Church News Bulletin

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11:00AM, 8:00PM
Monday thru Friday
7:00AM, 12:10PM
Holy Days of
7:00AM, 12:10PM

All Day Every Day
After 9:00PM
a pass key is required.
To apply for a key call
Rich McKinney
at 617-266-5999 x127

Monday Night
before weekend Masses
or at
St. Francis Chapel in the
Prudential Center:
Mon.Fri. 8:30A11:50A*
and 1:10P4:15P
*Wed. 11:15A11:50A

Evening Prayer

January 9, 2011 The Baptism

St. Clement Perpetual Eucharistic Shrine

for the Archdiocese of Boston
1105 Boylston St., Boston. MA 02215

Spiritual Thought
Thirty years ago I celebrated my first Christmas away
from home. I was in Italy in the seminary at the time.
Knowing I had a little homesickness, mom and dad took
a tape recorder and placed it under the tree and pushed
the record button when they started to unwrap the gifts.
The next day they sent the tape and five days later I got
to hear what everyone got for Christmas. I enjoyed the
tape so much that it became a Christmas tradition. Four or five years later my
brother decided to up-grade the process and he took his camcorder and made
a video of the ceremonial unwrapping of the gifts. Later they called me and
said, Hey Peter, guess what we did. I told them that it was great but the
only problem was we didnt have a VCR or a TV in the seminary. Needless
to say they didnt send the video and I never did see it. Twenty-five years
later, my brother sent me a Christmas present. I said, What is this? and I
popped it in. It was the video my brother made twenty-five years ago. It was
pretty slow in drama and slow in action but I was in a state of absolute
amazement. It was the first time since my mother died that I could hear her
voice. I saw her walking around and not confined in the wheelchair. I
thought to myself, I may not have realized it at the time but Twenty-five years
ago I was a blessed man.
After Jesus rose from the dead, after He ascended into heaven and
after the follows of Christ finally realized that Jesus was the Son of God. The
early Christians started to pull out the old videos of the past. They took a
second look at old memories that Mary had held in her heart. And they were
amazed at what they saw. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Bethlehem in
Hebrew means house of bread. That means the Bread of Life was born in
the house of bread and placed in a manger, a place for fodder. The followers
of Jesus started to make all kinds of interesting connections. Another
example is Jesus time in Egypt. Early Christians looked back at that story
and saw another connection. Moses also was sent to Egypt and when he left,
a nation was born. They recalled what Hosea said, Out of Egypt, I will call
My Son. They saw a lot of things after the fact. Christians saw that there
was a lot of thought went into the Divine plan. But what about these events
while they were taking place. In the middle of the night, Joseph was awoken
by an angel and told to go to Egypt because King Herod wanted to destroy the
child. I dont think Joseph saw Divine plan in the middle of the night. In
fact, if the angel appeared to me, I would have said, Excuse me, but may I
make a suggestion? Instead of sending us on a dangerous journey with a new
born child, wouldnt it be easier if you just took out King Herod, perhaps a
lightening bolt or a falling piano out of the sky? I dont think I would have
understood the Divine Will in the middle of the night, not as Christians
twenty-five years later.
Tonight will be a typical night for me. After I say mass, someone
will find their car was towed and I will have to make a trip to the tow lot. Or
perhaps I will check my cell phone to see if one of the five hundred nurses
that have my number needs a priest. Or perhaps do a little reading before I go
to sleep. What ever happens tonight will not be ordinary, not with God in my
life. God has a plan. I may not know what it is but I know that I am blessed
to be in His plan.

Shrine & Seminary Staff
617 266-5999
Rector & Shrine Director
Fr. Peter Grover, OMV x221

Admin. Assistant
Carol McGinness x130

Music Director
Elisabeth Pifer

Oblates of the Virgin Mary

Our Lady of Grace Seminary
USA OMV Provincial
Fr. Dave Nicgorski, OMV x203

Prov. Asst./Advancement Ofc.

Richard McKinney x127

Vocation Director
Fr. Jeremy Paulin, OMV x202
Cell 617.869.2429

Seminary Prefect
Fr. Peter Gojuk, OMV x230

Dean of Studies
Fr. Dave Beauregard, OMV x272
Fr. Tim Gallagher, OMV x117
Fr. Greg Staab, OMV x227
Br. Luigi Falbo, OMV x222
Br. Dave Guza, OMV x225
Pg. 2

JANUARY 15-16, 2011

This Week
Monday Night Confessions

Our Lords Sacrament of Reconciliation
St. Clements Confessional

St. Clement Upper Room


Weekend Seminar
Discerning the Will of God
Fr. Tim Gallagher, OMV

Monday 6:30-6:45P (Front Room)

Join us as we recite Our Ladys Rosary .
The perfect way to start the week.

Monday 7:00-8:00PM (Front Room)

St. Clement Young Adult
Weekly Meeting
Gathering regularly for prayer, fellowship,
community service, and outreach to other young
adults in the Archdiocese of Boston, we come
from all over the area. Many of us are students
and young professionals. Our love for God and
each other is vibrant and contagious, and we are
constantly welcoming new members. At this one
hour meeting, we listen to the readings of the
Mass and discuss how to apply the message to
our lives today. Some of the insights are truly
inspiring. Come each week or once a month. All
young adults are invited and encouraged to

Sh ould I marry? Is it time to change jobs?
Am I called to the priesthood or a religious life ?

Sooner or later, every thoughtful

thoughtful Christian asks
such questions. This seminar will help you to
make spiritual sense of your major life decisions.
Cost: $35.00 - For more information or to make
reservations, please call Carol McGinness at
(617)266-5999 x130 or email at omvusa@gmail.


Sunday, January 23rd to
Monday, January 24th

There is no commitment. For more information

visit or to be
added to the SCYA email list, please contact:

Pure In Heart America

Thursday 7:00-9:00PM (upper room)

$100 (double occ.)

w w w. o n e 4 b o s t o n . o r g

Do you seek to develop the virtue

of purity in your own life?
Are you seeking fellowship, formation,
and a richer prayer life?

Join the Pure in Heart Community!

Weekly prayer meetings for young adults
18-35. Mass, Adoration, Rosary, discussion,
pizza and fellowship.

LCCS Wednesday, January 19

Cost: $75 (quad occ.)


Upper Room 7-9:00PM

Lanteri Catholic Cinema Society discusses the

movie Bells of St. Mary Part 2. All are welcome!

In the Events tab select the

young adult code: W 2 L / D C / YA
to register.
Included in the registration fee is the bus
St Clements group will leave on the morning
of the 23rd at 5:30AM and return very early in
the morning-around 2AM on the 25th....
Pg. 3

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