Northern Exposure Guide

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A guide to the


Northern Exposure is a television show that aired originally on the CBS television network. It was a summer
replacement show from 1990 which developed a large following and was eventually picked up as a regular
network show. The show was created by Joshua Brand and John Falsey, who were also the principal forces
behind "St. Elsewhere" and "I'll Fly Away." Later, the principal forces behind the show became Diane Frolov
and Andrew Schneider, who assumed duties as the producers and writers for the show.
Northern Exposure is mainly the story of Joel Fleischman, a New York City raised Jewish internist who
financed his medical education through a scholarship from the state of Alaska. Unfortunately, the terms of
this scholarship require Joel to repay it by serving as a doctor in Alaska for four years. Because there were no
openings in Anchorage, Joel was sent to the town of Cicely ("on the cusp of the new Alaskan Riviera") to
serve his term. But after certain circumstances happened, Joel went "up river" and left Cicely, replaced by Dr.
Phil Capra who longed to escape the rat race of Los Angeles.
References to the episodes where facts in this document were revealed are listed in [] after the item. They
are based on the episode titles in the Episode Guide in this guide.
Joel Fleischman (actor: Rob Morrow): A New York
(Flushing) doctor meeting the terms of his medical scholarship
($125,000 to attend Columbia University) by serving four years
as general practitioner in the town of Cicely, Alaska ($465 a
month net [Grosse Pointe 48230]). Joel is the only Jewish person
in the entire Borough of Arrowhead County, Alaska [Things
Become Extinct]. After becoming engaged to Maggie, then
thrown out of her home because it wasn't working out, Joel
headed "up river" to start his life over.
Phillip Capra (Paul Provenza): The new doc in town. He and
his lovely wife Michelle left the Los Angeles area to start a new
life in Cicely. They hate Los Angeles, but are they really ready for
the charms of life in Cicely? Phil speaks French and enjoys
Michelle Capra (Teri Polo): Wife of the new doctor, she is a

free-lance journalist. She is not very accustomed to life in the

wild, having first tried to defend herself against unknown
woodland creatures with a thighmaster.
Maurice Minnifield (Barry Corbin): Ex-astrounaut with a
family fortune of $68 million [On Our Own], Maurice has big
plans for the town of Cicely. The local radio station, KBHR
(K-Bear 570 AM), is the flagship of the Minnifield
communications network and is almost solely run off the
extensive music collection of Maurice (including a fabulous
collection of show tunes). Maurice also owns the local newspaper
and 15,000 "acres of opportunity."
Mary Margaret (Maggie) O'Connell (Janine Turner): A bush
pilot who owns Joel's cabin (rented by Maurice for Joel), she is
constantly at odds with Fleischman (rarely do they call each other
by their first names). Maggie was raised in Grosse Pointe, Mich.
and is the daughter of the youngest CEO in automotive history
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("Do you remember the hatchback? That's my Dad.") She flies a

Cessna 170 (an old tail-dragger) [Birds of a Feather], N4423V
[The Gift of the Maggie] or N8326A [Russian Flu]. For filming
reasons, they use different planes in different episodes.

but once were mortal enemies over the love of a woman. His
family history of long life spans has lead him to believe that he
would outlive any woman that he would marry (he was born Jan
1, 1929 [Things Become Extinct]), but he recently overcame that
objection to marry Shelly. Holling is also a direct male-line
descendant of French aristocracy [The Body in Question.] He and
Shelly are the parents of Miranda (Randi) Bliss Vincoeur.
Shelly Marie Tambo-Vincoeur (Cynthia Geary): Shelly is the
woman over whom Maurice and Holling wanted to kill each
other. A former Miss Northwest-Passage, Shelly came to Cicely
to marry Maurice. But once she met Holling, she left Maurice to
be with him (Holling is over 60 years old, but Shelly hasn't even
hit "the big 21" [Northwest Passages]). Shelly is the only
confirmed non-US citizen (she's still a Canadian citizen.
[Northern Hospitality])
Marilyn Whirlwind (Elaine Miles): Joel's receptionist, who
raises ostriches at her farm. She is in love with the Flying Man
(Enrico Bellati) from a travelling circus, but cannot leave Cicely
to accompany him. (Character note: Elaine got the part when she
accompanied her mother to the audition. The producers and
director liked her timing and sense of humor better.)
Adam (Adam Arkin): The world's worst pathological liar (as far
as Joel is concerned), Adam is a gourmet chef who was originally
thought to be the Cicely version of Bigfoot [Aurora Borealis]. He
pops up occasionally to harrass Joel. He and Eve are the proud
parents of baby Aldrich.

Christopher Danforth (Chris) Stevens (John Corbett, alias:

Chris in the Morning): A free-spirit who can converse on Kafka
and theoretical physics, as well as philosophize on any topic that
might come to mind, Chris is the DJ at KBHR. He began
acquiring his vast wealth of knowledge when he spent time in
prison in West Virginia (for grand theft auto, which is why he
can no longer vote.) He jumped parole in 1986 [Democracy in
America]. He lost his extradition hearing in 1992, but the judge
ruled that the town must find a suitable replacement in three
years or he is to be handed over to the authorities from West
Virginia "if they show up." Chris also doubles as the town's
minister, being ordained in the Worldwide Church of Truth and
Beauty after answering an ad in the back of "Rolling Stone."
Ed Chigliak (Darren E. Burrows): A half-native Alaskan who
was raised by one of the local tribes when his parents abandoned
him, Ed wants to be a film director and has already started
pen-pal correspondences with Martin Scorcese, Steven Spielberg,
Woody Allen, Peter Bogdanovich, and others. Ed works for
Maurice and Ruth-Anne, and has an IQ of 180. Ed has met the
man who could be his father, Pete [Duets] and has been called to
be a shaman.
Ruth-Anne Miller (Peg Phillips): The owner of the general store
in town, Ruth-Anne left the lower 48 in 1971 with an old station
wagon, all her household possessions she could carry, and her
cats to make a new life in Alaska. To her extreme displeasure,
one of her children is an investment banker.
Holling Gustav Vincoeur (John Cullum): The owner The
Brick, a local bar, Holling is an ex-trapper and hunter who
swore off killing. Holling and Maurice are old and dear friends,

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Eve (Valerie Mahaffey, winner of a Best Supporting Actress

Emmy, 1992): Adam's wife, also the heiress to a $22 million
tungsten fortune, she is a hypochondriac and once chained Joel to
her cabin so that she could have a doctor in-house
round-the-clock [The Bumpy Road to Love].
Ron Bantz (Doug Ballard) and Erick Hillman (Don R.
McManus): Owners of one of the local bed and breakfast
establishments. They bought the property from Maurice, whom
they thought at first to be a "kindred spirit," since he lives alone,
loves gourmet food and show tunes. They also double as
archaeologists [Survival of the Species], and Ron has served as a
translator for Maurice and his Korean son, Duk Won [Sleeping
with the Enemy]. Ron served as a Marine in the Korean war.
They were recently married in a lovely ceremony.
Dave (William J. White): Cook at The Brick, he takes a lot of
abuse from Adam over his style of cooking (bacon is not
pancetta). Dave and Ed are cousins to Marilyn through their clans
(Dave and Ed are of the Bear; Marilyn is of the Raven). Note:
William J. White eventually had to give up his role as Dave; he
reinjured an old diving injury and had to quit.
Eugene (Earl Quewezance): Cook at the Brick (also known as
"not-Dave" in this group), who has almost seamlessly taken over
from Dave. He has a wife and two small kids.
Edna Hancock (Rita Taggart): Edna is the mayor of Cicely,
elected when she ran against long-time mayor Holling Vincoeur
(vote was 255 to 247.)
Lester Haynes (Apesanahkwat): A fellow Sons of the Tundra
member to Maurice, he is also Maurice's nemesis in business.
The richest man in the county/area, wealthier than Maurice, he's

scammed Maurice on a few land deals.

ties with the town of Cicely), he moves on.

Hayden Keyes (James L. Dunn): The town's ne'er-do-well, he

has broken into Joel's office (for Maurice), claimed injuries for
insurance and legal suits that did not occur, and fired off guns
around the town's citizens.


Please note: This music on this list is not complete (no listing so
far of music from episodes 6.2 thru 6.22) and was derived from a
number of sources, including books, internet and online service
messages and files, and just plain watching the show and jotting
down familiar songs. ALSO you will notice that some episodes
list the same song more than once. This is because that music
was played more than once in that episode. Wherever possible,
the music was listed in the order it was played in the episode.
There have been six seasons of Northern Exposure:
1. Summer 1990 (eight episodes)
2. Spring 1991 (seven episodes)
3. Fall 1991 (23 episodes)
4. Fall 1992 (25 episodes)
5. Fall 1993 (24 episodes)
6. Fall 1994 (23 episodes)
CBS cancelled the series on May 25, 1995. The last three
episodes were shown July 12, 19 and 26.

Duk Won Minnifield (Kwi Hyun (James) Song): Korean son of

Maurice Minnifield and a woman that Maurice knew in Korea
during the war. Recently engaged to Pak Soon Ae, who is the
daughter of Maurice's sworn enemy, Pak Soon Yat.
Mike Monroe (Anthony Edwards): A lawyer who once suffered
from MSC (multiple chemical sensitivity), he lived in a geodesic
dome off of Highway 3. He was hyper-allegic to the environment
around him, a condition that developed in the last few years of his
life. Why is this written in past tense? Mike was cured during his
stay in Cicely and has since left to fight environmental villains as
a lawyer for Greenpeace. Joel still thinks he's wacko, cured or
not, but Maggie was attracted to him. Note: He is NOT dead
Leonard Quinhagak (Graham Greene): Leonard is a shaman,
and his healing skills have been shown in a number of episodes.
Leonard told Ed he had the call and the abilities to be a shaman,
but he warned Ed that his life would be very different if he takes
up the calling.
Elaine Shulman (Jessica Lundy): Joel's ex-fiance'e-- she left
Joel to marry an older man who died shortly after their marriage.
She and Joel have since reconciled their relationship and the
unfortunate way that it ended.
Sgt. Barbara Semanski (Diane Delano): A state trooper who
shares the mutual hots for Maurice, but who cannot sustain a
relationship with him because of his disregard for the law (tax
law, that is) [The Bumpy Road to Love].
Bernard Stevens (Richard Cummings, Jr.): Chris'
African-American half-brother. Bernard and Chris are
psychically connected-- they discovered each other when they
both had the same vision of a sculpture about the Aurora Borealis
[Aurora Borealis]. They often share the same dreams and
thoughts. Their mutual father was a travellin' man who just
happened to have two families.
Miranda Bliss Vincoeur (baby twin actresses unknown):
Newly arrived daughter of Holling and Shelly, Miranda, or
"Randi," was born in Holling and Shelly's living room upstairs
from the Brick, during happy hour. According to a dream
sequence featuring Shelly ["Hello, I Love You"], Randi will, at
the age of 18, travel to Dallas, Texas to become a Dallas
Cowboy's chearleader. Along the way, she will also be a big fan
of Barbie dolls, and a drummer in a local rock band.
Walt Kupfer (Moultrie Patten): We don't know much about
Walt, other than that he's a friend of Ruth-Anne and Holling. He's
been showing up more and more, though (in the Brick, spitting
seeds with Joel, and other places.) We do know that he's a
trapper, [Baby Blues] and used to work on Wall Street [Hello, I
Love You]
The Flying Man - Enrico Bellati (Bill Irwin) A mystical quiet
man who comes to town with a travelling circus, he falls in love
with Marilyn and tries to convince her to leave with him. When
Maryilyn admits her love for him but refuses his offer (due to her

7/12/90 Pilot
The series pilot finds Joel experiencing culture shock after taking
a job in an Alaskan village, where the eccentric townsfolk refuse
to let him leave.
Written by: Josh Brand and John Falsey
Directed by: John Falsey
Peter Gilliam: Robert Nadir, Walter: Art LaFleur, Rick
Pederson: Grant Goodeve, Edna: Lois Foraker, Patient #1:
Tom Hammond, Patient #2: Anne Gordon, Businessman:
John Aylward, Stewardess: Denise Kendall
Music: Louie, Louie (Richard Berry), Family Tradition (Hank
Williams Jr.), Truly Do (Bud and Travis), Jolie Louise (Daniel
Lanois), Get Your Life (Livingston), Good Golly, Miss Molly
(Little Richard), Singing the Blues.
7/19/90 "Brains, Know-How and Native Intelligence"
A self-reliant Maggie chides Joel for being helpless when he's
beset by plumbing problems; Ed's uncle Anku, a medicine man,

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refuses medical treatment; Chris reads Walt Whitman over the

airwaves and angers Maurice, who prefers show tunes on his
Written by: Stuart Stevens
Directed by: Peter O'Fallon
Anku: Frank Sotonoma Salsedo, Rick Pederson: Grant
Goodeve, Mrs. Anku: Armenia Miles, Mindy: Leslie
Rueschenberg, Woman #1: Hannah Johnson, Woman #2:
Sandra DeJong, Shirley: Jan Poore, Man #1: Mitch Hale,
Man #2: Ken Schneider, Man #3: Gary Taylor
Music: Another Op'nin', Another Show ("Kiss Me Kate" cast
recording), March of theSiamese Children ("King and I" cast
recording), This was a Real Nice Clambake ("Carousel" cast
recording), Wunderbar ("Kiss Me Kate" cast recording).
7/26/90 "Soapy Sanderson"
A hermit goes to extremes when Dr. Joel suggests that he think
about the future. Later, Maggie ends up partners with Joel in a
land deal in which a Native American chief is also interested.
Written by: Karen Hall
Directed by: Steve Cragg
Soapy Sanderson: John McLiam, Laurie Batton: Christa
Miller, Kim Chang: Darryl Fong, William Casebear
(Accountant): Phil Lucas, Chief: Nick Ramus, Surveyor: John
Music: Unity, Honky Tonk Angels (Kitty Wells), Knoxville Girl
(Wilburn Bros.), I Wanna Be a Cowboy Sweetheart (Patsy
Montana), Take an Old Cold Tater and Wait (Little Jimmy
8/2/90 "Dreams, Schemes and Putting Greens"
Joel is asked to be best man at Holling's wedding, but his mind is
on helping Maurice sell Alaska to two Japanese businessmen in
hopes of playing golf at their proposed resort.
Written by: Sean Clark
Directed by: Dan Lerner
Chiba: Lenny Imamura, Masuto: Michael Paul Chan, Rick
Pederson: Grant Goodeve, Gorman Tambo: Anthony Curry,
Bar Patron: William Douglas Smith
Music: Overture to "The Mikado", Diet of Strange Places (kd
lang), Get Your Life, My Way, Honky Tonk Angels (Kitty
Wells), Sukiyaki (Sakamoto), Hello Young Lovers ("King and I"
cast recording), Just Like You.
8/9/90 "Russian Flu"
Flu-stricken townsfolk and the crafty Maggie unwittingly do their
part to sabotage Joel's plans for a romantic respite with Elaine.
Written by: David Assael
Directed by: David Carson
Elaine Schulman: Jessica Lundy, Charles "Red" Murphy:
John Aylward, Rick Pederson: Grant Goodeve, Clem Tillman:
Dave Guppy, Townspeople: Martha Baskin, Charlie Russo,
Ralph Von Hollebeke, Mark Mitchell, Lyn Tyrrell, Sylvia
Music: Who Put the Bomp (in the Bomp Bomp Bomp) (Barry
Mann), On Broadway (The Drifters), New York, New York
(Grand Master Flash), Let's Dance (Benny Goodman), Stand By
Me (Ben E. King).
8/16/90 "Sex, Lies, and Ed's Tape"
A young man from Saskatchewan puts Shelly in a pickle and
leaves Holling with neck-lock; Ed's vision for a blockbuster
movie is blurred by writer's block; and Rick blames "the
O'Connell curse" for his disturbing medical problem.
Written by: Josh Brand and John Falsey
Directed by: Sandy Smolan

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Wayne Jones: Brandon Douglas, M.C.: Jeffrey Carpentier

Music: Lady Be Good (Django Reinhardt), The Girl From
Ipanema, Little Girl Eyes (Robbin Julien), Without You (Motley
Crue), "Twighlight Zone" Theme, Ragtime Roy, I'll See You in
My Dreams (Giant), A Kiss toBuild a Dream On (Louis
Armstrong), This Land Is Your Land.
8/23/90 "A Kodiak Moment"
After his brother dies, Maurice searches for an heir on whom to
bestow his fortune, but his choice results a father-son squabble;
Shelly tags along when Holling and Ed go after Jesse, the elusive
brown bear; and Joel is not amused when Maggie takes over his
out-of-town childbirthing class.
Written by: Steve Wasserman and Jessica Klein
Directed by: Max Tash
Nancy: Teri Thomas, Sue-Ellen: Kellee Bradley, Mike:
Wayne Waterman, Phyllis: Lisa Budak, Kerry: Elise Nelson
Music: Stardust, Rhinestone Cowboy (Glen Campbell), Caro,
Nome, Daddy's Home (Shep & The Limelights).
8/30/90 "Aurora Borealis"
Anticipation of the aurora borealis illuminates dreams for Chris
and for his new-found soul mate. But the northern lights bring
nightmares for Joel, who must journey into the woods on a house
call amid rumors of a Bigfoot-like creature roaming the area.
Written by: Charles Rosen
Directed by: Peter O'Fallon
Adam: Adam Arkin, Bernard: Richard Cummings Jr., Ranger
Burns: John Procaccino, Rick Pederson: Grant Goodeve,
Adolescent Chris: Ryan O'Neill, Carl Jung: Lou Hetler,
Mother: Sandy Miller
[Last scheduled show., sub-titled: "A Fairy Tale For
Music: Moon River (Louis Armstrong), Moonlight Sonata, Bad
Mood Rising (CCR), Little Egypt (The Coasters), Blue Moon
(Billie Holiday), Mr. Sandman (The Chordettes), Full Moon, Full
of Love (kd lang).
4/8/91 "Goodbye To All That"
The installation of a satellite dish at Holling's saloon signals a
new era --and a second season-- in Alaska, where Shelly becomes
mesmerized by the video extravaganza before her, and Dr. Joel
reacts to a Dear John letter from Elaine.
Written by: Robin Green
Directed by: Stuart Margolin
Tori Gould: Beverly Leech, Rick Pederson: Grant Goodeve,
Kid Joel: Grant Gelt, Alison: Therese Xavier Tinling,
Proprietor: Margaret Mason
Music: Stardust, R.B. Blues (Ruth Brown), Down Hearted Blues
(Mildred Bailey), Guitars, Cadillacs (Dwight Yoakam), One Foot
Draggin' (The Coasters), It's Just a Girl Thang (Icey J), Let's
Dance (Benny Goodman), Tea With Alice, Lulu, "Magnum PI"
Theme, Get Your Life, Blue Moon (Billie Holiday).
4/15/91 "The Big Kiss"
Ed turns to the 256-year-old Indian spirit of One-Who-Waits to
learn who his parents are; and Chris turns to a local beauty for a
cure after he's rendered mute by a beautiful woman passing
through town.
Written by: Henry Bromell
Directed by: Sandy Smolan
One-Who-Waits: Floyd Red Crow Westerman, Smith: Eloy
Casados, Great Aunt: Geraldine Keams, Girl: Jessika
Cardinahl, Bingo Caller: Albert J. Hood, Mrs. Emerson:
Carolyn Byrne, Townsperson 1: David J. Guppy,

Townsperson 2: Don Eastman, Bingo Players: Rosetta

Pintado, Katherine Davis, Susan Morales, Oscar Kawagley
Music: Closings #4, She is Not Thinking of Me (Louis Jordan),
Ya Ya (Lee Dorsey), Mambo Baby (Ruth Brown), Truly Do (Bud
and Travis), Let the Tear Drops Fall, Pretty Lady ("Pacific
Overtures" cast record), Weiner Cafe, Tea With Alice, Reach Out
and Touch, La Mer (Charles Trenet), Honeysuckle Rose (Django
Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli), Third Man Theme (Anton
Karas), When I grow Too Old to Dream (Nat King Cole).
4/22/91 "All Is Vanity"
Invigorated by temperatures of "aught seven" degrees in Cicely,
Alaska...Holling opts for circumcision to be "more in style" for
his girlfriend, Shelly. Dr. Joel plays Maggie's intended in a web
of deceit to fool her visiting father. And townsfolk watch over the
body of Mr. Unknown Person, who dropped dead in Joel's
waiting room, with the only clue to his identity being a note in his
pocket reading: "Pick up shirt Monday."
Written by: Andrew Schneider and Diane Frolov
Directed by: Nick Marck
Frank O'Connell: John McCann, Martin: Rex Linn, Wife:
Sharon Collar, Husband: O. C. "Mac" McCallum, Patient
#10: Cathy Bryan, Man #1: Peter Bradshaw, Man #2: Charles
Music: Honky Tonk Angels (Kitty Wells), Bon Soir Dame (Bud
and Travis), Saturday Night is the Loneliest Night of the Week
(Rosemary Clooney), Angie (from "Wild Is the Wind"),
Symphony No. 7 (Beethoven), Tradition, If I Were a Rich Man,
Diet of Strange Places (kd lang).
4/29/91 "What I Did For Love"
Maggie's dream of Joel's death in a plane crash sparks earnest
farewells from the locals, but the premonition spooks Joel enough
to consider canceling his visit home, especially after feeling
suspicious about his substitute; and Maurice welcomes a visit
from an astronaut groupie.
Written by: Ellen Herman
Directed by: Steve Robman
Ingrid Klochner: Elizabeth Huddle, David Gisnberg: Leo
Geter, Mr. Streisand: Paul Fleming, Woman #1: Pamela
Abas-Ross, Woman #2: Dorothy Hanlin, Man: Phil Lucas,
Little Boy: David A. Hrdlicka, Mrs. Streisand: Laura Kenny
Music: The Sunshine of Love (Louis Armstrong), Overture ("The
King and I" cast recording), Buck's Neuvelle Jole Blon
(Buckwheat Zydeco), I'm in Love With a Wonderful Guy ("South
Pacific" cast recording), On the Street Where You Live ("My Fair
Lady" cast recording), I Could Have Danced All Night ("My Fair
Lady" cast recording), I'm a Little Teapot, Lullaby (Maureen
Forrester), You Do Something to Me (Sinead O'Connor).
5/6/91 "Spring Break"
Libidos run amok in anticipation of Cicely's spring meltdown:
Maggie and Joel invade each other's dreams; an imposing state
trooper sweeps Maurice off his feet; Holling's bucking for a fight;
Shelly can't get enough of D.H. Lawrence; and a robber makes off
with residents' radios.
Written by: David Assael
Directed by: Rob Thompson
Officer Barbara Semanski: Diane Delano, Gary McClellan:
John Mese, Knockout #1: Jill Pierce, Knockout #2: Mary
Anderson, Lumberjack: Gregg Loughridge, Logger: Gary
Music: D.W. Suite (Lindsey Buckingham), Crazy (Patsy Cline),
Big Bad Bill (Leon Redbone), Simply Irresistible (Robert
Palmer), Bon Soir Dame (Bud and Travis), El Cajon (Stan Getz)
Everybody be Yo Self (Chic Streetman), Area from Diva ("Diva"

soundtrack recording)
Tea With Alice
5/13/91 "War And Peace"
Celebrations with vodka, borscht and Chris's radio reading of
"War and Peace" are in order when Soviet legend Nikolai makes
his annual appearance, bearing gifts and itching to challenge
archrival Maurice to a chess match. Meanwhile, torturous dreams
keep Holling from much-needed sleep; Chris's poetic lines help
Ed woo a lusty farm girl.
Written by: Robin Green and Henry Bromell
Directed by: Bill D'Elia
Nikolai Ivanovich Apalanov: Elya Baskin, Lightfeather
Duncan: Dana Andersen, Father Duncan: Alan Fudge, Dave
the Cook: William James White Eagle
Music: I Don't Care (Hank Williams), Love Is a
Many-Splendored Thing (John Williams), Internationale, Pictures
at an Exhibition (Mussorgsky), Romeo and Juliet (Tchaikovsky),
One More Kiss Dear ("Blade Runner" soundtrack), Lara's Theme
("Doctor Zhivago" soundtrack), What'll I Do? (Irving Berlin).
5/20/91 "Slow Dance"
The curse of Maggie strikes again, and Rick is struck dead by a
falling satellite; two newcomers have more in common with
Maurice, including a love of show tunes and gourmet cooking,
than he'd like to admit; and Shelly feels like a third wheel as
Holling enjoys a reunion with an old gal from Nome.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: David Carson
Music: Willow Tree (Alton and Hortense Ellis), Sugarmoon (kd
lang), Fool Paradise (Charles Brown), Oh! What a Beautiful
Mornin' ("Oklahoma" cast recording), Pathique (Beethoven),
Reach Out and Touch, Is That All There Is (Peggy Lee), Juliet of
the Spirits, Song from Moulin Rouge (Percy Faith), Let the
Teardrops Fall, Mambo Baby (Ruth Brown), At Last (Etta
9/23/91 "The Bumpy Road To Love"
A third season blows clouds onto love's horizon for some
denizens of Cicely, Alaska. For Maggie, a ceremony to unveil a
larger-than-life-size statue of recently deceased boyfriend Rick
turns gloomier when a female stranger in the crowd pipes up with
an intimate eulogy of her own. This revelation of Rick's
unfaithfulness sends Maggie storming off to drown her sorrows
in drink. Meanwhile, Maurice is walking on air thanks to his
unbridled emotion for a gun-loving, by-the-book state trooper, but
a search for tax loopholes may ground him. And Joel is bound for
disaster when the nomadic Adam requests a late-night house call
for his ailing wife, Eve.
Written by: Martin Sage and Sybil Adelman
Directed by: Nick Marck
Eve: Valerie Mahaffey, Officer Barbara Semanski: Diane
Delano, Joanne: Catherine de Prume, Adam: Adam Arkin,
Rick Pederson: Grant Goodeve
Music: Bon Soir Dame (Bud and Travis), Sonata in D Moll
(Scarlatti), Don't Let That Man Get You Down (Texas Ruby),
Mana'O Pili (Diana Aki), I Feel Better All Over (Ferlin Husky).
9/30/91 "Only You"
Maurice accuses Holling of snapping an unflattering photograph
of him; Joel focuses on Chris's uncanny ability to attract women,
while Chris becomes fixated on a woman out of his reach; and
Maggie envisions her vision problem as a sign of decline.
Written by: Ellen Herman
Directed by: Bill D'Elia

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Irene Rondenet: Caitlin Clarke, Linda: Heidi Swedberg, Patti:

Denice Duff
Music: I'm In The Mood for Love (Bill Coleman), Laredo Rose
(Texas Tornados), I Want to be Sedated (Ramones), Tea With
Alice, Let's Dream in the Moonlight (Billie Holiday), Under the
Stormy Sky (Daniel Lanois), Tea With Alice, Tea With Alice, I'll
Try Again (Kelly Willis), Let's Dream in the Moonlight (Billie
10/7/91 "Oy, Wilderness"
An emergency landing in Maggie's plane sends Maggie foraging
for food in the wilderness, while Joel sits idly by blubbering
about the menu. Back in Cicely, the arrival of Shelly's best friend
triggers a tiff --and reminiscences over lost youth.
Written by: Robin Green
Directed by: Miles Watkins
Cindy: Christine Elise
Music: Layin' Back, Can't Stop Lovin' You (Chet Atkins), Celito
Lindo, Love Song (Tesla), Love Is a Hard Game to Play (Stevie
Nicks), I'll See You in My Dreams (Jan Garber), Party Night
(Undivided Roots), Amazing Grace, Love is a Hard Game to Play
(Stevie Nicks).
10/14/91 "Animals R Us"
Maggie proclaims that Rick has returned --in the guise of a
lovable malamute; Maurice envisions a multimillion-dollar
ostrich farm; and auteur Ed captures in his film the human
landscape of Cicely.
Written by: Robin Green
Directed by: Nick Marck
Grandma Woody: Sparkle, Crow Flies Straight: Harry
Pringle, Jerry the Indian: Bryson Liberty, Dog Owner: Kellee
Bradley, Special Dog Effects: Frank Welker
Music: Time Changes Everything (Bob Wills and the Texas
Playboys), Pathetique (Beethoven), Flute Quartet--Alegretto
(Kromer), My Reason for Living (Ferlin Husky), Gotta Travel On
(Chet Atkins), Praeludium from Partita #1 B-Major (Bach), My
Boyfriend's Back (The Angels), Praeludium from Partita #1
B-Major (Bach), Natural Woman (Aretha Franklin), Hip, Hug,
Her (Booker T and the MGs), One More Kiss Dear ("Blade
Runner" sound track), Praeludium from Partita #1 B-Major
10/28/91 "Jules et Joel"
Mental ghouls and goblins wreak havoc with Joel after a fall in
the woods, bringing to Cicely the specter of Jules, his slick twin
brother who trades places with Joel to practice medicine and
court Maggie. Meanwhile, Holling pays an old debt; and Chris
braces for a meeting with an old neighbor and felon.
Written by: Stuart Stevens
Directed by: Jim Hayman
Jules: Rob Morrow, Officer Barbara Semanski: Diane
Delano, Buddy: Douglas Rowe, Jerry: John Procaccino,
Sigmund Freud: Lou Hetler, Man In Street: Gary Taylor,
Woman In Cab: Shelley Henning, Logger: Dave Guppy, Cab
Driver: Ben DiGregorio, Patient: Robert J. Zenk, Crazed
Caller: Raymond O'Connor
Music: Flight of the Cosmic Hippo (Bela Fleck and the
Flecktones), I Heard the Jukebox Playing (Kitty Wells), I Wanna
Be a Cowboy Sweetheart (Dixie Chicks), Don Quichote
(Magazine 60), Mo Onions (Booker T and the MGs), Don
Quichote (Magazine 60), Flight of the Cosmic Hippo (Bela Fleck
and the Flecktones), Summertime (Booker T and the MGs), All
the Way (Lee Morgan), Flight of the Cosmic Hippo (Bela Fleck
and the Flecktones), Minuet (Boccherini).

Page 6

11/4/91 "The Body In Question"

Chris's discovery of the frozen century-old corpse of a Frenchman
has a once-skeptical Joel rethinking the course of history,
Maurice plotting a new enterprise, Shelly pondering fertility, and
Holling reflecting on his own tainted gene pool.
Written by: Henry Bromell
Directed by: David Carson
Elijah: Allan Miller, Dave the Cook: William J. White,
Woman: Sharon Collar, Yo'el: Shmuly Levitin, Tellakutan:
Gabriel Salvador
Music: La Donna A Mobile, Rue St. Michael, Jolie Louise
(Daniel Lanois), I Got You (Dwight Yoakam), Hot Club Hop.
11/11/91 "Roots"
The widow Elaine shows up unexpectedly and gets a cold
reception from ex-fiance Joel, until Maggie unintentionally plays
matchmaker; the arrival of Chris's brother Bernard conjures up
dreams of Africa in Chris, who declares himself to be a "person
of color"; and a new chef makes a culinary impression.
Written by: Dennis Koenig and Jordan Budde
Directed by: Sandy Smolan
Elaine Schulman: Jessica Lundy, Bernard: Richard
Cummings Jr., Adam: Adam Arkin
African Dance Sequences by Djimbe West African Drummers
and Dancers and Ceedo Senegalese Dance Company
Music: Poor Boy Blues (Chet Atkins and Mrk Knopfler), Wild
Side of Life (Hank Thompson), I'm Blue Again (Patsy Cline),
Dede Priscilla (Lea Lignanzi), Caballo Viejo (Robert Torres),
Beale Street Mama (Cab Calloway), Emabhaceni (Miriam
11/18/91 "A-Hunting We Will Go"
After grousing about the hunting frenzy sweeping Cicely, Joel
sees first hand what it's all about by outfitting himself to join
Chris and Holling for the primal ritual in the wilds. Holling,
however, prefers the home fires to camp fires. Meanwhile, back
in town, Ed fears that Ruth-Anne is being stalked by the grim
Written by: Craig Volk
Directed by: Bill D'Elia
Music: Layin' Back, Again Tonight (John Mellencamp), It's All
About to Change (Travis Tritt), Black Orchid (Peter Moon Band).
12/9/91 "Get Real"
A colorful bus breaks down in Cicely, carrying a traveling
carnival troupe whose nonverbal "flying man" takes a fancy to
Marilyn. But there's heartache in store for Shelly when Holling
takes note of her "inordinately large" feet. Meanwhile, as Chris
becomes captivated by the mysteries of magic, Joel hits the books
after deciding on a subspecialty.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Micheal Katleman
Steve: Richard Brestoff, Adrienne: Judith Kahan, Nina: Remy
Ryan, Enrico Bellati, the Flying Man: Bill Irwin, Mrs.
Whirlwind: Armenia Miles, Mr. Whirlwind: Reginald Ward,
Handsome Man: Dan Perkins, Ludwig Bichtenstein
Masquerade and Reality Company: Cirque du Soleil
Music: Grand River (Byron Derline), Little Girl Eyes (Robin
Julien), Bolero (Cirque Du Soleil), Little Ways (Dwight
Yoakam), The Sweetest Thing (Carlene Carter).
12/16/91 "Seoul Mates"
The holidays are celebrated with a pageant of the raven by the
townsfolk, and bring mixed blessings for an accident-prone
Maggie, a first Christmas tree for Joel, and a foreign family for

Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider

Directed by: Jack Bender
Yung Yong Ja: Kim Kim, Yung Duk Won: Kwi Hyun
(James) Song, Yung Bong Joo: Chi-Muoi Lo, Narssak: Ralph
P. Martin, Dave the Cook: William J. White
Music: Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Booker T. and the
MGs), Dig That Crazy Santa Claus (Oscar McLollie and the
Honey Jumpers), Il Est Ne/Ca Berger (The Chieftans), Christmas
Time's a Coming (Petter Roloan), Silent Night, Fly Me to the
Moon, White Christmas (Allen Toussaint), O Come All Ye
Faithful (The Chieftans), The Christmas Song (Tony Bennett),
White Christmas (Clyde McPhatter and the Drifters), Ave Marie
1/6/92 "Dateline: Cicely"
Maurice goes out on a limb to spice up his newspaper's coverage
by hiring an unnamed reporter given to clandestine meetings;
Maggie talks to the trees, but Joel won't listen; and, to ease
Holling's tax debts, Chris becomes a partner at the Brick, where
he sets about sprucing up the place.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Michael Fresco
Adam: Adam Arkin, Man on Street: Gary Taylor, Eddie:
Eddie Levi Lee, Dave the Cook: William J. White
Music: Blues for Your Own (Sally Van Meter), Please Don't Let
Me Love You (Robert Morgan), Pussy Cat, Madeliena (Pablo
Lubadika Porthos), Nou Pop Sa Blize (Boukman Eksperyans),
Layin' Back, Stormy Weather (adapted by David Schwartz),
Guitar Rag, Stormy Weather (adapted by David Schwartz).
1/13/92 "Our Tribe"
Joel reluctantly undergoes a cultural conversion after receiving a
goat as a gift from a grateful village elder, who insists on
"adopting" him into her tribe; and a mysterious Holling shuts
down the Brick, ostensibly to wax the floors.
Written by: David Assael
Directed by: Lee Shallet
Gloria Noanuk: Rosetta Pintado, Morning Star: Harry Pringle,
Judy Baker: Mary Waskey, George Tuck: Al Hood, Libby
Stevens: Katherine Davis, Goat Sounds: Frank Welker
Music: On Monday (Red Knuckles and the Trailblazers), Going
Steady (Red Knuckles and the Trailblazers), On the Alamo
(Benny Goodman Sextet), The Sky Fell Down (Tommy Dorsey),
Honey Babe (Red Clay Ramblers), Blue Interlude (Artie Shaw),
Mood Indigo (Duke Ellington).
1/20/92 "Things Become Extinct"
A study in self-examination brings on a midlife crisis for Holling,
opens up another door for Ed and leaves Joel feeling culturally
Written by: Robin Green from a story by Mitchell Burgess
Directed by: Dean Parisot, Ira Wingfeather: Bryson Liberty,
Earl the Barber: Jerry Morris
Music: I Love You a Thousand Ways (Tim and Mollie O'Brian),
Tea Dance, Memories of You (Bennie Goodman), Someone Took
My Place With You (David Parmley), Family Traditions (Hank
Williams, Jr.), Sleepy Steel, Acapulco Serenata).
2/3/92 "Burning Down The House"
Tempers sizzle with the arrival of Maggie's "pathologically
polite" mother, who brings alarming news for Maggie; the
creative process inflames Chris with an unusual vision for his
conceptual-art project; and Joel offers up a challenge to a
chimney sweep who has lost his drive to win.
Written by: Robin Green
Directed by: Rob Thompson

Jane O'Connell: Bibi Besch, Larry Coe (Chimney Sweep):

John M. Jackson, Gary: Gary Taylor, Townsperson: Haynes
Music: The Prisoner's Song (Vernon Dalhart), Whispering (Paul
Whiteman), Fell in Love (Tim O'Brien), Roses and Midnight,
Sweetest Things (Carlene Carter), A Little Unfair (Brenda Lee),
Where Would That Leave Me?), The Blue Danube (J. Strauss).
2/24/92 "Democracy In America"
Mayoral incumbent Holling is stung by news that he has a
formidable opponent --old friend Edna Hancock, who's got a bee
in her bonnet over a promise he never followed up on. The
election also finds Shelly tasting the aphrodisiac of power, Chris
waxing patriotic, Ed anticipating his first time voting, and Joel
and Maggie arguing party politics.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Michael Katleman
Edna Hancock: Rita Taggart, George the Barber: Clayton
Corazette, Dave the Cook: William J. White, Customer: Eric
Ray Anderson, Dorothy: Dorothy Hanlin, Logger: Patrick
Music: J'ai Fait Une Grosse Error (I Made a Big Mistake)
(Jimmy Newman), Fanfare for the Common Man (Aaron
Copland), Guitar Boogie (Arthur Smith), Stars and Stripes
Forever, America the Beautiful (American Boys Choir), The
Hobo (Doc Watson), Appalachian Spring (Aaron Copland),
Crazy (Mike Auldridge), This Is My Country (American Boys
3/2/92 "The Three Amigos"
The death of a rugged hunting companion sends Holling and
Maurice packing for the wilderness, intending to make good on a
promise to bury him miles from civilization at a paradise called
No-Name Point. But they're bogged down with disasters,
including hooking up with the man's headstrong widow.
Written by: Mitchell Burgess and Robin Green
Directed by: Matthew Nodella
Solvang Planey: Joanna Cassidy, Reinhard Shoulder: Norbert
Weisser, Teak: Brian T. Finney, Pig Eye: Tom Spinner
Music: It Won't Hurt (Dwight Yoakam), Grand River, The
Whiskey Ain't Working, Acoustic Duet 1 (Country Blues Guitar),
Hands on the Wheel (Willie Nelson).
3/9/92 "Lost And Found"
Landlady Maggie calls in an exorcist when Joel hears rumblings
of the ghost of a loner who committed suicide in the house some
40 years ago; another menace for Joel is the hypochondriac Eve,
who complains of a host of new ailments; Maurice considers it an
honor to do a favor for an old colonel.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Steve Robman
Eve: Valerie Mahaffey, Emile: Time Winters, Colonel Gordon
KcKern: Noble Willingham, Dave the Cook: William J.
White, Mr. Swanson: Gary Taylor, Patron: Robert J. Zenk
Music: Sin Ti (Bud and Travis), Again Tonight (John
Mellencamp), Side by Side (Kay Starr), Terrible Thing (Booker
T. and the MGs), Mein Herr Marquis, Ave Veru, Calliope Rag
(American Sampler), Poor Butterfly (Benny Goodman), Common
Threads (Bobby McFerrin).
3/16/92 "My Mother, My Sister"
An infant abandoned in Joel's waiting room gets plenty of TLC
from Cicely residents and even stirs nesting instincts in some.
But for Shelly, a surprise visit from her youth-crazed mother turns
family life topsy-turvy.
Written by: Kate Boutilier and Mitchell Burgess

Page 7

Directed by: Rob Thompson

Tammy Tambo: Wendy Schaal, Kenny Cadashay: Sean
O'Bryan, Adam: Adam Arkin, Dave the Cook: William J.
Music: A Woman Half My Age (Kitty Wells), Laid Back, Sleepy
Steel, Gimme Three Steps (Lynard Skynard), Viola Concerto
(Scherzo), Diet of Strange Places (kd lang), Shame, Shame,
Shame (Johnny Winters), Paradise City (Guns 'N Roses), Blue
Sky (The Allman Brothers), I Could Never Live Without You
(Enuff Z Nuff), Blue Sky (The Allman Brothers), Too Weak to
Fight (Johnny Law), Hot Club Stomp, I Believe in Steel, Gimme
Three Steps (Lynard Skynard).
3/23/92 "Wake-Up Call"
Spring has sprung in Cicely and with it come crocuses, free eggs
at the Brick, a rebirth of sorts for Shelly, a diagnostic refresher for
Joel, and an awakening of passions for Maggie.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Nick Marck
Arthur: Andreas Wisniewski, Leonard Quinhagak: Graham
Greene, Dave the Cook: William J. White, Customer: Robert
Music: Guitars and Cadillacs (Dwight Yoakam), Invention #8
(Bach), Musette Madeline, Imperial Hotel, Music Hall Waltz,
Bailero (Fredrica Von Staade), To Wish This (Tinita Tikaram),
Coolin Medley (The Chieftans).

Directed by: Tom Moore

Ron: Doug Ballard, Erick: Don R. McManus, Tourist #1:
Akemi Namei, Tourist #2: Rob Narita, Dave the Cook:
William J. White, Bar Patron #1: Paul Fleming, Bar Patron
#2: Wally Dalton
Music: Running Behind (Tracy Lawrence), Imperial Hotel, Don't
Give Your Heart to a Rambler (Travis Tritt), English Tea Room,
Honeymoon Suite (Byron Berline), Pure Chintz, Layin' Back,
Caribbean Blue (Enya).
5/4/92 "It Happened In Juneau"
Joel anticipates a weekend in Juneau in the company of attractive
female doctors, but instead he's stuck in the same hotel suite with
Maggie, who cramps his sytle. Back home, Chris becomes
tongue-tied as Bernard, his "karmic doppleganger," returns from
Written by: David Assael
Directed by: Michael Katleman
Bernard Stevens: Richard Cummings Jr., Linda Angelo: Beth
Broderick, Hotel Clerk: Woody Eney, John Harcourt: Peter
Bradshaw, Patient: John Billingsley, Bellhop: James
Marsters, Dr. Paul Brennan: Kent MacLachlan
Music: Siegfried and Isolde -- Act I (Wagner), I'm in the Mood
for Love, Am I Blue?, The Girl From Ipanema, I Shot the Sheriff,
Toy Cows in Africa (Chance).
5/11/92 "Our Wedding"
The wedding of Adam and Eve creates a union of disparate
elements and reveals a secret about the bride; Adam's bachelor
party at the Brick finds the guys guzzling and puzzling over the
gulf between men and women; Joel and Maggie make an effort to
finish what they started in Juneau.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Nick Marck
Eve: Valerie Mahaffey, Bernard: Richard Cummings Jr.,
Officer Barbara Semanski: Diane Delano, Adam: Adam
Arkin, Ivory Springer: Ralph P. Martin, Dave the Cook:
William J. White
Music: Solar Sex Panel (Little Village), She Took It Like a Man
(Confederate Railroad), Jelly's Blues, River of Tears (Bonnie
Raitt), Poor Butterfly (Benny Goodman), The Four Seasons:
Spring (Vivaldi), There'll Be Some Changes Made (Benny
Goodman), The Four Seasons: Winter (Vivaldi), I Surrender,
Dear (Benny Goodman), The Four Seasons: Autumn (Vivaldi).

4/27/92 "The Final Frontier"

Japanese tourists converge on Cicely to perform a ritual under the
Northern Lights; Holling girds his loins to go looking for Jesse
the bear in Widowmaker's Cave; and curiosity gets the best of
townsfolk when a package arrives with postmarks from around
the globe.
Written by: Jeffrey Vlaming

Page 8

5/18/92 "Cicely"
A 108-year-old visitor brings to life Cicely's beginnings, circa
1909, recounting tales of what was once a cultural mecca known
as "the Paris of the North," settled by a free-thinking pioneer
named Cicely and her companion Roslyn.
Characters in "Cicely" (and their modern day equivalents)
Ned Svenborg= Ed
Mace Mobrey= Maurice
Kit= Chris
Sally= Shelly
Abe= Holling
Mary O'Keefe= Maggie
Franz Kafka= Joel
Nurse= Marilyn
Rhoda= Ruth-Anne (woman at meeting)
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Rob Thompson
Roslyn: Jo Anderson (also played Jane, Holling's school
teacher, in the episode "Learning Curve."), Cicely: Yvonne
Suhor, Ned: Roberts Blossom, Rhoda: Peg Phillips, Dave the
Cook: William J. White, Singing Drunk: Brian T. Finney,

Thin Woman: Sharon Collar, Sturdy Woman: Krisha

Music: Each Night at Nine (Floyd Tillman), The Butterfly
(Show's cast), Nearer My God to Thee (Show's cast), The
Chandler's Wife (Show's cast), Intermezzo Sinfonica from
"Cavalleria Rusticana" (Mascagni).
9/28/92 "Northwest Passages"
In the series' fourth-season opener, the fear of aging grips Maggie
when her 30th birthday sheds light on everything lacking in her
life. Her solution: an Indian ritual laying the past to rest.
Meanwhile, Maurice composes his memoirs; and Marilyn asks
Chris to teach her to drive.
Written by: Robin Green
Directed by: Dean Parisot
Rick Pederson: Grant Goodeve, Camper: Brian I. Finney
Music: The Bird Dealer from "The Magic Flute" (Mozart), Queen
of Memphis (Confederate Railroad), Time Flies (Sass Jordan),
Grand River (Byron Berline), Let Old Mother Nature Have Her
Way (Carl Smith), Layin' Back, Unfinished Blues (Bye Bye
Blues), Happy Birthday (Stevie Wonder).
10/5/92 "Midnight Sun"
The midnight sun warms Joel's libido, and he's energized by
feelings of well-being --plus a basketball-coaching assignment he
takes very seriously. Meanwhile, the sunlight brings to town
adventure-seeking salesman Gillis Toomey, who's tempted to
settle down in Cicely, thanks to a local charmer; Shelly, decked
out in her cheer-leading uniform, arouses Holling.
Written by: Geoffrey Neigher
Directed by: Michael Katleman
Gillis Toomey: Jim Haynie
Music: Glow Worm (The Mills Brothers), Badi, Badi from "Don
Giovanni" (Mozart), Alma Mater, Roll Along Kentucky Moon
(Leon Redbone), Saturday Game, The Bed You Made for Me
(Highway 101), Won't You Let Me Go (Buckwheat Zydeco),
Don't Mind If I Do (George Strait).
10/12/92 "Nothing's Perfect"
Chris runs over a dog and events add up to romance for him and
its owner, a pet-loving mathematician. Meanwhile, Maurice
wants his universe to run like clockwork after purchasing a
magnificent antique German timepiece, fine-tuned by a young
master craftsman.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Nick Marck
Amy Lochner: Wendel Meldrum, Rolf Hauser: Mark
Pellegrino, Lucky: Kelly Connell
Music: I Heard a Juke Box Playing (Kitty Wells), Wie Stark Ist
Nicht from "The Magic Flute" (Mozart), My Next Broken Heart
(Brooks and Dunn), If the Walls Could Talk (Skew Siskin),
Mean Greens (The Rock Box), Darn That Dream, Sonata in C
minor (Scarlatti), You Go to My Head (Chet Baker), Sonata in A
Major (Mozart), Inchworm (Danny Kaye).
10/19/92 "Heroes"
Adam Ant plays Brad Bonner, a rock star lost in Cicely, who
stays long enough to play a gig with Native American drummers
and be the subject of a film by Ed. Chris, meanwhile,
contemplates the proper burial for a friend.
Written by: Jeffrey Vlaming
Directed by: Chuck Braverman
Music: If You Take Me Back (Big Joe and His Washboards),
Don't Be Cruel (Cheap Trick), Good Work (Bo Deans), Swing
Low, Sweet Chariot (Eric Clapton), Old Time Rock and Roll

(Bob Seger), Big Big Man (Beat Farmers), A Whiter Shade of

Pale (Procol Harum).
11/2/92 "Blowing Bubbles"
Cicely's wholesome environment brings to town the
hyperallergenic Mike Monroe, who lives in virtual isolation in a
geodesic dome. Also enchanted by the town's atmosphere is
Ruth-Anne's yuppie, investment-banker son Matthew, who
claims to be taking time out to breathe the air and spend quality
time with his mom.
Written by: Mark Perry
Directed by: Rob Thompson
Mike Monroe: Anthony Edwards, Matthew Miller: Joel Polis
Music: On the Sunny Side of the Street (Lionel Hampton), Italian
Concerto in F (Bach), I Can't Give You Anything But Love
(Benny Goodman), Symphony No. 5 (Beethoven), Quartet No. 68
(Haydn), Partita No. 1 in B-Major (Bach), Ghost City, Boot
Scootin' Boogie (Brooks and Dunn), Sonata in B-Flat No 396
(Scarlatti), On the Sunny Side of the Street (Lionel Hampton).
11/9/92 "On Your Own"
Silent "Flying Man" Enrico Ballati returns to Cicely --and to
Marilyn-- with a group of whimsical mimes (members of the
Mummenschanz theatrical group), which delights the townsfolk.
Meanwhile, finding a ruby inside a fish conjures up Fellini-like
imagery for Ed and dissolves his case of director's block.
Written by: Sy Rosen and Christian Williams
Directed by: Joan Tewksburg
Enrico Ballati: Bill Irwin
Music: Heartaches by the Numbers (Dwight Yoakam), Theme
and Variations (Mozart), Rue Pertisienne, Rue St. Michel, Stabat
Mater, That's Amore (Dean Martin).
11/16/92 "The Bad Seed"
Valerie Perrine plays the daughter Holling never knew he had
--and (after she appears out of the blue) he wishes he'd never met,
for Holling sees her as a "bad seed" who's corrupting Shelly.
Meanwhile, Ed befriends a migrating crane flying south through
Cicely; and Marilyn's dream home is strangely similar to her
mother's home, which she just left.
Written by: Mitchell Burgess
Directed by: Randall Miller
Mrs. Whirlwind: Armenia Miles
Music: Uptown Downtown (Chris Chestnutt), Queen of
Memphis (Confederate Railroad), A Hundred Years From Now
(Travis Tritt), Somewhere Tonight (Highway 101), Palm Leaf
Rag, Born to Lose, The Whiskey Ain't Workin' (Travis Tritt),
Glory RoadwayLay My Love (Brian Eno).
11/23/92 "Thanksgiving"
Cicely's Day of the Dead Parade and follow-up Thanksgiving
feast evoke phantasmagorical figures, and the colors and aromas
of fall. But not everyone shares in the enthusiasm. A tightly
wound Joel has little to be thankful for learning that the state of
Alaska requires his services for another year. And bubble man
Mike considers moving to a less-contaminated clime.
Meanwhile, Chris waxes nostalgic about Thanksgivings past --in
Written by: David Assael
Directed by: Michael Fresco
Mike Monroe: Anthony Edwards, Sisyphus: Tom Spiller,
Patient: Al DenBeste, Dave the Cook: William J. White
Music: Lambeth Walk (Django Reinhardt), Over the River and
Through the Woods), Let Old Mother Nature Have Her Way),
Blue Ridge Party, Autumn Leaves, Symphony No. 54--First
Movement (Haydn), Flight of the Cosmic Hippo (Bela Fleck),

Page 9

Excuse Me (I Think I've Got a Heartache) (The Mavericks),

Sonata in C-Minor (Scarlatti), Cabaret (Louis Armstrong).
11/30/92 "Do The Right Thing"
A former KGB spy claiming to have a dossier on Maurice shakes
up Cicely with tall tales of espionage; another visitor, a young
health inspector with a nose for detail, puts in his two-cents
worth at the Brick; and the death of another friend has Maggie on
her best behavior.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Nick Marck
Viktor: David Hemmings, Maggie's Neighbor: John Sylvain,
Jason: John Hawkes
Music: Baby It's a Crime (The Black Sorrows), I'll See You in
My Dreams (Jan Garber), Baby, I'm in Love With You (Ricky
12/14/92 "Crime and Punishment"
Karma catches up with Chris for a West Virginia parole
violation, and the subsequent extradition hearing becomes an
arena for philosophical discourse, with a spirited defense by
lawyer Mike and community testimony attesting to Chris's good
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Rob Thompson
Mike Monroe: Anthony Edwards, Judge Percy: Anne Haney,
Off. Barbara Semanski: Diane Delano
Music: Born to Lose, Rock My Baby (Shenandoah), Nocturne
No. 2 (Chopin), Whiskey If She Were a Woman (Highway 101),
Brandenburg Concerto-- Allegro Movement (Bach), If I Could
Bottle This Up (Paul Overstreet), Under a Stormy Sky (Daniel
Lanois), Won't You Let Me Go? (Buckwheat Zydeco).
1/4/93 "Survival of the Species"
After unearthing Native American artifacts in her yard, Maggie
wages war against men, particularly Maurice, who's quick to see
dollar signs in the discovery. On other turf, a post-apocalyptic
nightmare has Ed contemplating the end of life on Earth: and a
resourceful youngster ends up at the Brick, where he's struck by
the love bug.
Written by: Denise Dobbs
Directed by: Dean Parisot
Brad Young: Edan Gross, Eric: Don R. McManus, Doug
Ballard, Robert Nadir, William J. White
Music: from CD "The Visit" (Loreena McKennit).
1/11/93 "Revelations"
Feeling caught up in the secular world, Chris seeks spiritual
rejuvenation at a monastery; former landlord Maurice fumes after
Ruth-Anne pays off the store, leaving Ed to suffer when the two
press him to take sides in their feud; and the absence of all
patients disorients Joel.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Daniel Attias
Brother Timothy: Stephen Root, Brother Simon: Elizabeth
Juviler, Brother James: Greg Loughridge, Bernard: Richard
Cummings, Jr.
Music: Unknown.
1/18/93 "Duets"
Ed gets another visit from One-Who-Waits, who again claims to
have tracked down Ed's father. Meanwhile, a blind piano tuner
strikes a dissonant chord with Holling; and Mike and Maggie
trek to the mountains in search of an ecological time bomb.
Written by: Geoffrey Neigher
Directed by: Win Phelps

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One-Who-Waits: Floyd Red Crow Westerman, Pete: Gordon

Tootoosis , Kevin Conway
Music: Sonata in D for Hands, 2nd Movement (Mozart).
2/1/93 "Grosse Pointe 48230"
While on a visit to Maggie's upscale home town for her
grandmother's 80th birthday, Maggie's family dynamics wreak
havoc with Joel's plans to attend a Knicks-Pistons game.
Written by: Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
Directed by: Michael Katleman
Grammy: Barbara Townsend, Jed: D. David Morin, Jane:
Bibi Besch, Stephie: Lisa Waltz, James Masters, Mary
Marsh, Marjorie Nelsen, Dylan Baker
Music: Unknown.
2/8/93 "Learning Curve"
A headstrong, opinionated schoolteacher clashes with Maggie
and gives Holling little hope of gaining his high-school diploma.
Elsewhere, mother hen Joel wrings his hands as Marilyn takes off
on an adventure in Seattle.
Written by: Jeffrey Vlaming
Directed by: Michael Vittes
Teacher: Jo Anderson, Det. McNamara: George Catalano,
Stuart: Brian J. Feinstein
Music: Ojibway Square Dance (Georgia Wettlin-Larsen).
2/15/93 "Ill Wind"
Ill winds blow in from the east, bringing with them metaphysical
bumps and bruises for Joel, who asks for trouble and gets it from
Maggie. Meanwhile, Chris and Maurice have a windswept
encounter with fate; and Ed, surrounded by psychic instability,
dwells on thoughts of death.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Rob Thompson
Enrique: Joaquin Martinez
Music: There I Go Again (Vinx).
2/22/93 "Love's Labour Mislaid"
Joel blows up at Maggie for conveniently forgetting their roll in
the hay; Uncle Anku encourages Ed to play the mating game and
take a wife; Maggie lets herself be wined and dined by Mike; and
bird-watchers Holling and Ruth-Anne camp out in the woods.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Joe Napolitano
Uncle Anku: Frank Sotonoma Salsedo, Debbie: Michelle St.
John, Craig: James Chestnutt, Debbie's Aunt: Ramona Ahto
Music: One More Kiss Dear ("Bladerunner" sound track).
3/1/93 "Northern Lights"
The winter solstice lights the way to a new creative direction for
Chris; finds Holling hibernating to recharge his batteries; and
encourages Joel --after he's denied a vacation-- to break his
Hippocratic oath and go on strike. But that eventually incurs the
wrath of Cicely's residents, who muster empathy only for a
down-on-his-luck Vietnam vet.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Bill D'Elia
(Veteran): Scott Paulin, Bernard Stevens: Richard Cummings
Music: Ebudae (Enya).
3/8/93 "Family Feud"
The unveiling of the Whirlwind family's totem pole, crafted by
healer and sculptor Leonard, prompts a frosty feud between
Marilyn, Ed and Dave; Shelly is advised to marry to stop her
hallucinations of dancers; and Joel and Maggie come to terms

with their mutual incompatibility.

Written by: David Assael
Directed by: Adam Arkin
Leonard: Graham Greene, Dave: William J. White
Music: Unknown.
3/15/93 "Homesick"
The romantic mood of Maggie's pizza dinner to celebrate Mike's
recovery is doused by Mike's announcement that he must leave
Cicely. Meanwhile, Shelly's redecorating takes its toll on Holling;
and Maurice brings north the family home he grew up in --along
with melancholy memories of his childhood.
Written by: Jeffrey Vlaming
Directed by: Nick Marck
Mike: Anthony Edwards, Malcolm: David Hrdlicka
Music: Unknown.
3/22/93 "The Big Feast"
To celebrate KBHR's silver jubilee, Maurice throws a blowout,
which brings eccentric wanderers Adam and Eve to town; leaves
Joel feeling miffed that he didn't get invited; and finds Shelly
preoccupied with replacing the bottle of vintage wine she broke.
Written by: Mitchell Burgess and Robin Green
Directed by: Rob Thompson
Adam: Adam Arkin, Eve: Valerie Mahaffey, Eddie: Dave
Hurtubise, Ron: Doug Ballard
Music: Unknown.
5/3/93 "Kaddish for Uncle Manny"
The community tries to find Jews to join in a traditional prayer
with Joel, who's mourning the death of his uncle; Chris
volunteers Bernard to help in a family feud with the rough and
tumble Miller brothers of West Virginia; and Shelly puts her foot
down when Marilyn picks Holling as a dance partner.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Michael Lange
Bernard: Richard Cummings, Jr., Buck: Paul Walsh
Music: Unknown.
5/10/93 "Mud And Blood"
The arrival of a prize truffle-hunting pig and the onslaught of
mosquitoes signal springtime in Cicely. The warming season also
finds Holling obsessed with the urge to plant something and
Maggie discovering her new-found healing powers.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Jim Charleston
Ivory: Ralph P. Martin
Music: Unknown.
5/17/93 "Sleeping With The Enemy"
Memories of Maurice's wartime archenemy surface after son Duk
Won arrives asking Maurice's permission to marry; Ed's idea for
keeping his ancestors' Tlingit language alive involves dubbing
the film "Prisoner of Zenda" with voices of Cicely elders, such as
Leston Havens; and Holling's thirst goes unquenched.
Written by: Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
Directed by: Frank Prinzi
Duk Won: James Song, Leston Havens: Ned Romero, Soon
Ae: Young Mo, Ron: Doug Ballard, Eric: Don R. McManus
Music: Unknown.
5/24/93 "Old Tree"
Maurice sounds the death knell for Old Vicky, Cicely's
300-year-old cottonwood tree, as Joel looks for a way to save it;
Shelly can't open her mouth without spontaneously breaking out
in song, which grates on Holling's nerves; and Maggie practically

kills Joel with kindness.

Written by: Diane Frolov and Robin Green
Directed by: Michael Fresco
Ivory Springer: Ralph P. Martin, Walt: Moultrie Patten
Music: Stud of All Studs Stand-Up Wife (cast - "Shelly"), Snake
Dance (cast - "Shelly"), Your Mama Can Only Sing (cast "Shelly").
9/20/93 "Three Doctors"
In the series' fifth-season opener, Joel is afflicted with "glacier
dropsy", an illness endemic to the Cicely region of Alaska. While
Joel rides out the tundra fever, medicine man Leonard looks in on
his patients, including Ed, whose "sleep-flying" can mean only
one thing --he's been called to be a shaman; and Shelly, whose
singing days are on the wane.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Daniel Attias
Leonard: Graham Greene, Dr. Weisberg: Scott LaRose,
Donald Dirksen
Music: I Wished on the Moon (Billie Holiday), Heart is Right
(Carlene Carter), Country Swing (Alan Ett), Sweetheart (A. Paul
Ortega and JoAnne)( Shenendoah/The Melody Shop).
9/27/93 "The Mystery of the Old Curio Shop"
A baffling experience at an antique shop in town draws Maggie
into a Nancy Drew-like mystery. Meanwhile, Joel discovers a
link between his cultural heritage and Marilyn's; and Maurice
refuses to grow old gracefully.
Written by: Rogers Turrentine
Directed by: Michael Fresco
Mrs. Le Fleur: Lori Larsen, Le Fleur: Bob Morrisey, Ricky:
Douglas Rowe, Ellen: Micole Mercurio, Kimberly: Traci
Music: Terrible Thing (Booker T. and the MGs), Riding the
Gravy Train (Jo Stafford), In the Shake of the Palms, The Future
is Important to Her, Wiener Wein, Mo Onions (Booker T and the
MGs), Allen's Goodies), D.W. Suite (Lindsey Buckingham).
10/4/93 "Jaws of Life"
Maurice finds his waxen image a little too close for comfort;
Chris is disturbed to discover he may face a long life instead of
early demise; and the yearly visit from a traveling dentist has
Maggie and others skittish.
Written by: Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
Directed by: Jim Charleston
Dr. John Summer: Jay O. Sanders, Arthur: Brian George
Music: Unknown.
10/11/93 "Altered Egos"
Chris faces a metaphysical conumdrum when Bernard returns,
and he's head over heels in love with one of Chris's ex-girlfriends
--who now can't tell the brothers apart. Meanwhile, Joel fears he's
undergoing a personality meltdown by getting too comfortable in
Cicely; and Marilyn gives a potential partner the heave-ho
because of his medical condition.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: John Coles
Ann McGrath: Lisa Darr, Ted: Tim Sampson, Walt: Moultrie
Patten, Floyd: Ray G. Thunderchild, Ernie: Ronald Hunter
Music: Old Friend (Laurie Lewis), Hot Soup Stomp, Non Je Ne
Regrette Rien (Edith Piaf).
10/25/93 "A River Doesn't Run Through It"
Maggie is flattered by the attentions of a randy high-schooler who

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asks her to be homecoming queen; a by-the-book IRS agent

scours Ruth-Anne's accounts during a tax audit; and Maurice
wheels and deals in a real-estate transaction with a Native
American whose wealth he envies.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Nick Marck
Kevin Wilkins: Jack Black, Amy Patterson: Anne DeSalvo,
Lester Haynes: Apesanahkwat, Bob Hanson: Wally Dalton,
Myra Haynes: Sue Morales
Music: Do You Wanna Touch (Joan Jett), English Tea Rooms
(Victoriana), Mozart Flute Quartet, Surfer Girl (Beach Boys),
Now You're Gone (Sea of Black), Swing Nostalgia.
11/1/93 "Birds of a Feather"
When Joel's parents visit Cicely for the first time, his mother is
awestruck by its serene beauty and later soars with the eagles,
while his dad plays Mr. Fix-it around the house and outshines
Joel at the Brick. Meanwhile, Holling's confessed distast for
sports makes for hot conversation around town.
Written by: Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
Directed by: Mark Horowitz
Nadine: Joanna Merlin, Herb: David Margulies, Pettit: Frank
Dartt, Phil: Clark Sandford, Owen: George Barril
Music: El Cuchipe (Los Lobos), Shame Shame Shame Shame
(Mark Collie).
11/8/93 "Rosebud"
Stimulated by the genius of Orson Welles' movies but stricken by
self-doubt, Ed embarks on the organizing of Cicely's first film
festival. Elsewhere, Leonard discovers he's unable to locate "the
white collective unconscious" in his studies of Western folklore;
and Joel confirms that he's not a team player.
Written by: Barbara Hall
Directed by: Michael Fresco
Peter Bogdanovich: Himself, Leonard: Graham Greene
Music: Surf Riders of Waikiki, Banjo Blues, Nice and Warm (T.
Benoit), What Am I Here For (Duke Ellington), One Morning in
May (Mel Torme), Time Flies (Sass Jordan), The Dachstein
Angels (Wally Badarov).
11/15/93 "Heal Thyself"
Shaman-in-training Ed diagnoses a patient, who then falls for
him, but his low self-esteem brings a visit from the demon Green
Man. Meanwhile, Holling gets thrown out of Shelly's Lamaze
class; and Maggie misses the camaraderie of the local coin
laundry after buying a washer-dryer.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Michael Katleman
Green Man: Phil Fondacaro, Bonnie: Kimberly Norris,
Leonard: Graham Greene, Jared Rushton
Music: Lonesome and Hurting (Vern Cheecho), Allen's Goodies
(Koka), Dusted (Belly Star).
11/22/93 "Cup of Joe"
Ed peruses a trapper's 1897 diary and discovers an alarming tale
of cannibalism that later gnaws at birdwatching companions
Holling and Ruth-Anne. Meanwhile, anxiety eats away at Chris
as he prepares to take his written pilot's exam; and Marilyn turns
crime solver when the petty cash at Joel's office turns up missing.
Written by: Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
Directed by: Michael Lange
Hayden: James Dunn
Music: Smoke Rings (Les Paul and Mary Ford), Bodas de Sangre
(Pata Negra), Layin' Back, Fish House Road (Billy Kelly).
12/13/93 "First Snow (Bon Hiver)"

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In anticipation of winter's first snow, Maggie redecorates her

cabin for maximum coziness. But Joel is afflicted with guilt and
self-reproach arising from his treatment of an elderly --but
healthy-- patient who claims she's "winding down"; and Shelly's
little white lie about love conjures up fears that her nose is
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Daniel Attias
Nedra: Harriet Medin, Allen: Rich Hawkins, Darlene: Sylvia
Scott, Owen: George Barril
Music: It's You I Love (Beausoleil), Ph'ahana (Peter Moon
Band), Te Deum (Dvorak), Black Boots & Blue Jeans (Wylie &
Wild West Show), Spanish Nights (Earl Klugh).
1/3/94 "Baby Blues"
With help from Eve, Maggie throws a baby shower for Shelly.
But listening to childbirthing horror tales fills Shelly with so
much dread that she escapes into the woods, where she
encounters a dreamlike confab of legendary women. Meanwhile,
a visiting Hollywood agent claims to have taken a liking to Ed's
movie script; and Chris vows to get back in touch with his "inner
Written by: Barbara Hall
Directed by: Jim Charleston
Eve: Valerie Mahaffey, Judd Bromell: Donal Logue
Music: Each Night at Nine (Floyd Tillman), Stir It Up (Johnny
Nash), Dice Behind Your Shades (Paul Westerberg), Club Mix,
Crescent City (Lucinda Williams), Hymn to Her (Pretenders).
1/10/94 "Mr. Sandman"
The aurora borealis brings magnetic storms to Cicely. The
result... residents start swapping dreams, sending Holling to Dr.
Joel for psychotherapy and creating friction between Maurice and
B&B owners Ron and Erick.
Story by: Diane Frolov, Andrew Schneider and David Chase
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Michael Fresco
Ron: Doug Ballard, Erick: Don R. McManus, French
Canadian: Clement Von Franckenstein, Customer: Delia
Music: Luck Be a Lady (Guys and Dolls/Frank Loesser), Guitar
Ray (Sylvester Weaver), Won't You Let Me Go (Buckwheat
Zydeco), This Nearly Was Mine (Lindsey Buckingham), I May
Want a Man (JoAnne Shenandoah).
1/17/94 "Mite Makes Right"
A concert violinist begs Maurice not to lock away a prized
Guarnerius that Maurice buys only as an investment; Chris
reaches an artistic impasse until he considers the symphony of
life in the "microscopic melting pot"; and dust mites awaken
Maggie's irrational fear of parasites.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Michael Vittes
Violinist: Simon Templeman, Officer Semanski: Diane
Delano, Dust Mite: Jack Kehler
Music: Sunny Island Blues, Un Mariage Casse (Basin Brothers),
All the Way (Lee Morgan).
1/24/94 "Bolt From the Blue"
Adam returns to Cicely with some wacko ideas about the
fireworks experts Maurice hired for the Presidents' Day
celebration; Joel intervenes when a park ranger who lost his job
holes up in a fire tower and refuses to leave his post; and Ed is
struck by lightning.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Michael Lange

Adam Adam Arkin, Ranger Burns: Jimmie Ray Weeks

Music: Au We, English Tea Rooms, This is Our Night (Julee
Cruise), Rock and Roll Part 2 (Gary Glitter).
1/31/94 "Hello, I Love You"
A young girl at the coin laundry leaves Shelly with second
thoughts about going to Anchorage to deliver her baby; Walt
endures frostbite on a back-roads outing with Ruth-Anne; and
Joel out-stitches Maggie at Marilyn's baby-bootee knitting
Written by: Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
Directed by: Michael Fresco
Miranda (age 7): Kaley Cuoco, Miranda (age 12): Lindsay
Parker, Walt: Moultrie Patten, Maureen Flannigan
Music: You're Cheatin Again (Cat Blues), Pussycat, Kick It Up
(John Michael Montgomery), Bad Guy Reaction (Rezillos).
2/28/94 "Northern Hospitality"
At Joel's first dinner party, friends suffer the consequences of his
hospitality; Shelly returns to Canada with Miranda to get in touch
with her roots after she discovers that Holling had given up his
Canadian citizenship; and townsfolk grouse over changes in the
playlist of "Chris in the Morning."
Written by: Barbara Hall
Directed by: Oz Scott
Adam: Adam Arkin, Iris: Ocean Hellman, Walt: Moultrie
Patten, Dr. Mink: Burke Pearson, Edna: Rita Taggart, Dave:
William J. White, Guard: Bruce Baum
Music: Pencil Neck Geek (Freddie Blassie), The Rain, the Park
and Other Things (The Cowsills), Red Rubber Ball (The Cyrole),
26 Miles Across the Sea (The Four Preps), O Marie (Daniel
Lanois), Hey Joe (Jimi Hendrix).
3/7/94 "Una Volta in L'Inverno"
Herds of caribou run amok down Main Street during cabin-fever
season, which also finds Walt abusing his prescription
medication for seasonal affective disorder; Joel and Maggie
trapped in a snowstorm at the airport; and Ruth-Anne is
attempting to learn Italian so she can read Dante's "The Divine
Comedy" in the original.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Michael Vittes
Edna: Rita Taggart
Music: King Porter Stomp (Gene Krupa), Heart on a Sleeve (Tom
Russell), O Mio Babbino Caro from opera "Gianni Schicci" (Kira
Te Kenawa)
3/14/94 "Fish Story"
Joel turns down Maggie's offer to prepare him a Passover dinner
and opts for a fishing trip that leads to the fight of his life when
he tries to reel in a monster fish out on East Loon Lake.
Elsewhere, Ruth-Anne abandons her store and rides off on a
Harley; and Maurice's art criticism bruises Holling's fragile ego.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Bill D'Elia
Rabbi Schulman: Jerry Adler, Turk: Stephen McHattie,
Mickey Jones, John Fleck
Music: Blue Interlude (Aartie Shaw), Trouble No More (Altman
3/28/94 "The Gift of the Maggie"
A vulnerable Maurice doesn't take kindly to the
Tambo-Vincoeurs' generosity following an explosion at his
house; Joel finds a kindred spirit with whom to exchange "doctor
talk," thanks to Maggie's friendly gesture; and Chris can't dismiss
a series of meaningful coincidences involving a deer.

Written by: Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess

Directed by: Patrick McKee
Lieutenant Commander Doctor: Hank Stratton
Music: Menuett (Bach), On the Alamo (Benny Goodman),
Carlos, Carninando Por La Calle (Gypsy Kings), The Cowboy
Waltz (Great Western Orchestra).
4/11/94 "A Wing and a Prayer"
Shelly is confronted with a loss of faith on the eve of Miranda
Bliss's baptism, while Ed contemplates redemption after
spreading around town the details of Ruth-Anne's private life.
Meanwhile, Maggie wrestles with self-doubtas she busies herself
with the nuts and bolts of building an airplane.
Written by: Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
Directed by: Lorraine Senna Ferrarra
Father Kevin: Tom Mason, Eugene: Earl Quewezance, Lester:
Apesanahkwat, Myra: Marianne Jones
Music: Hot House (Dizzy Gillespie), Hip Hug Her (Booker T and
the MGs), Sarabande (Bach), Emotions (Brenda Lee), Where the
Blue of the Night Meets the Gold of the Day (Bing Crosby),
Coolin Medley (The Chieftans).
5/2/94 "I Feel the Earth Move"
The proprietors of the Sourdough Inn B&B prepare to tie the knot
in the first wedding of spring. Most of the townsfolk find nothing
unusual in the planned nuptials of longtime companions Erick
and Ron. Maurice, however, is aghast. And Holling sees a
profit-making opportunity; he'll cater but cut corners on the
gourmet menu. Meahnwhile, anxieties plague Erick, who's
consumed by pre-wedding jitters, and Maggie, who experiences
stomach-turning dizziness every time she's around Joel.
Written by: Jed Seidel
Directed by: Michael Fresco
Erick: Don R. McManus, Ron: Doug Ballard, Patricia: Joyce
Van Patten, Eugene: Earl Quewezance
Music: Get Me to the Church on Time (Lawrence Welk),
Hawaiian Wedding Song (Andy Williams), White Wedding
(Billy Idol), Endless Love (Diana Ross & Lionel Ritchie), Water
Musik #7 (Handel), Valet Will Ech Dir Geben (Bach), You
Never Can Tell (Chuck Berry), I Knew the Bride When She Used
to Rock 'N Roll" (Nick Lowe).
5/9/94 "Gran Prix"
As wheelchair athletes converge on Cicely for a road race
sponsored by Team Minnifield, the Green Man of low
self-esteempays another visit to shaman Ed, who tries to cure one
competitor's ailment --and also battle her demon of External
Validation. Meanwhile, Ted discovers that the rich really are
Written by: Barbara Hall
Directed by: Michael Lange
Demon of E.V.: Ben Reed, Ted: Tim Sampson, Dr. Grant
Saperstein: Markus Flanagan
Music: Leichte Kavallerie (Light Cavalry Overture) (Franz Von
Suppe), Kid's All Right (Bettie Servert), Preacher Man
(Bananarama), Sonate G-dur (Scarlatti), Build That House, All
Right Now (Free), Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni), Blitzkreig
Bob (Ramones)
5/16/94 "Blood Ties"
The entire town is being bled dry by Maurice's competition with
Sleepmute in the annual blood drive. Meanwhile, old boyfriend
Jed drops by from Grosse Pointe to do a little hunting with (or
for) Maggie, and Joel believes he's losing his chops as a doctor
when he starts missing the vein.
Written by: Mitchell Burgess and Robin Green

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Directed by: Thomas K. Moore

Jed: D. David Morin
Music: Lonely Road (Bobby Darin), When the Boy in Your Arms
(Connie Francis), Wrap Your Troubles in Your Dreams (Les Paul
and Mary Ford).

Written by: Meredith Stiehm

Directed by: Jim Charleston
Angelo Maxwell: Bill Cobbs, Mary-Margaret (age 15): Tara
Suskoff, Dr. Rojas: Curnal Aulisio
Music: Unknown.

5/23/94 "Lovers and Madmen"

Violinist Cal sees an opportunity for escape after getting a
one-day pass from the asylum to help Maurice entertain
Sgt.Semanski. Elsewhere, Chris' fantasy image of a former high
school love turns out to be nothing like the real thing; and Joel
stumbles upon a frozen woolly mammoth.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: James Hayden
Cal: Simon Templeman, Sgt. Semanski: Diane Delano,
Girlfriend: Carol Baree
Music: Unknown.

10/17/94 "The Robe"

Shelly makes a deal with a "devil" in hopes of bringing legalized
gambling to Cicely; Ed bungles Joel's clinical tests on an
experimental pill to cure the common cold -a pill that some
subjects claim has given them uncommon abilities; and Chris
gains new popularity when he brings a co-host, a wooden
dummy, on his show.
Written by: Sam Egan
Directed by: Lorraine Senna Ferrara
Himself: Shecky Greene, Roger Brewster: Charles Martin
Music: Unknown.

9/19/94 "Dinner at 7:30"
A fantasy outing that transforms Cicely's folksy regulars into
New York sophisticates. As the story opens, Joel mistakenly
ingests a mysterioush erb drink and (Whammo!) Cicely's
fish-out-of-water doctor is plunged into the turbulent seas of the
competitive New York whirl. Among the Manhattanites in his
dream,his socialite wife, Shelly; the imperious Dr. Ruth-Anne
Miller, who's considering Joel for a partnership; corporate raider
Ed Chigliak; debonair cabaret singer Holling; doorman Maurice;
and Maggie, the Fleischmans' plucky au pair.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Michael Fresco
Music: This Must Be the Place (Talking Heads), Ridin' High
(Benny Goodman), This Must Be the Place (Talking Heads)
9/26/94 "Eye of the Beholder"
On a stakeout, PI-in-training Ed reluctantly spies on Hayden
Keyes, who may be faking injury for financial gain; Maggie's and
Maurice's respective charity donations precipitate regrets; and
Shelly's purchase of an antique dollhouse bring grandscale
Written by: Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
Directed by: Jim Charleston
Hayden Keyes: James L. Dunn, Heather: Charmaine Craig,
Reynaldo: Ronald G. Joseph, Mr. Lewis: Rick Turner
Music: Unkonwn.
10/3/94 "Shofar, So Good"
A self-absorbed Joel is forced to atone for his sins when he's
visited during a fitful sleep by a rabbi who's the ghost of Yom
Kippur past, present and future; Maurice's honored guest arrives
for Cicely's annual fox hunt, but Ruth-Anne manages to outfox
the hunters; and Holling yearns to make ameands for past
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: James Hayman
Rabbi Schulman: Jerry Adler, Hayden Keyes: James L. Dunn,
Lady Ann: Jill Gascoine
Music: Unknown.
10/10/94 "The Letter"
Maggie engages in critical introspection after receiving a letter
she had written to herself at age 15; Joel ponders his fate after
discovering a strange lump growing on his head; Shelly chalks
up her recent streak of bad luck to chucking a chain letter; and a
surly barber takes an instant dislike to the hirsute Chris.

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10/31/94 "Zarya"
As filmmaker Ed captures Marilyn telling an amazing story of
her Grandfather Emery's Alaskan encounter with Russian
princess Anastasia, he finds his filmmaker's vision in a tale of
Cicely's early days that unfolds on-screen. It involves a secret
meeting that took place between the princess and Lenin.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Jim Charleston
Anastasia: Tushka Bergen, Lenin: Christopher Neame,
Joel/Mikhail: Rob Morrow, Maggie/Marina Orlova: Janine
Music: Unknown.
11/7/94 "Full Upright Position"
Charges of static electricity generate a new interest --and a new
art project-- for Chris; sparks fly between Joel and Maggie on a
Russian airline bound for St. Petersburg, where Joel is scheduled
to speak at a medical convention; and Maurice welcomes his
young cousin Maurice to Cicely, hopefully to take over the family
Written by: Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
Directed by: Oz Scott
Maurice: Trevor Bullock, Vasili: Slav Troyan
11/14/94 "Up River"
Firearms discharge whenever Joel and Maggie get intimate, and
it's driving Joel to distraction and, eventually, into the Alaskan
outback to live in a remote settlement. Back in Cicely, Chris's
house is anything but a home after a contractor botches a
remodelling job on the trailer; and Ruth-Anne surrenders to love.
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: Mike Fresco
Contractor: Gary Basaraba, Walt: Moultrie Patten
Music: Unknown.
11/28/94 "Sons of the Tundra"
Paul Provenza and Teri Polo join the cast as Cicely's new doctor,
Phillip Capra, and his journalist wife, Michelle, who feel that
they've stepped back in time. Meanwhile Ed sees into the future
with several self-fulfilling prophecies; and Holling believes
there's no time like the present to join the exclusive Sons of the
Tundra men's club.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Michael Vittes
Sen. Monkton: John Maxwell, Lester: Apesanahkwat,
Hayden: James L. Dunn, Walt: Moultrie Patten

Music: Unknown.
12/15/94 "Realpolitik"
Maggie finds herself in the seat of power as Cicely's new mayor,
but gets off on a rocky start contending with the fiscal-restraint
crowd --and Chris' screwball fixation on her. In other quarters,
the power of the mind is put to the test for Phil in a golf game
with Joel in the wilderness; and Marilyn buys a champion stud
husky that turns out to be a dud husky.
Written by: Sam Egan
Directed by: Victor Lobl
Music: Unknown.
"The Big Mushroom"
Maggie treks into the Manonash village to visit Joel, who she
fears is in imminent danger; Phil and Michelle get a taste of the
local customs when an elderly couple get snowed in at their
house party and ask to stay the night; and the information
superhighway looks cold and forbidding to a computer-fearing
Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Directed by: James Hayman
Houseguest 1: Molly McClure, Houseguest 2: George Randall
Music: Unknown.
1/11/95 "Mi Casa, Su Casa"
Marilyn shatters Joel's inner peace --and enjoys a good laugh at
his expense-- on a visit to Manonash; Ed takes advantage of
Maurice's hospitality while housesitting his palatial spread; and
Barbara Semanski puts her house up for sale, but a house is not
Holling's idea of a home.
Written by: Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
Directed by: Daniel Attias
Semanski: Diane Delano, Two-Clocks: Sam Vlahos, Villager:
Alvin A. Casimir Jr., Joey: Pajuta Conway-Hourie
Music: Unknown.
1/18/95 "Horns"
Phil is one of the first to notice that there's something wrong with
Cicely's new bottled water; it's altering gender behavior and
causing women to display an overactive sex drive. Meanwhile
violinist Cal becomes a fugitive from justice; and Alaska frees
Joel to return to New York.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Michael Fresco
Cal Ingram: Simon Templeman, Bertrand: Gerard Ismael
Music: Unknown.
"The Mommy's Curse"
A visit from Maggie's mom reveals that the two O'Connell
women have more in common than Maggie realized; Maurice
pouts when old pal Holling gets chummy with Doc Capra; and a
clash over canned goods threatens to undo Ruth-Annes'
relationship with new employee Walt.
Written by: Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
Directed by: Michael Lange
Jane O'Connell: Debra Mooney (formerly played by Bibi
Besch), Phil Capra: Paul Provenza, Walt: Moultrie Patten,
Leland: Linden Chiles, Hayden: James L. Dunn, Dwight: Jeff
Harry Woolf
Music: Unknown.
"The Quest"
Joel enlists Maggie to join him on an Aleutian-Island quest for
the mythical Jeweled City of the North. Back in Cicely, Chris
slaps Phil with a malpractice lawsuit; and holling and Shelly roll

out the Brick's red carpet for restaurant critic Michelle. Note: This
really is Rob Morrow's last scheduled appearance.
Written by: Andrew Schneider and Diane Frolov
Directed by: Michael Vittes
Michelle Capra: Teri Polo, Bernard: Richard Cummings, Jr.,
Gatekeeper: Adam Arkin, Japanese Soldier: Seth Sakai,
Trapper: Paul McLean, Talbot: Randy Thompson
Music: Unknown.
2/15/95 "Lucky People"
While Cicelians honor Founders Day, newcomers Phil and
Michelle experience buyers' remourse over purchasing a 60-acre
wilderness vista; Holling balks at Maurice's claim that Randi is
his reincarnated Uncle Elvy; and Chris and Maggie find a
common bond while restoring Cicely and Roslyn's antique auto.
Written by: Andrew Schneider and Diane Frolov
Directed by: Janet Greek
Jerry Moore: Tom Hammond
Music: Unknown.
"The Graduate"
Chris takes his master's degree orals with two visiting professors,
who get into a row while analyzing his dissertation. Meanwhile,
Maggie buys Cicely's neglected movie house but soon regrets
hiring pal Heather; a film booker talks to Ed; and a young
military man drops by the Brick to meet the man he believes is
his father.
Written by: Sam Egan
Directed by: James Hayman
Heather: Charmaine Craig, Soldier: Peter Simmons, Prof.
Martin: Jack Blessing, Prof. Schuster: David Spielberg,
Shakespeare: William Salyers
Music: Unknown.
3/15/95 "Little Italy"
The smell of spaghetti sauce wafting down the street introduces
Phil to Cicely's Little Italy neighborhood, where he gets caught
up in a feud between two families. Meanwhile, Holling finally
stands up to Shelly's insults; and Ruth-Anne begins broadcasting
the "Tales of Cicely" for National Public Radio.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Stephen Cragg
Lowell: Richard Romanus, Joe: Joe Nipote, Angela: Nancy
Music: Unknown.
4/6/95 "Balls"
During Cicely's competition in a mixed-doubles bowling
invitational, Phil and Michelle seem headed for splitsville, while
Chris aims to match up Maggie with a compatible partner.
Elsewhere, Ed may be dreaming by setting his sights on the
sophisticated Heather.
Written by: Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Scott Paulin
Heather: Charmaine Craig, Lester: Apesanahkwat, Prof.
Pickering: Wayne Pere, April: Angelique von Halle
Music: Unknown.
4/24/95 "Bus Stop"
Cicelians are bitten by the acting bug when Michelle mounts a
production of "Bus Stop". But as the show goes on, Chris (as Bo)
suffers intimacy problems with Maggie's character; Eric suffers
major denial about his talents; and creative differences and petty
jealousies creep into rehearsals.
Written by: Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess
Directed by: Daniel Attias

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Ron: Doug Ballard, Eric: Don R. McManus

Music: Unknown.
7/12/95 "Ursa Minor"
Ed experiments with "parenthood" after he finds a bear cub in the
wild and brings the cuddly creature home to nurture; REM
experiments find Chris navigating through dreams that entangle
him with a saucy hotel manager; Maurice is down over Cicely's
population decline; and Michelle perks up when Phil goes into a
Written by: Sam Egan
Directed by: Patrick McKee
Hotel Manager: Felicity Waterman, Lucille: Amy Perry
Music: Unknown.
7/19/95 "Let's Dance"
Cal, the fugitive violin virtuoso, wants to turn himself in with
help from Maurice and Officer Semanski, who clash over their
mission. Meanwhile, Phil's breaches of etiquette offend the
locals; and a judgemental youngster at a cotillion dance class

moves to the beat of a different drummer than that of her partner.

Written by: Sam Egan
Directed by: Daniel Attias
Caldecott Ingram: Simon Templeton, Semanski: Diane
Delano, Young Dancer: Ashleigh Aston Moore, Mrs.
Whirlwind: Armenia Miles
Music: Unknown.
7/26/95 "Tranquility Base"
During a weekend retreat at his home, Maurice re-thinks his
plans to propose to Officer Barbara Semanski; Chris is
determined to have a good time without Maggie; and Michelle
ponders life's choices. The show ends with Iris DeMent's wistful
"Our Town". Season 6 finale, last show of the series.
Written by: Robin Green, Mitchell Burgess and Jeff Melvoin
Directed by: Michael Fresco
Rabbi Schulman: Jerry Adler
Music: Fly Me To The Moon (Astrud Gilberto), Our Town (Iris

How did the town of Cicely get its name? Cicely was founded, but nameless (and lawless) until two women, Cicely and Roslyn, came
to town to form a utopian society. For more details, see the episode "Cicely" which tells the history of the two women and the society. For
those people who haven't seen the show, the town is (obviously) named after Cicely, due to her selfless death to protect Roslyn.
According to some publicity photographs, the population is 215 and elevation is 6572 feet. Other people have reported that Brand and
Falsey set the town's population at 839, since they were originally paid $839,000 an episode. In "Survival of the Species" Ed states it as
849, which was confirmed in a few later episodes. In the episode where Miranda Bliss Vincoeur was born, it was stated as probably 844.
Were Cicely and Roslyn lesbians? Yes. Maurice has asked Chris to downplay this part of their town's history. It is also alluded to in
the pilot episode, where Maurice tries to tell Joel that, despite what other people will tell him, they were just good friends. It is not stated
but alluded to in "Cicely" during the conversation between Mary O'Keefe and Roslyn about alternatives to men. The two innkeepers, Ron
and Erick, are also homosexuals.
How long has Joel been in Cicely? Joel's contract originally required four years of service to the state of Alaska. In the episode
"Thanksgiving," the rising cost of living and devaluation of the US dollar caused the state to add another year to Joel's "sentence." The
latest markers on Joel's journey out of Alaska are (episodes listed in order of their original air dates):
Russian Flu (first season): Joel says that it's been 2 months since he and Elaine were together.
Spring Break (first season): Joel says that he's been in Cicely for 10 months without experiencing intimate sexual contact.
Goodbye to All That (second season): Chris says that Joel has been there eight months.
Lost and Found (third season-- Joel renews his subscription to The New Yorker): 3 years, 8 months, 22 days, and 15 hours to go
Thanksgiving (fourth season): 3 years, 9 months, 17 days, and 1 hour to go (but what's another hour?)
Learning Curve (fourth season): Anything he currently has + 2 months to repay the $800 he borrowed from Maurice.
Love's Labour Mislaid (fourth season, 1993): Ed states that he will have known Joel for 2 years in June.
Family Feud (fourth season): Maggie and Joel argue about their relationship after having known each other for 2.5 years.
Mite Makes Right (fifth season): Joel says he's known Maggie for three years.
The Gift of the Maggie (fifth season): Dr. Pete from Gardner Station remarks that Joel must have been in Alaska for almost 4 years.
The writers gave several clues about how long Joel was there, or how long he had left. Still, because of the open-ended nature of the
show's run, it is possible that the time spent on the show doesnt match the exact calendar time from the premiere episode (see episodes
of "MASH" for a comparison to this situation).
Why are there no children in the show? Well, a lot of people who subscribe to this newsgroup are pretty glad there aren't any main
characters who are under 18 years of age. Others believe that children are missing and should be included. There have been children in
certain episodes; there were children in Ed's film "Cicely" [Animals R Us], there were children around during the visit by the circus [Get
Real], and there were children at the wedding [The Wedding]. And of course, there is baby Aldrich, the progeny of Adam and Eve, and
Shelly and Holling's daughter Miranda Bliss. But if you think about the lack of children, consider that most of the main characters are
single and highly independent, so the inclusion of any children would be against the characters as drawn so far in the show.
Did Cynthia Geary do her own singing? In the episode "Old Tree," Shelly discovers that she can no longer talk; all that comes out of
her mouth is music. After both airings of this show, the latest burning question was "Did she do her own singing?"
(Shelly is now song-less, having lost the ability during her 18th week of pregnancy [The Three Doctors].) Yes, Cynthia Geary did all of
her own singing for this episode. She has a degree in voice from Univ. of Mississippi. The songs in the brick and their apartment were
pre-recorded and played back during filming (lip- synched); the scene in Joel's office is live and a'capella. The song about the lady and
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the snake is not original; that is, the story goes back a long time (other versions of the parable include a frog and a scorpion.) All of her
other songs were written for the show.
Toy Cows [It Happened in Juneau]: The song "Toy Cows In Africa" is by a group called Chance.
Turkey In The Straw [Learning Curve]: The Orlando Sentinel TV critic, Greg Dawson, got the following info from CBS, regarding
what sounded like an Native American version of "Turkey in the Straw" in "Learning Curve." The scene was of Marilyn touring around
Seattle, accompanied by this piece. The song is an Ojibway love song. As explained on the second Northern Exposure CD, a common
practice among the Ojibway was to take a song, such as the square dance "Turkey in the Straw," and substitute Ojibway lyrics. It is
"Ojibway Square Dance" from Songs of the People, performed by Georgia Wettlin-Larsen. It can be ordered from The Melody Shop
(218-751-5303) in Bemidji, Minn. It is also available on the second Northern Exposure CD.
Ebudae [Northern Lights]: The piece played at the end of the episode "Northern Lights," where Chris is displaying his sculpture of light,
is "Ebudae" by Enya, from her album "Shepherd Moons." It is sung in Gaelic.
Where is Northern Exposure filmed? Northern Exposure is filmed in the town of Roslyn, WA.
Where Is Cicely? The producers and writers of Northern Exposure have sprinkled enough misleading clues that it cant be pinpointed
exactly. Some include:
In the 63rd parallel, placing it in the main body of the state. [Hello, I Love You]
You can travel from Cicely to Cantwell on Route 8 (Ruth-Anne and Walt did), which again places it in the main body of the state.
[Hello, I Love You]. And Route 6 also leads into town [Una Volta in L'Inverno]
The men run naked out to Highway 1 when the ice breaks [Spring Break]
Just across the border from Sixty Mile, in Canada. [Northern Hospitality]
Within a 75 mile radius of 143 degrees W, 62 degrees N, according to the ice-sculpture at Maurice's feast. [The Big Feast]
North of the Arctic Circle because they spend some days in complete darkness [Northern Lights] and some days in complete light
[Midnight Sun]
South of the Arctic Circle because they don't have permafrost [Survival of the Species]
40 air-minutes from Anchorage, the nearest hospital. (Joel tells Shelly she'll be going there to deliver. [Baby Blues]) Maggie also
receives her flight service briefings from Anchorage.
200 miles from the next nearest town. [Ill Wind]
200 miles from Sleetmute, and not too far from Unalaklee.
400 miles from Soldotna (the length of the drive for the owner of "Rick" the dog.) [Animals R Us]
500 miles from Sourdough. [Spring Break]
Located along a river (or at least Roslyn, WA is), and is 1000 miles from Anchorage [Kaddish] (which means that Maggie's Cessna
170 travels at 1500 miles an hour)
In the panhandle, because the specific Indians mentioned are Pacific Northwest tribes (Tlingit and Haida.)
In the panhandle portion that runs along the coast next to Canada ("The cusp of the new Alaskan Riviera" - premiere episode)
We know that it's on a major log truck route, with paved roads nearby [premiere].
The Fling Thing: Called a trebuchet (pronounced tray-boo-shay). Items that were flung: Maggie's burnt piano [Burning Down the
House], Chris' dead friend Tooley [Heroes]. The exact quote by Chris about the fling: "It's not the thing you fling, it's the fling itself"
[Burning Down the House]. "Car & Driver" (June 1992) did a whole article on it called "Seige the Day." Two guys in England built a
replica and fling toilets filled with gasoline and small cars and people. They thought that they might sell a few of these, but at the time of
the article, they had only sold one --to Northern Exposure. If you want one, they only cost $18,000.00. Also described by: "All Things
Considered", National Public Radio, Jan. 2 1992, and "The Wall Street Journal" (July 30, 1991).
How Did Maggies Boyfriends Meet Die?: This is known as the curse of Maggie O'Connell --every man she has ever slept with has
died in some gruesome accident. The last was Rick Pederson, who was played by Grant Goodeve in the first season. Until her house
burned down, Maggie had kept small shrines to each boyfriend. This is from the eulogy given at Rick's funeral by Chris [Slow Dance]:
Harry: potato salad at a picnic
victim of a terrible fishing accident
took a wrong turn in his Volvo onto a missile test site
fell asleep on a glacier and froze to death
merged with a satellite
struck by lightning while working on an oil rig (revealed only during Maggie's hallucination)
Maggie has "cured" at least one boyfriend (Mike Monroe), and she's slept with Fleischman [Ill Wind] but he didnt die.
Dedication: There was a dedication at the end of March 15, 1993 episode for John "Yomi" Rothlisberger, but no explanation about him.
Rothlisberger was an elderly farmer who lived in Roslyn, Wash., where the show is filmed, and he appeared in almost every episode as
an extra. When he died, the producers and crew felt as if they had lost an adopted cast member.
The Raven A long time ago, the Raven looked down from the sky and saw that the people of the world were living in darkness. The
ball of light was kept hidden by a selfish old chief. So the Raven turned himself into a spruce needle, and floated on the river where the
chief's daughter came for water. She drank the spruce needle. She became pregnant and gave birth to a boy, who was the Raven in
disguise. The baby cried and cried until the chief gave him the ball of light to play with. As soon as he had the light, the Raven turned
back into himself. The Raven carried the light into the sky. From then on, we no longer lived in darkness. From "Seoul Mates," as told
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by Marilyn Whirlwind.
The Eagle The Eagle wasn't always the Eagle. The Eagle, before he became the Eagle, was Yucatangee, the Talker. Yucatangee talked
and talked. It talked so much it heard only itself. Not the river, not the wind, not even the Wolf. The Raven came and said The Wolf is
hungry. If you stop talking, you'll hear him. The wind too. And when you hear the wind, you'll fly.
[Nadine]: So he stopped talking.
[Marilyn]: And became its nature, the Eagle. The Eagle soared, and its flight said all it needed to say. From "Birds of a Feather," as told
by Marilyn Whirlwind to Nadine Fleischman.
The Warrior [There was] a warrior who had a fine stallion. Everyone said how lucky he was to have such a horse.
Maybe he said.
One day the stallion ran off. The people said the warrior was unlucky.
Maybe he said.
The next day the stallion returned, leading a string of fine ponies. The people said it was very lucky.
Maybe the warrior said.
Later, the warrior's son was thrown from one of the ponies and broke his leg. The people said it was unlucky.
Maybe the warrior said.
The next week, the chief lead a war party against another tribe. Many young men were killed. But, because of his broken leg, the
warrior's son was left behind, and so was spared.From "Bolt from the Blue" as told by Marilyn Whirlwind.
The Wedding Vows I am the sky says the Hindu bridegroom to the bride. You are the earth. We are sky and earth united. (The ring,
Joel) You are my husband. You are my wife. My feet shall run because of you. My feet shall dance because of you. My heart shall beat
because of you. My eyes see because of you. My mind think because of you. And I shall love, because of you. Are you guys cool with
that? Then kiss. From "Our Wedding", the wedding ceremony as recited by Chris.
International Networks Which Broadcast Northern Exposure:
Oz: Channel 10, Tuesday, 9:30pm.
Austria: They have stopped showing.
Belgium: Subtitled in Dutch.
Canada: Aired in original form.
Croatia: In English with captions. The title over there was "Zivot na sjeveru," which means "Life In The North."
Cyprus: Its title is "Pera apo ta oria" which translates to "Beyond the Limits." (subtitled)
Finland: The Finnish title was "Villi Pohjola" which roughly translates as "The Wild North". Subtitled.
Germany: The German title was "Ausgerechnet Alaska", which roughly translates to "Alaska, of All Places."
Ireland: Aired in original form.
Israel: Broadcast with the original audio along with subtitles in Hebrew and Arabic. Shown without commercial breaks. The title in
Hebrew transliterates to: "Hasifah La'tsafon", which literally translates as "Exposure to the North".
Netherlands/Holland: Was shown with Dutch subtitles.
NZ: Aired in original form.
Norway: Converted to Norwegian.
Poland: The Polish title was Przystanek Alaska, which translates Bus Stop: Alaska It was not dubbed or subtitled; instead, a
narrator read a translation over the original soundtrack.
Singapore: Translated to Chinese.
Spain: It was dubbed, and called 'Doctor en Alaska' (Doctor in Alaska)
South Africa: It was dubbed into Afrikaans, under the title "Goeie Mo^re Alaska." The original soundtrack (in English) was
simulcast on an Radio 2000.
UK: Aired in original form.
Emmy Awards: For 1993-94 season, Northern Exposure won one Emmy, for best sound editing, for "Fish Story".
Literature Used in Northern Exposure: There was a syndicated article that appeared in the New York Times and other various
newspapers around the U.S. which mentioned some of the books that Chris quoted/read on the air:
Baudelaire, "Flowers of Evil" (in translation, Chris couldnt read French)
"The Papers of Thomas Jefferson"
Joseph Campbell, "Hero With a Thousand Faces" and "Power of Myth"
Raymond Chandler, "Red Wind"
Alexis do Tocqueville, the complete works
Stephen Hawking, "A Brief History of Time"
Hegel, "Early Technological Writings"
Holling Clancy Holling, "Paddle to the Sea"
The Portable Jung
Emmanuel Kant, "Critique of Pure Reason"
Kierkegaard, "Sickness Unto Death"
Jack London, "Call of the Wild"
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, "One Hundred Years of Solitude"
Herman Melville, "Billy Budd"
Nietzsche, "Logic," and "The Metaphysics of Morals"
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Robert Pirsig, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"

Maurice Sendak, "Where the Wild Things Are"
Shakespeare, the complete works
Edna St. Vincent Millay, "Renascence and Other Poems"
Tolstoy, "War and Peace"
E.B. White, "Charlotte's Web"
Walt Whitman, the complete works
Northern Exposure Books:
"Letters from Cicely: a book" / Ellis Weiner; based on the Universal Television series Northern Exposure created by Joshua Brand
and John Falsey. -- New York: Pocket Books, c1992. ISBN 0-671-77735-1. CIP (May. 92). A series of letters the character to various
people; the author has tried to keep his voice in sync with the individual characters.
"The Northern Exposure Cookbook" Ellis Weiner from Contemporary Books. A collection of recipes for a community feast, as the
characters would probably fix them.
"Exposing Northern Exposure", Scott Nance, Pioneer Books, Inc., 5715 N. Balsam Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89130, 1992 ISBN
1-55698-324-7, $14.95. The book details all the NEXP episodes from the pilot to "Cicely." Included are cast interviews, character bios,
and a number of character, location, and set photos, none in color.
"Chris in the Morning: Love, Life, and the whole Karmic Enchilada" Compiled and Edited by Louis Chunovic, Published by
Contemporary Books, ISBN: 0-8092-3762-8
"The Northern Exposure Book" Louis Chunovic, A Citadel Press Book published by Carol Publishing Group 120 Enterprise Ave.,
Secaucus, NJ 07094 ISBN 0-8065-1409-4
"Northern Exposures", Rob Morrow, Published by Hyperion 114 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10011 ISBN 0-7868-6064-2 $9.95. It's
a collection of black and white photos taken over the years by Rob around the Northern Exposure sets (cover photo is Janine wearing a
gas mask).
Original sources of information: AAron nAAs (, visited Roslyn for a week, stayed in Cle Elum.;Mary Andler, Curator
of Roslyn Museum; Free "Visit the Kittitas" tourist guide published by the Ellensburg Daily Record, THE newspaper of the Kittitas;
"Upper Kittitas Country Dining Guide" insert published by N.K.C. TRIBUNE; Free "Visitor Guide for 1993, Snoqualmie Summit to
Blewett Pass".
Roslyn Museum: Pennsylvania Avenue. Never shown. LOTS of Roslyn history about town & people. Packed with antiques. Some
Northern Exposure info. Sign in. Chat with Mary Andler for a while.
Roslyn Cafe: Corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 2nd Street. Never featured, only outside mural seen. Nice Little cafe. Tourist stop (lots
'O tourists!). Some Northern Exposure stuff. Ads declare: "Where the stars dine!" and "As shown on 'Northern Exposure'"
Roslyn Cafe Mural: Corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 2nd Street. Shown frequently. Hot tourist spot. People line up for pictures.
Cicily Gift Shop: 6 North 2nd Street. Sign sometimes seen. Northern Exposure stuff.
Laundrymat: Corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 2nd Street. Might have been used as a set.
Roslyn General Store: 8 Pennsylvania Avenue. Never featured. Ads declare: "Largest selection of hard ice cream in the Upper County"
Village Pizza: Pennsylvania Avenue. Never featured, front sometimes seen. Excellent gourmet Pizza.
Pennsylvania Station: 1st and Pennsylvania Avenue. Never featured, front sometimes seen. Little cafe.
Brick Tavern: 1 Pennsylvania Avenue. Ads declare: "The oldest operating saloon in the State of Washington", "Established 1899", and
"Complete with running water spittoon"
Central Sundries: 2 Pennsylvania Avenue. Ruthanne general store. Hot set warning ribbons draped about front of store. Some Northern
Exposure stuff.
Pioneer Restaurant and Sody-Licious Bar: 3 Pennsylvania Avenue. Never featured. Fine dining, great food and atmosphere.
Surprisingly impressive. Micro beers on tap.
Northwester Improvement Co.: Corner of Pennsylvania Avenue. (NWI building) Seen frequently from outside.
Memory Makers: NWI building. 1st Street. Never featured. Northern Exposure gift shop. Lots of Northern Exposure info & stuff. Takes
up two thirds of NWI building.
Minnifield Communications: NWI building. Network (KBHR radio station) Locked set.
Roslyn Brewing Company: 33 Pennsylvania Avenue. Never featured or shown.
Ruthanne's house - 12 5th Street.
Marilyn's house - 25 5th Street.
Maggie's old house - 8 West Washington Avenue. Replica was built on vacant lot beside it to look like original house. Replica was
burned for show.
Maggie's house - Corner of E Street and Washington.
Maurice's house - 8 E Street.
Maurice's family Home - In backyard of 16 North First Street. Privately owned. Built in Ronald. Moved through Roslyn. Given to Roslyn
Maggie & Joel emergancy landing site: Fish Lake area.
Frequently shown lake: Lake Cle Elum.
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Where Maurice & Holling slipped w/ Dead friend: Salmon La Sac Campground close to bridge.
Little white church: Town of Easton, corner of 1st and Depot.
Site of Maggie's hallucination: Toward source of Cle Elum River.
Rick's final campsite: Disguised vacant lot in Town. Too snowy in forest, had to move into town. Kludged lot into makeshift set to have
greater camara visibility.
Where Ned Svenborg visits the grave of Roslyn: Roslyn Cemetary. Interesting breakdown of ethnic groups and lodges. For example, if
you were part of the Moose Lodge then you would have a grave waiting for you.
Flung Piano: In Teanaway Area at the Crossetti Ranch.
Mechanic Garage scenes: Cascade Motors at 1st and Dakota Avenue.
Statue of Rick: In Memory Makers.
As of September 26, 1994, Northern Exposure was in syndication. The episodes were being shown in production order. The episodes
were also edited to allow time for more commercials.
The following is information on voice-overs and other roles that Northern Exposure actors have undertaken currently and in the past.
Adam Arkin: All Together Now, Babies, Big Wave Dave's,
Chicago Hope, Chu Chu and the Philly Flash, The Doctor, Full
Moon High, Heat Wave, It Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Guy, The
Monitors, Necessary Parties, Pearl, Personal Foul, A Promise to
Keep, Teachers Only, Tough Cookies, Under the Rainbow, A
Year in the Life Baseball (voice-over)

Washington Mutual Bank (comm., voice-over)

Doug Ballard: Fearless, Sunset Grill

Diane Delano: Heart Like a Wheel, LA Law, Quantum Leap,

Miracle Mile, The River Wild, Sleepwalkers, Wild Card

Darren Burrows: Casualties of War, Class of 1999, Cry Baby,

Dragnet, Hard Times on Planet Earth, TV101, 976-EVIL
John Corbett: Flight of the Intruder, MTV motorcycle series,
Wonder Years, Tombstone Isuzu (commercial, voice-over)
Barry Corbin: Any Which Way You Can, Ballad of Gregorio
Cortez, Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, Bitter Harvest, Boone,
C.A.T. Squad, Career Opportunities, The Chase, Conagher,
Critters 2: The Main Course, A Death in California, The Defiant
Ones, Fantasies, Fatal Vision, Firefighter, Flight #90: Disaster on
the Potomac, Ghost Dad, Hard Traveling, Honkytonk Man, The
Hot Spot, I Know My First Name Is Steven, It Takes Two, The
Keys, LBJ: The Early Years, Last Flight Out, Lonesome Dove,
Man Against the Mob, The Man Who Loved Women,
MASH(tv), Murder in Texas, My Science Project, The Night the
Lights Went Out in Georgia, Nothing in Common, Off the Mark,
The People Across the Lake, Permanent Record, Prime Suspect,
Rage, The Ratings Game, Red King, White Knight, Secret
Witness, Short Time, Six Pack, Spies, Spooner, Stir Crazy,
Stranger on My Land, The Thorn Birds, Under Cover, Under
Siege, Urban Cowboy, WarGames, Warm Hearts, Cold Feet,
What Comes Around, Who's Harry Crumb?, Young Harry
Houdini Dominicks' (commercial), Portland General Electric
(commercial), Lipton Iced Tea (commercial, voice-over), Moon
Shot (voice of Deke Slayton)
John Cullum: 1776 (film), The Act, All the Way Home, Buck
James, Carl Sandburg - Echoes and Silences, Edge of Night,
Doctors, Hawaii, Tom Brown's School Days (aka Adventures at
Rugby), The Day After, Hamlet, The Man Without a Country,
Marie (aka Marie: A True Story), Mattie's Choice, Money,
Power, Murder, On a Clear Day You Can See Forever
(Broadway), One Life to Live, The Prodigal, Roll of Thunder,
Hear My Cry, Shenandoah, Shootdown, Sweet Country,
Quantum Leap (episode "Catch a Falling Star", with Janine
Turner), With a Vengeance, EggBeaters (commercial, voice-over)

Page 20

Richard Cummings, Jr.: Eve of Destruction, Hyundai

(commercial, voice-over), Project X, thirtysomething, Throb, The
Trial of the Incredible Hulk The Wall Street Journal (commercial,

Anthony Edwards: Delta Heat, Downtown, El Diablo, E.R.,

Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Going for the Gold: The Bill
Johnson Story, Gotcha!, Hawks, Heart Like a Wheel, High
School U.S.A., Hometown Boy Makes Good, How I Got Into
College, The Killing of Randy Webster, Landslide, Miracle Mile,
Mr. North, Pet Sematary II, Revenge of the Nerds, Revenge of the
Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise, Summer Heat, The Sure Thing, Top
Gun, It Takes Two
Cynthia Geary: Adam 12, Dangerous Curves, Divorce Court,
Fame (TV), For the Love of Mike, Rich Girl, Superior Court, To
Grandmother's House We Go, Us, War Dancing, The Young &
the Restless, 8 Seconds
Graham Greene: Benefit of the Doubt, The Broken Chain,
Clearcut, Cooperstown, Dances with Wolves, Earth and the
American Dream, The Last of His Tribe, Maverick, North,
Powwow Highway, Rain Without Thunder, Revolution, Running
Brave, Savage Land, Thunderheart
Bill Irwin: "Saturday Night Live," "The Tonight Show," "The
Cosby Show" and HBO's "Bette Midler, Mondo Beyondo." In
Britain he appeared on the BBC "Paul Daniels Magic Show."
Films include the 1981 Robert Altman movie "Popeye," Alan
Alda's "A New Life" and John Sayles' "Eight Men Out." He has
appeared in: "Steppin' Out" as Liza Minelli's only male student;
"My Blue Heaven" as the partner of Rick Moranis; Bobby
McFerrin's video of "Don't Worry, Be Happy"; "Eight Men Out";
"Fool Moon"; Great Performances: "Soundheim: A Celibration at
Carnegie Hall"
Valerie Mahaffey: Fresno, Her Secret Life (aka Code Name:
Dancer), L.A. Law, Quantum Leap, Perry Mason: The Case of
the Musical Murder, The Powers That Be, Till Death Us Do Part,
Women of Valor

Don McManus (note: this may or may not be Don R.

McManus): The Bonfire of the Vanities, Double Standard,
Gunsmoke: The Long Ride, Head Office, Josh and S.A.M., Killer
Party, Knight Rider 2010, Telling Secrets, True Colors, White
Rob Morrow: Fame, Private Resort, Saturday Night Live,
Spencer for Hire, Tattingers, Quiz Show Mastercard
(commercial, voice-over), Dentyne (commerical)
Peg Phillips: Chase, Dangerous Affections, Dogfight,
Plainclothes, Waiting for the Light Dominick's (commercial)
Teri Polo: Mystery Date, Aspen Extreme, Golden Gate
Paul Provenza: Comedy Tonight, The Facts of Life, Pursuit of
Happiness, The Sunday Comics
Rita Taggart: 1941, Almost Grown, Born to Be Sold, The
Cartier Affair, The China Syndrome, Coach, Coupe de Ville,
Crossing the Bridge, The Horror Show (aka House III), Inmates:
A Love Story, Mae West, Rape and Marriage: The Rideout Case,
Seizure: The Story of Kathy Morris, Splash, Too, Straight Time,
Wait Till Your Mother Gets Home!, The Webbers, Weeds
Janine Turner: The A-Team, The Ambulance, Behind the
Screen, Cliffhanger, General Hospital, Knights of the City,
Knight Rider, The Love Boat, Monkey Shines: An Experiment in
Fear, Quantum Leap (episode "Catch a Falling Star", with John
Cullum), Steel Magnolias, Tai-Pan, Young Doctors in Love
Chevrolet (commercial)
To contact anyone on the show use one of the following
addresses: (Producers, writers, directors, technical questions)
Northern Exposure, Pipeline Productions, 3000 Olympic
Boulevard, Suite 2575, Santa Monica, California 90404 FAX:
206-869-1333; (Actors, location producers, local employees)
Northern Exposure, Pipeline Productions, 7140 180th Ave NE,
Redmond, Washington 98052; To order copies of scripts:
Script City, 8033 Sunset Blvd., Suite 1500, Hollywood, CA
"Music From The Television Series Northern Exposure"
MCA Records, Inc. MCAD-10685
1. David Schwartz "Theme from Northern Exposure" [Pilot,
2. Daniel Lanois "Jolie Louise" [Pilot, The Body in Question,
Old Tree]
3. Booker T. and the MG's "Hip Hug-Her" [Animals R Us; My
Mother, My Sister]
4. Etta James "At Last" [Slow Dance]
5. Chic Street Man "Everybody Be Yoself" [Spring Break]
6. David Schwartz "Alaskan Nights" [It Happened in Juneau,

Our Tribe]
7. Magazine 60 "Don Quichotte" [Jules et Joel]
8. Nat "King" Cole and His Trio "When I Grow Too Old to
Dream" [The Big Kiss]
9. Miriam Makeba "Emabhaceni" [Roots]
10. Lynyrd Skynyrd "Gimme Three Steps" [My Mother, My
11. Frederica Von Stade "Bailero from Chants d'Auvergne"
[Wake-Up Call] with the Royal
Philharmonic Orchestra Conducted by Antonio de Almeda
12. David Schwartz Medley: "A Funeral in My Brain" [Things
Become Extinct, Our Tribe, Ill
Wind,...], "Woody the Indian" [Sex, Lies, and Ed's Tape], "The
Tellakutans" [Seoul
Mates, The Body in Question]
"More Music From Northern Exposure" MCA Records, Inc.
1. Georgia Wettlin-Larsen "Ojibway Square Dance (Love Song)"
[Learning Curve]
2. David Schwartz "Theme from Northern Exposure"
3. Johnny Nash "Stir It Up"
4. Ruth Brown "Mambo Baby"
5. Simon Bonney "Someone Loves You"
6. David Schwartz "The Ladder"
7. Big Joe & His Washboard Band "If You Take Me Back"
8. Basin Brothers "Un Marriage Casse (A Broken Marriage)"
9. Vinx "There I Go Again"
10. Brian Eno/John Cale "Lay My Love" [The Bad Seed]
11. Les Paul & Mary Ford "Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams (and
Dream Your Troubles Away)"
12. David Schwartz "Mooseburger Stomp"
13. Joanne Shenandoah "I May Want a Man"
Northern Exposure soundtrack (German version). The title is
"Ausgerechnet Alaska" (like the series title). It is distributed by
IDEAL Vertrieb, Wichmannstr. 4, 2000 Hamburg 52.
1. The Moose "Northern Exposure Theme-Mix"
2. The Kingsmen "Louie Louie"
3. Little Milton "Stand By Me"
4. Lee Dorsey "Ya Ya"
5. Billy Steward "Summertime"
6. Little Richard "Good Golly Miss Molly"
7. Coasters "Little Egypt"
8. The Drifters "On Broadway"
9. Dolly Parton "It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels"
10. Guy Mitchell "Singing The Blues"
11. Patsy Cline "Crazy"
12. Paul Anka "My Way"
13. The Marcels "Blue Moon"
14. Showaddiwaddi "Who Put The Bomp"
15. Trini Lopez "This Is Your Land"
16. Jerry Butler "Moon River"
17. Andy Williams "Love Is A Many Splendored Thing"
* * * * * * *

Page 21

"If they could see how the sun's setting fast

And just like they say, nothing good ever lasts
Well, go on now and kiss it goodbye
But hold onto your lover
'Cause your heart's bound to die
Go on now, and say goodbye to my town, to my town
I can see the sun's going down on my town
Good night... good night..."
"Our Town" -- Iris DeMent

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