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BBC Learning English

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BBC Learning English - Quiznet
Grammar usedto
For each of the six questi ons choose the one correct answer.
1. Whi ch of the foll owing i s NOT possi bl e? WhenI li ved i n Spain, we ____ real ly
late at ni ght,
may be 10 or 11 o'cl ock.
a. were used to eat
b. ate
c. used to eat
d. woul d eat
2. Di d you see the Pri me Minist ers speech? He ________ about debt reli ef i n
developi ng
count ri es.
a. speak
b. spoke
c. spoken
d. used to speak
3. Whi ch of the foll owing i s NOT correct?I remember our tri ps to the seasi de
whenI was a
li ttl e boy, we ________ all day playi ng in t he sea.
a. woul d spend
b. used to spend
c. spended

d. spent
4. When Guil laume li ved i n France he ________ 20 ci garettes a day.
a. used to smoke
b. used to smoking
c. was used to smoke
d. used to smoked
5. Whi ch i s the bestresponse to use i n every day conversati on? FirstI found li
ving i n the city
very stressful, but nowI guess ___________.
a. I'm used to it
b. I 'm accustomed to i t
c. I'm f amili ar wi th i t
d. I used to
6. Jean ________ hi s new j ob l ast week, he' s worki ng i n the new call centre
a. used to start
b. woul d start
c. started
d. had started
BBC Learning English
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BBC Learning English - Quiznet
Grammar usedto
1. Whi ch of the foll owing i s NOT possi bl e? WhenI li ved i n Spain, we ______ real
ly late at

ni ght, maybe 10 or 11 o' cl ock.

a. were usedto eat- 'We were used to eat' is not possible. It isthe correct answer.
b. ate- 'ate' i s the past of eat.
c. used to eat - ' We used to eat' descri bes a past habi t e.g. He used t o
smoke(maybe for a l ong
time), but now he doesn't.
d. woul d eat - ' We would eat' descri bes a past habi t e.g. 'We woul d eatreall y l
ate at ni ght'
2. Di d you see the Pri me Minist ers speech? He ____ about debt reli ef i n developi
ng count ries.
a. speak- 'Speak' i s the present f orm, what's the past of speak?
b. spoke- 'Spoke' isthe past of speak. Correct
c. spoken- 'Spoken' i s the past parti ci pl e of speak.
d. used to speak- 'Used to speak' describes a past habi t - something which
happened a l ot.
3. Whi ch of the foll owing i s NOT correct?I remember our tri ps to the seasi de
when I was a
li ttl e boy, we ________ all day playi ng in t he sea.
a. woul d spend - Use 'woul d + i nf i ni tive' toremember things i n the past, of t
en wi th a ' nostal gi c
vi si on' of the past.
b. used to spendwhi ch happened

Use 'used to + i nf i ni ti ve' to tal k about past habi ts- thi ngs

of ten.
c. spended- Spended isnt possible- what'sthe irregular past form of spend? Correct.
d. spent- Spent can be used to descri be thi ngs whi ch happened once or more
that once.
4. When Guil laume li ved i n France he ________ 20 ci garettes a day.
a. used to smoke - describes a past habit. He usedto smoke(maybe for a longtime),

now he doesn't. Correct

b. used to smoking- 'Used to smoki ng' i s not correct.
c. was used to smoke- 'Was used t o smoke' is not correct.
d. used to smoked- Used to smoked i s not correct
5. Whi ch i s the bestresponse to use i n everyday conversati on? FirstI found li vi
ng i n the city
very stressful, but nowI guess ___________.
a. I'm used to it - suggests something was(but is not now) unfamiliar or strange.
b. I 'm accust omed to i t- i s very formal not f or everyday conversation
c. I'm f amili ar wi th i t - i s very formal- not for everyday conversation
d. I used to- i s not correct, y ou need to use an obj ect af t er t he verb i .e. I'm
used to somethi ng.
6. Jean ________ hi s new j ob l ast week, he' s worki ng i n the new call centre
a. used to start- suggests somethi ng happenedregul arl y- he used to start at 8
b. woul d start- suggests somethi ng happenedregul arl y- he would start at 8 am
(every day).
c. started - is correct asthis action happened only once. Correct
d. had started- i s not correct- use thi s verb form(past perfect) to descri be thi ngs
whi ch
happen before another ti me i n the past.

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