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Kumbhak Pranayam

Kumbhak Pranayam is more commonly practiced by various

yogis. It is the standard Pranayam. It is already told that there
are three main components of the normal respiratory cycle; i.e.
Purak, Rechak, and Kumbhak. Normal respiratory cycle is
completed within 4 to 5 seconds. When each component is
modified by voluntary control it is called Pranayam. The basic
philosophy is to slow down the normal respiratory process by
voluntarily control, so that the time taken by Purak and
Rechak will be more than normal, and at the same time the
person will hold his breath for some time.
This Pranayam is practiced in the sitting posture. One should
sit erect with back straight. One has to sit in this position for
15 to 20 minutes. So if the person has no capacity to sit for
this much time without any discomfort, he can sit with a back
support. Following are the steps for the Kumbhak Pranayam.


A] Sit quietly for 4 to 5 minutes with closed eyes. One can

recite a prayer before starting the procedure. During this
period his respiratory rate will come down to normal low level.
Before starting the pranayam the person should attain state of
complete physical and mental relaxation
B] With the help of right thumb, slowly close right nostril.
Allow the air to come out slowly from left nostril. The process
should be slow and uniform. Try to bring out as much air as
possible. The process may take 5 to 8 seconds. This is Rechak.
C] As soon as all the air comes out, draw the air inside with the
same nostril. This is Purak. The process should be slow and
uniform. It will take 4 to 5 seconds to draw the air inside.
D] When the lungs are full with the air, close the left nostril
with the right ring finger. Hold the air for some time. This is
E] Again open the right nostril by removing the thumb and
allow the air to come out very slowly. This is Rechak.
F] When all the air comes out from the lung, start the process
of taking the air inside with the same nostril.
G] A group of Purak, Kumbhak and Rechak, forms one
Pranayam. This way one can perform four such cycles of
Pranayams in the beginning.
H] With more and more practice, the person can get mastery
over this process of Pranayam. Then he can increase the
number of cycles and the duration of Pranayam.







A] The speed of Purak and Rechak should be very gradual,

smooth, and uniform throughout the practice of Pranayam.


B] Normally Rechak should take more time than Purak. Ordinarily

Rechak takes double the time than Purak. So if Purak is for five
seconds then Rechak should be for ten seconds.
C] In the beginning the practitioner should practice only Purak and
Rechak. One should inhale the air through left nostril and then
gradually allow the air to come out from the right nostril. This process
should be repeated for 6 to 8 times. In the beginning there is no need
to consciously maintain the proportion between the Rechak and Purak
D] After some practice when one gets control over the rhythm of
respiration, one may try to maintain the proportion. In the beginning
the ratio between purak and rachak may be 1/1.5. Then after certain
practice the ratio can be altered to 1/2.
E] After some more practice one can introduce Kumbhak in the
process of Pranayam.
F] The advocated proportion between Purak, Kumbhak and Rechak, is
1:4:2. But this advocated ratio is very difficult to achieve. One may try
to have ratio of 1:1:2 in the beginning, then the ratio should be 1:2:2
then 1:3:2. The ratio of 1:4:2 may be reached after 2 to 3 years of
continuous practice.
G] No undue stress should be taken to lengthen the time of Purak,
Rechak, or Kumbhak. Some people are under the wrong impression
that the Pranayam is the exercise for holding the breath. With the
effect they try to hold the breath forcibly. Such practice may damage
the respiratory system and other vital organs.
H] As far as possible the same proportion should be maintained
throughout the process of Pranayam. For example, if the proportion is
1:2:2, for the first Pranayam then subsequently the same proportion
should be maintained for all the remaining Pranayams.

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