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AP World History Timeline

95 terms by abrown25

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2380 BCE

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Urukagina, author of one of the firstFolder
codes of laws, reigns in Lagash

1760 BCE

Hammurabi's code is published

17th century BCE

Zarathustra, the founder of

Zoroastrianism, lives

1812 BCE

Abraham, the father of Judaism,

Christianity, and Islam, is born

1235 BCE

Sundiata Kieta becomes the King of Mali

1200 BCE

Vyasa writes the Hindu Vedas

900-800 BCE

Homer writes the Iliad and the Odyssey

594 BCE

Solon is entrusted with writing a new

Athenian constitution

563 BCE

Siddhartha (Buddha) is born

554 BCE

Confucius is born

550 BCE

Lao-Tze, founder of Taoism, is born

550 BCE

Cyrus overcomes the Medians in the

Persians' first victory

434 BCE

Peloponnesian War begins with Pericles

as a leading Athenian statesman

360 BCE

Plato publishes The Republic

335 BCE

Aristotle builds his school of philosophy

in Athens

329 BCE

Alexander the Great defeats the

Achaemenid Persian Empire

320 BCE

Chandragupta found the Maurya Empire

273 BCE

Reign of Ashoka begins in India

210 BCE

Shi Huangdi, 1st emperor of China,

founds the Qin dynasty

206 BCE-195 BCE

Liu Bang, the first emperor of the Han

dynasty, reigns

63 BCE

Cicero is elected Consul

49 BCE

Julius Caesar becomes sole leader of

Rome and dissolves the Roman Republic

27 BCE

Octavian becomes the first Roman



Jesus is born

36 AD

Paul's conversion to Christianity

272 AD

Constantine, who would go on to be

Roman emperor

496 AD

Clovis, King of the Franks, converts to


570 AD

Justinian becomes the Byzantine


604 AD

Prince Shotoku publishes the Seventeen

Article Constitution in Japan

622 AD

Muhammad leads the Hegira

732 AD

Charles Martel leads the Franks to defeat

the Moors at the Battle of Tours

800 AD

Charlemagne is crowned the first Holy

Roman Emperor

1066 AD

William the Conqueror begins his reign

in England

1095 AD

Pope Urban II calls for crusades to take

back the holy land

1187 AD

Saladin takes back Jerusalem for the

Muslims during the Crusades

1206 AD

At the age of 42, Temujin takes the title

Genghis Khan, which means "Universal

1270 AD

Marco Polo departs on his voyage to


1324 AD

Mansa Musa sets out of his famous

pilgrimage to Mecca

1368 AD

Hongwu founds the Ming Dynasty

1405 AD

First voyage of Chinese explorer Zheng


1420 AD

Portuguese explorers begin looking


1431 AD

Joan of Arc is burned at the stake at age


1438 AD

Pachacuti, the founder of the Incan

Empire, is born

1439 AD

Johann Gutenberg invents the printing


1448 AD

Moctezuma I becomes the fifth Aztec


1492 AD

Christopher Columbus "discovers" the

"new world"

1497 AD

John Cabot becomes the first explorer to

"discover" North America

1503 AD

Leonardo da Vinci is commissioned to

paint the Mona Lisa

1509 AD

Henry VIII becomes King of England

1519 AD

Martin Luther posts the 95 Theses

1520 AD

Suleyman the Magnificent becomes


1534 AD

Cartier lands in Canada

1536 AD

John Calvin publishes the Institutes of

Christian Religion

1542 AD

Akbar the Great, who would become an

Indian ruler, was born

1558 AD

Queen Elizabeth I becomes Queen of


1603 AD

The reunification of Japan under

Tokugawa Ieyasu

1616 AD

Galileo begins having difficulties with

the church

1637 AD

Rene Descartes, the father of modern

philosophy, publishes his first works

1648 AD

Taj Mahal is completed in India under

the direction of Shah Jahan

1652 AD

Jan van Riebeck and other Dutch settlers

found Capetown

1653 AD

Oliver Cromwell becomes the leader of

England after the English Civil War

1654 AD

Louis XIV is crowned King of France

1682 AD

Peter the Great becomes Czar of Russia

1687 AD

Newton publishes the Principia

1689 AD

John Locke publishes the Two Treatises

of Government

1762 AD

Catherine the Great becomes ruler of


1764 AD

Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny

and kicks off the Industrial Revolution

1782 AD

Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A

Vindication of Women's Rights

1793 AD

Marie Antoinette is guillotined during the

French Revolution

1804 AD

Napoleon crowns himself emperor of


1812 AD

Shaka Zulu creates the Zulu Empire

1819 AD

Simon Bolivar founds Gran Colombia

after liberating South America from

1842 AD

King Leopold I tries and fails to pass a

child labor law in Belgium

1848 AD

Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels publish

The Communist Manifesto

1859 AD

Charles Darwin publishes The Origin of


1861 AD

Victor Emmanuel II becomes the first

king of a united Italy

1871 AD

Otto van Bismarck oversees the

reunification of Germany

1876 AD

Leo Tolstoy writes Anna Karenina

1877 AD

Thomas Edison invents the phonograph

1889 AD

Cecil Rhodes gets a license from the

British government to rule southern

1907 AD

Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring, is


1914 AD

Francis Ferdinand is assassinated,

starting World War I

1917 AD

V.I. Lenin seizes control of Russia

during the Russian Revolution

1921 AD

Albert Einstein receives the Nobel Prize

for physics

1922 AD

Joseph Stalin becomes the leader of the

USSR after Lenin's death

1930 AD

Gandhi leads the Salt March in India

1932 AD

Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of


1946 AD

Ho Chi Minh becomes prime

minister/president of North Vietnam

1946 AD

Jawarhal Nehru is elected the first

president of post-colonial India

1949 AD

Mao Tse-tung becomes the chairman of

the People's Republic of China

1953 AD

Nikita Kruschev comes to power in the

Soviet Union

1959 AD

Fidel Castro becomes leader of Cuba

1963 AD

Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers the "I

Have a Dream" speech during the march
to Washington

1990 AD

Mikhail Gorbachev wins the Nobel Peace

Prize for his work in ending the Cold

1994 AD

Former prisoner Nelson Mandela is

elected president of South Africa

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