Lulu's Health Reading

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I haven't read all the responses, but I see the issues more strongly related to

the 7th house planets, more so than the 6th although I suspect both the 6th and
the 8th play a role also. The 1st, 6th, 8th and 12th houses are usually promine
nt in medical astrology.
Sag rules the thighs, Cap the bones in general but the knees specifically (as we
ll as veins), Aqua the lower legs (and nervous and circulatory system) and Pisce
s the feet. I wonder what part(s) of the leg are involved? Is the neck involve
d with the spinal issues? Are skin issues involved? Also, do you know the exac
t area of the spine involved, e.i., C-1, C-2, etc.?
Chart ruler, Sun, rules the spine. The inconjunct is a major, if not the major,
health aspect. Although I pay close attention to other "minor" hard aspects as
well as the major hard aspects of course. Jupiter expands, usually more connec
ted to tumors and cancer, but can for example, expand cholesterol in the blood o
r any other issue. Mercury is involved in neural pains but also circulatory iss
ues. Saturn (as well as Mars) are very commonly the trigger or 'cause'. Saturn
rules bones/skin and Mars rules inflammation, toxins, muscle tissue and the ent
ire muscular system (including tendons/ligaments). Pluto relates to genetic dis
orders, metabolism, and will transform what it touches. In hard aspects this co
uld mean from healthy blood to abnormal qualities, and healthy bones to abnormal
. Pluto also relates to something that is rather permanent, or at least very in
How I read it starting with the 7th house planetary placement; The chart ruler,
Sun, clearly shows the spinal issues, Saturn in Aqua lower leg issues, with Mer
cury adding to circulatory and nerve issues. Pluto from the 4th square the 7th
planets, I do wonder if there aren't also some hereditary issues involved, but e
ither way is involved in transformation of the above planetary signatures. I a
lso think the 6th and 8th should be factored in. The 6th, the house of health w
ith Mars (muscles) in Cap (bones). According to Judith Hill Uranus in Cap relat
es to: "disruptions of mineral balanced in body and bond, rare genetic diseases
, falls, rare bone diseases, oddities of bone growth or structure, osteoporosis.
.." Which sound rather fitting and Uranus is also related to arteries. Neptune
is often found in hard to diagnose health issues. And of course you have Moon
(fluids) in Pisces (feet) with semi-sextile to the 7th house planets. I view t
he semi-sextile as a difficult (hard) aspect, thus all three houses are effected
I also would view the potential nerve disorder placements, Aqua, Mercury, Uranus
related to the paralysis you spoke of. Also worth mentioning is the 2nd house
relates to blood and the 7th to balance of the body, spine. The 1st ,6th, 8th&
12th are pretty self-explanatory.

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