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Reporte para caso

Nombre: Tania Janett Rodrguez Villanueva

Matrcula: 2768070
Nombre del curso:
Nombre del profesor:
Fundamentos de Administracin
Mdulo: 2

Oscar Sigfrido Prez Ortiz

Actividad: Caso 3, ABC, A WORLD

Fecha: 02-FEBRERO-2015
Centro internacional de casos Tecnolgico de Monterrey
Autor: Mohamed Ayub Khan y Anglica Luna
Rev. 30-03-2010


ABC is an Enterprise created in 1952, its purpose is provide the technical

support for the generation, transmission and distribution of the electrical energy
in Mexico, also the ABC company provide the process and system of
construction and commercialization of the electrical energy. The company has
others responsibilities like the implementation and diffusion of standards,
elaboration of electrical industry specification and quality control for materials
and equipments used in electrical energy industry.
The company is located in the city of Irapuato, Guanajuato. ABC also has
installations in Mexico City and in eleven other cities in Mexico.
In the beginning the prime customer of ABC was CFE but with the time
the company increased its portfolio and obtained international customers.

Reporte para caso

The company has all the components that an organization must have to
work in order to follow all the goals according to the companys turnover.
ABC has a strategic management based in its mission, vision and values.
Also the company has established its goals or objectives in order to know where
the company is directed.
The company has an organizational structure. Its style is mechanistic and
centralized. The organization has several areas like general administration,
budgeting and control, human resource management, maintenance of
equipment, systems and technology, general services and acquisition.
ABC has developed strategies for achieving their goals. The company
has chosen competitive strategy, using its strengths and specialization skills in
the field; also it has chosen growth strategy because ABC wants to increase its
national and international customer portfolio.
The company is organized according to the duties, for example, ABC is
organized in different departments to perform different tasks and also for
specialization of work processes and geographic specialization too.
The organizational culture of the company is based on its values and the
culture leads the organization of the company in addition to their strategies.
ABC has a complete strategy planning system; this is derived from the
strategic planning process and this is a fundamental tool in the identifying
projects for the competitive position of the organization.

The company is committed with the development and training of human

capital, recognizing that if the people are trained the company will have more
strengths and it can compete both nationally and internationally.

Reporte para caso

ABC is a company socially responsible, they developed different ideas

about prevention of pollution, the preservation of the ecosystems and actions to
impact positively the community and the surrounding atmosphere.
I think that ABC is a local enterprise with world class, the company has
all the components necessary to be competitive both nationally and
internationally. Its an organization with mission, vision, values, objectives and
different strategies to achieve the goals and objectives. The company has an
organizational structure to be competitive.

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