EN - JaZUp User Guide 2.4 PDF

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JaZUp User Guide v2.

JaZup is a Java based application that allow you to upgrade your AZBox to Enigma 2 and come back to
the official firmware. You can also use it to upgrade from E2 to E2.
It supports installing Azbox HD Enigma 2 firmware on:
DOM: the internal AZBox memory,
USB: for this option you will need to have 1 USB Stick (see further in this document) be careful a
USB HDD is viewed has any USB stick and you can lose your data.
HDD: internal hard disk drive (this option only applies to Premium, Premium Plus and Ultra), if
you have an external HDD and want to use it for install use USB option.
Since JaZUp 2.1, we include a fix to prevent bricking your Azbox after having use the Firmware for USB
(FW4USB) method to boot the official firmware from USB while trying to return with the official
firmware in DOM.
Note: FW4USB is not implement in JaZUp so users using only JaZUp to flash their Azbox will not face
this problem.
JaZUp has been tested under Windows, Mac OSX and Ubuntu.
If you enjoy JaZUp 2.4, please consider make a donation. See paypal link within JaZUp.

It is strongly advised to disable Hardware Acceleration before upgrading your Azbox

to E2. Hardware Acceleration is the main reason why some Azbox HD goes to
Booting... (forever) problem.
If you connect with JaZUp to your Azbox running the official firmware, it will check
for it and disable it for you.

Please read carefully this User Guide since it contains important information on how to use this
We are not responsible for any data lost that you may encountered using this tool.
It is your responsibility to backup all your data (HDD, USB, DOM) from your Azbox HD before
using this tool.

In order to enjoy JaZUp you will to have installed on your computer a Java Runtime Environment.
You can find the latest Java Runtime Environment minimum version is 1.5 (commonly called version 5)
from: http://www.java.com
Your Azbox must be connected to a wired network (RJ45) where DHCP server is enabled.

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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Interface explanations:

Azbox IP: there you can type your Azbox IP address

Password: is the password that you set on your Azbox official firmware (used if you select Backup or
Restore Informations Official Firmware options).
Target: allows you to select where to install the E2 firmware
E2 option:
Format extendend partition: you can decided not to format your extended partition, this option is
useful only if you upgrade your Azbox from E2 to E2.
Ext4 Paritition: it will try to use ext4 (only supported in 1.1.12 (RC12) and higher) uncheck this if
you want to go back to ext3.
Backup data Official Firmware: allows you to take a backup of /DISK2 and /PLUGINS
Restore data Official Firmware: allows you to restore your previous backup of /DISK2 and
Azbox IP Find: Search: perform an automatic discovery of your Azbox on your local network.
Informations: will show you the update progress indication. Be careful some operations take a very
long time , so please be patient.
Select Language: allows you to select the JaZUp interface language.
JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.
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Azbox IP Find Search:

Pressing the Search... button, JaZUp will look for the all the Azboxes connected to your network and
propose the list of the IP address that it founds.
If you think that your Azbox is not in the list press again search to start it again.
If you have several network interfaces in your PC, all the interfaces will be scanned to search for your
Once your Azbox is discovered, you can click on the IP address and the field: Azbox IP will be
automatically filled up.

If the search function doesn't work, you can always type in manually your Azbox IP address in the Azbox
IP field.

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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Azbox Login - Azbox IP

In this field you can manually enter your Azbox IP address.

The first digits are automatically detected from your computer local network IP address, if your computer
own several network interfaces and that JaZUp choose the wrong one, it is not a problem, you can change
yourself the first digit of your IP address.

Azbox Login Password

In this field you can specify the Password that you have set on your Azbox official firmware, this field is
useful if you want to use the backup / restore feature of JaZUp from your Azbox with the official
firmware running.
You don't need to change this field if your Azbox is already in E2 or in Rescue Mode.

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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E2 Options: Format extended partition

In an Azbox the size of the original DOM is 256MB, all this data space is taken by E2.
If you install E2 on a bigger DOM or on USB or on HDD, only the first 256MB will be reserved for E2,
the rest is free space that you can use. So all the remaining data space over 256MB on your device are
assigned into an extended partition.
This partition allows you to safely store some data. For example: Picons / plugins / emu / ....
This extended partition is automatically mounted under /media/cf since there is no CF reader in the
Azbox, we decide to use it for extended data mount point and this is a standard location for E2 to look for
the Picon for example.
If you upgrade from E2 to E2 on an official DOM (256MB) this parameter doesn't matter since there is no
free space available to create an extended partition.
But if you use another device (USB, HDD) or greater DOM, you can choose or not to loose the data that
you place on your extended partition.
So to preserve your extended partition data (/media/cf) please check that this option is not selected.
Be careful that the first time that you install E2 on any selected device, the extended partition will be
formatted even if you didn't check Format Extended partition. And this process can take a very long time
since it will format all the remaining space on your device, so the bigger it is, the longer it will take to
format! Please, be patient!

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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E2 Options: Ext4 Partition

Ext4 is no longer supported in the latest kernels, so this option is now unchecked by default.
This means that JaZUp will use ext3.

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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Backup Data: Backup data official firmware

This option allows you to perform a backup of your /DISK2 and /PLUGINS when the backup is done,
JaZUp will ask you where to place the file on your computer.
In order to have this option working properly, you need to type the password that you set on your Azbox
official firmware in the field, if you didn't change it leave azbox (which is the default one).

Jazup can connect to your Azbox in official firmware and performed a full backup of your Azbox
configurations and plugins.

And press the Go button

It will create a file jazbck.tgz and ask you where to store it on your PC. You can change the name of the
file when storing it on your PC. And press the save button.
You will need this file when you will use the Restore option.

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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Backup Data: Restore data official firmware

This option allows you to perform a restore of your /DISK2 and /PLUGINS from your the previously
created backup file stored on your PC.
In order to have this option working properly, you need to type the password that you set on your Azbox
official firmware in this field, if you didn't change it leave azbox (which is the default one).


And press the Go button.

Jazup will connect to your Azbox in official firmware and prompt you to retrieve the file with your
backup jazbck.tgz or whatever name you give it and press the open button.
Your Azbox will reboot in order for the restored files to be taken into account.

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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Disable Hardware Acceleration

It is strongly advised to disable Hardware Acceleration before upgrading your Azbox

to E2. Hardware Acceleration is the main reason why some Azbox HD goes to
Booting... (forever) problem.
If you connect with JaZUp to your Azbox running the official firmware, it will check
for it and disable it for you.
JaZUp can help you with this!
When your Azbox is still with the official firmware, define your Azbox password and Azbox IP and press
Update. JaZUp will connect to your Azbox and check for and disable Hardware Acceleration if needed.
Then you will need to Power Off / Power On your Azbox.
Then process with the upgrade.
Some processes takes a long time to run: be patient!

JaZUp is reliable, it sends upgrade commands to your Azbox HD and your Azbox HD performed the
upgrade operations. Some steps take a long time.
For example copying E2 kernel files, formating the partitions, just be patient and wait!
If you decide to install E2 on a HDD it will takes an even longer time since the extended partition will
need to be formatted the first time, depending on the size of your HDD this can takes a very long time! So
please be patient, even if your didn't tick the format extended partition this is not taken into account if it is
the first time that you install E2 on your HDD and that the partitions are just created in this case, all the
partitions will be formatted including the extended one.
The option: Format extended partition will only be taken into account if you upgrade from E2 to E2.

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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Upgrade to E2 on DOM

All data in your DOM will be deleted, so you will lose all your official firmware configuration and
From official firmware:

You need to specify the IP address of your Azbox (or use the search function) and the password.

It is advised that you perform a backup of your official firmware, because all the informations will be lost.

Then press on the Update E2

JaZUp will prompt for the patch.e2 file containing the E2 firmware and kernel that you want to install.
This will install the new kernel in your Azbox.
You will come to Rescue Mode, the front panel of your Azbox will show you Rescue Mode? Followed by
the IP address received from your DHCP server.
You can also use the build-in auto discovery function of JaZUp to find your Azbox IP address.

Once you have find the IP address enter it in Jazup, select DOM and press Update.
JaZUp will prompt you again for the patch.e2 file and will perform the following actions:
copy the kernel
create and format the partitions
copy the E2 files

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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Upgrade from E2 to E2:

Vous should turn your Azbox into Rescue Mode from the E2 menu, but if try to upgrade to E2 with
JaZUp and it detect that you are not in Rescue, it will try to turn your Azbox into Rescue Mode.
If the current E2 firmware that you doesn't have an option to go into Rescue Mode or if the switch doesn't
work. Power off your Azbox (with back switch), power it on again, wait 2 seconds and press the VOL+
key on the Azbox front panel (not the one from the RCU!), and wait that the front display show you an IP
address, then release the VOL+ key. Your Azbox is switched to Rescue Mode.
Once in Rescue Mode, the front panel of your Azbox will show you Rescue Mode? Followed by the IP
address received from your DHCP server.

You can also use the build-in auto discovery function of JaZUp to find your Azbox IP address.
If you do an upgrade, I guess that you don't want to lose your extended partition data so please ensure not
to tick this option:

If the current kernel in your Azbox doesn't support the ext4 or if you install a version below 1.1.12
(RC12), please unset this option
Reminder if you upgrade to E2 from the official firmware the extended partition will always be formatted.

Once you have find the IP address enter it in Jazup, select DOM, select if you want to format your
extended partition (if applicable) and press Update E2.
JaZUp will prompt you for the location of the patch.e2 file and will install the files, it will copy the
kernel and the E2 files will be copied.
Once done, JaZUp will restart your Azbox.

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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Upgrade to E2 on USB

Disconnect any external USB HDD that you have connected to your Azbox before
processing with update. Except if your goal is to install E2 on your external USB
We will take no responsibity in case of data lost.
For JaZUp an external USB HDD is a normal USB stick so it will use it to install E2,
so all your data will be lost since partitions will changed!
From official firmware:
This option will not change anything in your DOM, so if you have the official firmware installed in your
DOM, you can return to the official firmware with JaZUp without losing your settings.
Remove any USB device connected to your Azbox HD (hub, keyboard, external HDD,...)..
The first select an USB stick with a minimal capacity of 512 MB, all the content of this USB stick will be
lost and you will have to leave this USB key in your Azbox. Format this key in FAT32 to delete all the

Specify the Azbox IP address and the password and press the update E2 button. JaZUp will check on your
official firmware if hardware acceleration needs to be disabled and priority manager removed, it will
reboot your Azbox if needed. Restart the operation once your Azbox has rebooted.
If the optimal conditions are there to safely flash your Azbox, JaZUp will prompt you for the patch.e2 file
to install the E2 kernel. Once the kernel is installed, your Azbox will reboot.
In Rescue Mode, check the front panel of your Azbox to get the IP address or use the JaZUp autodiscovery process, type the Azbox IP address into JaZUp.
In Rescue Mode connect your USB stick, it will host E2.

Select USB has device in JaZUp and press the Update E2 button. Again JaZUp will prompt you for the
patch.e2 file.
JaZUp will flash kernel, create the partitions and copy the E2 files. Once done, leave the USB stick in
your Azbox and your Azbox will reboot in E2.

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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Upgrade to E2 on internal HDD

This options is reserved for Azbox HD Premium, Premium Plus, Ultra equipped with an internal HDD.
This operation will not change anything in your DOM, so if you have the official firmware installed in
your DOM, you can return to the official firmware with JaZUp without losing your settings.
If you use an external USB HDD and want to use it to host E2, please use the USB upgrade process.

All the datas on your internal HDD will be lost.

The partitions on your internal HDD will be changed and formatted.
The whole format process will take a (very) long time so be patient, JaZUp is not
blocked, it just waits for the format to complete.

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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From official firmware:

You need to specify the Azbox IP address and password (you can use the auto-discovery process to find
your Azbox IP).
Select HDD and press the upgrade E2 button.

Run JaZUp on your official firmware to disable hardware acceleration and remove priority manager and
reboot your Azbox if needed. Your Azbox reboot into official firmware this is normal. Simply restart the
process to install the Kernel.
Jazup will prompt you for the patch.e2 file that you want to install. This step will install the new kernel
and reboot in Rescue Mode.

Once in Rescue Mode check the front panel of your Azbox to get the IP address or use the JaZUp autodiscovery process, type the Azbox IP address into JaZUp, select HDD and press Update E2.
JaZUp will prompt you for the patch.e2 file to use. In this step:
kernel will be copied
partitions will be created and formatted
E2 files will be copied
When the process is finished JaZUp will reboot your Azbox and it will restart in Enigma2.
You will be now in Rescue Mode,.

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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Upgrade from E2 to E2:

Vous should turn your Azbox into Rescue Mode from the E2 menu, but if try to upgrade to E2 with
JaZUp and it detect that you are not in Rescue, it will try to turn your Azbox into Rescue Mode.
If the current E2 firmware that you doesn't have an option to go into Rescue Mode or if the switch doesn't
work. Power off your Azbox (with back switch), power it on again, wait 2 seconds and press the VOL+
key on the Azbox front panel (not the one from the RCU!), and wait that the front display show you an IP
address, then release the VOL+ key. Your Azbox is switched to Rescue Mode.
Once in Rescue Mode, the front panel of your Azbox will show you Rescue Mode? Followed by the IP
address received from your DHCP server.

You can also use the build-in auto discovery function of JaZUp to find your Azbox IP address.
If you do an upgrade, I guess that you don't want to lose your extended partition data so please ensure not
to tick this option:

If the current kernel in your Azbox doesn't support the ext4 or if you install a version below 1.1.12
(RC12), please unset this option
Reminder if you upgrade to E2 from the official firmware the extended partition will always be formatted.

Once you have find the IP address enter it in Jazup, select HDD, select if you want to format your
extended partition (if applicable) and press Update E2.
JaZUp will prompt you for the location of the patch.e2 file and will install the files, it will copy the
kernel and the E2 files will be copied.
Once done, JaZUp will restart your Azbox.

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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Back to offical firmware.

Copy the official firmware file and renamed it: patch.bin (nothing more nothing less) at the root of a
FAT/FAT32 formatted USB memory stick.
If the current E2 firmware that you use doesn't have an option to go into Rescue Mode or if the switch
doesn't work. Power off your Azbox (with back switch), power it on again, wait 2 seconds and press the
VOL+ key on the Azbox front panel (not the one from the RCU!), and wait that the front display show
you an IP address, then release the VOL+ key. Your Azbox is switched to Rescue Mode.
You will be now in Rescue Mode, check the front panel of your Azbox to get the IP address or use the
JaZUp auto-discovery process, type the Azbox IP address into JaZUp.

Cliquer sur: Restore offical boot.

Set the location of the patch.e2 containing the official kernel on your computer.
If the file doesn't contain an official kernel, JaZUp will refuse the upgrade.
JaZUp will flash kernel based on the patch.e2 file (and not based on the patch.bin files on the USB stick).
After this, your Azbox will restart on the official upgrade screen of your Azbox.
Insert the USB key that you prepare with patch.bin file.
4/ Format application Area and then
1/ Upgrade USB.
When prompted, remove the USB stick.
Once your Azbox is restarted, go into 11. Settings Network Services Telnet (activate) and FTP
If you have previously taken a backup of your settings with JaZUp it is now time to use JaZUp restore

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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Known issues:
Unable to delete USB partitions in Windows:
After installing E2 on an USB stick, it seems difficult to Windows system to delete the partitions and
format the key. So it is strongly adviced to run the following tools on your USB stick to set it back into
normal state: HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool - v2.1.8
Azbox doesn't stop in Rescue Mode
If the current E2 firmware that you use doesn't have an option to go into Rescue Mode or if the JaZUp
switch doesn't work. Power off your Azbox (with back switch), power it on again, wait 2 seconds and
press the VOL+ key on the Azbox front panel (not the one from the RCU!), and wait that the front display
show you an IP address, then release the VOL+ key. Your Azbox is switched to Rescue Mode.
AZBox doesn't restart when JaZUp mention that it reboot
You need to restart manually your Azbox. This problem is not in our hands.
Ext4 don't work on the Azbox firmware doesn't boot
Ext4 is no longer supported with the latest kernels.
My firmware / kernel mention in the release note that is support ext4 but JaZUp mention the opposite.
Since ext4 support in kernel is difficult to track now, it is possible that JaZUp doesn't recognise that the
kernel support ext4. In this case JaZUp will use ext3 which is supported by all kernel version.

JaZUp by Hectore and Pr2, please consider to donate.

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