Data Collection and Organization

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SPSS, which stands for statistical package for the social sciences, is an
application that can aid in quantitative data handling. Before SPSS,
researchers had to run statistical tests on data sets by hand. However, SPSS
automates this process. Not only does SPSS allow you to run statistical tests,
you can use SPSS for other purposes as well.
Statistics included in the base software:

Descriptive statistics: Cross tabulation, Frequencies, Descriptives, Explore, Descriptive

Ratio Statistics

statistics: Means, t-test, ANOVA, Correlation (bivariate,
distances), Nonparametric tests

Prediction for numerical outcomes: Linear regression

Prediction for identifying groups: Factor analysis, cluster analysis


Data Collection and Organization

SPSS is often used as a data collection tool by researchers. The data entry screen in SPSS
looks much like any other spreadsheet software. You can enter variables and quantitative data and
save the file as a data file. Furthermore, you can organize your data in SPSS by assigning properties
to different variables. For example, you can designate a variable as a nominal variable, and that
information is stored in SPSS. The next time you access the data file, which could be weeks, months
or even years, you'll be able to see exactly how your data is organized.

Data Output

Once data is collected and entered into the data sheet in SPSS, you can create an output file
from the data. For example, you can create frequency distributions of your data to determine whether
your data set is normally distributed. The frequency distribution is displayed in an output file. You
can export items from the output file and place them into a research article you're writing. Therefore,
instead of recreating a table or graph, you can take the table or graph directly from the data output
file from SPSS.

Statistical Tests

The most obvious use for SPSS is to use the software to run statistical tests. SPSS has all of
the most widely used statistical tests built-in to the software. Therefore, you won't have to do any

mathematical equations by hand. Once you run a statistical test, all associated outputs are displayed
in the data output file. You can also transform your data by performing advanced statistical
transformations. This is especially useful for data that is not normally distributed.

SAS (Statistical Analysis System)

SAS is a software suite developed by SAS Institute for advanced analytics, business intelligence,
data management, and predictive analytics.


Integrate data across environments. SAS software integrates into any computing
environment, enabling you to unify your computing efforts and get a single view of your data.

Meet enterprise visualisation and reporting needs. SAS software can handle all of an
organisation's graphic/data visualisation needs, including analytical-style graphs, maps and
charts with any style of output that is required.

Satisfy corporate and governmental compliance.

Benefit from a full range of enterprise analysis, reporting and visualisation needs from
one vendor.

Employ the latest statistical techniques. SAS statistical procedures are constantly being
updated to reflect the latest advances in statistical methodology. Technical support is provided by
experienced master's and doctorate level statisticians who deliver a level of service not often
found with other software vendors.

Minitab is a software package that helps you to analyse data. Analysing data is an
important part of Six Sigma, provides a quick, effective solution for the level of analysis
required in most Six Sigma projects.

It is designed specifically for the needs of Six Sigma professionals. It provides a simple,
effective way to input statistical data, manipulate that data, identify trends and patterns, and
then provide answers to the problem at hand.

This software option uses a series of elements to help Six Sigma professionals work with data
and statistics. For instance, it includes boxplots, scatterplots, and histograms and provides the
ability to calculate descriptive statistics.

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