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THE WHO DEFINITIONA state of complete physical, mental and social well being not merely the

absence of disease or infirmity.

- Complete suggests perfect, which is realistically unattainable
- Wellbeing is difficult to measure
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OTTAWA CHARTER DEFINITIONHealth is seen as a resource for everyday life, not the object of living.
Health is a positive concept emphasising social and personal resources, as
well as physical capacities.
- It suggests that to be healthy, you must have all the prerequisites for
- Education
- Peace
- Income
- Shelter
- Sustainable resources
- Food
- Stable ecosystem
- Social justice
- Equity/ equality
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BIOMEDICAL DEFINITIONThe absence of disease
- This suggests to be healthy you must be free from disease or in the
process of having it treated.
- It ignores social, mental, emotional, spiritual, and environmental aspects
of health
- Based on western medicine and does not recognise other ways of
treating illness such as Chinese herbal medicine.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PHYSICAL DIMENSION OF HEALTH- Relates to the efficient functioning
of the body and its systems, and includes the physical capacity to perform
tasks and physical fitness. EG- Eating habits, exercise, genetics, weight.
SOCIAL DIMENSION OF HEALTH- Being able to interact with others and
participate in the community in both an independent and co-operative
way. EG- Communication, Participation, co-operation, socially acceptable
MENTAL DIMENSION OF HEALTH- State of wellbeing in which the

individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal
stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a
contribution to his or her community. EG- Self esteem, self concept, aware
of feeling, stress.

DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH- A Biological, Behavioural, social or environmental factors that influences

the level of health of an individual or a population.
* Used to help explain or predict trends in health and determine why some
groups have a better or worse health than others.
- Bodyweight
- Blood pressure
- Blood cholesterol
- Birthweight
- Glucose regulation
BEHAVIOURAL- Tobacco smoking
- Alcohol consumption
- Drug use
- Physical activity
- Sexual behaviours
- Vaccination status
- Risk- taking behaviour
SOCIAL- (environmental)
- Socioeconomic status
- Work and unemployment
- Social exclusion and isolation
- Stress
- Food insecurity
- Housing
- Transport
- Early life expectancy
- Access to health care

--------RISK FACTORS- Negative impact on health

EG- drug use, smoking
EG- Balanced diet, supportive family

National Health Priority Area's- (NHPA'S)

M - Musculoskeletal/ Arthritis
A - Asthma
D - Diabetes Mellitus
D - Dementia
C - Cancer Control
O - Obesity
M - Mental Health
I - Injury prevention and control
C - Cardiovascular disease
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DIRECT COSTS- Cost (dollar value) associated with providing health
services such as diagnosis and treatment to people as a result of a
particular condition.
INDIRECT COSTS- Costs not directly related to diagnosis and treatment
of the disease, but occur as a result of the person having the disease such
as productivity. Eg. If someone is sick and can't work, lack if income, they
become reliant upon others.
INTANGIBLE COSTS- Things that cannot be measured physically or with
a monetary measure, such as pain and suffering, stress, loss of selfesteem, loss of participation in social activities.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MUSCULOSKELETAL/ ARTHRITISKey features- Bone and cartilage issues resulting in painful inflammation
and stiffness of the joints.

Reason for selection- Do not feature prominently in mortality figures,

but do lead to high rates of morbidity and account for 5% of the burden of
disease in Australia.
Health promotion program- "Arthritis Australia" exercise program
BIOLOGICAL DETERMINANTSObesity(pressure on joints), Gender(females more likely), Age(elderly),
Genetics(low body weight
BEHAVIOURAL DETERMINANTSTobacco smoking(chemicals harm bones), excessive alcohol
intake(reduce vitamins, calcium) Physical activity(excessive weight
bearing harmful), Diet(nutrients), Lack of sun Exposure(Vitamin D)
SOCIAL DETERMINANTSFood security(lack of adequate nutrients), Lower Socioeconomic
status(lowering their ability to treatment and medication)

ASTHMAKey features- Asthma is a condition characterised by inflammation of

the airways, which causes them to narrow and leads to difficulty
breathing. *most likely to develop during childhood
Reason for selection- Contributes significantly to the overall burden of
disease, in (2007 - 2008) 2.5million Australians suffered causing 385
deaths in (2007). Asthma is the most common long term condition for
children ages (0 to 14years of age)
Health promotion program- "The sensitive choice program"- Making
more Australians aware of the need to manage their asthma.
BIOLOGICAL DETERMINANTSOverweight or obese, Genetics, Gender(males up tot the age of 15
are more likely to develop asthma), Age(most common 0-24years)
BEHAVIOURAL DETERMINANTSSmoking, Passive smoke(exposure), Exposure to Tobacco smoke in
the Uterus(baby exposed via mother)
SOCIAL DETERMINANTSLow socio-economic status(Higher smoking rates and an increased
environmental exposure to smoking), Work(exposure to pollutants),
Housing(pollutants and smoking), Early life experiences(Mothers who
smoked during pregnancy increase the risk of their child developing

--------DIABETES MELLITUSKey features- Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic condition in which the

sufferer is unable to utilise blood glucose correctly. Glucose is a basic
source of energy required by the body to maintain normal cellular
*Type 1- Pancreas does not produce efficient insulin to allow glucose from
the blood into the body, (genetic or linked to a specific virus)
*Type 2- The pancreas does not produce enough or any insulin, or the
body had become insulin resistant. (usually occurs in older, and
overweight people)
*Gestational- Occurs during pregnancy. Hormones lowers the effect of
the mothers insulin impact on glucose levels
Reason for selection- Diabetes rates are rising and is a growing health
concern amongst Australians. Diabetes is a leading contributor to the
burden of disease being ranked 6th.
Health Promotion program- "Life! taking action on Diabetes"
contribute to early diagnosis of those with type 2 diabetes and prevention
of type 2 diabetes.
BIOLOGICAL DETERMINANTSOverweight and Obese, High blood pressure, High blood
Cholesterol, Impaired glucose regulation, Genetic predisposition,
BEHAVIOURAL DETERMINANTSTobacco smoking, Excessive Alcohol consumption, Poor dietary
behaviour, Physical inactivity
SOCIAL DETERMINANTSLow socio-economic status, Work(sedentary), Food insecurity,
Transport(inactive), Early life experiences(knowledge)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEMENTIAKey features- Progressive and irreversible loss of brain function
interfering with normal behaviours and functions including memory,
language, speech, attention and personality
Types of Dementia- Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, dementia
with lewy bodies, frontotemporal dementia
Reason for selection- Dementia was the third most common cause of
death accounting for 6% of all deaths nationally in (2010). For those aged
65+ dementia is the second largest contributor to burden of disease.
BIOLOGICAL DETERMINANTSAge(advancing age, 65years and higher risk factor), Gender(more
common in males), Genetic predisposition, Down syndrome(people
with down syndrome are more likely)

BEHAVIOURAL DETERMINANTSTobacco use, Physical inactivity, Lack of mental stimulation,

Alcohol consumption, Food intake
SOCIAL DETERMINANTSEducation(lower levels of education may lead to dementia), Social
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CANCER CONTROLKey features- When abnormal cells start to grow and divid, a tumour
may develop
Types of cancer- Prostate cancer, Breast cancer, Colorectal cancer, Lung
cancer, Melanoma of the skin, Non-melanoma skin cancer, Cancer of the
cervix, Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
Reason for selection- Cancer is a major cause of death in Australia, and
death rate for cancer have increased in recent year. Many cancers are
preventable with lifestyle changes.
BIOLOGICAL DETERMINANTSObesity(diet and low intake of fruit and vegetables), Age(advancing age
is a risk factor for developing cancers), Genetic predisposition(some
people are more likely to develop cancers than others)
BEHAVIOURAL DETERMINANTSTobacco smoking, Alcohol consumption, A low fibre diet, Exposure
to sunlight, Being infected by a virus(the human papilloma virus is a
risk factor for cervical cancer)
SOCIAL DETERMINANTSSocio-economc status, Work, Food security, Stress, Access to
health care

OBESITYKey features- For Adults obesity is defined as having a waist

measurement of more than 89 centimetres for women and 102

centimetres for men. The causes of Obesity is often linked to eating more
energy dense foods without undertaking enough exercise to bun of excess
Reason for selection- Obesity has a high relationship with causing the
development other conditions. Obesity is a key Biological determinant in
range of diseases and conditions such as, cardiovascular disease, diabetes
mellitus, arthritis and kidney disease(by reducing obesity levels, we
reduce these conditions.
Health promotion program- "The go for '2' and '5' program" encourage
individuals to eat two fruits and five vegetables a day.
BIOLOGICAL DETERMINANTSAge(As metabolism slows down with age it becomes more difficult to
maintain weight), Genetics(Overweight or obese), Hormonal
disturbances(Eg. Leptin, contributes to appetite and fat distribution)
BEHAVIOURAL DETERMINANTSLack of physical activity, Excessive alcohol intake, Consuming an
energy dense diet(Eg. Foods with large amounts of fats, simple
carbohydrates and sugars)
SOCIAL DETERMINANTSSocioeconomic status, Work(sedentary),Food security, Transport,
Stress, Early life experiences
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MENTAL HEALTHKey features- 'State of well-being in which an individual realises his or
her own abilities, can cope with the stresses of normal everyday life, can
work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his
or her own community.
Reason for selection- Mental illness is the most non-fatal burden of
disease in Australia, with 45% of Australians experiencing mental illness
at some stage in their life. Rates of mental illness in Australia are
Health promotion program- "The national mental health strategy",
"Beyond blue",and "head space"
BIOLOGICAL DETERMINANTSObesity(a person could be eating in response to depression symptoms),
Genetic predisposition
BEHAVIOURAL DETERMINANTSTobacco use, Alcohol misuse, Substance abuse, Physical activity
SOCIAL DETERMINANTSSocioeconomic status(stress), Social exclusion, Work,
Unemployment, Stress, Early life experiences


INJURY PREVENTION AND CONTROLKey features- Injury prevention and control relates to the adverse effects
on the human body that may result from a range of different events.
Types of injuries- "Falls, poisoning, drowning, sporting and workplace
injuries, car crashes, 'intentional'- suicide, attempted suicide, violence"
Reason for selection- Injury was responsible for 7% of burden of disease
in Australia in (2003)
All injury cases are considered to be preventable, and injury is the main
cause of death for people under the age of 45years.
Health promotion program- "The National Slips and falls prevention"this is a federal government program that provides resources to help
health professional and consumers to prevent falls amongst the elderly.
BIOLOGICAL DETERMINANTSAge body shape and size(can all influence the types of injury people
are like to sustain, EG. an infant is more likely to drown, as they are
unable to support their heads themselves, making it difficult to hold their
heads above water)
BEHAVIOURAL DETERMINANTSAlcohol misuse(People intoxicated take unnecessary risks), Drug
use(high mental illness, leading to suicides), Physical activity(sporting
injuries), Risk taking behaviour(men are more likely than women to
take part in risk taking behaviour)
SOCIAL DETERMINANTSWork(physically demanding jobs), Housing(unsafe housing),
Transport(road accidents)

CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASEKey features- Cardio vascular disease is caused by a build up of

cholesterol(fatty substances, human tissue and calcium(plaque) on the
lining of the blood vessel walls. Narrowing the passage for blood flow,
resulting the the narrowing of arteries, limiting the oxygen supply to the
body putting strain on the heart.
Ischaemic heart disease- Includes heart attack and angina. Heart
attack occur when the heart blood vessel is suddenly blocked and angina
is temporary loss of blood supply to the heart causing chest pain.
Cerebrovascular disease- Generally is caused by hypertension
damaging the blood vessel lining and the vessels supplying oxygen to the
Reasons for selection- The aim of this NHPA is to promote
cardiovascular health in the entire population, not just those with
cardiovascular disease. "Improved cardiovascular health directly relates to
decreased rates of cardiovascular disease in the population"
Health promotion program- "Swap it don't stop it"- Promotes physical
activity and healthy eating. "Heart foundation tick". "Quit program"reducing smoking rates.
BIOLOGICAL DETERMINANTSOverweight or Obese, High blood pressure, high blood
cholesterol, Gender(males are more likely as they carry fat on
abdomen), Advancing age.
BEHAVIOURAL DETERMINANTSTobacco smoking, Excessive alcohol consumption, insufficient
physical activity, Poor nutrition(low intake of fruit and vegetables)
SOCIAL DETERMINANTSLow socio-economic status, Social exclusion, Unemployment,
Food insecurity, Early life experiences(knowledge of what's healthy
and unhealthy), Transport(choosing to drive everywhere rather than

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