enda de Vapor Motriz — i ! Succion “analo | ano 7 wopeio | tieson | cess | A | 8 | cx |nrnostuno ‘cod | Nr ee va = a il 3 va a za 2 vs 76 7 | 3 va | | ef a vs | | om 5, va] |r 10 vs | 209 | 20, |1rar | a0 10 vao | 25 | 35 | ass | 255 2 Dimensoner en Milimetoe Descarga Sujeto a Cambio sin previo Aviso ASTEC DE MEXICO, S. A. ALVARO OBREGON No, 286-116 MEMO 7,0, F EYECTORES -V- ETAPA SIMPLE j 06-10 Vins V.n08-- Vino Dimensiones en| Sujeto a Cambio ASTEC DE MEXICO, S. A. AWARD OGREGON He, 286418 wehED 7, DF SISTEMA DE VACIO DE DOS EIAPAS CON BAROMETRICO Se Recomienda Tener como or [ramen J[__secuwon J evoeen canara TAMANO EYECTOR +} IE ae ‘en anem ava — WH, 28-418 MICO, DF E MEXICO, 8. A. LISTA DE PARTES I ASTEC de México, 8. A. IMFORWACION REQUERIDA PARA COTIZAR EYECTORES ea ee Direccién itis aE FT efi ei sie set Ata 2- Presién y Temperatura Fluido Motriz___‘Temperatura__P. Barométrica Suecioa________Temperatura_____P, Descarga____ 3~ Capacidad 3.1 No Condensables; Aire______Otros_P, M,_ 3-2 Condensables: Vapor de Agua___Otres. Composicién. P. M.____Pres. de Vapor__Calor Latente. 3.3 Tiempo de Evacuacién_____Volumen Total del Sistema__ 4 Agua de Enftiamiento Temperatura 5x Se Desea Pre. ___Inter__ _Condensador. 6. Tipo de Condensador y Materiales Barométrico Fabricado de. Superficie _Espejos y Tubos___ (Cuerpo_____ 7 Se Desea Filtro ‘Trampa y Separador de Humedad______ 8. Si el Byector Reemplaza a una Bomba Mecénica de Vacio, Proporcionar Etapas_, __No Condensables. ___.Tamafio _Condensables le para la Instalacién__ 10 Aplicacién 0 uso del Byector. Croquis DC te a 2 s a 3 2 0 2 rs a a ACS IVIEIG EDIEM MIE XINGOn eS Ar, [ALVARO OBREGON No, 286416 exICO 7, OF BJECTOR SPECIFICATION SHEET Taomr Tob Ne: [Plant Toes ‘lle No- Hlevaton Dale Tnguiry No. ice Une pecficadon No ie Vara requ Them Now Ta age Tad sage age Wk sage “tage th Hage Tntereondensers Surfice/Baromettie Tocated Tolowing: Tat 7 Bad Sth, 77 Sih. — SegeOY [Aller Condenser: —Surlse/ Barometric PERFORMANGE AND REQUIREMENTS OF ONE UNIT Taal Team ala we we ce pg a premwe OF ‘mas emp Steam required Te ‘Goalng water available ‘OF max. temperature ‘GPR Ting water required cPMt ‘Max. owe ape oF ‘Water dreuit arrangements Paalel/ores [at stage suction presware: ‘Dicharge presure of che lat Hage ond: Ale (MW 20) Tee ater vapor (MW 18) i ‘Gondensable (MW) Tae Neseosdenable (WY he fie Tat age Toa equivalent kA OF Diy Kis] BE OF Wer Var ‘Ar determined by The methods daebad a the Heat Exchange Tote Standards Toe Steam Jet Fjctry, latest edition Land Ginribated to Int sage clement | Reais MATERIALS AND GONSTRUGTION [Teer asenblien nara except a Tllow Sie Reaic and Sica Tnteraal gaskew ‘Section chamber Dif Differ Tanger Steam chet [rasa or gear Borne Conder Sz] ‘seat Wei t | Barer Code Regrets oie Rega [rece ~os- “POPS Fe WONT ome OC FS ay, EMPTY ae ee z0| wp | 220| __|aNloM| a" pz, 22a lenny vl Bol sa | 26 mr) Bors! SOSTGHER DE TROLEGS MEXI AN PLANT eottigeed Tet ANOS _ 730396 CUSTOMER PETROLEOS NEXICAS. aN aN PLANT. ‘PROFOSAL S2ECIFICATION SUBJECT EJECTOR a NIIGATA ENGINEERING CO., LTD, ENG] DATE | [REV] WADE | HED. WADE | wesefee 26-7 [cHKp. APPR. ze bees APPR. | AZo logl tc IGATA PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION FOR EJECTOR [Page i of 1. GENERAL, ‘This specification stipulates estinated conditions for steam ejectors in accordance with your inquiry. 2. APPLICABLE CODES AND stANpARDS Codes and standards applied to ejectors are che follovings. (2) JIS Maceriat, 1976 + Materials Cequivatent’ to AST (2) Awsr 316.5, 1973: Flange @) 0 2 Serev and thread 3. SCORE OF ESTIMATION Works Listed hereunder for ejectors include in the scope of esti mation, (1) Dessga works (2) Fabrication works (a) Ejectore with nase plates () spare parts: nozzle 200% "nozzle gasket 200% (3) Inapection and testing (a) Dimensional and visual inspection (b) Hydrostatic tests (&) Painting ; for outer surface of corrosive anti-rust painting, 2 coats (5) Export packing : per JIS (6) Domestic transport and shipment NGATA PROPOSAL. SPECIFICATION FOR EJECTOR 4, OUT oF score Works Listed hereunder exclude the scope of estimation. (2) Foundation (2) tnstattacion (3) Aecer condenser (4) Piping (5) seructure (6) Campanion-ficnges, gaskets, ute and bolts 5. DELIvERY 13 weeks after comiteent cuagawrees NIIGATA warrants that the ejectors shall be free from defects in design, material and worknansh{p, and shall conform {n all respects to the tems of your inquiry TE Se appears within'12 months fron the date of comfsstoning or 15 woaths from the date of Bill of Lading, whichever cones carlfer, necessary repairs and/or replacenent of parte will be made snnedi~ ately at our expense. 7. DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS NIIGATA wil subait the folloving docusents and drawings after the (1) Asseable deavings end sectional dravings for approval (2) shop Anepection and testing eporte (3) Performance curve NYGATA PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION FOR EJECTOR Page 3 of (A) MGLL test report for stainless steel ALL documents and dravings to be submitted will be written in English Language and ia Netric waite. CeneMicAL PLANT o1vision. sweet no oa ares wo, 3 Evacuation Stean Bisctor Data Sheet tecanon, — TULA HIDAEGO_SIEXICO——— Service TALYSt HOPPER €7eCtR ten Wo. EE =100 Yo. of Unite ___/ Wo, of Stages__/ Yor of Ejector per Stage Bjector type Sulit STAGE Condenser Dare: Dsurtace io TOE Dat Vol. of Evacuated Systen 250 aa Broepted air Leckege—_—faclatacl 2 corazetTa rt aitTinm vvliarnte Te_£PPormi9 abs. Fron Bdomats ais es 40 ananllo aba Nex, Bvacusting Tine 7 Wau Min Suction Temps DS" Bjeotor Load (1osa) (WoL We) (Specs Ht.)'( ) Conensabies eee ee Non ~ Condencablea Total ae any Mr Equivalent ea, stess (or.) (ex (u50.) Pressure "4 ‘enperature Syzete ae Consunption Tots Stent taas Sig Feas ste Presa, Class & Facing HIGH IPI, 115, 10/2 FP.) Water (tors) (axe) (tne) Preseure ee ee Tecpereture Se Cozounptson 2 Tet. Signa. stg. ste. __| Frees. Clace & Pacing AUST, JZ, 315, FP. ae ATERIALS Bjector; Steam Chest. ‘Condenser: Shell Stean Noztle_ 204 5 & © (Barometric) Duffle pustion Chatter Ga Norse Diffuser cs Liniog. Gasket(at Stoan/st Ga) * jiarkt Matordale of the eurface condensers when used will be indicated on another dsta chet. Saavson |Onevisiox, onicisat | | | TOTE cceo | Re] sa %, 4 ——Fo WATT ——Fotsenvii5- SSS HT UTATORN my rey NTE - Cie TENGE Nese Evacuation Stan Gicetor Data sheet nr Pal eUbecs veeiCANUS owe AN PLANT. tecnen, TULA HIDALGO § a Service ROGET Colui) EJECTOR thea Wo. EE -/ok. Nos of Unite____/ to. of Stages lio. of Ejector per Stage___/ ___Biector type 2AGlE STAGE Condenser DBarozetzie surface (xo ERrORUSICR DATA Vol. of Bracunted Systen——__20.a® Recepted Air Leckage VaciudiA iu evacuated ayitinn apteme * Sustion Press. Te_SPpoandia any, Prom 290 amb abd, Moken tee, eeemen ase oa Naz, Evacuating Tie Zilla. Win. Suction Temp. 24% Bjector toad (10a), (Hots te) (Specs ate)" ( Condeneables + 2848p Yon ~ Contensab Total ED, EST | 5 Va Air Bquivalent atte Stean (tor.), ,, (axe) im.) Presaure de 8 ‘tenperature 372% Consunption Tats Steeped Sige eas ste: Press. Class & Pacing ANSI) JPY, 318,__2¢0 2 wis Vater (vor.) Glas.) (tne) : Pressure Tesperature = Cossunptson + Wet, Stead. Stars Ste, Proce, Clase & Fading ANSI, SPI, JIS, ¥F. WP ES Bjector: Stean Chest aad @ atu * Condensers Shell Steam Nozzle___¢ _____ (Barometric) Buffle. Suction Chamber_e Nozale Diftuser = Lining ® Wark: Naterdale of the surface contensers when used will bo indicated on another data sheet, ‘= t pe ceaeaae or ctedenc| aac ne eC) ISS BIE TTEIN a 25 TORE AT T | ay wr AN. ‘ ~ nen, TEER ae — Service “EVACUATION ETELTO Tea Wo. EE. Yo. of Unite. Z Wo. of Stagea___/ Yio. of Bjector per Stage___/ ‘Boector ype Su/HE Sree Contenser D Barometric Dsurtace Fe Vol, of Evacusted Systen. Excepted Air Leakage, Suction Press. a_250 mally afd Pron Biacharee Frese. 40 wala aha at. Mex. Bvacuating Tine Ties Sea Se _| Ejector Load (dead) (Mol. Wt.) (Spee. Ht.)'( ) Contensabies cma Non = Confensables | total cae ees) Ar Bauivalent ele Steam (tor. ) (Max. (Min.) Preesure £2. 8foste — ‘Temperature _ ca chai ae Conzunption Tat. Sta Aegan. SiG as ste Press. Clase & Pacing sy vit, eo ws Ce | Voter or.) (Nax.) Qua.) Pressure — Tospereture i Consunption «Wet Big. ents Steet oe Press. Class & Facing ANSI, JPI, JIS, Fe SERIALS Bjector: Stess Chect__3ed _¢ sre * Conteneer: Shell Steam Hors] ~ (Baronetrie) Busete. Suction Chanter, Norsie Diffueer Lining Casket(at Stean/at Gas) * Wark: Materials of the eurface condensers when Used will be indicated fon another data cheat. & — _ T 6 Y Mgr pera Pe C60! Se encuans One® Con Maes y Oat halls» 280 3 Gon Pe=7 ¥ Go= 090, 3225 cvona Gay = 540 180, Se halla Dp = 1 em 5 ‘S~ Marcar Pq = 100 robee 19 esse Spy para Py © 3507 Dy Dore Pq > 380). Se encuentta asl" Dys = (Leer 75 sabre In esas Dns y unit con ‘Dg 1, Bera encore ' - 2 7 = : li : ee | nice = ual Con ts vous da Op ¥ Dot Ec a ete ies el Pomme wwb0 de mazes | coch ue cet SF Et dng de dnergenc oe tera erin enre 4y 10" 98 tongcud Moe dy B wees ol reo. Ora [Stas env ava col iu deve er unas 2 wtces Or Inia Eyeerorer do lavido faa. moe De forma similar oe ya sets, re vue un gui cara eactat rs catia de mow Picea ors ly) Ura Bogue aue_conire 3 iosre producida uns welooias Er chorto_dexarge en cron de suesibn provoeando True de gery eteanao or ds Ta cepecnen gxetiguico se Seibonnes del heuco, se conduce fn terrane euanttauwos, punt Srectimente eoroado, y ave 6a cendo pow To siponbiiaid de lena eaiaad de datos exouimen FIN) retiager eomuneveror sp Se, indarton que, Beals opera Mtr regnes 0 cmoos dno, sum sedis on gre 17 i sin Aye vluren dare spinds, msddo eos condiciones de wos, es independiente dat {eon enue ny presones de scion ¥ deeaan, byl En ese 0, @ Thoro desgus gue sled Doge fel eturr, conse eonsguents fetes pos ehoaue, En fo wenn B. Er enamena ae expansion ita oct freen steven averse. En Ta {Jor €- a expinnda se produce una ears Estee esnesciones a fendente de la elven alt 230 neayCl ‘nts fendmenos sin wit con tumados posenoieenie por O13 Avrsigseonee (7) gue een CGbecer tp sxtereu Ge 2 108 ‘Que, por analogs con el evector oe vapor, $8 an Harad erties sub Dihics. En ies eandielones seri fas una warned en to preuén ot frewon de suceén, monies gue 7 Dis condiciones erties, py ts moe pendiont de py, Geiicente,es0+ Er importante tar Gut, 1 COM de aque evlucons nace et Fé3m09 Sberica cuando se rade Ia pre'n Ge cage, ean que contaciee el ‘resible encuyo eave et eveetor Tur Sie tr et ino, Erno es OF tue buagen dase vans Wot de to nav extras posible: UDI Y 5 1% Ejector de repr Eyoctor de bivide yoy @ ig. 1: Reglorones ce uncionaient en eyectres deeper y de its tas, Al sunenar Is eacdn volomé tea gufguia, Ia Durbue omen tan de taf hast ormar ols ave forimen a guido conta as pareces (el tuto, Lor valores limite de esa {elicon, ps cad po Ge fy, de fenden oe climetco ce tubo, oe te felocdsd eis reels, ererte monte, de as propiases fis de Sage, tenamenar oe erclsosn (ees €or tees son sires, uncut fictnes oe previon ie se preston fence Ine sininor rorss ue lo eo fonen. Por eno, puede habarse 010 {2 os pes de js pero, av tteponde 31 funcionamen ‘en eon Seiones estes yen bolts ws evies 1122 DieeRo oe eyectors ooo (Come #8 hs dicho aneioemont sungue muchos stores han estado Jos fentmenosimotcadosn euro raviento ge un eyector hau: 53 Geis gue delnan ne cimenvones Aida Par ens andn, ensrmor a furat de las ecvacionespeopuess, fxpresang, en seo, su Tongos de aso tgs ersceisueas de thio ‘te eines, En conigunr en ondeads, para imine te phar Y earseg J mbxima conversion de IL Gheria de. resign em ener rin (9), Eee conven viene de (Gs pre cotiounte de sscargs ds Bogle, Cor seeeranaca por 110) °° Teena va Sin ebargo, no hay una clara ev enc expanmenal ge ave et Lune Gaimeme con al aumento de Co 10 freigtco) ye av, como puede pen Suc el err werd mar deprso con Ia cuminucisn gel coshiiente y xo Hovas contigg uns mejor maze Se for gos faos, Lee citimas tenders fn a comucsin de eyecare as ‘doses a incinan 2 prowoeae Io {del curr, ys ta wand bagutlss fi de Bordes agudos 0 invoducendo ‘bitsulor antes. la Bonus que a fevenel fia (1 El coehiiente de descagn pa las (090 y DBT, mentas que para bo fils bojs, ene 0.70 ¥ 0,90, ean x ce mezela Se neces ne {por a ileenoa erty ts derma (ev de lor dor Mucor, oe ements We ited de asequor 20 mates ‘Segin esto, ay Que atender bs dor eovecteiaueas de ests sceeon Sidmere ¥ long, ue van con fe rmeels defor dos, espa Respeco al dimer, 108 muchos tos gatos tisponler en fang0r muy ‘iritos, lo que eWaen ste arte ot We bee ce ave en este campo, Yor pute de ior getor provers oe Tnvesuesciones Béveat no ot Bo wosos dsc conereto. Pues Gu Wiicecin det cameo ee 180 0 tela Bogus, lor alas xsiener eaecen coma fazbm cD, Est 18 Son wars env O2 ¥ OB, tain fos forescontultadar (2-721, sence ‘de retar ch valor mimo de ens fango, superiée et eal se poducrar purges por ehoque en is coarse foeion y em Io eneads de tbo ee Tih pods provoear que e eharo fide atreioselimpiaments el yee {or sin lanaio,snuincose ta tweeon Por ena does assed! tbo [Gereargn, Por todo ans atone fe conciurye que Is tebeon dy O Wa enveos yo ex, seat, crea, v3 que ade fot fondieiones de homogendod. Un tu bo corto implcaria que lo merc com alsa intecrsonamente eevee, on ins consigulenes pecs porte ‘er que vvisn entre 3 20 wear imetio dela secesdn, Sin eno, 8 Er induasbte po oa sate, rst volumes laude aca ara valores jon de ei eae, Ia Tong he de or mono® ave pars cate ears come ula renters tear foes rm ct) Lamar cane eT Ble av te PO oe tees srumie given Ge terse Gite cont. Ta Soe atin. aoa separa faron cian mena, uh eveetOr ‘Se RDO" Batt a doe con ecresscn — aumunar agua 2 caldera, de fine $2 aldo, convane renovsrsrofesr que 8 aprovecha él promo vapor 90 biter Fete coe Sinwroguer en sues Queso para mantener un wel de TEE etancato ot snivamieno, aqua aceeuado ena caldera (17) ‘Ya se ha comentido que i fsa ‘Ea Ia eben con el funciona Gd el dasa ex comoiet tamer, to itguidoganoeuie 2g st: ound 3 naceto, ie 0 pe I, Eyscors pare Bombe envcne idler que, cos ef unto Sm curds haya de eonduors pot devia dei compresion ge I corre a de es crows toma Unceyecterspiadoa et fnaged te secundaria, a eat de se (Po a ea es ttl en canes purge delinse como unaoa dz eyetr st define como la rac Sera: cen scious ato aun pre el atasira yt com- eee uaa tio soe FY ae eigaudsde predon de un fuio por medio de un por unidad de tempo, ta petercie eee icucn enue ehowa'de ata vostad del mimo 0 anwumida por! aude en ast Oe ern veitida y,— on oto fit, Es en ena apnea comarein, De st forma, alot as ced ceuear dont trrseercn de caniad Gb eI eei ene representa Dor PPrencon at situa enve umes B veers rowmiento adquiere mayor impor i Gineco ce needs (igntsiceliu: aca, eon abet de conseavit au @ 2, tn toe) ede rmesca) (10, 12,13) ferrene mezcis sbancone el «Pas: eee ee ain Ea Grea ue que exes ender to.en ls condiciones dotimes de 1 inp da experimonsl de que # tubo de bn caret ee So(LID C31, Desde ent punto do vie, levees donde 5 reresnts el caudal vol el te eid iacomie. tor-e bambs de norte puede use mética de gts medida en at cond ce ae pues optimiesr pura sh bomen Ge gut, Ligudes y cones de suecion (12) aa at ee te, convene sokdet, aunque su mayor interés rox También sean Tevadlo cae, Fi tioned yaa tn la creciocon © vorspone tlle sobre sresorer-su lousy Sera eee gc crergen ues ranean, conrsios y en 60 lar que 0 tia 29 avs Sr! isminuyendo so Some mare araporte Ge solids Gvdias, aur un gui, Los rewuedos lean & ca Er oar nr mecoario_peeiaan eh gaits ogden ele son rms 2 os econ See Si tarmaciy ‘Sin cs mimione ccm Oe es a scion oe mura nes, eet eomporan 3 boresr, sunaue, de sear boaulaeciéase merci. Ct tad, ude ae (Cd to ion wader won deve fa ifars I picid, an cope cso, ceegn —etvapor de agua yelaeporsel bom pledides de tauido (devas, Sin del iu eeanne: bead gis, paren slo du cond, enn spel 1 ot een ete,” ico yal apn ara el vanporte se presaione del epwat. or ne ean tie ee cesta eupeionessoer(T1. 1516). Gerla se forma de as ots Sa cn ne. Em sian ol cnc eel apo, ya forma) dal evectr Vide Osco, e& aida que maa ier poco de ce En cuanto a un eytetor ave (un tafe Ee lo eran ercuan: "sete general ido pra fos tints clone condos liu, ules 0 oe 1 eae concer ce jaroyes. pes G0 eyector yo cxaminados, yh tnt, ve eeuenran dats (12) cee BS ea esta: aur lon prinout We funciorarurntopermien dedi reason eDUmt ue a Sa cabo som sar. Habra Ge tence en Ge cows ya eticaio de comory ear eee tigtal comin enw est, alguns modi para una configura geomet Ce Se er ecoalpeaue clones cncielat ara aasplow tov vermis. El valor i eis £7 Se ate net upor de tudes ilzad, aif como este eno, depend de 13 forms a en cee cren tr mveided iexciabia Go un cu, que sv este usando ol eveetor AN o cr Se meee: Sin Sot para contegu oh ghdo Ge corm wutema mostado evs tata 189 Ground geteneat en coent que prenon exp pore Domoeo. {tov go pemarto cme eu SPC ctacacuonse "En ta vente de vlan ute dan = dtctann « chon Dee Pt eee ESRC steer, quyinsmittd queenateencvonial Toque lasicaea te define como, Bee en err coon wpa canto pat ele Pe See ee ee tice mecnennetr corn fee se sca nce ate fs tse i Como apbeactnes pace po oo are ener pro at Sin atbaro, en ta contac 1 Ee de usw, oa chino, ‘ga emcee abe, ened 2 tun 100 To ut eet at, or ine, ESETES snemente um eyecare! pms ecupera a8 BEN Oy ¥ 1 oa item olga comgim safo se lg se gecrg # ecundaro, con tan mon ope Tioga TRE estat vnae como tudo quela tenor nye EEE) En amor eto, los vores de mi 5", y pgs 4 py. Haciends 9-0, 2 scantsriin uns eteseat n= 50 or TOD y my=39 90" 100, deren Bak que no te deducen de ia defini twinento real en fa prdctics. La razon Esta en gue, sungue tn prides oe fame, Is eantidad descagica an fia ses eomgerblemante mayor Sm embargo, st quire une au pt Iabbamscr. por emo, uns ape 1b tontyoracion By aut rota Ia Cigar excren det Gaperoan 19 Por otto, a wan eon ecuene ‘yecror poem uanspone de shee ‘modifican «1 ustamento geet sia fn el sent de considers sent fect a 1880, por lo que ol eho conduce a eyectres com un Tub0 St (Uso Ios prineipcs sgumenta: feyectores para vansporte de sido, fr que w slesoa ef bas, 1 cull eb hay que tener en euents los neanve ‘wilugas y las de desoiazamiento por tho, eompareda con lr tunes ta amici de cata del eyertor st ‘ve sutigertamente compensece. En ‘foto, ar bomose eemtitst pu en manoj adldor Ge aro tamato “yt funcinsmunto es flee, pro enon dor incanveniante prinisle fe limitan 5 reitvomente Be pre do" mana ‘lon, er cone. Ero timo a deve 2 que» Ie pec sas portico, que #8 ven sumer (as bor In precise tohioe. indice imparts 9 os sess, que no ae tees camo rn, cr {gen aun en of eato Ge bortbeo de dspestones El eyestor, cand hay 2808 in pleaos, vane sigunes ventas sobre foe otcr aetman, No tene pater ‘monies en cantata ean lor sis, ‘edueengove ati #1 oeyate Y, por toto, el mantenumionto £1 pu. de fonstantet oe funeonarsenta. it hee o sute grandes varaciones Finalmente, su coo es bao, puede (fant concentration de solo, En el ofsen de os eyectores os sétido-ger 0. ae abo auido, forer quimece en fave opens. Pot lesdor dena a trves de una te finda sini de idrocatunos, an so sexotaiess tenor ae ts pu Diescones extent Hien de fendmeno: de ovitcion, Eimars Ge succom (seb 31 use oe {in fide primar deste presi), © 0 comento ‘del cituror Wdebao’ bse pasiones os cetargls En eo (utero, enos fenamenor deci productos en bombas eoneifgss. En ‘condue 2 ia modificacion 6a faefcs hy el funcionamento bs! ot! Spaate (10,10. 1. Eyectces-meitadores El contcto de un gas ean un {Ge uno 0 més componentes. con oi fesceigm quires impicads, ea te or oporasioner mt importantes fe Uy Ingenieria Quimica Ee on {Seo at les 3 cabo, sormaimante {ses en a operation se contacto Dropbrito ge ere subdivision do bir aumentr el dita inerocay rocoesr una moiigad ata oe 9) furmentar la velocidad global de ans Debigo 3 1s impoctancia de tts operacion de contact, se ma gest Mado on eoesderaie numero de eae os. Enel primer cago te ener Ia rupert dea tate igus, he eomees sl, forma prises widen el ique en el seno det aus £2" formicton de. gots, Enel asn%00 fi gar se suninade ene no oo! I uid, constant, de sts tors, tng dupersen gos-iqueo. Norma iment, fs een de tro 8 er be stems te hace en bose macte rer como fase cones nqelo eto bem rts emarades de ts nature tera" de bt fateh del oduct ot ~ psgunosprocncd incimates, en ttc aun rien yee oy froetone lesan, or i que itrea tempor ds conacto 0 ae un deter nat farmer ce elementos de cos Fo ate el taramienta de apuos res (does puede nerestat una eartdad (de ovina equvstente # una 100 8 oo wees ef alr on tuacén {1 En or spares tobitunes oe canine {2 tigudo- ess, come. columnas oo {devados de ensgi por le que 2M ltd fa poses de usr apres ‘i de un estechamento en fee ion de tia, ee como el eyector Yet Venturi El cio de aparator deste tipo send To sigtetes vents, ene ‘vas (20): eebido a ts frm de inredue- cin del gas, es eile que su eeu tbiin ae Seu blogueada, come este fuente en fos diporares camvencio fle rata suspensions Se otne uns ceprsion do oe une rua dl 5, qu amen ‘alors de wareferencs de materia en Teds es ona liu = Coma consecuene, Is efiacis 6 tore eo, por fo que econ ‘iirasion ae ase fedora sian ‘Guimente en un ilo po delgado porel parte. 5 ‘wei Tlgide a vavés de un exeto stern, tet ura de aptadores Gel iigusoy Is suscivison oe los bovis : wT pvitan el uso de on compcesor ara imaular ego, ya que aprove ha Ir ened esi! Bro (GS ponies detente podrian Et tuncionsmiente éptino sett alin 2 or bas cos Tn todo cao, ene} moment ae tual of a de eyetores 9 tos Ven soore a racic nay 1 ‘ido fuio mis genershzeco. ‘Saver yon, (20) ivergaron Ia absonion do thbwdo do exb0n en us, tindo un medidor Venturi eon ‘encions! inode es on vechnmisnta, La spsegn tl et tein de alge, en que gio res tidor sespabies, sobre todo dbido 2 1a necenad satteena por ol Vent {On peaueta amano de burbuae So uncon eoacrea ere eliminat el COs {eo cabin de fermeotacon pr fot fulivo dels a sido ye estabecido qua fa ma> yor porte dela vanferenas de mate a, ene un gat ym Tic, iene lugar en lor momentos qu siuen 1s ernclon dp muri inert ‘al. Ene eompormamienta eS bo de sporstos, en fo que el tempo ‘Se residecio es bastante pequeno ¥ eon et iquide en te zona de baie pee ‘in, mowdndore dau iar do fet fala una zona ge exoanion (user, “donde I eloesnd eiamiye, ume uns feduceén en el oma do ferent De ers forma, y dab 3 Is sits turblerea, foreman gu os proximon le itertee se ee Dazan ropidaments, aumentando ige, dimetray narero de onticios (eins Dogue, ente evs. Et dis postiva veperimental se ha cs2rito 1 edielo ot fr valores dela etiesea fe Comprenon {Tal de os cost fnigeno dl aie en esoluciones ce 'S0;N3y, ye unos "indies de co summa enerstea”detindor como ys nov de Os varserida por tah con {Sabre forma do corelaiones mat ‘metros Oprimos dentro de fos rangos En otte campo de ls opersiones fnvaregn guido: tiqido, Una {he fealzada por Elenkov y eo 23 parendo, comma en tos coos ce cor Theta igus out de ts vtaes de eres inet oct Extr autores ie 9 = Cost = Dama. = feelers dea raved = Person. © = Couds! volume, = Veloodea + Sobintces > wits F descae oe = face, tecundato, Bibtegatie 1. 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Remmold Pub, Co, New York 96 10 VALENTIN FHM. “Abtorp Don Ansonio Soler Anéés, Lceseado en Cncis Ou mest por ls Unwerscia de Hic se doctorb on Quimica Inausteat en la Unierid Corpiutnse, ene daroe testa Potezr en i Chdre de Quimica indus ¢ ‘ervondor en Pritt Eipaole (AUXIN, Desse 1967 06 Cteastice be Ouimica Teme Gs Ia Fesuted de Cences Don itznue!Rublo Torte, 2 liens en Cieeis Quin eas enlo Universidad de tara, donde elice su Tess Doe torah obterindo Pemio Extraordinaia, Deve lane 170, {5 Proasee en a! Copartmento de Guimes Teenes de a Universdes de More, £3 iy yg Es. £8 FIN, Spon Le, Londres Eng. 9, 1,80 {18091 (0980) 22." SOLER, A, BODALO. A 18. JACKSON, ML. Al. Ch. E. ” RUBIO, M, Acar I Congreso. Mac ouial 10, 8,838 1988), 20. BAVER, W.G., FREDICKSON, 1,449 (1978) AG, TSUCHIYA, Hi, nd, Eng. 29) ELENKON, tevtanso de Ingeieis Guimes, Ve 2. sovnc ‘Chem 2,3, 12 (1963) HIEN, LIne Chem. Eng. 8. 15 21. BESKIN, Liz, STRELTSOV, (98, 1. Gonsratidass principio de conerscéin de ta narata puede express forma ge- pert Generalidades y toes 2 (ue, cuando apie 2 fds incom: Cyedeics Gc Vodo = ae @ vapor Seen eee seecion Ay (Ay . ones de sobreexpension, producidas porauelasecioncesuidnescomaiodo ‘ganda. En estor extn t prosuce un keto de ompreignbits,conlesco= fox. La presen aumantaY lavelociad Elaumenioentavslocidadpor teen pansién cet tudo en ls ion diver fentedeistequilaeuner 7, Pa, z Het Puede parecer paraddjico.ya que los fig tt a iT dexinconpesties arora ecomen LL ETI | a Ca Xtra. Exe hecho se produce ciao 6 feet a et, yl Isvelaonseonocnamis cede breton menos cue prem e Em cra i,m et fa imino mii sipcemen colo Ssendodiuninuyelnproion Enonces, rans Genet EI neste pox i intrexpanion come acartreds oe Sadie ‘pf saupodcinaercarlonse | acompatia de una reduccién en Ia vel Otro factor importante en el diseho oe: Sind muta ce fujoyspaaunaele. celissotinemecoscewe nero das mits daca, eneitcngue le witdsyequuncantisrenneenene “expansién tendié lugar con un aumento Dequelio provoca grande: estlacanesen — VMu#Or Fl. 8 Cues de ceo para eyetors ce vapors ‘ Slarecstncalconducoperclquece _lespecin Ss iatecous rs emanose ' lnepiacin lacing Teslgsincliediese nner | ate arducrininpertinr g/min lings an | parc mniominiane lions powiaw arbres Sit Togs dhegeng or ty covceta de la secs deren. Eta conigieteisminucion delves} Madoge comresén que se des ‘solopuede detemninarse atravésdecon. io. mr stoves, basta can unadasginntstins Sermione cits Par fujoiinons a fi 8 pani vs ing eseénevamis ceca we ‘Setemarkensuatsns teansimerssatinr ite” Retin myar gett EL cabanas Shanna ee crea a y- -bire a 152 mm Hg, usando vapor motor a eerie ns waa ee Tosve meneame mene getaremne SEiubeemnesssrensn | miproutoneriaiig Ser ipiniar wits seams, Hlewctr aidan ‘mente hacia la izquierds, se eneuente (bongs. Sila peesion eal es ‘ Conse oans ae ‘Sthan exeminado antericene™ J sparato. Dede recordar que uma e oe ere ar emowatan oguomole Sra, te endo ut ee Sime, ances deter sree sect deme 2h [TE yy tamecnaery ecto Same 2 Clan Ee 0) Homey ‘Aunque en est punto exten di El vapor seo es een para spcbgunidn ental sinsaemercley —egmennartae emi oya Hacimaracesvecisoes generimenie, cauareronontay dutommonences Ss irs vances igulo pies det eyecior sre Co, ° seven Wee 30 26%, pie ata DArG Bogut nea, Lomo te nivale © [setae . weaporchonve,Enesteea ~ —geanzan actos aa ar ey | asionesenten SWADNAEAESPENIEOO- so, xtas pirat ron sededor dl 2 sganein weiscGzdts lus. Por 2 Sicanet tuncionamientrinssaie- por, i (F: om Hy 70 i 600 td a Ee ee PACING Oe Ux {2 eTABR cAPaciOk ECUIVALENTE |DE LA'23 ETAPA Fig. 9. Curve farconamienta de un eectordr'dos tapes te Vapor I } is 2 eleciolgermente en ef vapor pre ‘guru sequecs. Sel vonor dae tbl es muy Rimedo, puede iste Unseparador antes eel aprato 9), 1 presion de descarga cela mercla ‘ecto sero, Un aumento en ea Drsionprovoea una disminuccn en ‘fo que, aunque puede corresiae cumini la eficain. Lavelacon de fampasion (presion de ceszagelpe Sn de succign) slcaneunte oe Sesitaalededorde 10 par un eyector sencil, LL. Eyectores de miliple etepat Un vector multitepa es una com: binacion de varionevertoressncion ‘fads ce tl forma eon rangor oe {epercionsasuperoonans tin de proce ‘Gr esbliad en el sistema aba. Lat Sslasde una imple Estas caracterisiat Se muestanenta figura @ porsuoa Get de doretpes ( especie a agus etaps (me norco) he tepresentaso reid espace dela primeralmayer cia {San el ns {eome carga tocol vida gor aban Sona In primera. Exe opracion Ins ain condensin. Size coloce ‘ot meter y or soar condensates Se Iaprimerectapacondensan en desis se como cara de ln segunda etapa los lncandensabies yl vaporeoresponcon tela stare, En este ano, nope ‘acne denomina gon condevsation Dela iura Bs dedce que lasegun \aetapadede mantener na prestn sb. feluta menarguela minima presine ‘escarga, ya que de otro mod eu [Sonamintodelaprimeraetepa‘2r ine ad siguel wats india porte ‘Wage lapresinde decurgaio sume acon elena xptaion tan rap {amgnte como hace a presin de c= ‘in dels etapa siguiente, fo au imal 2 aut las curs de presion de cero BY eecapecitdwecertenyconsigies {ementelaunadsea nestle Sinem barge io puede eoresse sumentan olucipaidadcelaseginssetsna dle ‘angola presin det vapor motor ents rimers.con lo ea unidadsem su on paced (2 | ‘Slide de : ig. 1 Sitema de eyector de dos etapa con condenser Dea misma forms pueden dsehase \oidades eon mayor mimero te tapes Sgviendocrtrio pretony econo ‘011 Sptimo se ste ene 9 6 de cuales ex adiual que primera ces I segunda ea sin condersaion, debido 2 aoe, oe lo conta, te cary Yel apor motor eberian compre und presén mayor que ae apo" de dient de temperatura favorable en fos condeniotoves. Gentraimenie, en na unded de ico etapa ts pf ‘enssin at asegunds ran. En vn z, ” SiSesde 4 etapa, stale primers esa fondenesién, Uotondensadors vidos ene ea: contacto suerte, segin it for lkn condenses baromstcon, son ‘tsp mas goneaizecosye gue ae fen el inconvenienteUndeeable si ‘ot vee) de que el condensed se mes {fa con el gus eretenacon En fot | four 109711 se muctvan nace ede dot e303 5m condensadoryean Uncondensscordecontecto deste La figura 12 presenta varia posibit- des de eoplamianta te eyecare, ‘st como fs nivels oe vec tenes: {es con cada contigracen (10) UL Consume de vapor Et tamaforyel consumo de vapor de en eyector ein Geermindon, ia I psi de mein por pee ‘andemadores nwrmedin Exe hes ‘iv hayan de examinase muchos dre ‘ahscerse a continuscin (11), 1. Determinsisn det caudal mismo 2 a de comencae por esoxer una ein stn y por eine sat avi. Estos cos vterespemcen ‘enconttar, por intermedia as bees 2 Deweminsisn dl cove dean 3 ened mbsimo # tne pectic el valor ques Un ‘eo equvatene, 3 2096 2.1, Coens en lementter ensabe. En primer ur se determin siém parcial 2 vpores conden > Per ono ue la pesion pine Acondensabes erasers at « o Pee =~ Pee onde 65 a preién de vaio ee: ‘Aparirdelarpreionespaotese cen elasionnn los ipectn (os de moter: Ng = Nye 2 re Sendo el eal misico de cone bes, Qe gull eorerperdene En el exo de varie conde varios incondenssbles, debe nee > 0 ¥ suman dep pct 6 2.2, Caudal do ie eco cums 320°C {a figura 14 permite eseariacs ‘acio eeficiente hy apse m= Aint fy) Eleaude! de se cr valent 3 20°C eau spleens expres Ons = Toh Emel eileulopxsvea x ase neo cates mis recuenes gu ‘men en ia Table 3 Determinsisn de consume de Es necesrio coniet ene (Cauca miximo (pee: fot que tigran formance pn £9 algunos eas, que puecen sr * to deedleto par so. suministrde por dhe tn, ‘ovat Consumo de vapor Digg de ste) ( eectores in consensor "i. 12. Wels de socio seansbier con evectore de vapor, atau : (Came encontire caval de sire egivalentes 2P°C auc 2 spar rt elo al vapor de aa y por 0.80 oe defy pars ag act sirerapor.~ ivr el ene este a sipiar por pase ite Se vapor post psra el vapor y po: 080. Fralmeate Suna lon oa a exenas étvaperDeteming psa molcslar medio def mezea. ‘nici avast a prt gar arate ane] ¥ Bo yy "acs conwazorCstevar el eal éauiaent pra vapor ado caso 2) "pata la exci goveoa ads lesz Sul stud, (mera de | resin do] fae Vapor Elapas|Aaiacto) ee 7 kgm Inints) porta aire feouientes we. 7 woo | 690 1 | #50 wo | 390 ws | 300 200 | 260 25 | 230 250 | 205 2 was | 355 20 | ios. 500 | ‘930 750 | 75 ono] 530 v0 | 460 3.1. Sincondenadoresintemedios En fa Tele Il puede cleans et ‘consumo de vor en fancin de apr sien de aspiacion. Los enor interme ‘ot pocdandeerinars po inepole én. Sitapresion dt vipormotores di tints de 7 afem?, debe eaters un ae tore correecin valor anconrago on Istereracolummarest factor viene dr oenta fgura 5. 132. Gon concensadoresintermadios En este cao intuye la presence de ‘nen el caudal de spireion, LoTaba IV sive paracletarel con sumo ce vaporparaciterentes scent Dresiones de surcén. Le Tabla conte In mismo, eleaneumo de gus ce. frgeraion puesta 20°C es nec. sano, el eonsbme de vpor abe core ise and su S Atoseetaes de abriescion, youd ve Iivgratcadosparavunonc ucts com Bircionv vats reiones oe sue 4 ST aceon! Fig, 13. Eyectores de vapor: Deteminscin del coud da . : | f [Consume de voor tafe sire] yeu ce etramionto (ng dear) de — arectores con condentader intermedia A= suctiin, Ucondeoables | Fresiin de | kgde Veporce | mde Agee] 0 = Diamar Jseocisn mera 7 hem? por ke de| Enframienion | = Retieracién dea paves ‘Are Seco" | 20°C portgce |G = Veoccatmaica, viralntes 2°C| Aire Sco 7 = Paoespeciteo, sqiwienes | = Aton "ee HE Enna, ms 07200 te 260 oes ° 100 Ea Bars B= Deri, 750 Sos 5 = Envepis, 100 0087 ¥ = Volumen specie, : 2 = Atwa 2s ore 250 012 1 00 S80 Subindees 750 os 1000 0087 ae aie Be botuita, ns 0.55 = entes. oni = Gite. care, 50 085 3 = ween a070 += tor a) Oe em Conderbie Ne= vopees conden. as 520 0.65 250 320 ono 8 £00 210 oor 750 tes ooo 00.0 ves Ose 1. BORNINGTON, $7. Brit, nem, ng, 9, 150 (3908, 2° FRUMERKAN, R. Chom, Eng, (63,6, 196 1956), ‘WOHEK, Wi, Brit, Cham, Eng. 143,300 (1989), ~ “AELAOD, HG, J. Appl, Mech, 12,5, 170 0845). ‘5 LAPPLE, Ce, “Fuid and Part: —— cle Mechanics, Univesity of Deas. "Newark (1986). 6, MeCASE/SMITH, “Operaciones ae Biscas de Ingenieria Gutess”, Eat, Revert, Garston (1958) I = co 7. PERRY A, CHILTON CH. | # EJ “Chemnical Engineers’ Handbook” 58 | resign det vepor g/m ‘edeion, MeGraw Hill Ed, New York i (oor 1.18 Evetores de vapor: Foto de eareccn dl presiin de var motor uth KAOLL, AE. Chem. Eng, Pr he 44,10, 705 11928) i : 'o. BERKELEY, F.D. Chem, Eng, (64, 4,255 (19571, 7 10. POWER, FB. Hyer, Pre and 2 Pet Ret. 43, 2,121 (986), | : Ti. CHAUVEL, Ay etes, “Me fuel‘ balan “Economique oes Proessts", Editions Techy Pais 1976) pi = Dg os As ba = > { robes eee) 2 frac] 9-407 wi, = carge eguivelente (pat) @ > 8 70°F 495 Py = presién de Succién (ra # b abs) 34 Dif = videetro ze Ie Boguitle - 4° -DY = Digmetro de 1a Roguilte - Descarge (in) ie 2 = rongited ant eran 2.5 (02/3 AY = Distancia det centro be juilla de vapor a risa de svccién. (in) 0.94 [vasa ]°°5 a’ = Digmetro de 1a garganta Po ditusor. (in) pn’ = Diémetro de la gargant 0 3 2a boguilla éel va; B,* 607 i eet wa eae $2) In eae] be O48 ean 76 Bos =e F 10700 2 Py = Presién &: abs) = Presién del vapor nocrfs (psia) Teron Bes Sou (erz6 ie Designing air-jet ejectors SAK, Jeclani,® A, Rojkumar,* and Ds ? sia i Airjet eector are widely used for exhausting pro- ‘veils and maintaining vacuum, because they cy reliable and have 0 moving part. Taupe of {xhtenes of vas amounts of performance data ample design procedure for these jc lcking This ree graph offer 3 convenient and quick meats of einer, ing cectordimensone far a given duty The nomograph is based onthe falling equations, yihich were obtained By iting ata avaiable ithe Titeratur, (4) 1 At, = 807, + 7000¢y — 6650 Oy whete: 9 109 < Ay < 13 x 109 8c, <19 SSI Goi) = 5.7120 [1 —eousmeves gy where: 45 < Pe < 60 oon hig £ 3.5 My = 325 + 000702 (%— oprms gy were: 60 < Py < S00 323 Sips Da = 22.65 ~ 20.9¢-000r, o where: 5 < Py < 880 25D, S163 De= 92+ 00204, o where: 350 < By © 700 tos < Bp < 255 ‘The flowing assumptions apply 1. Peis Ter than 100 pn 2. hi near atmcspheie 5. The nouate i of the converging type Far best ejector performance, guideline suggested by ‘rll [3] ate recommended 1. Cp 8085 fora wel-machined, converging nozae and 03 fora straight hole pipecay nena 2 The eiffuserthroat length is 8 times Dy, 3, The dfwerthroae entrance should be wel rounded and bell mouthed 4 ‘The ifser airpicce angle ould be between 4* snd 10°, with «length of fn 9 tne De 3, Th ‘ctor performance fe indcpetdent of the ‘entrained air entry pestdoa, {6 The data of Davis [6] and Mitra (7) reveal that the dtanee between the nose ip and the dicen ‘os Ree Cane Raton Fosse i, PERU Nomenclature D,¥ nose dia, in Dy optimam diameter ratio Dp difuser-throat da, in (Cpe nome discharge exefeient PE) motive sir presure, pia Pp. Sectordscharge presure, psa ‘ee pressue rao = Py ~ PVP — Fa) PE Beton pres, pa ‘Al tne Boterate of motive an/anit orale area, hy/bvin® ‘My, tna flowrate of motive sit 1b /h ge maximum mass ratio My/M; Mg ines Howrate of entrained iy bb Dy/Dy throat entry shouldbe 2 times Dy, However, the nozle piston should be made adjustable. ‘Example: Desig an anjet ejctr o exhaust 10,000, lby/af air from a proces veel, maintaining a vacuum ‘20 in. of water, Motive ai r available at 80 psig. ‘Kuume nose diacharge coeicint of 09, The at has {@ be dacharged to the atmosphere. Salton: 1 From given oy pond Py value, calculate Pe as 111 From Fy, =111 and the point Mg, (se polnt My, for Py <0, tnd point My for Py > 60), Rd My a6 ® From Ay = 43 and My 8 From #= 947 and "Cp 125 x10, 4, Read 7.25 x 10° on Myg and connect with 2100 to find D, a8 0.62 fa “S. Read 11 on Pg 0 connect with point Dy (se pom Dy, for Pg < 50, and pot Dy for Py > 250), Find Dyy at 8.36 6, Rend 8.39 on Dyy and connect with D, = 05210 find Dy as 8 in, "7, Having found valves for Dp and Dy, se the _evidelines to complete the dsgn. 10, find Ady a 2,100, 9, find Mgy as My References 2h Ht nt, Ye 968, Breer tints Ah By i ip Ko Rea a A 8 nC Bu, 8 8 WF Debugging a process control computer James S. Wiliams ‘A proces study of Rive Fractionation Plant in (Gi a, ove jin by Diab OM Corp. 2 Union Oi Co, af Califia showed that fuel could be faved by beter contrl of the four fractionation ‘rons and three fred hol heater A decrease in nergy use could be effected by eliminating over ffactonaton (he making of purer product than fs coma test concteguemen) and, by ing heating temperature toa minimum and oi Tow ta mantor teal eae. Revo of vera Alternatives edo the tsallaton ofa digital computer ‘wih the neceary interface to contol the plant "To. minimise, ovetractonaion, up-to-date com- potion data had tobe available tothe computer a all Times However, the snalye the computer was rac ing fom the five chromatograph were not conten ‘The composition cau not change ae fst a the cro matographs showed. Thisvariation didnot appear when 2D inower gos was ued. Afer checking the Cstronica nd Sing all in order, 1 was dicovered that the ample condoning system war inadequately designed. Coles were installed on the three quidsample lines to prevent Mashing due to presure drop. On the ‘wo vaporsample line, eaters were aded to prevent ‘eertion. “With thee addons the” cho -_slogaphs worked wel unt cold weather, Then the fame inconsinent analyeesretumed, But only on the “A ty Hed oe Rv Os 18 liquid samples. This problem wat traced to condenss- tion after the sample vaporizer, and. was wolved by putting each vaporizer n'a hest-contrlled abine, 0 thatall line leaving the vaporizer were protected fom ‘weather changes ‘Ones the sumpleystem problem wer saved lng ead tines for composition changes were encountered. ‘This was eased by dead leg in te sample ines ater the bypas: Moving the bypass nex othe analyzer and Itiog fin tubing intend of Yin ended th dificaty (ee igure). ‘With the chrometographs working well, the plant ‘was puton computer contro The tower were pt on ‘Saczson starting with the deedhanizer, dhe the depo Danzer, then the debutanizer, and nally the heater Eich tower contol loops wee tuned in urs In ftal, fortve contl loops ia the computer had to be turaed on, In. addition, because ofthe type of Feedforward contol ied, each tower's ows ba tobe lind up with what the computer indicated before being ‘ton contol: Failure to do this would have wpct the Tower being pat on control and eventually the whole plant ‘Now the operational problems really began. The ‘conta ssn could not take abropt lange i eed Sd often war unstable at feedrate diferent fom those At which the system as tuned. This eawed the plant ‘operators fo lone confidence in therystem. They tended te lave the plant off computer control indiation {hat thelr Using had not been completed. Te was desided to revise the system to correct the instil, 136 [ENT exgple No. Gi: Use of Water Vapor-Ale Mixture stem handles 50 hehe. of ae dhat i saturated with tet vapor a¢ 3 inch Hg. abs. and 85° F, Find the otal 2 Tinntf water vapor. TP "ors inch Hig aba and 95° F saturation, the fraction cel | Eober vapor ftom gure 620i O77 Is. water vapor) ‘Total ater apse (0) (017) = 585 hee Tot intre, =50-F505 = 685 he. sveght of Ae and Water Vapor Mixture : wy aw, +o on ‘sample 66: Total Weigh of Misture Cikuate the total weight of mixture to be handled mn evacuting 25 pounds per hour of air from 283, Js yacaut ih sxture temperature at 80° F. es Stoner = 30 inches ‘Abate premue =500— 205 = Ln He ab in. gs (ate vapor at 80°F.) 5 + 042(25) (1.058) 046 fe = 84 ponder “The total ied volume ofa mietre of gases and vapo 123 gen condition ir the moe a the volume of any “oponent (gat lav), and its presure is eomposed of th Piet} sel the individual partial presares of each component ‘sample 6-7 Satrated Water Vapor-Air Mixtare As sicwater vapor mixture 1 saturated with wat soe at 00° F, and 2 ia. Hg abs. total pressure. The a mature 60 Ihe Determine the volume at see se premae wate at 0" F.= 1.094 He. bt 201084 965 in He. abn Se of ming Z 5 Wa <60 042100 (1034)/0966 = 908 Bae, * seat water vapors 98 n/n seve) “setae wder oni inthe mares 8 argent Me re) Yobataie ol of ist isurew. ALM OE! fete : Too -L, (583) (450+ To3(0968) = tte fe/ninte st 0, Asa chee v: 25300 ext H ‘rom seam able, spf volun of water vor 0" F and Lotti ig abe = 6b os fer Volune = (308) (6) =25.200 ef 21 ca f/m {Asan alternate method, total mol could be cleulated and Converted to vlume a 0° F and 2mm Hg. abs Few vacuum systems are completly airtight, although some may have extremly low leakage rates. or the ideal ‘ste the oly lod forthe ejector the non-condensables (OF the process (above gazes, ai, ee) plus the saturated ‘vapor prestre equivalent f de proces Mid. Practice has ‘proven tat allowance must be nage for air leakage. Cos ‘Seng the ar and noncondentabier (Pound. aie + non-condonsables) = air indeskage -+ procs elesued air + proves relented now-condenss- tet ‘Air leakage occurs at piping connections (Ganges, scmend fing, alee), stling ses mechanizal equip thant sal ee. Whenever possible system should be tered to determin the ai lealage* but for new designs sos sats wie te capt be ate he ecommndetvalcs ofthe Test Exchange Insite aro fen in Table 64 for ectors serving srlace condenses, Table 4" Vactum Punp Capcis From Scam Sarace aging steam api geanag Compiig, Do | Fara SE, a oot Se tp oo SESE ten Seam Sree Cos mm ‘Arp Proces Desi for Chemical and Ptrchens! Pe ‘Table 65" otinated Ait Leakage Tato Equipment Vacuum Eaiayel Ar alten Feroral ennectan nt op to 8 cbs SES SSnnotan uc above 2 ince. esis conecuane fn nr yp fo 6 fees pec compe gi etl cone nes 24 ics 0 6 fot. TBERES Couecon ine ove 6 ft Packed hes upto wom comet Bleed ele store 3 tom elmer She save oo : ‘Ste Sans acing pe ls ‘gd ead alin ec ion, TE Scien ec of paren © estat rs 621, sian ees fr comer ht Em D. Hy Ba Seinn aU ot cn, Chen Fe 2 ins an Sues For Stam Bog. rg 347 (158) aa aac capyat 1956 by oe Heat Boge Ws) sn are mint ee, A ey ght ost wlohe als mit be mie 20 oy tt ‘Row beer performance Sepang tabi 63 may be chee, or ren mo Trees 62 gee malin ac alage ais og ome ecard 28 mT hy emt 6 Hae Und Fs am So Conde Fomor eqipnen, or design rpc the itor 8 quince condener condensing te eam from 2 ‘Siar cape Fo ag ae sone rce Ne eae LO eae Tes Sah ic seg a dey : SENSES Sat wciist ey, Ser amb ioe eed of ae por hour per agitator, TE special seals are ound of i Pe a Fredo o:2-nemoreroumt- |The temperature f the conering nm at 10m it is 79°F. (tom steam-ables). ip nt which ms be eld the ote amon er sae pete ubely wl be the posits of increased ak ea s°. | The saturation pressure corresponds to a tempest | of 19° 75°F, = 715° F, based on condensers ‘An sternate design for air inlakage wsed by some i Stemate ds fr ie hala oe 1 pn) ign practi. The prem io seam es = O75 Hg par terdon bined by examining the process system "The water vapor to saturate thea going tothe oi” tae goths factors of Table 63. This method is considered SES Ceacrvaive, hawover, bin general the incremental 1 ry sal etwcen 2 unit barely large encugh coe ay iden has ample expacity to take suTges ia Iealage waa 5 02) (076701878) Since the detcrmination of ir inleakage fvolves cone 219 Lh enter vapor ar sidetSie Mnowiedge of vacuum syste and judgment, 20 Teich method can be expected w yell exact and cor ca Mont manoacturer: use ene of the methods ‘Seemed ere together with 2 factor co secon for de BENS pe ef pany, maintenance practices, operations augue of the production personel, and oder related Hoare cor git and efit plant, the, leakage Be Gr Figure 6-21 may sometimes be reduced 10 0. Tape talus read, while for 2 sloppy, lose-run plant From Table 64 the recommended dy ar SCFM ‘guivalent the hour = (86) (60) (0.075 Ih feust.) = ctat water vapor = (219) (225) = 494 Baltes ‘Total vapor mie fre toejetnr = 494 + 225 1.9 tse | AevA, AE LouUcrowes 3 a = awa Mar : Te es Sy l ae ao zu | 4 Sl I | z \ aT a ‘ rst & ol | os r Seat H+ 3 >| 3 vy | ait il =) i Ag! 8,

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