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Thom Akemans Death
Thom Akeman was a prominent newspaper reported who has over the
years covered various criminal events and has on numerous occasions
helped investigate various crimes that might have gone unsolved if they
were to be left to the Pacific Grove police department to solve them. Indeed,
on 5th September 2014, the newspaper that Akerman worked for featured a
detailed investigative report on the illegal drug trade that was taking place in
the Pacific Grove community under the supervision of some police officers
who were stationed at the Pacific Grove police station. In the report, the
newspaper made it clear that the investigation had been carried out by
Akerman for a long period of time and thus accredited Akerman for the
investigative report that got everybody talking about the turn of event.
Nevertheless, not everyone was happy with the reporting by Akerman.
To begin with, the three police officers who were mentioned in the report
help a press conference and explained that they were not in any way working
in cooperation with the drug dealers as was alleged. In addition, the police
officers also noted that Akerman should have first reported the issue to the
authorities prior to featuring the issue in the newspaper even though
Akerman had made it clear in the report that he had in the past informed the
authorities about the police involvement and nothing was done. Apart from
that, the police officers also noted that Akerman was treading in dangerous
route as the drug cartels uncovered are dangerous and they were likely


going to avenge for the exposure of how they operate.

From the investigations that were carried out there is enough evidence
to show that the three police officers who were alleged to have been
involved with the illegal drug trade were responsible for the death of
Akeman. Indeed, before the death of Akeman, he had reported to the police
that he had been issued with three death threats during the previous week
before he died. Upon investigating where the death threats came from, it has
been established that the phone that was used to threaten him belonged
James Michael who was one of the police officers that he had alleged to have
been involved in the illegal drug trade.
On November 18th when he met his death, Akeman bought a coffee
from the local coffee shop where he has been a loyal customer for many
years. After questioning workers working on the coffee shop and reviewing
the video footage of how events unfolded on that day, there is enough
evidence to prove that Akeman was poisoned. Indeed, three of the workers
working at the coffee shop noted that James Michael had formed a habit of
going to the coffee shop and chatting with one of the employees named
Steven Mathew for about 10 minutes. On that fateful day, James Michael
went to the coffee shop and handed Steven Mathew a small white sachet.
Steven Mathew then waited for Akeman to come to the coffee shop as was
usual. After ordering for a coffee, Steven Mathew used a coffee cup that was
placed in different location to the other coffee cups that were been used to
serve other customers. In addition, upon reviewing of the video footage, it is
evident that when putting the coffee in the coffee cup, there was some


powder in the cup. After been served the coffee, Akeman while waiting for
change took a sip and noted that the coffee did not taste as other coffees
that he has bought from the coffee shop. He however appreciated the
service and left.
Ten minutes later after arriving at Pacific Grove Museum of Natural
History, he took a sip of coffee from his personal mug and collapsed to the
floor. Emergency personnel were unable to revive him as he lay stiffening on
the coffee-stained carpet of the museum. There is enough evidence to prove
that James Michael was responsible for the death of Akeman and should be
charged with murder.

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