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NO 1
Provide examples of the components of the real world Information Systems. Illustrate
that in an information system, people use hardware, software, data, and networks as
resource to perform input, processing, output, storage and control activities that
transform data resources into information products.
Now days Information System(IS) is a very important part of modern business world.
There are various components of IS which are used in business world as well as daily
work. Some of the examples of the components of real world information system are
as follows:
People Resource: It include end user and IS specialists. : software developers,
systems operator, system analysts.
Hardware Resource: It includes all physical devices and material used in
information processing. Examples are computers, laptop, midrange computer systems.
Computer peripherals like keyboard, printer for output information and optical disk
for for the storage of data resources.
Software Resource: System software like Microsoft Windows and Unix. Application
software include, sales analysis, payroll programs.
Data Resource: customer records, employees files, inventory data base
Network Resource: It includes communication media(eg twisted-pair wire,
microwave, cellular and satellite wireless technologies) and Network infrastructure
like modems and internetwork processors, and communication control software.
We can take example of banks in which IS system has play a vital role to develop .In
previous days lots of people were hired to do the particular job and to manage the day
to day operation of business. First of all data about business transactions and other
events must be prepared for processing. Data about cash transaction, credit
transaction, expenses made should be recorded on source documents such as paper
order forms. Employees use printers .computer .scanner to do their daily work
After that these data are subjected to processing activities such as calculating
,comparing. sorting, classifying and summarizing, Cash transaction are recorded to
determine the total cash in and cash out. Managers as well as junior staff use different
software and procedure .Likewise the record of employees helps the manager to know
their potential capacity to work.
Information in various forms is transmitted to end users and made available to them in
the output activity. Bank manager may view display to check on the performance of
employees and to analyse the financial statement .The datas are retained in an firm for
later use. The stored data will help in future to take decision regarding employees,
Investment and other business deals.

Salma Maharjan
Roll:23(MBA I, section A

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