M53 Lec2.4 Rates of Change and Rectilinear Motion

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Rates of Change and Rectilinear Motion

Mathematics 53
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Rates of Change and Rectilinear Motion

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Rates of Change

Rectilinear Motion

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Rates of Change

Rates of change occur in many applications.

A microbiologist might be interested in the rate at which the number of bacteria
in a culture changes with time.
An engineer might be interested in the rate at which the length of a metal rod
changes with temperature.
An economist might be interested in the rate at which production cost changes
with the quantity of a product that is manufactured.
A medical researcher might be interested in the rate at which the radius of an
artery changes with the concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream.

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Rates of Change

A hot air balloon started rising vertically from the ground and after 10 seconds, it
was observed to be at an altitude of 40 feet from the ground. 30 seconds after it
left the ground, it was found to be 100 feet from the ground. On average, what
was its speed between the 10th and the 30th second?
Average speed =

100 40
= 3 feet/second
30 10

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Rates of Change

In general, given y = f ( x ), we can measure how fast y changes with respect to

changes in x.

Suppose f is a function and y = f ( x ).
The average rate of change of y with respect to x on [ x0 , x ] is

f ( x ) f ( x0 )
x x0

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Rates of Change

Question: In the example earlier, is the velocity at each moment equal to 3

feet/second? Not necessarily.

Suppose f is a function and y = f ( x ).
The instantaneous rate of change of y with respect to x at x = x0 is


x x0

f ( x ) f ( x0 )
= lim
= f 0 ( x0 )
x x0
x 0 x

This gives us a new interpretation for the derivative.

Aside from giving the slope of a tangent line, it gives an instantaneous rate of

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Rates of Change

Graphically, the average rate of change of y with respect to x on [ x0 , x ] is the
slope of the secant line passing through P( x0 , f ( x0 )) and Q( x, f ( x )).
The derivative of f at x = x0 , f 0 ( x0 ) can be interpreted as the instantaneous
rate of change of y with respect at x at x = x0 . That is, f 0 ( x0 ) is the rate of
change of y per unit change in x at the instant when x = x0 .

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Rates of Change

Let y be a function of x.

> 0 on an interval I , then y increases as x increases, and y decreases as x


< 0 on an interval I , then y decreases as x increases, and y increases as x


= 0 on an interval I , then y does not change with respect to x.

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Rates of Change

A right circular cylinder has a fixed height of 6 units. Find the rate of change of its
volume with respect to the radius of its base.


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= r2 h = 6r2
= 12r. (Interpretation?)

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Rates of Change

A bactericide was introduced to a nutrient broth in which bacteria were growing.
The bacterium population continued to grow for some time but then stopped
growing and began to decline. The size of the population at time t (hours) was

P = 106 + 104 t 103 t2 .

Determine the growth rates at t = 0, t = 5 and t = 10 hours.
Solution.The growth rate or the rate of change of the bacterium population P with
respect to time t is given by P0 (t).

= P0 (t) = 104 2(103 )t = 2(103 )(5 t).

P0 (0) = 104 , P0 (5) = 0 and P0 (10) = 104 .

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Rates of Change

Notice that given

P0 (t) = 104 2(103 )t = 2(103 )(5 t)

P0 (t) > 0 when t [0, 5) and P0 (t) < 0 when t (5, )
Thus, the bacterium population was increasing until t = 5 hours, then it
stopped growing and began to decline.

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Rates of Change
A ladder 24 ft. long rests against a vertical wall. Let be the angle between the
top of the ladder and the wall and let x be the distance from the bottom of the
ladder to the wall. If the bottom of the ladder slides away from the wall, how fast
does x change with respect to when =


From the figure, the equation that
relates x and is

24 ft.


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Rates of Change and Rectilinear Motion


= 24 sin .
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Rates of Change

We want to find

at = .

At =

= 24 sin
= 24 cos .


= 12 ft/radian.
= 24 cos
d = 3

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Rectilinear Motion

Suppose a particle is moving along a straight line, which we shall refer to as the
Suppose the position of the particle at time t is given by the function s(t), called
the position function of the particle.
The average velocity of the particle on [t0 , t] is

vave =

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s ( t ) s ( t0 )
t t0

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Rectilinear Motion

Let s(t) be the position function of a particle moving along s-axis.

The instantaneous velocity of the particle at time t is

= f 0 ( t ).
t0 t
The instantaneous speed of the particle at time t is |v(t)|.
v(t) = lim


The instantaneous acceleration of the particle at time t is

= v0 (t) or
t0 t

a(t) = lim

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Rates of Change and Rectilinear Motion

a(t) =

d2 s
= f 00 (t).

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Rectilinear Motion

Let s(t) be the position function of a particle moving along the s-axis. The signs of
v(t) and a(t) give us information about the motion of the particle.

If v(t) > 0, then the particle is moving in the positive direction of s (usually to
the right or upward) at time t.

If v(t) < 0, then the particle is moving in the negative direction of s (usually to
the left or downward) at time t.

If v(t) = 0, either the particle is not moving or is changing direction at time t.

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Rectilinear Motion


If a(t) > 0, then the velocity of the particle is increasing at time t. In addition,
if v(t) > 0 then the speed of the particle is increasing at time t (speeding up).
if v(t) < 0 then the speed of the particle is decreasing at time t (slowing down).
If a(t) < 0, then the velocity of the particle is decreasing at time t. In addition,
if v(t) > 0 then the speed of the particle is decreasing at time t.
if v(t) < 0 then the speed of the particle is increasing at time t.
If a(t) = 0, then the velocity of the particle is constant.
(This does not mean that the particle is NOT moving!)

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Rectilinear Motion

That is, the particle is

speeding up when v(t) and a(t) have the same sign
slowing down when v(t) and a(t) are opposite in sign

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Rectilinear Motion

A particle moves along a horizontal coordinate line in such a way that its position
at time t is specified by s(t) = t3 12t2 + 36t 30 where s is measured in feet
and t in seconds.

Find the instantaneous velocity and the instantaneous acceleration in terms of


Describe the position and motion of the particle in a table that includes the
intervals of time when the particle is moving to the left or to the right, when the
velocity is increasing or decreasing, when the speed is increasing or
decreasing, and the particles position with respect to the origin during these
intervals of time.

Show the motion of the particle schematically.

Determine the total distance traveled by the particle during the first 7 seconds.

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Rectilinear Motion

A particle moves along a horizontal coordinate line in such a way that its position
at time t is specified by s(t) = t3 12t2 + 36t 30 where s is measured in feet
and t in seconds.
1. Find the instantaneous velocity and the instantaneous acceleration in terms of

s(t) = t3 12t2 + 36t 30

= 3t2 24t + 36
= a(t) =
= 6t 24

= v(t) =

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Rectilinear Motion
A particle moves along a horizontal coordinate line in such a way that its position
at time t is specified by s = t3 12t2 + 36t 30 where s is measured in feet and t
in seconds.
2. Describe the position and motion of the particle in a table that includes the
intervals of time when the particle is moving to the left or to the right, when the
velocity is increasing or decreasing, when the speed is increasing or
decreasing, and the particles position with respect to the origin during these
intervals of time.
Solution. First, we find t 0 such that v(t) = 0 and a(t) = 0.
3t2 24t + 36
3(t 6)(t 2)
t = 6,

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Rates of Change and Rectilinear Motion

6t 24


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Rectilinear Motion
s(t) = t3 12t2 + 36t 30,










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v(t) = 3(t 2)(t 6),

a ( t ) = 6( t 4)

left of origin, towards right,
decreasing velocity, slowing down
towards right, decreasing velocity,
slowing down
right of origin, changing direction,
decreasing velocity
towards left, decreasing velocity,
speeding up
left of origin, towards left,
constant velocity
towards left, increasing velocity,
slowing down
left of origin, changing direction,
increasing velocity
towards right, increasing velocity,
speeding up

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Rectilinear Motion

A particle moves along a horizontal coordinate line in such a way that its position
at time t is specified by s(t) = t3 12t2 + 36t 30 where s is measured in feet
and t in seconds.
3. Show the motion of the particle schematically.
Schematically, the particle moved in the following way:



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A particle moves along a horizontal coordinate line in such a way that its position
at time t is specified by s = t3 12t2 + 36t 30 where s is measured in feet and t
in seconds.
4. Determine the total distance traveled by the particle during the first 7 seconds.
Note that the particle changed directions at t = 2 and t = 6.



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Total distance traveled

= |s(2) s(0)| + |s(6) s(2)| +

|s(7) s(6)|
= 32 + 32 + 7
= 71 feet.

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Rectilinear Motion

A ball was thrown from the edge of a cliff such that its directed distance from the
ground after t seconds is given by s(t) = 16t2 + 32t + 128 feet. Determine:

the acceleration of the ball at t = 3

the maximum height the ball will attain

the velocity at which the ball was thrown

how long it would take the ball to hit the ground

the speed at which the ball would hit the ground

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Rectilinear Motion

A ball was thrown from the edge of a cliff such that its directed distance from the
ground after t seconds is given by s(t) = 16t2 + 32t + 128 feet. Determine:
1. the acceleration of the ball at t = 3

s(t) = 16t2 + 32t + 128

= v(t) = 32t + 32
= a(t) = 32
a(3) = 32 feet/second2

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Rectilinear Motion

A ball was thrown from the edge of a cliff such that its directed distance from the
ground after t seconds is given by s(t) = 16t2 + 32t + 128 feet. Determine:
2. the maximum height the ball will attain
Since the graph of s is a parabola opening downward, the maximum value is
attained at the vertex.



scoordinate: s(1) = 16(1) + 32(1) + 128 = 144 feet

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Rectilinear Motion

A ball was thrown from the edge of a cliff such that its directed distance from the
ground after t seconds is given by s(t) = 16t2 + 32t + 128 feet. Determine:
3. the velocity at which the ball was thrown
Velocity at which the ball was thrown = v(0)

v(t) = 32t + 32

v(0) = 32(0) + 32 = 32 feet/second

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Rectilinear Motion

A ball was thrown from the edge of a cliff such that its directed distance from the
ground after t seconds is given by s(t) = 16t2 + 96t + 128 feet. Determine:
4. how long it would take the ball to hit the ground
5. the speed at which the ball would hit the ground

s(t) = 0

16(t 2t 8) = 0
16(t 4)(t + 2) = 0
Thus, t = 4 or t = 2.

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Since t 0, the ball would hit the

ground after 4 seconds.
It would hit the ground at a speed of

|v(4)| = | 32(4) + 32|

= 96 feet/second

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The position function of a particle moving along a coordinate line is

s(t) = 6t2 t3 ,
where s is in feet and t is in seconds.
Determine the velocity and acceleration functions.
When is the particle speeding up?

v(t) = 12t 3t2 = 3t(t 4)

a(t) = 12 6t = 6(t 2)
Speeding up at t (0, 2) (4, +)

(i ) a(t) > 0 and v(t) > 0

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(ii ) a(t) < 0 and v(t) < 0

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