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Besiktas vs Liverpool 2/19

Migs 8: Why couldnt he always play this well against Ba? He fought his demon
and played well again, making some big saves.
Can 6: He finally came back down to earth. Had a few very lax passes from the
back that could have been much more costly than they turned out to be, seemed to
shake his confidence a bit, but bounced back well when moved into the midfield. He
showed tremendous leadership above all his teammates being the only one to give
Mario the proper celebration that was deserved, Can alone saw past the moment
and treated it as everyone should have upon going up a critical goal.
Skrtel 6: Struggled a bit with Bas counter attacking and strength, but played well
and even did well getting involved in the offense off of set pieces.
Sakho 7: Very solid performance. We rarely question his defending but his work
with the ball improved as he kept things simple. Had a few immature fouls that
hopefully he can cut out in time.
Allen 6: Didnt play poorly by all means, but doesnt quite protect the back line
quite as well as other options, nor does he pair with Henderson very well. That
being said, he kept possession fairly well and worked hard so he should be
Hendo 7: His night will be shrouded in controversy, but overall he has a good
performance. His game and leadership is both slowly progressing in the right
direction. He is an engine as always, did decent in defense and well moving forward.
Let us not forget that dipping free kick! With regards to the penalty: I think he has
the authority to give the ball to Balo, however whatever his decision he should have
demonstrated that authority by making a quick and clear decision to all involved
who would be stepping up and quieted all other complaints quickly. Im pleased we
have multiple players willing to step up in big moments, but our captain must step
up and manage the moment so that we on the outside never see or know of the
controversy. Finally he should have followed through on his decision, he picked Balo
and luckily it worked out, so go celebrate and with him and thank him for living up
to the confidence you put in him, then on the jog back to center give Stuge a slap in
the butt to smooth things over and instill the confidence you have in him also.
Hopefully he will continue to grow as a player but especially as a leader.
Moreno 6: Does well defending and getting forward with excellent work rate.
However he needs to work on his tactical positioning, every time he is cutting inside
and trying to get involved in the middle. This is a great option but we need variety
from him and to stay wide at times to allow us to work the ball from sideline to
sideline. Also he missed arguably the best chance in the run of play.

Ibe 9: Rarely do wingbacks have this immense of an impact on a game, much less
stringing a few together. I am hesitant to express this but if you have to pick a twin
to win one game right now is it Sterling or Ibe? I know my answer. He showed great
pace and work, responsible defending, and immense confidence. Im shocked how
good he is with the ball at his feet going forward and running at one and two
defenders. Man of the Match without a doubt.
Lallana 6: Once again he shows glimpses of why we overpaid for him but has yet
to truly assert himself into the moment. No real knocks on his game but we expect
more because he is capable of more. I would love him to play like the Lallana of
Southampton vs Southampton.
Continho 6: Decent game, shockingly my biggest impression is his defending. He
worked hard pressing and made a few excellent covering runs back for Moreno, rare
for a true attacker, much less a Brazilian. Looked a bit tired going forward and
maybe his lack of explosion is why he reverted to being a bit too cute at times. He
needs to learn when to pick his moments to show his flare, had a few costly (yet
fancy) giveaways ala early season. Could do with a rest to sharpen up and regain
his form.
Sturridge 6: Overall a good first full game back. My criticism of him will only be
due to my immense expectations of what he is capable of. He looked very
dangerous and full of class at times but also rusty as if he had been out for months
at others. Im not at all worried he can once again become a force. I dont fault him
for wanting to take the penalty, but he needs to show more character in that
circumstance. First it seems that he of all people should have understood why Mario
wanted and should be given the penalty, he seems to be one of the closest to him
and understands that striking is so much about confidence and what a boost the
moment could be for Balo. Seemed a bit immature in his nagging to Hendo and
caused an unnecessary scene. He has no reason to be threatened by Balo and
should have been the bigger man and seen the sense in Mario taking the pen,
accepted Jordans leadership decision then been a good teammate and properly
celebrated, instead he caused controversy and heaped pressure on whomever
would take it. Like Hendo, hope his game and character improve.
Balo 8: Honestly, this is the Balotelli that I had thought we paid for. He gave us a
stron and different attacking option. He looked confident and selfish in the way I
want a striker to be, worked hard holding the ball and letting players run behind. If
we are honest with ourselves did we really expect him to act any differently at the
moment of the penalty (or would we have wanted him to). I understand Gerrards
comments but I am thrilled Balo has the confidence to again to steal the headlines
in his own special way. Hopefully thee recent performance can act as a springboard
and he can form a partnership with Sturridge, which I think would be so dangerous.

Lovren 7: Honestly, I didnt really notice him after he subbed on. But isnt that
what we want from a center back in a way? No mistakes so I hope, like Mario, he
can progress to why we paid for him.
Sterling 6: Didnt have much time to impress one way or another. I hope his
agents have been watching recent games and understand the business of
bargaining. I would sign that 100k yesterday because right now that next meeting
will go something like, I see your Raheem Sterling and raise you a Jordan Ibe.
Clearly we dont need him to win games. Obviously I hope it doesnt come to that
but I feel a bit more settled if the worse happens. Look forward to see him more
with some rest under his belt.
Rodgers: Seemed a pretty scripted game, no real surprises in the lineup or subs.
Hopefully, the novelty of his new found tactics isnt slowing or becoming easier for
teams to defend. I thought his comment in the post game of who should have taken
the penalty was brilliant (Gerrard). His will work is ahead of him, managing the
locker room and egos can be a big ask, but he has a history of doing will. If that
werent enough he must get a good team ready for a massive game Sunday. Time
to earn your keep.
Gerrard: Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Disappointed, I expected more of
him. That short of time in the chair and he already slipped up? As the captain and
face of Liverpool he should have played down and silenced the moment and the
rumblings, do what Hendo couldnt and dont make it an issue. Instead he let the
media win. Now he has to go back and be a leader in the locker room and make
sure things are smooth and remind them that we go again.

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