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Book Review: Tuesdays With Morrie

What do you think is the authors purpose for writing the novel?
The book was an idea of Morrie and called it their final thesis and that
brought them closer together. I think Morries aphorisms inspired Mitch
thats why Mitch wrote the novel.
II. Characters
a. Mitch
Full Name: Mitchell Albom Age: Sex: Male
Civil Status: Married Name of spouse: Janine
No. of Children: 0
Occupation: Sports Columnist
Hobbies & Interests: Playing the piano
Philosophy in life: Instead, I buried myself in accomplishments, because
with accomplishments, I believed I could control things, I could squeeze in
every last piece of happiness before I got sick and died, like my uncle before
me, which I figured was my natural fate.
b. Morrie
Full Name: Morris Schwartz Age:78 Sex: Male
Civil Status: Married Name of spouse: Charlotte
No. of Children:2
Occupation: Professor
Hobbies & Interests: Dancing
Philosophy in life: Life is a series of pull back and forth. You want to do one
thing, but you are bound to do something else. Something hurts you, yet you
know you should never take anything for granted.
III. Plot
1. How would you describe the relationship of Mitch and Morrie?
Their relationship is not just like the typical relation of a teacher and student,
but close friends, or maybe a father and a son; because Morrie said on the
Twelfth Tuesday If I could have another son, I would have like it to be you.
2. In 3-5 sentences, write about Morries view on the following topics:
Many people are wasting their life doing things they think important. But
Morrie said we must Devote yourself to loving others. Devote yourself to
helping other and doing something that gives you purpose.

Dont cling to things, because everything is impermanent. Take any

emotion, but if youre holding back to the emotion you can never detach
from it. As Buddhists say all things are impermanent.
To know youre going to die, and to be prepared for it anytime. Morrie
Being prepared is better, so youll be more involved to your life. We must
always think that this is our last day, and make every single day your best
day; because we dont know when the time is.
Fear of Aging
Morrie said, As you grow, you learn more. As you go forward, as you get
older, you live a better life because of what you have learned. There is
appropriate time for everything.
Forgiving others is one of the hardest things to do, but should we let that
anger be there?
Should we just let that pride take you away in forgiving others? Forgive
yourself then forgive others before it is too late that we cant do such.
We all have regrets in life. But what should we do? Should we let our regrets
become hindrances? Just live life to the fullest and make every choice of your
life meaningful.
Death ends a life, not a relationship I think its theme is not death, but the
importance of love. Not just romantic love but love for humanity. Like Morrie
in his dying months, he is surrounded by those who have been revoked by
his kindness and caring, and it also reminds that the meaning does not end
with physical death. We live on hearts and minds of others.
Family is about, not just love, but letting others know theres someone
who is watching out for them. And your family knows who you are; your
strengths and weaknesses. Having a family is important, because they are

the ones who will not leave you. Unlike friends that would just visit and leave
It is true that couples who are married have problems with it. But in this
stage that I learned from the novel was, When youre in it, youll know more
about yourself. And respecting each other is important.
We all have different perspective about culture. Is living on with these
cultures would help? Of course. But it may also give you regrets in life. The
problem is we people are short-sighted; we only see things in peripheral view
.We shouldnt let your culture manage us. Get out of the box, make every
day the best day in your life as if its your last. Cause its your own journey,
these others would just help you on your way to success.
3. Give at least 3 significant events in the novel and explain why they are

When he was sitting in front of the TV, flipping channels, he heard that
his dear professor is sick and dying. And visited him after. That is
significant because it is the start of making this novel.
When Mitch was on the Plane ride home and he made a small list of
questions that he will ask to Morrie. Because those are the topics that
Morrie discussed to him to have a meaningful life.
Lastly, when Morrie died, he served as a role model for educators to
fulfill and give their best in teaching. In some schools, professors were
given a Morrie Schwartz Award. This award is given to educators who
showed high standard in the field of teaching.

IV. Theme
Give 3 lessons that you have learned from Tuesdays with Morrie. Quote lines
from the book to explain your answer.
I learned that we must accept the fact that we can die anytime and youll se
everything is so different. Learn how to die, and you learn how to live.
We must forgive them and dont be mad at them. Because we dont know
when the time is.Forgive yourself before you die, then forgive others.

V. Reflection
1. Among all the chapters in the book, which chapter made the greatest
impact on you? Why?
Among all the chapters, the Fourth Tuesday made the greatest impact to me.
They talked about death and Morrie said Everyone knows theyre
going to die, but nobody believes it We must face the reality that all of
us will die, and think that every day is our last day.
2. Give your reaction to the story of Tuesdays with Morrie. How did you feel
about the ending?
I felt sad yet inspired at the end. Because of the authors close relationship
with the teacher, he came up with this inspirational book that changed
and will change many lives.

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