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apsolutni idealist, transcedentalni idealist (slino Kantu)

ljepota graa originalne esencije realnosti
povezuje prirodu i njene zakone, moralnost i njene zahtjeve za slobodnom
Filozofija umjetnosti - sistematski pokuaj artikulacije umjetnosti koja
formira kljuno polje post-Kantovskog idealizma i igra veliku ulogu u pojavi
estetike kakva informira modernizam


INSBESONDERE (the Wurzburg Lectures of 1804).

jedina mogua pretpostavka za filozofiju jest da je znalac identian znanju:

bog ili razum jedina je potvrda da su sve stvari Jedno
tri uvjeta za filozofiju umjetnosti - u biljekama (Wurzburg Lectures),
o 1) to filozofija konstuira u domeni idealnog, umjetnost proizvodi u
domeni stvarnog. Thus artistic activity is the highest human
vocation (Bestimmung) because practical philosophy can only
approximate its object, which is the moral law.
o 2) dok prirodni organizam i umjetniki rad otjelovljuju isti identitet
realnog i idealnog, nunosti i slobode, umjetniki rad nadilazi te
opozicije preko identiteta svjesnih i nesvjesne produkcije, pri emu
je aktivnost organizma nesvjesna
o 3) proizvodnja umjetnosti ima socijalno-politiku ulogu: cilja
nadilaziti fragmentalno stanje modernog preko nove mitologije i
umjetnike obnove
A majority of the literature on Schellings philosophy of art overlooks the fact that there is
a philosophy of art in this text despite the fact that it completes the system of
the Wurzburg Lectures. By completion, I mean that artistic creation is the realization of
the ideas of philosophy in the real world. Art expresses the highest stage of freedom and
the highest stage of social life. First, artistic production is the synthesis of freedom and
necessity in the work of art, but second, and more importantly, art aims to create a new
mythology to unify a people under a common set of ideas. Finally, art is the intuition of
beauty, which completes the system because the highest bliss of humanity lies in the
intellectual intuition of beauty (324). Beauty in art is the realization of the divine idea of
the absolute.
In the Wrzburg Lectures, Schelling presents the state as the ultimate realization of
science, religion and art. His remarks on art are brief, and are oriented toward his
conception of a public sphere. As Schelling states, the modern world lacks a
proper Symbolik (6: 571), which, in German usage, is not only a system of symbolism but
also a coherent doctrine of faith.*** As mentioned in the Philosophy of Art, the modern
condition has only created partial and fragmentary mythologies, such as in the work of
Dante, Shakespeare, Cervantes and Goethe (6: 572). The diagnosis, according to Schelling,
is that a truly public sphere can bring about a truly organic state:

Where all public life collapses into the particulars and dullness of private life,
poetry more or less sinks into this same sphereBut even mythology is not possible
in the particular; it can only be born in the totality of a nation that as such acts as
identity [or] an individual. In dramatic poetry, tragedy grounds itself in the public
law, in virtue, religion, heroism in a word in the holiness of the nation. A nation
that is not holy, or which was robbed of its holy places, cannot have true tragedy
the question of the possibility of a universal content of poesie, just as the question

of the objective existence of science and religion, impels us to the highest itself.
Only in the spiritual unity of a people, in a truly public life, can the true and
generally valid poesie arise as only in the spiritual and political unity of a people
can science and religion find its objectivity (6: 572-573).
The political unity of a people arises organically in the nation-state, not in the private
pursuit of individual right within a state. Instead, the state develops organically, through
the development of religion, science and art, into their highest expression. As Schelling
recognizes, this state has never existed, but he is here giving a prescriptive account of a
future state. Although he gives very little indication of how this state is to come about, he
claims that the relationship of reason to the universe is analogous to that of philosophy to
the state: just as reason realizes itself in the universe, philosophy realizes itself through
the public life of the state. As Schelling concludes, Philosophy, which is no longer science,
but rather becomes life, is that which Plato called the politeia, life with and in an ethical
As we will see, later philosophers will directly challenge the idea that the state is like an
organic totality. As Marx will argue, a position like Schellings obscures, or mystifies,
relationships of domination and inequality by normalizing or de-politicizing human
relationships by thinking them like natural relationships (so the state is like an organism).
While I think it is correct to dismiss the idea of the 'organic state' or community, I dont
think it is a reason to dismiss artistic production as an important aspect of human life or



umjetnost je organ filozofije jer moe vidjeti ono to filozofski koncepti ne

mogu apsolutno
umjetnost sredstvo dolaska do istine
jedina razlika izmeu svijeta i umjetnikog djela: umjetnika aktivnost je
isprva nesvjesna, a kasnije svjesna (?)The only difference between the
world and the work of art is that in the former the creative activity is
unconscious whereas in the latter it is conscious. As Schelling put it: the
objective world is only the original, still unconscious poetry of the spirit.
realnost je umjetnika filozofija kulminira u umjetnosti
o samo umjetnost moe objektivizirati filozofovu reprezentaciju u
o filozof se, kad reprezentira misao, mora vratiti univerzalnom oceanu
poezije iz koje je zapoeo



spona beskonanog i konanog je ivot

budui da je u nekim djelima rekao da je prvi princip filozofije identitet
Jednoga, postavlja se pitanje kako konane stvari egzistiraju Schelling e
u razl. djelima dati razl. odgovore, a ovdje e to biti neka vrsta ivotne sile
u svemiru u kojoj svako pojedinano bie participira
o ta ivotna sila nije mistina opozicija razumu, ak tovie, bog je
o zapravo Shelling produhovljuje tvar ( idealist s mistinim
tendencijama), ali i reducira ideju boanstva na materijalno
objanjenje ( materijalist)
o Schelling je uvijek u neizvjesnosti izmeu idealizma, realizma i ak

pojedino bie je negaciija svoje Ideje ili arhitepa, a ivot je srednja toka
izmeu bivanja i nebivanja evo prikaza argumenta:
o Schelling eli pokazati da svemir, jer sadri sve forme, nije nijedna
od tih pojedinanih formi te da jer sadri sve njih, nije nijedna od
njih (str. 170/6: 181)
o Apsolut je sve, ali nije jedan od njih tj. bie nije u sebi, ve samo u
1) Apsolut je sve.
2) Pojedine stvari nisu apsolut.
3) Nebie ne moe biti van apsoluta (inae bi POSTOJAO izvan
njega), stoga nebie jedino moe biti relativno.
4) Relativno nebie implicira relativno bie.
5) Pojedinane stvari mjeavina su realnosti i negacije.
kako individue egzistiraju izmeu bia i nebia? ivotom.
o preko apsoluta, pojedinane stvari svemira zajamene su
dvostrukim ivotom : 1) ivotom u apsolutu (ivotom ideje) koji je
istodobno karakteriziran a) otputanjem (engl. dissolution)
konanog u beskonano i b) otputanjem (engl. dissolution)
pojedinanog u beskonano i c) ivotom po sebi, . (str. 174-175/6:
pojedinanosti impliciraju mnotvo
o apsolut je jedan, a sva ogranienja ukljuuju pluralitet bia**
o apsolut je jedan, a pojedinani ivot jedan od mnogo
o individualci se jedino mogu sagledavati kao multiplicitet, a svaki
pojedinac izraava dio cjeline
npr. pojedini ovjek je pojedini ne zbog ideje, ve zbog toga
to odstupa od ideje kao njena negacija.

FILOZOFIJA UMJETNOSTI openito (nije sadraj knjige, ve ovak kaj Schelling


jedno od tumaenja: umjetnost je za Shellinga najvii izraz (eng.

expression) ljudske slobode
kako ovjeanstvo ivi teorijski, praktiko, i kreativno?


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