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Higher than the highest good - it's posessor - who

Remover of ignorance, giver of true knowledge, and grace - who
Remebering always -the liberated souls- their Supreme Lord - who
The Dispeller of sadness, with luminous feet: prostrate before them and get upli
fted - Oh my mind 1.1.1
Oh my mind! you attain salvation by
prostrating at the bright shining Lotus Feet of the One,- the
unparalleled one, who has got everything that is GREAT in Himwho has blessed me with gnAnam and Bhakthi which destroys my
"agnAnam" (ignorance and wrong knowldege) completely- who
is the Chief of immortal dEvAs."
mananakamalamaRa* malarmisai ezhutharum*
mananuNar vaLavilan,* poRiyuNar vavaiyilan*
inanuNar, muzhunNalam,* ethirnNikazh kazhivinum*
inanilan enanuyir,* miku narai ilanE. 1.1.2
"My "uyir" (AntharyAmi) is He, who is- incomprehensible even by
those yOgis, who are able to control their desire(lust), anger arising
in their minds,- immeasurable by the fullest capacities of five sense
organs, - has got such attributes and character, - who
has got no one equal to Him at all times (past, present and the
future)- who has got none greater than Him."
ilanathu udaiyanithu* ena ninaivariyavan*
nilanidai visumbidai* uruvinan aruvinan*
pulanodu pulanalan,* ozhivilan parantha* annalanudai oruvanai* naNukinam naamE.* 1.1.3
I have already attained that emperumAn.who can not say that He has this in Him and He does not have that in
Him- (means He has Everything in Him; yet He is attached to nothing)
such a great attribute He hasHe has entered into the forms of everything in the Universe and in
"viNNagam" (dEva, Brahma, Vikunta lOkam)- at the same time ,He is of
no form . Like that, even though He has mixed Himself with everything
that can be perceived by sense organs, He still can NOT be perceived
by our senses; _ He has got all that is spread everywhere- the emperumAnwho has got such GREAT attributes- I have already attained Him."
naam avan
ivan_ uvan,*
we, that he, this he and he in between, that she, this she, she in between a
nd she wherever
thaamavar ivar_
those and these people people in-between, it there, it here, it in-between and
it wherever
veem avai
avainNalam, theenkavai*
persihable things, things here and in-between, good things, bad things
aay avaiy
aay* ninRa avarE.*
future things, past things; has become; He Himself
The emperumAn is and has become that guy, this guy and the one who is
in between that guy and this guy- that lady, this lady and the one

who is in between that and this lady- those and these people and ones
who are in between them- that and this object and those objects which
are in between them- the one which is a question in our minds; good
things; bad things; past, present and future things; things which
are never permanent and are going to be perished;2795:

thamathamathu* aRivaRi vakaivakai*

iRaiyavar* ena adi adaivargaL*
iRaiyavar* kuRaivilar iRaiyavar*
vidhivazhi* adaiya ninRanarE. 1.1.5

Those gnAnis, who, with their knowledge and bhakti understand their
Gods as "The One, who has no second" and surrender at Those Gods' feet.
Such Gods bless and give everything to Their devotees and satify them .
Not due to their powers; but due to the Grace and mercy of Sriman
NarayaNan who is present in those Gods as antharyAmi in their Hearts. "
ninRanar irunthanar* kidanthanar thirinthanar*
ninRilar irunthilar* kidanthilar thirinthilar*
enRumor iyalvinar* enanNinai variyavar*
enRumor iyalvodu* ninRa_venthidarE.
Those who are standing, sitting, lying down; those who are NOT standing;
NOT sitting and NOT lying down- all of them are directed and guided by
Him; Such as He can not be thought of as one who is of same kind of form
and nature at all times; At the same time He has got same kind of
GREATNESS and ATTRIBUTES at all times; such as He, due to our vairAgyam
(determination), has become mine
thidavisum perivaLi* neernNilam ivaimisai*
padar_poruL muzhuvathumaay* avai avaithoRum*
udalmisai uyirenak* karanthenkum paranthuLan*
sudarmiku suruthiyuL* ivaiyanda suranE. 1.1.7
The sturdy agAyam, fire, wind, water and the earth,(Pancha bhoothangaL)
with those, He has become one Himself with everything that is in those
pancha bhoothangaL; In each of those everything, He has hidden Himself as
its life . Like that He has entered and spread everywhere and in everything
like the light that spreads everywhere; Such a GREAT Emperumaan at the
end of cycle, (yugam), He takes and unites everything back to Him."
suraraRi varunNilai* viNmudhal muzhuvathum*
varan muthalaayavai* muzhuthunda paraparan*
puramoru moonReriththu* amararkku aRiviyanthu*
aranayan ena* _ulakazhiththamaith thuLanE.
ParamporuL, the one who can NOT be even known by devAs,(celestial ones);
who is the cause of all that is created and is the consumer of everything
by eating and keeping them in His body at the end of cosmic cycle; who
takes the form of RudhrA and burns; who takes the form of brahmaa and
created the Universe and gives gnAnam to dEvAs; Like that He enters
into Rudran and Brahman as their antharAtmA
uLanenil uLan_avan* uruvam_ivvuruvugaL*
uLanalanenil, avan* aruvamivvaruvugaL*

uLanena ilanena* ivaiguNa mudaimaiyil*

uLan_iru thakaimaiyodu* ozhivilan paranthE.


He exists" means He exists (for theists); He does not exist also

implies He exists; - He has got such attributes and nature which
can be described as existent as well as non-existent; He takes
the forms as well as NO Forms; With such sthoola sareeram and
sookshuma sareeram, He exists and is spread EVERYWHERE."
paranthathaN paravaiyuL* neerdhoRum parandhuLan*
parantha _aNdamithena:* nilavisum pozhivaRa*
karantha silidanthoRum* idanthikazh poruLthoRum*
karanthenkum paranthuLan:* ivaiyunda karanE.
Emperumaan exists and is in each atom of water droplet of the Ocean
which spreads everywhere as if the atom itself is and spreads the
entire cosmic universe; Like that, He fills entirely even in the
MINUTEST Microcosmic particles and their atoms; With such nature He
exists and at the END, He takes back everything back to Him and stays
karavisum perivaLi* neernNilam ivaimisai*
varanavil thiRalvali* aLipoRaiyaay nNinRa*
paran_adi mEl* kurukoorch sadagOpan_sol*
niral niRai aayiraththu* ivaipaththum veedE. (2)


ParamporuL- the one who has become and is the sound, burning capacity,
strength, coolness and the endurance/patience- the attributes of the
pancha bhoothangaL (respectively aagaayam, fire, air, water, earth);
His Lotus feet are the topic of pasurams of kurugoor sadagopan
- which are rich in meanings and in literary sense- the ten pAsurams
of these full 1000 pAsurams can give mOksham (to all of us, dear ones!)
veedumin muRRavum* veeduseythu* ummuyir
veedudai yaaNnidai* veeduseymminE. (2) 1.2.1
Leave all attachments to the worldly things. Then after leaving them,
hand over your "athmaa" to the "empiraan" (my Lord) who owns moksha
lOkam, parama padam
minnin nilaiyila* mannuyir aakkaigaL*
ennu midaththu* iRai unnumin neerE.


the bodies which house the "athmaa" are like a flicker, last lesser
time than lighting and are not all permanent- Think and say that
and then you think of the Ever-permanent, Emperumaan
neernNumathu enRivai* vErmuthal maayththu* iRai
sErmin uyirkku* athan nErnNiRai yillE. 1.2.3
yours, you- such ahankaara, mamakaaram- Remove them from right at
the root level and surrender to the Emperumaan. There is no equal
and better action than that for the "athmaa".

illathum uLLathum* allathu avanuru*

ellaiyil anNnNalam* pulkupaRRaRRE.


That Emperumaan's form is there as well as NOT there; That form is a

kinda infinite and unlimited Divine Bliss and pErAnandham. Hence,
remove and put aside the desires for other worldly things and embrace
and hug Emperumaan (tightly).
aRRathupaRRenil* uRRathu veedu_uyir*
seRRathu mannuRil* aRRiRai paRRE.


If the attachments to worldly matters are removed, atmA can get mOksham.
Hate that mOksham too, and deisre and opt for Bhagavadh vishayam and
service and kainkaryam to emperumaan and get attached to Him
paRRilan eesanum* muRRavum ninRanan*
paRRilaiyaay* avan muRRiladankE.


Emperumaan has got no attachments; He exists everywhere in its full

entirety. Hence, you do not get attached to any other thing and immerse
yourself in ALL kinds of kaikanaryams and all sorts of service to Emperumaan.
adankezhil sampaththu* adankakkandu* eesan
adankezhil aqthenRu* adankuka uLLE.
Barge right into that Bhagavdh vibhoothi (the Divine Wealth) and see that
Bhagavadh vibhoothi which is exquisitely beautiful in all respects
and consider that the entire Wealth belong to His
uLLam urai seyal* uLLa immoonRaiyum*
uLLik keduththu* iRai yuLLilodunkE.


Mind, Speech and Action- Weigh and analyse all these three things and
remove any attachment of all these to "other worldly" things and get
cuddled into Emperumaan
odunka avaNnkaN* odunkalum ellaam*
vidum; pinnum aakkai* vidumpozhuthu eNNE.


If you get yourself cuddled into the thinking of Emperumaan, then only,
attachement to "other" things will go away. (Once that is done), then,
anticipate (eagerly) for the day when you are going to get out of this body.
eNperukku anNnNalaththu* oNporuL eeRila*
vaNpugazh naaraNan* thiNkazhal sErE.


When you start thinking of His GuNAs , they keep on expanding and increasing.
He has all Great JeevAthmaas in Him; He has the endless, innumerable kalyANa
GuNAs; He is Sriman NARAYANAN. Hold Sriman Narayanan's Thiruvadi which never
desert His bhaktaaLs.
sErththadath* theNnkuru koorch chadagOpan sol*
seerththodai aayiraththu* Orththa_ippaththE. (2)


Thse ten pAsurams out of 1000 Pasurams have got all that is Great and have been
sung ("aruLiya") by NammAzhwAr, who is born in Thirukkurugoor where beautiful
ponds exist
paththudai adiyavarkku eLiyavan;* piRargaLukku ariya
viththakan* malarmagaLvirumpum* nNam arumpeRal adigaL*
maththuRu kadaiveNNey* kaLavinil uravidaiyaap pundu*
eththiRam, uralinOdu* iNaindhirunthu Enkiya eLivE! (2) 1.3.1
Emperumaan is sowlabhyan (simple) for His bhakthAs; For others He is a real rari
and is capable of achieving both such contradicting natures at the same time; Th
emperumaan a rarity- the one who is the beloved of Sri Mahalakshmi sitting on
the Lotus- is so SIMPLE and SOWLABHYAN to get tied down to "ural" close to his
chest innocently for His stealing butter(veNNai) which YasOdhA (His mother) had
churned; What a GREAT SOWLABHYAN He is and How simple He is!
(I am not saying; AzhwAr says!)
eLivarum iyalvinan* nilaivaram pilapala piRappaay*
oLivaru muzhunNalam* muthalila kEdila veedaam*
theLitharum nilaimaiyathu ozhivilan* muzhuvathum; iRaiyOn*
aLivarum aruLinOdu* akaththanan puRaththanaNn amainthE. 1.3.2
Emperumaan has got such sowlabhya GuNA as His nature; He has taken "avataarams"
which can not be categorized as one type or one trend/nature; He is enriched wit
bright nature and has ALL kalyANa gunas which have no beginning and no end; He i
equipped with the capacity of granting mOksha Gnanam at all times;- Such a GREAT
merciful Lord, stays at the BhagavatOttamALs' Hearts willingly at all times and
NOT AT ALL APPROACHABLE for those who do not have bhakti for Him."

aRanNeRi* muzhuvathum uyarvaRa uyarnthu*

muthalkedal* odividaiyaRa nNilamathuvaam*
amararum* yaavaiyum yaavarum thaanaam*
naaraNan* maayaiyai aRipavar yaarE? 1.3.3

Equipped with such Great dharma (virtues) which are not inferior to any other dh
armasuch all time Greats who possess the duty to create, destroy etc., like brahma,
and all other dEvAs, all chEtanAs (sentinents) and achEtanAs (non-sentinents); T
he One
who has become one and all and becomes all by Himself; Who knows the "avataara r
(secret and concept of His avataars)?- Absolutely NO ONE KNOWS.
yaarum Or nilaimaiyanena* aRivariya emperumaan*
yaarum Or nilaimaiyanena* aRiveLiya emperumaan*
pErum Oraayiram* piRapala udaiya emperumaan*
pErum Or uruvamum* uLathillai ilathillai piNakkE.


My Emperumaan- Even a Great Gnani can not say firmly that He has one nature; At
same time Even a fool (like me!) can easily say He is of this form and nature;
such a simple Lord; The names the forms are so many thousands for Him; "He does
not have one name and one form". claims many who do not love Him most; "Not that
He is of this name and form only"- claims those who are His bhakthAs- and their
arguments will continue for ever and ever"
piNakkaRa aRuvakaich chamayamum* neRiyuLLi uraiththa*
kaNakkaRu nalaththanan* anthamil aadhiyam bagavan*
vaNakkudaith thavanNeRi* vazhinNinRu puRanNeRi kaLaikattu*
uNakkumin, pasaiyaRa!* avanudai uNarvu koNduNarndhE.
Emperumaan gave us the vEdhas and their ways; He is full of kalyANa guNAs; He is
primordial Lord who has no end; He is equipped with beautiful Great GnAnam; - Fo
the respected Bhakti way for Him and leave all "other" ways; Realise the Gnanam
He has granted us; and get rid of the poorva vaasanAs (praaraptha karmaas).
uNarnthuNarnNthizhinthakanRu* uyarnthuruviyantha inNnNilaimai*
uNarnthuNarnthuNarilum* iRainNilai uNarvarithu uirgaaL!*
uNarnthuNarnNthuraiththuraiththu* ariyayaNnaranennum ivarai*
uNarnthuNarnNthuraiththuraiththu* iRainchumin manappattathonRE. 1.3.6
Think; Think and try to find out; the one which spans everywhere and is in every
- the Athmaa- Even if you get to know the nature of this athmaa through your ear
your eyes; your minds, you can not get to know the nature of sarvEswaran. In sp
of that, Oh People!, Thirumaal, Brahman, Sivan- Think of them always and try to
in many ways and concentrate on THE ONE whom you think as "sarvEswaran" whom you
able to appreciate wholeheartedly; Keep talking about His glories again and agai
n and
prostrate to Him" (Wait, sisters and brothers, Go to the next pAsuram where Azhw
has given his verdict on who the "sarvEswaran" is).
onRenappalavena* aRivarum vadivinuL ninRa*
nanRezhil naaraNan* naanmukan aranennum ivarai*
onRanNum manaththuvaiththu* uLLinNum irupasai aRuththu*
nanRena nalancheyvathu* avanidai nammudai naaLE.
The Supreme God is one and He is incomprehensible for all; He is equipped with G
kalyANa guNAs; Think and analyse of the three NarayaNan, Brahman and Sivan witho
getting attached to any of them; Think of Their nature, Their attributes and guN
and Their capacities; compare Their attributes and Their capacities; - remove yo
iswara bhuddhi on two of them and concentrate on the Only One, Sriman NarayaNan

offer your bhakti to only Him for the Rest of your Life fully saying "this is th
only useful action that I can do".
naaLum ninRadunNamapazhamai* aNGkodu vinaiyudanE
maaLum* Or kuRaivillai;* mananaka malamaRak kazhuvi*
naaLum nNam thiruvudai adigaLtham* nalankazhal vaNanki*
maaLum Oridaththilum* vaNakkodu maaLvathu valamE.
If you remove the dirt of considering all three of them are equal, - consider lo
and purify your mind by praying and prostrating to the Lotus Feet of emperumaan
who is
the Lord of Sri Mahalakshmi, then, the worst grandest, deadliest old sins that h
ave been
accrued over the ages for so many births will go away immediately; Then you wil
l have
no grievances; Then even when you are on your death bed, you will think of Him.
valaththanan thiripuram eriththavan,* idampeRath thunthith
thalaththu* ezhu thisaimukan padaiththa* nNallulagamum thaanum
pulappada* pinnum thannulagaththil* akaththanan thaanE
solappukil* ivaipinnum vayiRRuLa;* ivai avan thuyakkE. 1.3.9
The Great creator Brahma along with his world stayed in His "naabhi" (navel); Si
stays at His right side; To become more explicit He Himself entered as an avataa
r in
His own world which He created; If we try to say all this, He takes everything i
n His
stomach at the end of cosmic cycle (praLaya kaalam). Such actions of His make us
wonderstuck and awestruck."
thuyakkaRu mathiyilnNal NYaanaththuL* amararaith thuyakkum*
mayakkudai maayaigaL* vaanilum periyana vallan*
puyaRkaru niRaththanan;* perunNilam kadantha nNal adippOdhu*
ayarppilan alaRRuvan* thazhuvuvan vaNankuvan amarnthE. 1.3.10
Emperumaan, the One who can make even the dEvAs (who are equipped with gnAnam) a
with His Great leelaas and mischief in His avataars; the One who is black and bl
ue hued
like a dark cloud; - I can not forget His Lotus Feet which measured the Earth ef
I will hug and embrace Those Lotus Feet. I will not attach myself to any "other"
thing and
meditate only on His Lotus Feet and pay obeisance to Him.
amarargaL thozhuthezha* alaikadal kadaindhavan dhannai*
amar_pozhil vaLankurukoorch* chadagOpan kuRREvalgaL*
amarsuvai aayiraththu* avaRRinuL ivai paththum vallaar*
amararOdu uyarvilchenRu* aRuvardham piRaviyaNY chiRaiyE. (2)
Those who learn and recite these ten pAsurams of the sweetest 1000 pAsurams (of

who was born in Thirukkurugoor) which talk about the Greatness of Emperumaan who
the Milky Ocean for the upliftment of dEvAs, will definitely get paramapadham al
ong with
dEvAs and get rid of the imprisonment of "this Birth". ( It is certain that we
get such
a parampadham for having read azhwAr's this ten, dear ones!)
anchiRaiya madanNaaraay! *aLiyaththaay!* neeyumnNin
anchiRaiya sEvalumaay* aavaa enRu enakkaruLi*
venchiRaippuLLuyarththaarkku* en vidudhoodhaaych chenRakkaal*
vaNnchiRaiyil avanvaikkil* vaippundaal eNncheyyumO? (2) 1.4.1
Oh naaraiyE! (Crane?), the one who has beautiful feathers! The one who is ready
to offer help!, you and your beautiful beloved join and take pity on my this
sorry state of affairs, and have mercy on me; Please go to emperumaan who has
His GarudA in His flag and be horror to His enemies; If you go to Him as my
messenger, and if you are imprisoned by Him will it trouble you? No. here,
it is interpreted that imprisonment is Lord not talking to the bird properly).
eNncheyya thaamaraikkaN* perumaanaarkku eNndhoodhaay*
eNncheyyum uraiththakkaal?* inakkuyilkaaL! neeralirE?*
muNncheytha muzhuvinaiyaal* thiruvadikkeezhk kuRREval*
muNncheyya muyalaathEn* akalvathuvO? vidhiyinamE.
Oh flock of cuckoos!(kuyilgaLE!) If you go as my messenger and tell Him,( who
is my dear senthaamaraikkaNNan) what I tell you, will it do any bad to you? (No)
You are my friendly kuyilgaL. Aren't you? Because of my sins accrued over so man
ages (births), I have not been trying to render service to His Lotus
Feet. Is it correct on my part not to start that at least NOW?
vidhiyinaal pedaimaNakkum* mennadaiya annankaaL!*
madhiyinaal kuRaLmaaNaay* ulakirandha kaLvaRku*
madhiyilEn valvinaiyE* maaLaathO? enRu oruththi*
madhiyellaam uLkalanki* mayankumaal' enneerE! 1.4.3
Because of previous good done by you, you are with your beloved, Oh annap parava
(swans) With His intellect and Greatness, He begged for the entire Universe as
"Vaamana avathaaram"; To such Lord, "Please go and tell as my messenger that "th
e foolish
Girl" has been suffering due to her past tremendous sins; and such girl is total
ly mad
and blind after Him".
ennNeermai kandiranki* ithuthakaathu ennaatha*
ennNeela mukilvaNNaRku* en_solliyaan sollukEnO?*
nNanneermai iniyavar kaN* thankaathenRu oruvaaychchol*
nNanneela makanRilkaaL!* nalkuthirO? nalkeerO? 1.4.4
Take pity on me after seeing my pitiable state with my separation from Him. He d
not think "such a girl should not be separated" and act accordingly; To such a

blue hued Lord, what I am going to send the message as? My present good state
(of being away from the Lord), will not stay with me any more; will you please t
such a truth to the Lord Oh blue-coloured anRil paRavaigaLE! Or Will you not?"
nNalkiththaan kaaththaLikkum* pozhilEzhum; vinaiyERkE*
nNalkaththaan aakaathO?* naaraNanaik kandakkaal*
malkunNeer_p punaRpadappai* iraithErvaN siRukurukE!*
malkunNeerk kaNNERku* Or vaasakankoNdu aruLaayE.
Oh kurugu paravaiyE!, the one which looks for food in the flower-filled beautifu
Garden full of cool ponds! The One, who shows mercy by Himself and removes the
grievances and protects the seven worlds, is my emperumaan. Such an emperumaanCan He not shower His mercy on me, the sinner? If you see that emperumaan tell
about my tear filled eyes and get a word from Him."
aruLaatha neeraruLi* avaraavi thuvaraamun*
aruLaazhip putkadaveer* avarveethi orunNaaL' enRu*
aruLaazhiyammaanaik* kandakkaal ithusolli*
aruL aazhi varivandE!* yaamum en pizhaiththOmE? 1.4.6
Oh vaNdE(beetle)!, the one which has got circular beautiful lines on you!, when
you see
the ocean of mercy, my emperumaan, tell Him that "Since You have not taken mercy
that lady, Before she dies go in that street at least one day where she lives by
on the merciful GarudA". What wrong we did for not getting His "aruL"?
enbizhaik kOppathupOlap* panivaadai eerginRa*
enbizhaiyE ninaindharuLi* aruLaatha thirumaalaarkku*
enbizhaiththaaL thiruvadiyin* thakavinukku enRu oruvaaychchol*
enbizhaikkum? iLankiLiyE!* yaanvaLarththa neeyalaiyE? 1.4.7
Oh kiLippiLLaiyE! (parrot!) the chill breeze is troubling me as if the thread is
into the bone hole; I am suffering like that; He thinks only of my sins and apac
and is not taking pity on me and is not showing His mercy; Go and ask that thiru
my emperumaan "What wrong did she commit for not enabling her to join Your Lotus
What is the harm in asking that? Are you not my pet parrot? If yes, Go."
nNeeyalaiyE? chiRupoovaay!* nedumaalaarkku eNnthoothaay*
nNOyenathu nuvalenna,* nuvalaathE irundhozhindhaay*
saayalodu maNimaamai* thaLarndhEn naan* iNni unathuvaayalakil innadisil* vaippaarai naadaayE.
Oh siRiya poovaiyE!( a small bird) You have changed. I asked you to tell thiruma
as my messenger about my disease of being separated from Him. But you did not te
even after I requested you. I have even lost my shining golden colour of my body

Hereafter, you go and search your food with your beak from someone else. I will
not feed you
naadaatha malar_naadi* naaLdhORum naaraNan dhan*
vaadaatha malaradikkeezh* vaikkavE vakukkinRu*
veedaadi veeRRiruththal* vinaiyaRRathu en seyvathO?*
oodaadu panivaadaay!* uraiththeeraay enathudalE.


Srirama Bahrarati
O Cool dew-breeze! This body is made for collecting flowers to place at the feet
my Lord Narayana everyday. Of what use is it to be separated from him thus? Go a
him this, then come back and split my bones.
Sri BSS Iyengar
Cold wind breezing forth between! Split my body into two after submitting to the
"What use this ill luck of being alone in separation instead of being engaged in
finding and offering daily rare flowers at the ever fresh lotus feet of Narayana
Notes: Even as the heroine was telling her pet parrot about her hopeless state o
health, a cold breeze struck her as if an executioner sent by the king to punish
the wicked prisoner! Thee executioner himself is sent back with a last moment
appeal before execution!
Sri Madhavakannan
vaadaik kaaRRE! The summer breeze!, the one which loiters here and there without
hurdle!, Everyday, search and gather the flowers which are not searched by othe
such special Lotus flowers are to be placed at His Lotus Feet everyday; For that
purpose only, the parts are created. Even then, I have been suffering from being
from Him; It is my destiny and my ill luck only. Why did this state come to me?
please go and tell my this state to emperumaan and get a good reply and make us
with each other. Else, you divide my body into half
udalaazhip piRappuveedu* uyirmuthalaa muRRumaay*
kadalaazhi neerdhORRi* athanuLLE kaNvaLarum*
adalaazhi ammaanaik* kandakkaal ithusolli*
vidal aazhi madanNenchE!* vinaiyO onRaamaLavE. 1.4.10
Oh foolish mind, the one which keeps going around the emperumaan only! If you
see the Lord, emperumaan, who becomes and has in His body, all matters which
undergo birth, mOksham, athmaa, etc.; who appears in the Ocean with deep waters
and sleeps in that Ocean; - if you see Him, go and tell my this state and DO NOT
LEAVE HIM till we become UNITED with Him."

aLaviyanRa Ezhulagaththu* avar_perumaan kaNNanai*
vaLavayalchoozh vaNkurukoorchch* chadagOpan vaayndhuraiththa*
aLaviyanRa andhaathi* aayiraththuL ippaththin*
vaLavuraiyaal peRalaakum* vaanOnku peruvaLamE. (2)
The limitless emperumaan, the Lord of Seven worlds- kaNNan- about whom these ten
pAsurams have been mercifully sung out of 1000 pAsurams by NammAzhwAr born in
Thirukkurugoor surrounded by beautiful fertile fields; If one reads these such
ten pAsurams, with these great fertile words, he(or she) can be blessed with the
Greatest Big wealth in paramapadham."
vaLavEzh ulakin muthalaaya* vaanOr iRaiyai* aruvinaiyEn'kaLavEzh veNNey thoduvunda* kaLvaa!' enpan; pinnaiyum*
'thaLavEzh muRuval pinnaikkaay* vallaan aayar thalaivaNnaay*
iLavEREzhum thazhuviya* endhaay!' enpan ninaindhunNaindhE. (2) 1.5.1
The Lord of dEvAs, who is the Chief primordial Lord of the Fertle Seven lOkAs,
- I have been thinking of Him and am longing for Him and melting. I am calling
Him as "The Thief! Who stole and hid the butter and even shined in that stealing
profession, too! ". Further more, I will call Him as "Oh My Lord, the One who
is Youthful and hugged The Seven Oxen; and who came as the Lord of Nappinaithe one who always wore the flower bud-like smile on her face!"
nNinaindhunaindhu uLkaraindhuruki,* imaiyOr palarum munivarum*
punaindha kaNNi neersaandham* pukaiyOdu Endhi vaNankinaal*
nNinaindha ellaap poruLkatkum* viththaay, muthalil sithaiyaamE*
manam sey NYaanaththu unperumai* maasooNaathO? maayOnE!
Oh bhagawaanE!, the One, who always makes me wonderstruck! The dEvAs and GnAnis
and all other people keep thinking of Your kalyANa GuNAs, and with trmendous
affection and love , bhakthi for You, pay obeisance to You with garlands of scen
flowers, Holy waters for Your Holy bath (thirumanjanam), sughandha (Good smellin
"saambhiraaNi" smoke to dry your divine body after bath, sandal, and
prostrate at Your Lotus Feet- with a thinking that You are just a Form, Will tha
GnAnam not belittle Your Greatness, My Lord? (It will definitely) (Sisters and
brothers, it is to be interpreted that He is incomprehensible and can NOT be jus
considered as ONE FORM.- It is not to talk less of BhaagavathaaLs' Bhakthi for H
but to talk more of Lord's Greatness)
maayONnigaLaay nadaikaRRa* vaanOr palarum munivarum*
'nNeeyONnigaLaip padai' enRu* niRainNaan mukanaip padaiththavan*
sEyOn ellaa aRivukkum;* thisaikaL ellaam thiruvadiyaal
thaayOn* ellaa evvuyirkkum thaayOn* thaanOr uruvanE.
You, who is My Lord, is the One who created Brahmaa saying "Go and created the d
(who are blessed with such births), rishis, and all other beings" and gave brahm

such knowledge and power to discharge his duties; You can NOT be reached with an
amounts of knowledge and intellect; You are the One who measured all directions
Your Lotus Feet; You are the Mother for all kinds of sentient and non-sentient b
Such an emperumaan has taken a SIMPLE FORM and entered into temples! What a Grea
t sowlabhyan
thaanOr uruvE thaniviththaayth* thannil moovar muthalaaya*
vaanOr palarum munivarum* maRRum maRRum muRRumaay*
thaanOr perunNeer thannuLLE thORRi* athanuL kaNvaLarum*
vaanOr perumaan maamaayaNn* vaikunNthan _em perumaanE. 1.5.4
Brahman, Rudran, Indran- He was not one among such; He was the Only One; He has
Form; Without any cause and effect, He was, as the Only One, as the Primordial O
became within Him- Brahman, Rudran and Indran and such other dEvAs, Rishis and s
and non-sentient beings; - Like that He created all these and at the Cosmic Cycl
e end
(PraLaya kaalam, which also He Himself creates), and He undertakes Yoga NithrA i
n that
Ocean which He creates; He is the Most Wonderful Lord; The incomprehensible Chie
Vaikunta Nathan; My Nathan
maanEy nOkki madavaaLai* maarvil kondaay! maadhavaa!*
koonE sithaiya undaivil* niRaththil theRiththaay! gOvindhaa!*
vaanaar sOthi maNivaNNaa!* madhusoodhaa! nNee aruLaay* unthEnE malarum thiruppaadham* sErumaaRu vinaiyEnE.
You have reatined the ThirumagaL, Mahalakshmi, the One who wears the Beautiful e
similar to the deer, adorning Your Chest; Hence, You are named the Great Thiruna
of "MADHAVAN". GovindhA, You aimed a round edged arrow at manthrai, the hunch-ba
lady (during RamamyaNa)! You have the Rich Colour of Blue Sapphire Stone and app
as if the Entire Sky is illuminated by the Blue Light; You should enable me, the
Great Sinner, to get blessed to reach the abode of Your LOTUS FEET, which bloom
with the Sweetest Honey in Them as Beautiful Red Lotuses. Please make me reach Y
our Lotus Feet!"
vinaiyEn vinaitheer marundhaanaay!* viNNOr thalaivaa! kEsavaa!*
manaisEr aayar kulamuthalE!* maa maayanE! maadhavaa!*
sinaiyEy thazhaiya maraamarangaL* Ezhum eythaay! sireedharaa!*
inaiyaay! inaiya peyarinaay!* enRu naivan adiyEnE.
You are the Medicine for removing the Disease of my sins for this incorrigible s
Oh Lord of dEvAs! Kesavaa! Oh The Chief of shepherd boys! The One, who stupefies

me with
Your wonderful kalyANa GuNAs! Madhavaa! The One, who pierced with just one arrow
the Seven
"Acchaa" trees filled with lots of leaves! (Sri Raama pierced the seven trees wi
th just
one arrow while being tested by Sugreevan) Sridharaa! Oh Lord! The One who has S
uch Great
Names! . Like that I, Your servant, am just lamenting and weeping here for Your
adiyEn siRiya NYaanaththan;* aRithal aarkkum ariyaanai*
kadisEr thaNNanN thuzhaayk* kaNNi punaindhaan dhannaik kaNNanai*
sediyaar aakkai adiyaaraich* chErdhal theerkkum thirumaalai*
adiyEn kaaNpaan alaRRuvan;* ithanil mikkOr ayarvundE? 1.5.7
I am a man with very small, poor knowledge. The One- Who can NOT be known by EVE
N Great
knowledgeable GnAnis;- who wears the cool, sugandha (Good) smelling Holy ThuLasi
maalai (Garland);- who has got the name "kaNNan"-, who makes us cross and get ri
d of
the samsaaric afflictions and the sareera sambhandham (bodily relation) . (With
my such
Little poor knowledge) why am I yelling for Him? Is there anything more foolish
than this? (No)"
undaay ulakEzh munnamE;* umizhndhu maayaiyaal pukku*
undaay veNNey siRumanisar* uvalai aakkai nilaiyeythi*
maNthaan sOrndhathundElum* manisarkkaakum peer* siRithumandaa vaNNam maNkaraiya* neyyooN marundhO? maayOnE!
Oh maayaavi! (The Magician!) You had eaten the Seven lOkAs and retained them in
stomach; Then You brought them out and entered into the "silly" (aRpa) human bod
y and
ate the butter; Is it because You had eaten the Universe before and there may be
of sand inside Your stomach which may cause You some "Phlegm" (wheezing) and oth
stomach upsets, Did You take this "kutti kaNNan" form and eat butter as medicine
digest that remaining sand?"
maayOm theeyavalavalaip* perumaa vanchap pEyveeya*
thooya kuzhaviyaay vidappaal amudhaa* amudhu seythittamaayan* vaanOr thaniththalaivan* malaraaL maindhaNn evvuyirkkumthaayOn* thammaan ennammaan* ammaa moorththiyaich chaarndhE. 1.5.9
The wicked, Gigantic, Big Cheater loud mouthed bhoothanai was killed by The Pure
st KidYou- Who has sucked her poisonous milk along with her life- You are the unparall
Only Lord of dEvAs, -You are the Beloved of ThirumagaL (Lakshmi)- You are The Mo
for all Beings; You are Everyone's God and My God, too- You became and entered i
The vigraham as archaavathaaram. I will go nearest to such

Vigraham-my Lord- and thereafter We will never separate from each other
saarndha iruval vinaigaLum sariththu* maayap paRRaRuththu*
theerndhu thanpaal manamvaikkath* thiruththi, veedu thiruththuvaan*
aarndha NYaanach chudaraaki* akalam keezhmEl aLaviRandhu*
nNErndha uruvaay aruvaakum* ivaRRiNn uyiraam nedumaalE!
The One- who destroys the past accrued "sins and virtues" and removes my "wrong
about the Truth (vibhareetha gnAnam)! The One- who corrected me and determined t
o let my
mind think only of Him and make me reach the "mOksha" lOkam which is being adorn
ed by Him!
The One- who is entirely filled with the Divine (GnAna) light of intellect and i
s filled
at all places and all directions! The One- who becomes and is the Life of all se
and non-sentient beings! . He is that Thriumaal!"
'maalE! maayap perumaanE!* maa maayanE!' enRenRu*
maalE ERi maalaruLaal* mannu kurukoorch chadagOpan*
paalEy thamizhar isaikaarar* paththar paravum aayiraththinpaalE* patta ivaipaththum* vallaarkku illai parivathE. 1.5.11
ThirumaalE! EmperummanE, The One who is capable of performing all kinds of wonde
and maayaa! . Like that the one who is yelling and getting maddened with the thi
of The Lord, emperumaan- is our NammAzhwAr, the one who is the Chief of Thirukku
rugoorHis thousand pAsurams were appreciated and admired by The Great Poets, singers,
bhakthaaLs, and many others . Out of those thousand- the person who reads these
parivathil eesanaip paadi* virivathu mEvaluRuveer!*
pirivakaiyinRi nNaNnneerdhooy* purivathuvum pukai poovE. (2)


Oh Bhakthaas, who are determined to get a divine Life and have happiness bloomed
in your lives by praising the sarvEswaran who can remove all your sufferings!
Offer Him Holy pure water, then, offer Him Good (sugandha) smelling "saambhiraaN
smoke and fresh Good (Thiruvudai)flowers. (When this pasuram was discussed, namj
asked paraasara bhattar as to why we should interpret them to specific smoke and
flowers; They can be any smoke (from any wood) and any flower(araLi); For that b
smiled and said,"This is addressed to us, bhaagavathaaLs from nammAzhwAr- Not to
Lord- Read the Pasuram; AzhwAr is so kind and loving for us that he can not bear
see us suffering due to the thick smoke irrtating our eyes (from any other wood)
the thorn pricking us while plucking the flowers For the Lord; Hence he selected

also in such a way that our sufferings do not continue any more)
madhuvaar thaNNanN thuzhaayaan* muthuvEdha muthalvanukku*
ethuvE? enpaNi? ennaathu* athuvE aatcheyyum eedE.
To my emperumaan, who is the primordial Chief of Old vEdhas- who is adorned by t
Beautiful, cool "thuLasi" garland- if you do not think or ask as to which and wh
types of kainkaryams are to be rendered to Him and are ready to render any kind
service to My Lord and think all service are to be served by us, then that think
and love for Him itself is EQUAL to even doing or rendering the kainkaryam" (Gre
at AzhwAr!)
eedum eduppum il eesan* maadu vidaathu en mananE*
paadum eNn naa_ avan paadal* aadum eNn angam aNankE.


My mind never leaves its being close to the SarvEswaran, who does not see the
Good in us and accept or see the Bad in us and reject us (He is so merciful to
accept all of us irrespective of what we are!); My tongue always sings the songs
which praise the emperumaan only; My body always dances thinking of Him and feel
as if it is like a God -intoxicated lady (Deivam yERiya peNN)"
aNankena aadum eNnangam* vaNanki vazhipadum eesaNn*
piNanki amarar pithaRRum* guNankezhu koLkaiyiNnaaNnE.


"My emperumaan, (who is being praised and reverred by my body which dances like
a God-intoxicated lady),is enriched with such qualities and attributes because
of which the dEvAs get madly into arguments and blabber (due to
their lack of understanding of incomprehensible Lord)"
koLkai koLaamai ilaathaaNn* eLkal iraagam ilaathaaNn*
viLkai viLLaamai virumpi* uLkalanNthaarkku OramudhE.


"The emperumaan- who never looks into the Good and accepts due to that nor sees
bad and rejects due to that- He does not dislike or hate the bad nor like or lov
the Good; - He enquires the ones who leave and go away from Him and those who go
nearer to Him with their bhakti and becomes the sweetest, unpralleled nectar for
those who unite with Him"
amudham amararkatku eendha* nimir sudar aazhi nedumaal*
amudhilum aaRRa iniyan* nNimir_thirai neeLkadalaanE.
"The Thirumaal, One who has the Bright illuminated "sudharsana chakram" with Him
One who gave the Nectar (amudham) to dEvaas- One who lies down on the Milky Ocea

(paaR kadal)- One who is sweeter than the Nectar which the same paaR kadal broug
ht out."
nNeeLkadalsoozh ilaNGgaikkOn* thOLgaL thalaithuNi seythaan*
thaaLgaL thalaiyil vaNangi* naaL kadalaik kazhiminE.
"Sri Raama piraan- who plucked the twenty shoulders and ten heads and killed the
king raavaNaa, who ruled Lanka surrounded by Big, Long Ocean; Prostrate to such
Raamaa's Lotus Feet and cross the Ocean of Time (and Births)"
kazhimiNn thoNdeergaL kazhiththu* thozhumiNn avanaith thozhuthaal*
vazhinNinRa valvinai maaLviththu* azhivinRi aakkam tharumE.
"Oh thondargaLE! (bhagavathALs!- Servants of The Lord!) Remove your desires for
external things; After removing, prostrate at the Feet of emperumaan; If you pra
y to
Him, the He will remove our sins which have been accrued over the ages and many
births and give us the ever lasting wealth of mOksham"
dharuma varum payaNnaaya* thirumakaLaar_ thanik kELvaNn*
perumai udaiya piraanaar* irumai vinaikadivaarE.
"The Great Excellent emperumaan, who is the Beloved Chief of ThirumagaL, the One
is the embodiment of Virtues- can remove the consequences due to our karmaas (bo
th sins
and virtues-and enable us get out of this viscious cycles of births and deaths)"
kadivaar theeya vinaigaL* nNodiyaarum _aLavaikkaN*
kodiyaa adupuL uyarththa* vadivaar maadhavaNnaarE.
Madhavan(the Bird
of Sriya:
Him- will


The Beloved Lord of Lakshmi- The One who has the Ever Powerful GarudA
which destroys the enemies) in His flag, The One who has the Sweet for
pathih- which is pleasing to the eyes and does good to those who see
remove even the Biggest Most Horribles sins (of ours) in just a second

maadhavan paal chadagOpan* theethavam inRi uraiththa*
Ethamil aayiraththu ippaththu* Odhavallaar _piRavaarE. 1.6.11
"The Lakshmi pathi- Madhavan- does not look down at us or ignore us due to His G
and Power (such a sowlabhyan is He in spite of His Greatness and Supremecy!) nor
does He desert or leave His devotees by seeing thier follies/faults; He does
not have even those two negative points in Him"- so explains nammAzhwAr in these
ten pAsurams out of his pure-faultless 1000 pasurams of Thiruvaaimozhi. Those wh
o can
read these ten pasurams (or understand their meanings) will NEVER again be born

and suffer"
piRaviththuyaraRa* NYaanaththuL_ninRu,*
thuRavichchudarviLakkam* thalaippeyvaar,*
aRavanai* aazippadai andhaNanai,*
maRaviyaiyinRi* manaththuvaippaarE.
To alleviate the pains and pangs of births (and deaths), one stays in jNana yOga
and enjoys the faultless, ever blissful, self illuminating (swayam prakAsa)
("antharyaami") athmaa- Such people never ever forget the Lord and always retain
in their minds - the Lord, Emperumaan- who is the embodiment of Virtues and all
kalyANa GuNAs- who has the Powerful Sudharsan chakrAyudham with Him- who loves
and is affectionate towards all beings.
vaippaammarundhaam* adiyarai, valvinaith*
thuppaampulanaindhum* thunchakkodaan avan,*
eppaalyavarkkum* nalaththaal uyarndhuyarndhu,*
appaalavan engkaL* aayar_kozundhE.
"My emperumaan- the Chief of cowherd group- does not let His dearest devotees ge
caught by the strong five sense organs leading them in the path of their destini
ill fated lives and destroying them; He is like the dearest Great wealth and
treasure for the bhakthALs; He is the Medicine for the adiyaargaL to remove thei
diseases of any kind, whatsoever; (vaidhyO NarayaNO Harih:) That Such a Lord- fo
everyone and at everywhere, is at the TOP MOST position (Highest) due to His
Blissful nature and His Greatness and is EVEN ABOVE and BEYOND THAT HIGHEST
(what we can think of!)"
aayar kozundhaay* avaraal pudaiyuNNum,*
maayappiraanai* en maaNikkachchOthiyai,*
thooya amuthai* parukipparuki,* enmaayappiRavi *mayarvaRuththEnE. 1.7.3
(Sisters and Brothers, Those who know thamizh, please re-read the above once aga
to get the sweetness of "maayap piraanai, en mANicka jOthiyai, thooya amudhaip
parugip parugi"- Etthanai azhaghu! Etthanai azhagu ?- Sweetness soaked in those
words, this is akkAra vvadisal- ) "The Chief of cowherd group- the mischievous b
who gets beaten by His own guys (cowherd group) due to His leelAs; He is a form
bright illuminated light of emerald beauty! He is the Purest amirdham (Nectar);
I drank that sweet nectar of Emperumaan and enjoyed to the meaximum extent and g
rid of my "anjjAnam" (Igonorance) which was in me due to my illusory life
mayarvaRa enmanaththE* manninaan dhannai,*
uyarvinaiyEtharum* oNchudarkkaRRaiyai,*
ayarvil amarargaL* aathikkozundhai,* en
isaivinai* en_solli yaanviduvEnO.

"Emperumaan- who always stays in my heart to erase my "anjjAnam" completely;

who granted me the great "jNana - bhakti"; - who is the bright bunch of light
- who is the Chief of dEvAs(who do not know what is "anjnAnam"-means they know
the Truth) . who granted me the capacity/maturity to attain Him . Such Emperumaa
- will I ever leave Him considering some of His faults? No. I will NOT
(because He does not have any fault)"
viduvEnO? enviLakkai* _ennaaviyai,*
naduvEvandhu* uyyakkoLkinRa _naathanai,*
thoduvEcheythu* iLavaaychchiyar kaNNinuL,*
vidavEcheythu* vizikkumpiraanaiyE.
"Emeprumaan- who like a LIGHT shows me everything; who is my "Life" (uyir);
who came on my way unannounced, without notice and captured and took me over
("ThadutthAtkoLLI"fied me); who with His mischiefs and plays with
young "Aayar" (Cowherd girls) girls and enjoyed teasing them (which made their
eyes well with tears); - Will I leave such an Emperumaan? NEVER."
piraan* peru_nilaNGkeendavan,* pinnum
viraay* malarththuzaay vEyndhamudiyan,*
maraamaram eydha maayavan,* ennuL
iraanenil* pinnaiyaanottuvEnO? 1.7.6
"Emperumaan is the Chief of everyone; He dug and lifted the Big Earth, during
His varaagha avathaaram; He is adorned by "Sugandha" (Good smelling) garland of
Thulasi leaves; He, as Sri Raama aimed one arrow and pierced through Seven
"maraa marangaL" (trees) and performed a wonder (while Sri Raama was tested by
sugreevaa); - Such an Emperumaan- If He does not stay at my heart, will I be abl
to live? (No!)"
yaanottiyennuL* iruththuvamenRilan,*
thaanottivandhu* en_thani _nencai _vanciththu,*
oonotti_ninRu* en uyirilkalandhu,* iyal
vaanottumO?*_ ini ennai_ negizkkavE.
Line 1: otti- agreed; Line 2:otti- took a vow; Line 3:otti- joined; (What a Grea
poet!- How rich is His thamizh!- Simply great!) "I do not think I agreed and mad
Him stay in me!- Emperumaan- He Himself tooke a vow to come to me, made my indep
free mind a slave to Him ("vanjitthu") and joined into my jeevan !- Now will He
to leave me and go? NEVER
ennai_negizkkilum* ennudai nal nencan^thannai,* agalvikkath thaanum*killaan ini,*
pinnai_nedumpaNaith thOL* magizpeedudai,*
munnai amarar* muzumuthalaanE. 1.7.8
" Emperumaan- He has the pride born in Him due to His embracing hugging the Beau

shapely shoulders of Nappinaip piraati- He is and becomes Everything for the dEv
from time immemorial; _ Such a Great, Strong Emperumaan- who has all kinds of st
in Him- even if He decides to leave me, He can NOT separate my GOOD mind from Hi
mself; "
amararmuzumudhal* aagiya aadhiyai,*
amararkku amutheendha* aayarkozundhai,*
amaravazumpath* thuzaavi ennaavi,*
amararththazuviRRu* ini akalumO.
"Emperumaan- who is the primordial Chief of dEvAs in all respects and kinds; - w
ho gave
"amudham" (Nectar) to those dEvAs; - To such an Emperumaan- my "uyir" (atmaa?- m
longed, desired and mingled closely with Him and intertwined with Him beyond rep
air and
redemption; Can it now ever separate itself from Him? . It can NOT; (Dearest sis
and brothers, Have you noticed? Previous pAsuram- AzhwAr says emperumaan can NOT
Himself; this pasuram- It is the mind that can NOT separate itself from Him;- Bo
th of
akalil akalum* aNukil aNukum,*
pukalum ariyan* poruvallan emmaan,*
nikaril avan pugaz* paadi iLaippilam,*
pakalum iravum* padindhu kudaindhE.
"My Bhagawaan- Emperumaan- If someone approaches to Him for material benefits an
d leaves
Him after getting what they wanted, He leaves them reluctantly, with a HEAVY Hea
(aiyO paavam perumaaL- How many times we would have done that to Him?- Poor Lord
- at least
hereafter let us not wish to leave Him); if the same person even after getting h
is desires
fulfilled and still he desires and wishes to stay put with Him, (like we desire
now) He
willingly stays with them always; - He is unapproachable for those with evil min
d and thinking;
He is VERY EASILY attainable for those with Good (spiritual), pure mind and thin
king; - With
such limitless attributes and kalyANa GuNAs, He is unparalleled and equal to no
(Nigarillaadhavan- 'oppillaadhavan - oppiliappan) . We will never take rest from
such an
act of enjoying such Emperumaan's GREAT GLORIES day and night;
kudaindhuvanduNNum* thuzaaymudiyaanai,*
adaindha then_kurukUrch* chadakOpan,*
midaindha cholthodai* aayiraththu ippaththu,*
udaindhu_ nOygaLai* OduvikkumE. 1.7.11
"Emperumaan- whose Head is adorned by The ThuLasi maalai (garland), with Honey b

ees entering
and drinking the Honey from the Garlands (such fresh leaves and divine smelling
thirutthuzhaay .)
Prostrating such Emperumaan, our NammAzhwAar, -the one who is born in the Beaut
Thirukkurugoor- composed a closely knitted garland of words in his Thiruvaaimozh
i of 1000
pAsurams; Out of those 1000, these ten will chase and drive and melt all kinds o
f diseases
(from us) (including the Grandest disease of samsaaram- births and deaths)" May
all of us be
blessed by the Great AzhwAr and His Greatest Emperumaan
Odum puLLERi,* sUdum thaN thuzaay,*
needu ninRavai,* aadum ammaanE. 1.8.1
"Emperumaan- who always stays with ever-permanent dEvAs, will come running to us
on His
GarudA. He is adorned by cool ThuLasi maalai (Garland)"
ammaanaayp pinnum,* emmaaNpum aanaan,*
vemmaavaaykeenda,* semmaa kaNNanE.
"KaNNan, the One, who has Big, Large, ruddy-lined eyes, tore the "kEsi" asuran's
and killed him, who came disguising himself as a wicked horse to kill the kutty
kuzhandhai kaNNan."
kaNNaavaan enrum,* maNNOr viNNOrkku,*
thaNNaar vEngkada,* viNNOr veRpanE.


"Emperumaan- who is at Tirumalaa- ThiruvEnkatam- the cool place,- the place wher
e dEvAs
stay- such Emperumaan is always the EYE of all people (belonging to both worlds;
- viN and maN)"
veRpaiyonReduththu,* oRkaminRiyE,*
niRkum ammaan_seer,* kaRpanvaikalE.


"My bhagawaan- who stood effortlessly lifting the "Govardhna giri" (mountain) wi
th His little
finger above his head as an umbrella (for a shelter to His entire cowherd group
during the
heavy rains)- Such Empeumaan and His greatness- I will enjoy talking about Him e
vaikalum veNNey,* kaikalandhundaan,*
poykalavaathu,* en meykalandhaanE.


(enna language!- poy kalavaathu, en mey kalandhaanE- simple and great;)

"At aayarpaadi, kaNNan everyday ate the butter with both hands (stealing only- N
obody gave
Him- One uses both hands and tries to optimise the little time available); Such

"poy kalavaadhu en mey kalandhaanE"- truly merged, mixed and united with my body
kalandhu ennaavi,* nalangkoL_naathan,*
pulankoLmaaNaay,* nilamkondaanE.
"Emperumaan- who united with me and accepted the servitude of my aathmA- is the
who attracts the eyes and the minds; is the One who obtained the three measures
His feet (from bhali)"
kondaan Ezvidai,* undaan Ezvaiyam,*
thaNdhaamamcheydhu,* en eNdhaanaanaanE. 1.8.7
"Emperumaan- tamed the Seven Oxen for Nappinnaip piraatti; ate and consumed the
lOkAs in His stomach; - He thought of me as the Cool Parama padham (Sri Vaikunta
and came to me as desired by me;"
aanaan aanaayan,* meenOdEnamum;*
thaanaanaan ennil,* thaanaayasangE.


"Emperumaan- kaNNan- the Cowherd boy looked after the cows and calves; took vari
uos avathaarms
like masya and koorma avathaarAs; Like this, if counted, it has "sanghu" or" san
gham" number
(Can any one help me to understand this "sangham" number ?- Is it number 10 in T
hamizh?) "
sangkusakkaram,* angkaiyilkondaan,*
engkumthaanaaya,* nangaL_naathanE.


"Our Lord- Emperumaan- filled entirely here, there and everywhere . Has the Divi
ne Conch
(Sanghu) and the Discuss(ChakrA) in His beautiful hands."
naadhan_NYaalangkoL* paadhan, ennammaan,*
OdhampOlkiLar,* vEdha_neeranE. 1.8.10
" Emperumaan- The Chief of all worlds; The One who measured the Universe with Hi
s Lotus
Feet; The One who has all kalyANa GuNAs (attributes) in Him which reverberate in
like waves of the Ocean."
neer_puraivaNNan,* seerchadagOpan,*
nErdhalaayiraththu,* OrdhalivaiyE.


"The Greatest kalyANa guNAs of Emperumaan (who has the colour of Blue Hued Ocean
ic waters)
have been enjoyed and sung by our AzhwAr in these excellent ten pAsurams (out of

pAsurams); One has to read, re-read and know to the fullest extent these ten pAs
(They are of such great calibre)"
ivaiyum avaiyum uvaiyum* ivarum avarum uvarum,*
evaiyum yavarum thannuLLE* aakiyum aakkiyum kaakkum,*
avaiyuL thanimuthal emmaan* kaNNapiraan ennamutham,*
suvaiyan _thiruvinmaNaaLan* ennudaich chUzaluLaanE.


"Matters and things that are kept near, farther and also those that are kept inbetween
near and far;- Beings who (or which) are near, farther and those in- between nea
r and
farther;- all sentient and non-sentient beings- all these matters, beings and se
and non-sentient (chEthanAs and achEthanAs) were retained by the Emperumaan in H
is stomach
during Cosmic cycle end (PraLaya kaalam) and again were made to appear (by The L
ord)The Lord again creates them, protects them and stays in those sentient and non-s
beings (a brilliant exposition of VishishtAdvaithA!) . He is The Only Unparalle
Primordial Chief! . He is the One who grants me the Sweetest Fruit (like Nectar)
; He is
Great Connoisseur; He is the Lord of MahAlaksmi! He stays at all my surroundings
choozalpalapalavallaan* thollaiyangkaalaththu ulagai*
kEzal onRaakiyidandha* kEsavan ennudaiya ammaan,*
vEzamaruppaiyosiththaan* viNNavarkku eNNalariyaan*
aaza_nedungkadalchErndhaan* avan ennarukalilaanE.


"My Emperumaan- He is capable of performing many avathaars; Once upon a time, He

dug and
lifted the Earth during His Great Varaaha avathaar; He is named as the Sweetest
He broke the ivory tuskers of the elephant's called "kuvalayaa peedam" (which wa
s sent by
kamsa to kill KrishNA); He can not be even comprehended by dEvAs; He lies down a
nd is in
"Yoga NidhrA" in the big, deep, long ocean; - Such Emperumaan- My emperumaan sta
ys close
to me always."
arukalilaayaperuncheer* amarargaLaathimuthalvan,*
karukiya_ neela_ nan mEni vaNNan* _chendhaamaraikkaNNan,*
porusiRaippuLLuvandhERum* poomagaLaar_thanikkELvan,*
orukathiyin_ suvaithandhittu* ozivilan ennOdu udanE.
"My Emperumaan-is the Only Chief of dEvAs; the One, who has ever permanent Great
est kalyANa
guNAs; who has the Most Beautiful ThirumEni (Divine Body) like the Dark, Black E
who has the Red Lotus like "thirukkaNgaL" (Divine Eyes); who desires and longs t
o ride on

the GarudA (who has full of feathers in His body); who is the incomparable belo
ved Lord
of Maha Lakshmi; - He stays with me and gives me the dhArmic sweetness and stan
always with me uninterruptedly. (He grants all kinds of "anubhavangaL" and creat
es all
sorts of immense enjoyment in me).
udanamarkaathalmagaLir* thirumagaL maNmagaL aayarmadamagaL,* enRivarmoovar aaLum* ulagamum moonRE,*
udanavaiyokkavizungki* aalilaich chErndhavan emmaan,*
kadalmali maayap perumaan* kaNNan en okkalai yaanE.


"ThirumagaL, Bhoomi piraatti and Nappinnaip piraatti are the three with whom the
always wishes to sit with lovingly; The lOkAs, which are ruled by the Lord are a
lso three;
My Emperumaan- He ate these three lOkAs at the same time and lied down on the le
af of banyan
tree ( "aal ilai"). He is capable of performing actions (leelAs) which are even
bigger than
the oceans; - Such Emperumaan- that kaNNan now has come and sat down on my lap."
meLLa He has come and sat down on AzhwAr's lap- See now what else He is going to
do to and
He is going to capture our poor AzhwAr!)
okkalai vaiththu mulaippaal uNNenRu* thandhidavaangki,*
chekkancheka anRavaLpaal* uyir_chekavundaperumaan,*
nakkapiraanOdu ayanum *indhiranum muthalaaka,*
okkavum thORRiya eesan* maayan ennenchinuLaanE. 1.9.5
"poothanai- (the lady demon who was sent by kamsaa to kill the kutti baby krishN
A) took the
kuzhandhai (kid) in her arms and placed on her lap and made Him drink her breast
(Her intention was to kill the kid with her poisonous breast milk); KaNNan, on
day decided to let the "death" thinking of hers end with her only and sucked the
milk along with her life even, thus ending her life; - Such an Emperumaan is the
One who
created thighambaran (Rudran) and Brahmaa; Such a wonderful, Marvellous Lord
-My Emperumaan is staying in my heart;"
maayan ennenchinuLLaan* maRRumyavarkkum athuvE,*
kaayamum seevanum thaanE* kaalum eriyum avanE,*
chEyan aNiyan_yavarkkum* chindhaikkum kOcharamallan,*
thUyan thuyakkan mayakkan* ennudaith thOLiNaiYaanE.


"Emeprumaan- the One who does wonders (maayan) stays in my heart; Does any one e
also have the same experience? He is the One, who is both the body and the Life;
He is both the air and the fire; He lives always nearer to bhakthaaLs; He is dif
to comprehend even for those scholarly jnAnis; He is the Purest One! For those w

are not blessed with His mercy, He is always "a doubt" and " a vibhareethan";
Such Emperumaan has climbed on my two shoulders;"
thOLiNaimElum nanmaarbinmElum* sudarmudimElum,*
thaaLiNaimElum punaindha* thaNNandhuzaayudaiyammaan*
kELiNaiyonRumilaathaan* kiLarum sudar oLi moorththi,*
naaLaNaindhonRum akalaan* ennudai_naavinuLaanE. 1.9.7
"On both the shoulders, on His beautiful Chest, on His head, He is adoned by the
"thiruth thuzhaay" (garlands of ThuLasi leaves); He is my Emperumaan who has not
equal for comparison with Him; He is the form of bunch of rays of bright light;
- Such
Emperumaan comes to me and with a vow not to separate Himself from me at all tim
stays on my tongue for ever;"
naavinuL _ninRu malarum* NYaanak kalaigaLuk kellaam,*
aaviyum aakkaiyumthaanE* azippOdu aLippavan_ thaanE,*
pooviyal_naalthadandhOLan* porupadai aazi sangkEndhum,*
kaavi_ nan mEnik kamalakkaNNan* en_kaNNinuLaanE.
"Emperumaan- is and becomes the Life, the body (light) of arts which are created
due to
one's jnAnam; He is even the beginning and end of such arts; He has Big, Beautif
ul four
shoulders(Chathur bhujam); He has the Strongest weapons (sanghu, chakrA) on His
shoulders; He has the most Beautiful body (ThirumEni) like a "karu neidhal" flow
er; He
has the most loveliest Red Lotus like eyes (thiruk kaNgaL); In such form, My Emp
is in my Eyes;"
kamalakkaNNan en_kaNNinuLLaan* _kaaNpan avan_kaNgaLaalE,*
amalangaLaakavizikkum* aimpulanum avan moorththi,*
kamalaththayan_nampithannaik* kaNNuthalaanodumthORRi*
amalath theyvaththOdu ulagamaakki* en_neRRiyuLaanE.
"My Emeprumaan- the One who has the Lotus flower (kamala malar) like eyes, has e
into my eyes; I also, through His eyes am seeing Him; He too, is showering His m
through His eyes and is removing all my sins completely; Like my eyes, all other
of my body are performing the kainkaryam to that Lord; Such Emperumaan is the O
ne who
created Brahmaa, (the one who sits on the Lotus flower), Rudran, (the one who ha
s the third
eye on his forehead) and dEvAs and all other worlds;- That Emperumaan is on my f
neRRiyuL _ninRu ennaiyaaLum* niraimalarp paathangaLsoodi,*
kaRRaiththuzaaymudikkOlak* kaNNapiraanaiththozuvaar,*

oRRaippiRaiyaNindhaanum* naanmukanum indhiranum,*

maRRai amararum ellaam vandhu* enadhu uchchiyuLaanE.


"Sivaperumaan, (one who has the moon on his head), Brahmaa, Indran, and all othe
r dEvAs
have adorned the Lotus Feet of the Lord (My Emperumaan, who has captured me and
is staying
on my forehead- who is like an array of flowers) and prostrate at KaNNapiraan (
One who
has the sughandha Thuzhaay maalai (Garland of ThuLasi leaves) on His head); _Suc
Emperumaan is on My Head;"
uchchiyuLLE _niRkum thEvathEvaRkuk* kaNNapiraaRku,*
ichchaiyuL chella uNarththi* vaNkurukoorchchadakOpan,*
ichchonnavaayiraththuL* ivaiyum Or_paththu empiraaRku,*
nichchalum viNNappam cheyya* neeLkazalchenniporumE.
"KaNNapiraan who is the Chief of dEvAs, and who is on AzhwAr's Head,- has affect
ion and
love for the AzhwAr- AzhwAr, having known His love for Him, has sung so lucidly
and clearly
to (make us) understand them about such Love of His Lord towards the AzhwAr in t
hese ten
pAsurams; Such ten pAsuams (out of 1000 pAsurams) were sung by NammAzhwAr who wa
s born in
the fertile land of Thirukkurugoor; (If we read these) ten as an application to
Emperumaan at least once, then His long Lotus Feet will always stay on our head;
(What else do we need?BhagavatOttamaaLs)
porumaa_neeLpadai* aazisangkaththodu,*
thirumaa_neeLkazal* Ezulakumthoza,*
orumaaNikkuRaLaaki*_nimirndha,* ak
karumaaNikkam* en kaNNuLathaakumE.
"My Emeprumaan- The Blue hued Dark Emerald, Vaamanan who grew SKY HIGH and whose
were paid obeisance by everyone in Seven lOkAs; who has the Great, strong, Famou
sanghu (Divine Conch) and chakrA (Divine Discuss); - Such Emperumaan is in MY EY
(means He has become the object of my eyes)"
kaNNuLLE niRkum* kaathanmaiyaalthozil,*
eNNilumvarum* en inivEnduvam?*
maNNum_ neerum* eriyum_nalvaayuvum,*
viNNumaay viriyum* empiraanaiyE.
"The Earth, Water, Fire,
these five elements- (If
Him standing in front of
in my mind He will stand

Fresh Air, Space (AagAyam), - Emeprumaan takes the form

I prostarte to Him with Bhakti, then He will make me se
my eyes; and by thinking of Him
in front of me; What Else Do I need?"

empiraanai* endhai thandhai thandhaikkumthampiraanai,* thaNdhaamaraikkaNNanai,*
komparaavu* nuNNEridaimaarvanai,*
empiraanaiththozaay* mada_nenchamE.
"Oh (my) foolish mind! To my bhagawaan- Not only mine, (but) also of my father a
nd all
ancestors before him; To such Emperumaan- who has the eyes identical to cool, lo
flowers, -who has the beloved piraatti MahA lakshmi having the soft, beautiful w
similar to the creeper,- pay obeisance to Him;"
nenchamE_ nallai nallai* unnaippeRRaalen_cheyyOm?* iniyennakuRaivinam?*
maindhanai malaraaL* maNavaaLanai,*
thunchumpOthum* vidaathu thodar kandaay.


"Oh (my) mind! You are really beneficial; If I have as my friend, then what can
I not
do? I can do and finish anything. What other grievance do I have? No grievances
The Youthful Lord, The Beloved Lord of Maha Lakshmi . even if I separate myself
Him; you continue with Him;"
kandaayE_ nenchE* karumangaLvaaykkinRu,* Or
eNthaanuminRiyE* vandhiyalumaaRu,*
undaanai* ulakEzum Or moovadi
kondaanai,* kandu kondanai_neeyumE.
"Oh (my) mind! You also have realised the Emperumaan . the One who had swallowed
Seven lOkas; who had measured the three worlds with just three measurements of H
small(!) Feet; - Now when thing are materialising (when we are blessed by His me
can you see it is happening even without our thinking about it? (dearest sisters
brothers, I guess, Azhwar has already started seeing the Emperumaan, by
now and he is excited!)
neeyum_ naanum* in^ nErn^iRkil,* mElmaRROr,
nOyumsaarkodaan* nenchamE sonnEn,*
thaayumthandhaiyumaay* ivvulakinil,*
vaayum eesan* maNivaNNan endhaiyE.
"Oh (my) mind!
t separating
ourselves from
and mother
in this world,
come anyway
near us; It is

If you and I continue to stand (firm) like this and follow withou
Emperumaan, then the One who has taken the avatars as the father
the One who is dark blue hued colour, will never let any disease

endhaiyE enRum* emperumaan enRum,*

chindhaiyuL vaippan* solluvan paaviyEn,*
endhai emperumaan enRu* vaanavar,*
chindhaiyuL vaiththuch* sollum selvanaiyE.


"The Lord- who is thought of as " My Father! My Emperumaan!" by dEvAs, - To such

Lord even
I- the Biggest Sinner- will also praise Him as "My Father!" And "My Emperumaan!"
with my
mouth (talking) and think of Him;"
selva_ naaraNaNnenRa* sol kEttalum,*
malkum kaNpani* naaduvan maayamE,*
allum_ nanpakalum* idaiveedinRi,*
nalki ennai vidaan*_ nampi nampiyE.


"The moment I hear "Sriman NarayaNan", tears start falling down from my eyes; an
d I start
searching for Him; (Looks like, now Sri Hari has disappeared from AzhwAr's visio
n!) This
is a wonder! (Because) The One who is full of Grand Good kalyANa GuNAs, during t
he day and
the night as well (at all times) is merciful towards me and believes that I am H
is servant
and is not leaving me."
nampiyaith* then kuRungkudi_ninRa,* ach
chemponEthikazum* thirumoorththiyai,*
umpar vaanavar* aathiyanchOthiyai,*
empiraanai* en cholli maRappanO?.
"The One who is full of Grand Good kalyANa GuNAs- The One who stands at Thirukku
- The One who emanates light rays and shines like the red Gold;- The One who is
Primordial Cause, Chief and the array of Great luster for the great dEvAs;- Such
Emeprumaan- How will I forget (means . Due to what reason can I forget?)"
maRappumNYaanamum* naan onRu uNarndhilan,*
maRakkumenRu* chen^thaamaraikkaNNodu,*
maRappaRa ennuLLE* manninaan dhannai,*
maRappanO? ini* yaan en maNiyaiyE.
"Even after realising that I do not know the way of forgetting(like last pAsuram
) and
then knowing Him, He still thinks that this guy will ultimately forget me and de
to stay with me as my Blue Pearl, my Emperumaan . Of such Emperumaan . will I ev
er be
able to forget Him? (Never)"
maNiyai vaanavar kaNNanaith* thannathOraNiyai,* then_kurukoorchchadakOpan,* chol
paNicheyaayiraththuL* ivaipaththudan,*
thaNivilar kaRparEl* kalvivaayumE.

"The One who shines like The Blue Pearl; The Chief of dEvAs; He himself, an orna
for Him;- About Him, SadagOpan, born in Thirukkurugoor, through his words of the
se ten
pAsurams out of 1000 pAsurams offered his kainkaryam to the Lord; If one learns
ten pAsurams with fullest concentration, (and does not get satisfied with his le
then they will get Great knowledge (jnAnam)"
vaayum dhiraiyugaLum* kaanal mada_naaraay,*
aayum amarulakum* thunchilum nIthunchaayaal,*
nOyum payalaimaiyum* mIthoora emmEpOl,*
nIyum thirumaalaal* nencham kOtpattaayE?.


1.NaaraiyE! You are not getting vexed and without any sleep continue to
wait at the Ocean.(waiting for the prey). In this night, everyone has
slept. My mother has slept. Even the Nitya sUris have slept. You have NOT.
I have been suffering from "pasalai" disease. I am not able to sleep due
to that. Have you also lost your heart to Emperumaan?
kOtpatta sindhaiyaayk* koorvaaya anRilE,*
chEtpattayaamangaL* chEraathiranguthiyaal,*
aatpatta emmEpOl* nIyum aravaNaiyaan,*
thaatpatta thaN dhuzaayth* thaamam kaamuRRaayE. 2.1.2
2. Oh anRilE (the Bird!), Have you lost your heart too? Have you also
desire to perform kainkaryam to the Lord? Have also been captivated by the
Lotus Feet of the Lord? Have you also desired to obtain His ThuLasi
garland that was caught and got crushed on the bed when Periya piraatti
and He hugged and united on the Adhi sEshan.
kaamuRRa kaiyaRavOtu* ellE iraappakal,*
nImuRRak kaNthuyilaay* nenchuruki Enguthiyaal*
thImuRRath thennilangai* oottinaan _thaaL_ nayandha,*
yaamuRRathu uRRaayO?* vaazi kanaikadalE.

Ocean! You have been making noises and have not been sleeping due to
inability to get what you desired. You have been longing for that and
been weeping. Have you also been caught in the pangs of separation
Sri Rama like me? (You have seen Him when He returned from Lanka).
you also desired for the Lord's Feet?

kadalummalaiyum* visumpum thuzaayempOl,*
sudar koL iraappakal* thunchaayaal thaNvaadaay,*
adalkoL padaiyaazi* ammaanaik kaaNpaan_nI,*
udalam_ nOyuRRaayO* oozithORooziyE.
4.Oh Chilled wind! You have also been loitering over the Ocean, mountains
and the skies. What is the reason? Have you also been suffering from
"viragha thaapam" like me? Have you also been spending sleepless nights?
You have been troubling me also with your chillness in this winter? 5.Oh
Sky! Like me and my friends, You have been melting and shedding tears.
Long live. You are just like me. Have you also been caught and attracted
by the valour of Emperumaan and desired to reach Him like me?

oozi thORoozi* ulakukku _nIr_kondu,*
thOziyarum yaamumpOl* nIraay _nekizkinRa,*
vaaziya vaanamE* nIyum mathusoothan,*
paazimaiyiRpattu avan_kaN* paasaththaal _naivaayE.


O cloud!, absorbing water (adequate) for the world, age after age, you pour
out as water like us and our companions (pouring tears). Are you too drawn
towards MadhusUdana's prowess and suffering from infatuation ? May you live
long without suffering. - tr BSS Iyengar
naivaayavemmEpOl* naaNmathiyE nI in^_naaL,*
maivaaniruL akaRRaay* maazaandhu thEmputhiyaal,*
aivaay aravaNaimEl* aazipperumaanaar,*
mey vaasakam kEttu* un meyn^_nIrmai thORRaayE. 2.1.6
6.Oh Young moon! Have you also been remorse with tears due to separation?
Are you not able to remove the darkness from the sky and crying due to
that? (what a poet!) We both have believed His statements as true and have
been cheated.
thORROm mada_nencham* emperumaan_ naaraNaRku* _em
aaRRaamai cholli* azuvOmai nI_naduvE,*
vERROr vakaiyil* kodithaay enaiyoozi,*
maaRRaaNmai_ niRRiyO* vaazi kanai iruLE.
7.After the moon has deserted the sky there is more and more darkness
engulfing the skies. Have you also been suffering due to the attainment of
darkness that has come with separation from the light(the Lord)? Why do
you have to make us suffer also by covering the brightness, the Lord's
iruLin _thiNi vaNNam* maa_nIrkkaziyE pOy,*
maruLuRRu iraappakal* thunchilum_ nI thunchaayaal,*
uruLum sakadam* uthaiththa perumaanaar,*
aruLin peru _nasaiyaal* aazaandhu_nondhaayE.
8.Oh "kazhiyE! (the water fall! ) You have been having sleepless nights
too. Have you also lost your mind and brain at kaNNan?
nondhaaraak kaathal _nOy* mellaaviyuL ularththa,*
nandhaa viLakkamE* nIyum aLiyaththaay,*
chendhaamaraith thadangaN* chenganivaay emperumaan,*
andhaamaththaNdhuzaay* aasaiyaalvEvaayE.
9.Due to her severe pangs of separation and viraham, parAngusa naayaki
sees the deepam that burns near the bed and talks as if the viLakku also
has been lamenting with separation.
vEvaaraa vEtkai_nOy* mellaaviyuL ularththa,*
Ovaathu iraappakal* unpaalE vIzthththu ozindhaay,*
maavaay piLandhu* maruthidai pOy maNNaLandha,*
moovaa muthalvaa* iniyemmaich chOrElE. 2.1.10

10.The primordial Chief, the Ever Youthful Lord! The separation from You
has made me fall into these pangs and suffer. This love disease has pushed
me into a continuous thought about you only at days and nights. Please do
not leave me hereafter and take me!
chOraatha epporutkum* aathiyaam chOthikkE,*
aaraatha kaathal* kurukoorch chadakOpan,*
Oraayiram chonna* avaRRuL ivaippaththum,*
chOraar vidaar kandIr* vaikundham thiNNenavE.


11.NammAzhwAr has sung about the Primordial Chief who is in all things and
beings and AzhwAr has limitless, unsatisfying love for Him and has sung
thousand pasurams. Out of these ten will enamble those who read stay
permanently at Sri Vaikuntam.
thiNNan vIdu* muthal muzuthumaay,*
eNNin mIthiyan* emperumaan,*
maNNum viNNumellaam* udanunda,* nam
kaNNan kaNNallathu* illaiyOr kaNNE.


1.The Emperumaan showing all His innumerable auspicious attributes has

captured me- He is the Primordial Chief of all lOkAs(worlds) - ever
existent and ; IT IS CERTAIN that He is the ONLY ONE who can grant us all
including mOksham.During cosmic cycle end, He is the one who keeps the
earth and the sky (the entire Universe) in His stomach and showers mercy
on all beings; He is kaNNan and is the Only One and without whom NO ONE
else can help us.
Epaavam paramE* Ez ulakum,*
Ipaavam cheythu* aruLaal aLippaaraar,*
maapaavam vida* araRkup pichchaipey,*
kOpaalakOLari* ERanRiyE.
2.He is the One who can remove all our sins with His grace and mercy. He
is the One who rempoved the sin of Siva when Siva comitted the sin of
plucking one of Brahmaa's heads; He is such a Graceful, Merciful
Emperumaaan! That Male Lion Gopalan- withou Him, who else can shower mercy
on ALL BEINGS? It is a PITY THAT We are wasting OUR TIME having this
burden of talking and reasoning out His parathvam without enjoying and
contemplating on His kalyANa guNAs.(What an anubhavam of our Sweet
ERanaip Poovanaip* poomagaL thannai,*
vERinRi viN thozath* thannuLvaiththu,*
mElthannai mIthida* nimirndhu maNkonda,*
maalthanil mikkum Or* thEvum uLathE.
3.He - the Emperumman has got Sivaa, Brahmaa and the Periya Piraatti in
His Beautiful body without any discrimination. He is the One who is
worshipped by all dEvAs. He is the One who took the Great Thrivikrama
avathaaram and measured the entire earth. Is there any Deivam (God)
superior to Him OR EVEN EQUAL ? (Don't even ask)
thEvum epporuLum padaikka,*

poovil _naan mukanaip padaiththa,*

thEvan em perumaanukku allaal,*
poovum poosanaiyum thakumE.
4.The Emperumaan created Brahmaa in His Lotus- navel in order to let him
create all beings. The One who has allured me with His kalyANa guNAs- Is
it Correct to offer flowers, Garlands, and prayers to somone else and Not
my Sweetheart, Emperumaan? No.
thakum cheerth* than_thani muthalinuLLE,*
mikumthEvum* epporuLumpadaikka,*
thakumkOlath* thaamaraikkaNNan emmaan,*
mikumchOthi* mElaRivaaryavarE. 2.2.5
5.The Emeprumaan has got jnAnam, sakthi to create all sentient and
non-sentient beings from His moola prakrithi and HE ALONE IS CAPABLE OF
THIS. He is the Red Lotus eyed Lord who is the Only One capable of
creating dEvAs, too. With His beauty He has stupefied me and Such
Emeprumaan ALONE is the Parathvam. Is there anyone who knows that there is
a God superior to My Emperumaan? Nobody.
evarum yaavaiyum* ellaapporuLum,*
kavarvinRith* thannuL odunga_ninRa,*
pavar_koLNYaana* veLLach chudar moorththi,*
avar emmaazi* ampaLLiyaarE.
6.During the Cosmic Cycle end (PraLaya kaalam) He keeps all beings
(sentients and non-sentients- chEthanAs and achEthanAs) in His stomach
without getting any of these beings cramped or crushed. He has got the
ThirumEni (Divine Body) which is illumined, Bright, lustrous nature full
of jNanam (knowledge) - Such Moorthy of mine, is having His yOga nithraa
on the ThoruppaRkadal(Milky Oecan in Sri Vaikuntam).
paLLiyaalilai* Ezulakum koLLum,*
vaLLal* val vayiRRup perumaan,*
uLLuLaar aRivaar* avan_dhan,*
kaLLamaaya* manakkaruththE.
7.He is the One who kept all beings in His stomach and all seven lOkAs
too, took care of them and lied down on the small leaf of Banyan tree. Who
can comprehend His Thought and Maya? Who can understand what is in His
mind? No one can- Absolutely NOT.
karuththil thEvum* ellaapporuLum,*
varuththiththa* maayap piraanaiyanRi,* aarE
thiruththith* thiNNilai moovulakum* thammuL
iruththi* kaakkum iyalvinarE. 2.2.8
8.Just by a thought alone He can create everyone including dEvAs and is
capable of that. He is THE ONLY ONE who can keep all in Him without any
disease to all of us and takes care. He is so merciful. He is the Only One
who can do that.
kaakkum iyalvinan* kaNNaperumaan,*
chErkkai cheythu* thannundhiyuLLE,*

vaayththa thisaimukan* indhiran vaanavar,*

aakkinaan* theyva ulakugaLE.
9.His Nature is to protect all beings. That is KaNNan. When He wants to
destroy the Universe, He takes us in Him and protects us. Then, He creates
Brahmaa and delegates to him for creating all of us again (from Him).
kaLvaa emmaiyum* Ezulakum,* nin
NnuLLE thORRiya* iRaiva! enru,*
veLLERan_ naanmukan* indhiran vaanavar,*
puLLoor_thi* kazal paNindhEththuvarE. 2.2.10
10.Sivan, Brahmaa and Indran and all other dEvAs too, prostrate at His
Lotus Feet and pay obeisances and address Him " Oh Robber (of our Hearts)!
Emeprumman! the One who created us and all seven lOkAs!" .
Eththa Ezulakum konda* kOlak
kooththanai,* kurukoorchchadakOpan_chol,*
vaayththa aayiraththuL* ivaipaththudan,*
Eththavallavarkku* illaiyOr _oonamE.
11.The Thrivikraman is the One who meassured the entire Universe in one
step and was hailed for such an act. NammAzhwAr has sung 1000 pasurams on
such Emperumaan and those who read these ten pAsurams (with an
understanding of their meanings) can have NO SINS to their accout and no
blemish at all. (All will be removed by the Lord!)
oonil vaazuyirE* nallaipOunnaippeRRu,*
vaanuLaar _perumaan* mathusoothan ennammaan,*
thaanum yaanumellaam* thannuLLE kalandhozindhOm,*
thEnum paalum_ neyyum* kannalum amuthumoththE. 2.3.1
1.Oh mind, the one which lives in this physical body!, Due to my being
blessed with such a good companion like you, I have got the parama bhAgyam
of entagling and entwining myself with the Lord of dEvAs, Madhusoodhanan.
With our mixing with each other, all sorts of tastes have appeared. The
taste is as if Honey, Milk, Ghee, Sugarcane juice, Nectar are all mixed
within that. (Implies the joining of JeevAthmA and ParamAthmA is much much
tastier than any thing else and is the most superior tast of all.
oththaar mikkaarai* ilaiyaaya maamaaya,*
oththaay epporutkum uyiraay,* ennaippeRRaath thaayaay thandhaiyaay* aRiyaathana aRiviththa,*
aththaa, nIcheythana* adiyEn aRiyEnE. 2.3.2
2.There are none EQUAL to you; Oh Lord! There are none superior to you;
Like that You have MOST WONDERFUL kalyANa guNAs; You have taken
avathaarams as a parama solwlabhyan (inspite of Your Grand Great kalyANa
guNAs); You have helped me by being my Master, My Life, my Mother and my
Father- by teaching me all that I did NOT know (about You); I still DO NOT
know what You are upto.
aRiyaak kaalaththuLLE* adimaikkaN anbu cheyviththu,*
aRiyaa maamaayaththu* adiyEnai vaiththaayaal,*
aRiyaamaik kuRaLaay* nilammaavali moovadiyenRu,*

aRiyaamai vanchiththaay* enathaaviyuL kalandhE. 2.3.3

3.Oh EmperumaanE! Even without the knowledge of Periya Piraatti, You took
the Short VaamanAvathaaram and begged mahAbhali for the Three measurements
of earth. As You cheated him, You have cheated me and entered into my
heart. I was caught in complete ignorance and wrong knowledge and You have
enabled me to know the truth (at such a young age for me) and You have
instilled a desire in me to get enslaved by You and to perform the
kainkaryam to You. What a MERCY YOU POSSESS!
enathaaviyuL kalandha* perun^alluthavikkaimmaaRu,*
enathaavi thandhozindhEn* inimILvathenpathu undE,*
enathaaviyaaviyum _nI* pozilEzum unda endhaay,*
enathaaviyaar yaan aar?* thandha_ nI kondaakkinaiyE.


4.My Dear Father, the One who kept all sven lOkAs in Your stomach and
protected during the Cosmic Cycle end(PraLayam)! The Lowly slef, I am- and
Such A Great You, My Emeprumaan- You have entered into my Jeevan and
joined me - What can I give you back for that? I can give You back my Life
and AthmA for that. After geiving the AthmA to You, How can I get out
alone? Are You not the One who is living in me as my Jeevan? It is even
Who am I? Who is my Jeevan? When both of us are Your properties, You are
only taking back what belongs to You.
iniyaar NYaanangaLaal* edukkalezaatha endhaay,*
kanivaar vIttinpamE* en_kadalpadaa amuthE,*
thaniyEn vaazmuthalE* pozilEzum Enamonraay,*
nuniyaar kOttil vaiththaay* unapaatham chErndhEnE.


5.Unless You shower mercy, it is just NOT possible for even GREAT scholars
to know You. Such EmperumaanE!, my Lord! The One who grants mOksham to
bhakthAs! the One who is like a Nectar which is not form the Milky Ocean!
(means, with no efforts, I got You as the amirtham). Are You NOT the One
who is the Primary cause behind all these anubhavams and nectar that I
have? You prtected the seven lOkAs by taking the Varaaha avathaaram. Such
a GREAT Emperumaan You are and I have reached Your Lotus Feet. Haven't I?
chErndhaar _thIvinaikatku* aru_nancaiththiNmathiyai,*
thIrndhaar _thammanaththup* piriyaathavar uyirai,*
chOrndhE pOkal kodaach chudarai* arakkiyaimookkuIrndhaayai,* adiyEn adaindhEn* muthalmunnamE. 2.3.6
6.The BhakthAs and BhagavathALs who have surrendered to You as the Only
redemption- You have become the Poison for all their sins and killed their
sins. Your are the One who grants them the Knowledge about You and makes
them think about You at all times in their minds and not lament with
separation form You- You are the Lustrous Light who does all these. Oh
Valourous One who cut the nose of soorpaNakA! I, Your servant- Have I
reached You today ONLY? (NO!) Have I not got You the day my AthmA was
created? (What a simple narration of AzhwAr of our Rich Philosophy!)
mun_nalyaazpayil nool* narampin muthir suvaiyE,*
pannalaar _payilum* paranE paviththiranE,*
kannalE amuthE* kaarmukilE en_kaNNaa,*

ninnalaal ilEn_kaa_N* ennai_nIkuRikkoLLE.


7.You are like the Music that is played in the VeeNA. You are the Supreme
pleasure that can NOT be even enjoyed by Nitya sUris (even if they wished
to). You are the Purest One. You are the Sugarcane Juice and the Nectar
and so sweet and You are the Blue hued Cloud coloured Lord. KaNNA! there
is NO ONE to prtect me eecept You. Hence, Please do not forget me and You
should aim to take care of me.
kuRikkoL NYaanangaLaal* enaiyoozicheythavamum,*
kiRikkondippiRappE* sila_naaLil eythinan_yaan,*
uRikkonda veNNeypaal* oLiththuNNum ammaan pin,*
neRikkonda_nenchanaay* piRaviththuyarkadindhE. 2.3.8
8.Since I have retained and sent my mind in the lines of KaNNan (His
upadEsams- GitA) , the One who stole the Butter and Milk, I am able to get
rid of birth cycle. Thus, the one that can only be attained by Great
yOgAs, I could get parabhakthi by Emperumaan's grace in this birth itself
(with no effort of mine!) within few days only.
kadivaar_thaNNandhuzaay* kaNNan viNNavar_perumaan,*
padivaanamiRandha* paraman paviththiran_chIr,*
chediyaar_nOygaLkedap* padindhukudaindhaadi,*
adiyEn vaaymaduththup* parukik kaLiththEnE.
9.Emeprumaan, Kannan wears the Thirutthuzhaay garland. He is the Chief of
Nitya sUris. He has the ThirumEni (the Divine Body) which has nothing
equal to any thing even at Parama padham (Sri Vaikuntam). He is the Purest
of all. By involving myself and singing and dancing His glories and
kalyANa guNAs and getting excited, the dirt and diseases at the bottom of
mu mind are all completely removed. I have been saved!
kaLippum kavarvum aRRup* piRappup piNi mooppu iRappaRRu,*
oLikkonda chOthiyumaay* udan_kooduvathenRukolO,*
thuLikkinRa vaan in^_nilam* sudaraazisaNGkEndhi,*
aLikkinRa maayappiraan* adiyaargaL kuzaangaLaiyE.
10.The Sexual pleasure, the sadness when I do not get that- the Birth,
the diseases that come in these births, old age, death- Removing all these
(from this body) When will I join the BhagavathALs with the lustrous
shining body of mine ?When will I reach the BhagavathALs of the
Maayappiraan, the One who has the Divine Conch (sanghu) and the Divine
kuzaangoL pErarakkan* kulam vIya munindhavanai,*
kuzaangoL then_kurukoorch* sadakOpan_therindhuraiththa,*
kuzaangoL aayiraththuL* ivaipaththum udanpaadi,*
kuzaangaLaay adiyIrudan* koodi_ninRaaduminE.
11. Emperumaan destroyed the entire kulam of ravaNan and the army of
rAkshasaas. About such a Lord, NammAzhwAr has sung thousand pAsurams.Oh
BhagavathAs! the readers of these ten pAsurams out of those thousand! You

aadiyaadi* akamkaraindhu,* isai

paadippaadik* kaNNeermalki,* engum
naadi_naadi* narasingaa enRu,*
vaadivaadum* ivvaaNuthalE.
1.My daughter, the one who has a shining face, is now even unable to stand
at one place and has been restless. Her heart has been melting and her
eyes and cheeks are full of tears and has been singing of Him. She has
been searching for Him desperately at all places and has been calling
"NarasimhA! NarasimhA!" She has been weltering that Lord NarasimhA
immediately arrived for PrahlAdA while He never comes for her at all.
vaaNuthal* immadavaral,* ummaik
kaaNum aasaiyuL* naikinRaaL,* viRal
vaaNan* aayirandhOLthuNiththIr,* ummaik
kaaNa* nIr irakkamilIrE.
2.Oh EmperumaanE! the One who plucked the thousand shoulders of vaaNAsuran
(KaNNan to get His grandson Aniruddhan married to Ushai, killed
vaaNAsuran). My beautiful girl is so foolish and wishes to see you and has
been languishing. But You are not blessing her with Your darshan and You
do not wish it appears!
irakka manaththOdu* eriyaNai,*
arakkum mezukum* okkumivaL,*
irakkamezIr* ithaRku en_seykEn,*
arakkanilangai* seRRIrukkE.
3.My daughter who has been really thinking of You at all times and is
suffering, is a soft and kind hearted girl. Like the wax melting just at
the sight of fire, she has also been melting thinking of You, Dear Lord!
You are NOT KIND HEARTED and You ahve deserted her in this sorry state and
made her suffer. The One who could cross the Ocean and destroyed rAvaNA;
Is it difficult for Him to do something for this girl?
ilangaiseRRavanE ennum,* pinnum
valangoL* puLLuyarththaay ennum,* uLLam
malanga* vevvuyirkkum,* kaNNIrmikak
kalangik* kaithozum ninRu ivaLE.
4.My daughter has been calling You as "Oh Destroyer of lankaa!" and then
addressing You as" the One who hoisted the GarudA flag after success!".
Her mind is totally restless and has been exhaling hot air like fire(due
to viragha thaapam). She has been praying foolishly with folded hands and
tears continuously rolling down her cheeks all the time.
ivaL iraappakal* vaayverIi,* thana
kuvaLaiyoN* kaNNa_nIr kondaaL,* vandu
thivaLum* thaNNan^ thuzaaykodIr,* ena
thavaLavaNNar* thakavugaLE.
5. For days and nights, my daughter has been blabbering about You only.
Her beautiful flower like eyes are full of tears. Can You not give her
Your fragrant thuLasi garland? What nature of heart You have for not
giving such a garland to this poor girl, who has been languishing days and
nights and for giving to the bees!

thakavudaiyavanE ennum,* pinnum
mikavirumpum* piraaNn ennum,* enathu
akavuyirkku* amuthE ennum,* uLLam
ukavuruki* ninRu uLLuLE.
6.Her entire heart appears to be melting into a complete liquid state and
has been calling You as "aruLaaLA! aruLaaLA!" (merciful Lord!). She has
also been saying as "The One who is the bhOgyam for her athmaa!".
uLLuLaavi* ularndhularndhu,* ena
vaLLalE* kaNNanE ennum,* pinnum
veLLa_nIrk* kidandhaay ennum,* ena
kaLvithaan* patta vanchanaiyE. 2.4.7
7.She has been hiding from me her love for You; She is thinking of You
always and that appears to be even drying her jeevan completely with her
suffering. She has been calling You "kaNNA! the One who sleep on the Milky
Ocean!". She has even been thinking of Your bed as her possession (So much
of languishing from Love for You, Lord!)
vanchanE ennum* kaithozum,* thana
nenchamvEva* nedithuyirkkum,* viRal
kanchanai* vanchanai cheythIr,* ummaith
thanchamenRu* ivaL pattanavE. 2.4.8
8.The One who killed kamsA! My daughter has been calling You as "The One
who captured her and cheated by His Actions and auspicious attributes
(kalyANa guNAs)!". She sighs heavily with hot air and has been welling
with tears in her eyes; She prays to You with folded hands always; Due to
having You as the Only redemption, she has been suffering tremendously;
(Should You not help her join You? Why should You trouble this poor girl?)
pattapOthu* ezu pOthaRiyaaL,* virai
mattalar* _thaNdhuzaa yennum,* sudar
vattavaay* _nuthi nEmiyIr,* numathu
ittam en_kol* ivvEzaikkE.
9.The One who has the Most Powerful, lustrous, shining chakrAyudhA! My
daughter has been totally oblivious of dawns and dusks and has been
suffering miserably thinking of You always; Always she has been desirous
of having the fragrant ThuLasi maalai of Yours; what exactly is Your
thinking of this poor pitiable innocent girl ?
EzaipEthai* iraappakal,* thana
kEzil oN* kaNNa_nIr kondaaL,* kiLar
vaazvaivEva* ilangai cheRRIr,* ivaL
maazai_nOkku onRum* vaattEnminE.


10.Oh EmeprumaanE, the One who captured and destroyed the lankA! My
daughter, the innocent girl, is always in tears; She has been crying day
and night thinking of You and been suffering from the pangs of separation
from You, Lord! Please do NOT let her youthful, beautiful, eyes (eyes like
those of deer) lose its beauty and shine; (Since others can get salvation
from her eyesight - means She is the BhAgavathA and her kataaksham can

bring salvation to many others- Do not spoil that- What an imagination and
vaattamilpugaz* vaamananai,* isai
kootti* vaNsadakOpan sol,* amai
paattu* Oraayiraththu ip paththaal,* adi
sUttalaakum* andhaamamE.
11.Sri SadagOpar has sung 1000 pAsurams about the Blemishless Vaamanan.
Out of those 1000, those who sing these ten pasurams (or its meanings) can
get the bhAgyam of performing the kainkaryam of adorning the Lord's Lotus
Feet with a fragrant garland of these 10 pAsurams.
andhaamaththu anpuseythu* ennaavisEr ammaanukku,*
anthaamavaazmudisa_NGku* aazi_nool aaramuLa,*
sendhaamaraith thadamkaN* seNGkanivaay seNGkamalam,*
sendhaamaraiyadikkaL* sempon_ thiruvudampE.
1.What shall I say for the Beauty of my Emperumaan, my Lord! He has shown
me His love and affection towards me (that are meant for Nitya sUris of
paramapadham). He, the One who has united with my Jeevan, is showing
Himself adorned with the Most Beautiful garlands, crown, conch, chakrA,
upaveedham, the pearl necklace etc.. His Divine eyes are like the ponds in
which BEAUTIFUL two red lotuses have just bloomed! His red mouth is like
the Beautiful Red Lotus ITSELF! His two feet are also the Red Lotuses! His
whole divine body (thirumEni) is the shining Gold! What a Beauty is HE!
(aiyO! ivan azhaghenna azhiyaa azhagudaiyaan- kamban)
thiruvudampuvaan _sudar* sendhaamaraikaN kaikamalam,*
thiruvidamE maarbam* ayanidamEkoppooz,*
oruvidamum* endhai perumaaRku aranEyO,*
oruvidam onRinRi* ennuLkalandhaanukkE. 2.5.2
2.My father, the Lord, has got the most beautiful body like that of the
sun. His eyes are red lotuses; His hands are red lotuses; His chest is the
residence of Piraatti; His Lotus navel is the place of brahmaa; the
remaining part of His body is the residence of sivan; Such an Emperumaan
has joined and mixed Himeself with me leaving no space in me! what a
sowlabhyan is He! How great is He!
ennuLkalandhavan* chenganivaaychengamalam,*
minnum chudar malaikku* kaNpaathamkaikamalam,*
mannumuzuvEz ulakum* vayiRRinuLa,*
thannuLkalavaathathu* epporuLumthaanilaiyE.
3.The One who has mixed Himself with me is like a mountain of lustrous
shining lightning; His coral lips, mouth are like Red lotuses; His Divine
eyes, thiruvadi, (long) hands are also Lotus flowers; the seven lOkAs
(worlds) are in His stomach; Hence, there is nothing which is not in Him;
epporuLum thaanaay* marathakak kunRamokkum,*
appozuthaiththaamaraippook* kaNpaatham gaikamalam,*
eppozuthum _naaLthingaL* aandu ooziyoozithoRum,*
appozuthaik appozuthu* ennaaraavamuthamE.

4.He, the One who is the Chief of everything, and is mixed in them, is
like the sapphire mountain (maragadha malai); His eyes are like the Lotus
flowers which have JUST BLOOMED last second! His Divine Feet, Hands are
also Lotus Flowers; He is like THE SWEETEST NECTAR to me at all
times.(everyday, everytime for all months, years and births and praLayams)
aaraavamuthamaay* allaaviyuLkalandha,*
kaaraar karumukilpOl* ennammaan _kaNNanukku,*
nEraavaay sempavaLam* kaNpaatham kaikamalam,*
pEraara _nIL mudi_naaN* pinnum izaipalavE.


5.My Lord, KaNNan has joined with me, my AthmA as the sweetest nectar; The
Darkest Clouds, He, has the Divine lips, which is NOT EVEN COMPARABLE to
Red Corals (means superior to red coral); His Divine Eyes, hands, Feet are
NOT EVEN COMAPARABLE to Red Lotuses; He has long curly dark beautiful
hairs on His head and has adorned Himself with a waist band (araijnAN) and
other jewellery;
palapalavE aaparaNam* pErum palapalavE,*
palapalavE chOthi* vadivu paNbu eNNil,*
palapala kandundu* kEttuRRumOndhinbam,*
palapalavE NYaanamum* paampaNaimElaaRkEyO.


6.If one thinks of Him, the One who sleeps on the AdhiseshA, then His
Auspicious attributes, His "aabharaNangaL" are innumerable; (means the
attributes are also His jewellery which adorn Him); His names are
innumerable; His lustrous shining bodies are innumerable; the enjoyment
(which we get) from Him by seeing, eating, hearing, touching and smelling
is also uncountable; the knowledge is innumerable;
paampaNaimEl paaRkadaluL* paLLi amarndhathuvum,*
kaampaNaithOL pinnaikkaa* ERudan EzcheRRathuvum,*
thEmpaNaiya chOlai* maraamaram Ezeythathuvum,*
poompiNaiya thaNdhuzaay* ponmudiyam pOrERE.
7.Emperumaan is like a Strongest Bull; He is the One who wears the Most
Fragrant ThirutthuzhaaY (ThuLasi) garland in His head; He has lied down
and is having His yOga nithrA on the AdhisEshA; He fought and killed the
seven oxen for uniting with the Beautiful Nappinnai Piraatti; He sent His
arrow through the seven trees and made holes in it (while He was tested by
sugreeva during RaamAvathAr)
ponmudiyam pOrERRai* emmaanai _naalthadandhOL,*
thanmudi onRillaatha* than thuzaay maalaiyanai,*
enmudivu kaaNaathE* ennuL kalandhaanai,*
chol mudivu kaaNEn_naan* cholluvathu en _chollIrE.


8.My Lord, the One who has the Loveliest hair and Crown, is a Lion;
(seeriya singham- AndAL); the Four Shouldered Lord- there is no limit for
His guNAs, Where is the end for talking about His nature? Without having
any discimination, (in spite of my lowest nature), He has stayed in me and
has united with me; To pray to Him and to talk about His such GREATEST
NATURE, there is no word and no end in description; How can I capture the
description and narrating ABOUT HIM in words! (Impossible!)

chollIr ennammaanai* ennaaviyaavithanai,*

ellaiyilsIr* en karumaaNikkachchudarai,*
nallavamutham* peRaRkariya vIdumaay,*
allimalar viraiyoththu* aaNallan peNNallanE.


tell about My Lord; Mt AhthmA'a AthmA, the unbounded, limitless, Black
Emerald, My Lord- pay obeisance to Him; He is SO SWEET like NECTAR, He is
the CHIEF OF MIKSHA ULAGAM and can not be attained so EASILY(except with
your surrender unto Him); He has the Most Fragrant smell of alli flowers;
He is neither masculine nor feminine;
aaNallan peNNallan* a_llaa aliyumallan,*
kaaNalumaakaan* uLaNnallan illaiyallan,*
pENungaalpENum* uruvaakum allanumaam,*
kONai perithudaiththu* empemmaanaikkooRuthalE. 2.5.10
10.My Lord is neither masculine; nor feminine; not even
napumsakan(in-between); He can not be seen by eyes; BUT CAN BE SEEN BY
BHAGAVATHALS. and CAN NOT be seen by those who are NOT; (sisters and
brothers, this statement of AzhwAr has made me so much remorse with tears
for I have NOT been able to see Him- and hence I am NOT a BhAgavathA. I am
only having a veLi vEsham - Is there any redemption for me, dear ones!).
He appears in a form in which we want Him to appear. He can be NOT IN THAT
Lord is the Strongest and the Greatest.
kooRuthalonRaaraak* kudakkooththa ammaanai,*
kooRuthalE mEvik* kurukoorchchadakOpan,*
kooRina andhaathi* OraayiraththuL ippaththum,*
kooRuthal vallaaruLarEl* kooduvar vaikundhamE. 2.5.11
11.Even vEdAs can not tell completely even a single of attribute(guNA) of
His; Our kurugoor sadagOpan has sung 1000 pAsurams about such Lord; Those
who sing(or read) these ten (out of those 1000) pasurams WILL DEFINITELY
vaikundhaa maNivaNNanE* enpollaath thirukkuRaLaa ennuLmanni,*
vaikum vaikalthORum* amuthaaya vaaNnERE,*
cheykundhaa varundhImai unnadiyaarkkuth thIrththu* asurarkkuth thImaigaLseykundhaa* unnai_naan pidiththEn koL sikkenavE.
1.Oh Paramapadha nathanE! The Blue Coloured Lord! My beautiful VaamanA!
The One who tastes the sweet nectar everyday at all times in my heart! The
Lion of dEvAs! KundhA! (one of Lord's names is kundhan), the One who
troubles asurAs to remove the troubles of bhAgavathALs'; I have caught You
firmly and tightly and I will never let it slip out.
sikkenachchiRuthOridamum* puRappadaaththannuLLE,* ulakugaL
okkavE vizungip* pukundhaan pukundhathaRpin,*
mikka NYaana veLLachchudar viLakkaayth* thuLakkaRRu amuthamaay,* engum
pakkam _nOkkaRiyaan* en paindhaamaraik kaNNanE. 2.6.2
2.The Most Beautiful Lord, my Emperumaan without leaving a single little
space has captured all worlds in His stomach; the One who has swallowed
everything, now has entered into my mind; the knowledge, the light

personified is He! He is the most sweetest nectar to me! He is not seeing

anywhere; (HE IS LOOKING ONLY AT ME- says AzhwAr)
thaamaraikkaNNanai* viNNOr paravum thalaimakanai,* thuzaayviraip
poomaruvu kaNNi* empiraanaip ponmalaiyai,*
naamaruvi_nan_kEththi* uLLi vaNangi _naammagizndhaada,* naavalar
paamaruvi _niRkaththandha* paanmaiyE vaLLalE. 2.6.3
3.Oh EmperumaanE! You, the Red Lotus eyes Lord, are the Chief of dEvAs
!the One who wears the Most Fragrant thuLasi garland! You are the mountain
of Gold! I had approached You; You granted me the Greatest Joy of praying
to You with total complete bhakti. You granted me the ability to sing
pAsurams with my tongue about Your Glories; How great You are and How
merciful You are!
vaLLalE mathusoothanA* enmarathaka malaiyE,* unai_ninaindhu,
eLkalthandha endhaay* unnai eNGNGanam vidugEn,?*
veLLamE purai_ninpugaz kudaindhaadippaadi* kaLiththu ukandhugandhu*
uLLa _nOygaL ellaam thurandhu* uyndhu pOndhirundhE.
4. MadhusoodhanA! Oh mountain of Maragadham (sapphire)! You granted me a
state of mind to keep longing for You and think of You only and reject
everything else; My Father! I will never leave You at anytime; I have
immersed myself in a Big flood of Glorious attributes of Yours and have
sung and danced in it; I have gotten rid of all my diseases from this body
and obtained salvation. Hence, I will NEVER EVER LEAVE YOU, LORD!
uyndhupOndhu ennulappilaatha* vendhI vinaigaLai _naasanceythu* _unathu
andhamiladimai* adaindhEn viduvEnO,?*
aindhupaindhalai aada aravaNaimEvip* paaRkadal yOka_niththirai,*
sindhai seytha endhaay* unnaich chindhai seythucheythE. 2.6.5
5.My Father! I have obtained salvation by thinking about You always; I
have learnt the nature of my athmA and have found the difference from
others' thinking of the same; Hence, I have been granted by You the
servitude to perform kainkaryam at Your feet with You as my Lord! Thus,
the sins accrued over the ages due to my past karmaas could be destroyed;
Hereafter, I will NEVER EVER LEAVE YOU. What GREAT Help You have done to
me , my Lord, the One who sleeps on the AdhisEshA! I will always THINK OF
unnaich chindhai cheythucheythu* un_nedumaa mozi isaipaadiyaadi* _en
munnaith thIvinaigaL* muzuvE arindhanan_yaan,*
unnaich chindhaiyinaal ikazndha* iraNiyanakalmaarvam kInda* en
munnaik kOLariyE* mudiyaathathen enakkE.
6.BhagawaanE! the One who ripped open hiraNyan and killed him! Having
thought of You always,- Having sung about Your most auspicious attributes
always,- my past sins have been removed completely. You are so merciful;
Aren't You? What can NOT BE done with Your mercy, my Lord?
mudiyaathathen enakkEl ini?* muzuvEzulakumundaan* _ugandhuvanthu
adiyEnuL pukundhaan* akalvaanumallan ini,*
sediyaar _nOygaLellaam thurandhu* emarkIz mElezu piRappum,*
vidiyaa ven^_narakaththu enRum* chEr_thalmaaRinarE.

7.Emperumaan- the One who ate and protected the seven lOkAs willingly
entered into my heart. Hereafter, He will never leave me also; Hence, with
His mercy, there is NOTHING which I can NOT do. Seven births upwards and
downwards- all my relatives will get rid of their sins and escape going to
maaRimaaRip palapiRappum piRan^thu* adiyai adaindhu uLLam dhERi*
IRil inpaththiruveLLam* yaan moozkinan,*
paaRippaaRi asurar_tham* palkuzaangaL _nIReza,* paaypaRavaiyonru
ERivIRRirundhaay* unnai ennuL_nIkkEl endhaay. 2.6.8
8.My Father! The One who rides on the GarudA and turns the flock of asurAs
into ashes! After taking so many different various births, finally I have
obtained clarity in my mind and reached the abode of Your Feet; I have
been immersing myself again and again in the FLOOD of endless MERCY and
dayA. Hereafter, You can NOT leave me.
endhaay! thaNthiruvENGkadaththuL ninRaay* _ilaNGkai seRRaay,* maraamaram
paindhaaLEzuruva * oru vaaLikOththa villaa,*
kondhaar _thaNNandhuzaayinaay amuthE* unnai ennuLLE kuzaiththa em
maindhaa,* vaanERE* iniyeNGkuppOkinRathE?.
9.My Father! The One who stands at the Cold TiruvEngada mountain! The One
who destroyed Sri LankA! The One who is capable of sending the arrow
through seven trees! The One who wears the ThirutthuzhAy (thuLasi)
garlands! You, the sweetest Nectar, have mixed Yourself completely with
me. The Chief of dEvAs! Where else can You go now?
pOkinRa kaalangaL pOya kaalangaL* pOku kaalangaL,* thaaythandhai uyiraaginRaay* unnai _naanadaindhEn viduvEnO,?
paaginRa tholpugaz moovulakukkum* naathanE! paramaa,* thaNvENGkadam
mEkinRaay* thaNdhuzaay virai_naaRukaNNiyanE.
10.the Past- the Present and the Future- at all times, You have been my
mother, my father, my Jeevan (life); I have reached You; I WILL NEVER EVER
LEAVE YOU; You are the Chief of all worlds; the Primordial Chief!
ParamanE! EmperumaanE! The One who resides at Cool ThiruvEnghada
mountain; the One who wears the most fragrant thuLasi maalai; HEREAFTER,
kaNNith thaNNandhuzaay mudik* kamalaththadam peruNG kaNNanai,* pugaz
naNNiththen_kurukoorch* chadakOpan maaRan_chonna,*
eNNil chOrvilandhaathi* aayiraththuL ivaiyum Or_paththu isaiyodum,*
paNNin paadavallaaravar* kEsavan_thamarE.
11.Emperumaan- the One who has the Most Fragrant ThuLasi garland in His
head; the One who has the MOST BEAUTIFUL, RED LOTUS, DARK, LARGE EYES.
Thirukkurugoor maaRan, Sri SadagOpan, has sung 1000 pAsurams about such
Lord, Sriman Narayanan and His most auspicious attributes(kalyAna guNAs).
Out of those 1000 pAsurams, those who can read these ten pAsurams will
become the MOST ARDENT DEVOTEES OF Emeprumaan Kesavan and His Divine Feet.
Ezhaam thirumozhi

kEsavan_thamar* kIzmElemar EzezupiRappum,*

maasa thirithupeRRu* nammudai vaazvu vaaykkinRavaa,*
Isan en_karumaaNikkam en seNGkOlak kaNNan* viNNOr
naayakan,* empiraan emmaan* _naaraayaNanaalE. 2.7.1
1.KESAVAN thamar....emmaan NARAYANANAALE.. ...All my relatives in my
lineage over seven generations above and seven generations below HAVE ALL
BECOME the BhAgavatOttamALs of KESAVAN. They have been blessed to obtain
the grace of Him; With this GRAND Grant, our lives have become and grown
to a GREAT EXTENT. My Lord is the Black Emerald SRIMAN NARAYANAN. He, the
Chief of NityasUris- He is SO MERCIFUL to us for me and my relatives;
naaraNan muzuvEzulakukkum* naathan vEthamayan,*
kaaraNam kirisai karumamivai* muthalvan endhai,*
sIraNaNGkamarar _piRar palarum* thozuthEththa_ninRu,*
vaaraNaththai marupposiththa piraan* en maathavanE.


2.NAARANAN....piraan en MADHAVANE.. ..NARAYANAN -the Chief of seven

lOkAs; the embodiment of vEdAs; the essence of vEdAs; the fruit of our
bhakti; the Primordial Chief; He, the One who is always worshipped by
NityasUris and others, is the One who broke the tusks of "kuvalayApeetam"
elephant during krishNAvathaaram; That MADHAVAN is my father.
maathavan enRathEkoNdu* ennai ini ippaal paddathu,*
yaathavangaLum sErkodEnenRu* ennuL pukundhirundhu,*
thIthavam kedukkum amutham* sendhaamaraikkaN kunRam,*
kOthavamilen kannal katti* emmaan en kOvindhanE.


3.MADHAVAN enRathE...emmaan en GOVINDHANE.. ..The moment I uttered

MADHAVAN, He entered into my heart; He showered so much grace and mercy
and ensured that "In future no kind of ills and sorrows shall come near
me". His Beautiful Red Lotus Eyes are like the SWEET nectar. His Divine
Body (thirumEni) is like a Big Mountain; He is Blemishless and is like a
"kalkaNdu" (Sugar stone) to me; He is that GOVINDHAN.
kOvindhan _kudakkooththan* _kOvalanenRenREkuniththu*
thEvumthannaiyum* paadiyaadaththiruththi,* ennaikkoNdu en
paavandhannaiyum* paaRakkaiththu emar Ezhezhu piRappum,*
mEvum thanmaiyamaakkinaan* vallan empiraan vittuvE.
4.GOVINDHAN...empiraan VITTUVE (vishNuvE).. ..The Most Strongest
Emperumaan VISHNU has made me the most capable person; He has enabled me
to call Him as "GOVINDHA! GopAlA!" and address His most auspicious
attributes and His strengths; He has granted me with His mercy and enabled
me dance singing His Glories all the time; He has enslaved me and has
DESTROYED all my sins accrued over the ages; All my relatives from all my
previous janmams(births) have been blessed by Him to reach His LotusFeet;
vittilaNGkusenchOthith* thaamaraipaatham kaigaL kaNgaL,*
vittilaNGku karunchudar* malaiyE thiruvudampu,*
vittilaNGku mathiyamsIr* saNGkusakkaramparithi,*
vittilaNGku mudiyammaan* mathusoothanan _thanakkE.
5.VITTIlanghu...MADHUSOODHANAN thanakkE.. ..MADHUSOODHANAN-the One who
has the most lustrous shining face and head, has got His Feet, Limbs and
Eyes like Red Lotus Flowers; His Divine Body is like a Big Group of Light.

His Lustrous Divine Conch is like a shining moon; His Divine ChakrA is
like the Sun.
mathusoothanaiyanRi maRRilEnenRu* eththaalum karumaminRi,*
thuthi soozndha paadalgaL paadiyaada* ninRooziyoozithoRum,*
ethirsoozalpukku enaiththOr _piRappum* enakkE aruLgaL seyya,*
vithi soozndhathaal enakkEl ammaan* thirivikkiramanaiyE.


6.MADHUSOODHANaianRi...THRIVIKRAMANAIYE.. ..I have no other refuge other

than MADHUSOODHANAN; and There is no USE EVEN from others; hence, for
ever, I SHALL CONTINUE to pray to Him dancing and singing His Glories to
obtain the opportunity for mOksham; When I was trying for all other
'WORLDLY" matters (AzhwAr says "izhavu" for materialistic pursuits - an
excellent- most appropriate word- :"andha izhavukkutthAnE naam naayaa
alaiyarOm"), He intervened in between and came in front of me; To capture
me, He took so many Excellent Avataars; With the GRACE of THRIVIKRAMAN, I
was DESTINED to fall into His trap; HOW MERCIFUL IS HE, MY LORD
THRIVIKRAMAN! (WOW! What a usage and How nicely put by AzhwAr about the
"MaarjAla saraNagathi" here- while it is actually a COMBINATION and the
BHAGAVATHAALS, SISTERS and BROTHERS!- It is correct that mother knows to
feed the kid but the cry only will bring the mother to its attention to
get the milk)
thirivikkiraman _sendhaamaraikkaN* emmaan en _seNGkanivaay*
uruvil polindha veLLaip paLiNGku* _niRaththananenRenRu,* uLLip
paravip paNindhu* pallooziyoozi _ninpaathapaNGkayamE,*
maruvith thozum manamE thandhaay* vallaikaaN en vaamananE.
Lotus Eyed Lord measured the World in three Feet(measures); His Red Coral
lipped mouth has got the miky whitish crystal like TEETH which is most
beautiful to look at; (seyya vaai aiyO en sinthai kavarndhadhuvE); He is
the One, who granted me the MIND to keep thinking of Him, to keep siging
about Him and to keep paying obeisances to Him; My VAAMANAA! I can say
that You Are the Only One who is capable of Everything.
vaamanan en marathakavaNnan* thaamaraik kaNNinankaamanaippayandhaay,* enRenRu un_kazal* paadiyE paNindhu,*
thoomanaththananaay* piRaviththuzathi_nINGka,* ennaith
thImanaNGkeduththaay* unakken_seykEn? en_sirItharanE. 2.7.8
8.VAMMANAN en maragatha vaNNan...en SIREEDHARANE.. ..VAAMANAA! The Colour
of Sapphire! The Red Lotus Eyed Lord! the Father of Cupid! - Like that, I
sang and prayed at Your Lotus Feet and became PURE. You granted me the
mind to keep thinking of You for ever and let me het rid of the Bad Heart
(which ran after sensual pleasures!) and of the disease of Births; MY
sirIitharan _seyyathaamaraikkaNNan* enRenRu iraappakalvaaY
verIi,* alamandhu kaNgaL _nIrmalki* vevvuyirththuyirththu,*
marIiyathIvinaimaaLa inpamvaLara* vaikalvaikal
irIi,* unnai ennuL vaiththanai* en irudIkEsanE. 2.7.9
You have encaptured Yourself in me and stayed there; After having got rid

of the sins accrued (and the consequences arising out of them!), and the
Greatest Bliss and Enjoyment of Your anubhavam has been GROWING DAY BY DAY
since then exponentially and You are ENSURING these things by staying in
my heart PERENNIALLY without LEAVING ME. I shall pray to You, sing about
You; call You "SREEDHARAA!, SENTHAAMARAIKKANNAA! (Red Lotus Eyed Lord!)"
and day and night- I shall pay obeisances to You with TEARS ROLLING DOWN
irudIkEsan empiraan* ilaNGkai arakkarkulam,*
murudu thIrththapiraan emmaan* amarar _pemmaanenRenRu,*
therudiyaagil _nencEvaNaNGku* thiNNam aRi aRindhu,*
marudiyElum vidElkandaay* nampi paRpa_naapanaiyE.
10.IRUDEEKESAN empiraan...PARPANAABHANAIYE(PadmanAbhanaiyE) ..Oh mind!
Since you have become wise, do not leave PADMANABHAN and pray to Him; Even
if you get totally confused and come across so many distractions, DO NOT
get carried away; STAND FIRM WITH YOUR WISDOM (AzhwAr is telling his mind
(or us?)!) Always meditate on Him; Always pay obeisance to Him and say
"IRUDEEKESAA! My Lord! The One who destroyed LankA! the Chief of dEvAs!"
paRpa_naapan uyarvaRavuyarum* perundhiRalOn,*
eRparan ennaiyaakkikkondu* enakkE thannaiththandha
kaRpakam,* ennamutham kaarmukilpOlum* vENGkada_nal
veRpan,* visumpOr_piraan* endhai thaamOtharanE. 2.7.11
11.PADMANAABHAN..enthai DAMODHARANE.. ..PADMANABHAN- the One who has got
Lotus Flower in His navel- has Got the GREATEST of GREATEST GLORIES and
STRENGTHS; He has enslaved me; HE OFFERED HIMSELF too to me; He is like
the kaRpaka vruksham (kaRpaka tree- in dEvalOkA- that is capable of
everything one wishes!) and is of Blue Hued Lord and stands at
ThiruvEnkadam; He is My father who is also the Chief of NityasUris- (Akila
jagadh swamin- and asmath swamin- Sriranga nAtha and mama nAthA!) He is
DAMODHARAN- the One who has got the marks of the rope (which was tied to
His Body by the MOST LUCKIEST YASODHA for His stealing butter!- in fact,
there is an interesting anecdote that uopn Mahalakshmi's request, when
Lord Sriman Narayana at Sri Vaikuntam helped Himself to get some fruits
from the tree, the "utthriyam"(upper piece of cloth) fell and exposed His
marks of the rope to MahAlakshmi and SHE SAW THE MARKS; Our "poor" Sriman
Narayana had to say all sorts of stories to cover up His mischiefs and
stealing acts (BUT FAILED)- Since then it seems He makes it a point to
wear the Golden waist band (OttiyaaNam) in order not to further
embarassment to Him- How Sweet it would have been to witness the
Primordial Chief- SARVA VALLABHAN - getting Himself tied down by a small
simple rope by the ARIVONDRUMILLAADHA AAYKKULATTHU" yasOdhA- It appears
all dEvAs including Brahmaa and Sivan assembled at the sky and saw THIS
MOST SOWLABHYA EVENT;What a Lord! What a Lord! What a Lord is OUR SRIMAN
thaamOtharanaith thanimuthalvanai* NYaalam undavanai,*
aamOtharamaRiya* oruvarkkenRe thozumavargaL,*
thaamOtharan uruvaagiya* sivaRkum thisaimukaRkum,*
aamOtharamaRiya* emmaanai en aazivaNNanaiyE.
12.DAMODHARANAI..en AAZHIVANNANAIYE.. ..Who can understand my
Emperumaan?- the One who created the world and is the origin of Every
being; the One who kept everything in His stomach- He is DAMODHARAN; Like

that Sivan and Brahmaa have been uttering while paying obeisances to Him;
Even they-who are in His body- can not attempt tocomprehend His calibre;
vaNNamaamaNichchOthiyai* amarar _thalaimakanai,*
kaNNanai _nedumaalaith* then_kurukoorchchadakOpan,*
paNNiya thamizMaalai* aayiraththuL ivai pannirandum,*
paNNiR panniru_naamap paattu* aNNalthaaL aNaivikkumE.


13.vaNNamaa..aNNal thaaL aNaivikkumE.. ..the Thirumaal-the Nedumaal-the

Chief of NityasUris is the Most Beautiful Kannan; These 12 pAsurams out of
SadagOpar's 1000 pasurams which have been sung about KaNNan, will enable
its singers (or readers) reach HIS LOTUS FEET WITHOUT FAIL.- NOT TO WORRY.
aNaivathu aravaNaimEl* poompaavaiyaakam
puNarvathu,* iruvaravar muthalumthaanE,*
iNaivanaam* epporutkum vIdumuthalaam,*
puNaivan* piRavikkadal _nIndhuvaarkkE. 2.8.1
1.Emeprumaan- who unites Himself
with MahAlakshmi, (who stays on the Lotus Flower) and lies down on the
AdhsEshA- Just to see Him and His nature ITSELF is the ABSOLUTE BLISS. He
is the cause for BrahmA and Sivan. He is the One who takes avataars to
cater to our requirements. He is like a log of wood when we are getting
ourselves drowned in Samsaaric Ocean and the Ocean of Births and Deaths.
nIndhum thuyarp piRavi* utpada maRRevvevaiyum,*
nIndhum thuyarillaa* vIdu muthalaam,*
poondhaN punal poykai* yaanai idarkadindha,*
poondhaNdhuzaay* en_thani_naayakanpuNarppE.
2.Emeprumaan removed the obstacle of GajEndrA (the Elephant), the one got
caught by the crocodile in a pond. The relationship with Him, the One who
wears the garland of ThuLasi, can alleviate all sorrows connected with
birth and all other samsaaric ills; and that will be the cause for getting
the "HEAVENLY" mOksham where there will be no sorrows and ills- FULL OF
puNarkkum ayanaam* azikkum aranaam,*
puNarththa thannundhiyOdu* aakaththumanni,*
puNarththa thiruvaagith* thanmaarvilthaan_sEr,*
puNarppan perumpuNarppu* eNGkumpulanE. 2.8.3
3.Emperumaan offered a
place to Brahmaa (after creating him) and Sivan in His body; He is The One
who is the antharyaami for BrahmA and Sivan; He has mahAlakshmi residing
in His heart always. His attributes are so wonderful and beyond one's
comprehension! We can see His marvellous actions (in our nature and among
ourselves) everywhere!
pulanaindhumEyum* poRiyaindhum _nIkki,*
nalamandhamillathu Or* naadu pukuvIr,*
alamandhu vIya* asuraraich cheRRaan,*
palamundhusIril* padimin OvaathE.
4.Oh BhagavathALs, who are proceeding to the most wonderful Haevenly

world! you all should not get entangled by the Five senses and their
attractions; you shall always desire for mOksham-(which, you are already
doing); you should immerse yourselves in singing His kalyANa guNAs and His
valour in killing asurAs.
Ovaath thuyarp piRavi* utpada maRRev vevaiyum,*
mUvaath thanimuthalaay* moovulakum kaavalOn,*
maavaagi aamaiyaay* mInaagi maanidamaam,*
thEvaathi thEvaperumaan* en_thIrththanE.
5.Emperumaan is the only reason and cause for everything including the
diseases of our Births; He is the Only one -who is indefatigable to
protect always and forever; He is Lord Hayagreev, KoormA, MatsyA, Sri
RAmA, KaNNan and is the Chief of all dEvAs; He is the Chief of NityasUris.
He is my Theerthan (Theerthan because He purifies me!)
thIrththan ulagaLandha* sEvadimElpoondhaamam,*
sErththi avaiyE* sivanmudimEl thaan_kandu,*
paarththan _theLindhozindha* paindhuzaayaan perumai,*
pErththum oruvaraal* pEsakkidandhathE?. 2.8.6
6.Theerthan, the One whse feet was adorned by the Garland offered by
arjun, enabled arjun to see the same garland at the head of Sivan and
realise the Parathvam of Sri KaNNan.Should someone do further
research/investigation on Parathvam? (NO!)
kidandhirundhu _ninRaLandhu* kEzalaaykkIzpukku
idandhidum,* thannuL karakkum umizum,*
thadam perundhOL aaraththazuvum* paarennum
madandhaiyai,* maal seykinRa* maal aar kaaNpaarE?.


7.Emperumaan lied down (kidandhu) on ThiruppaRkadal. He stayed with the

rishis in the forest (irundhu); He stood winning against rAvaNA.(ninRu);
As a VaraahA, He brought the Mother Earth back; He ate the seven worlds
and spit them back after the Cosmic Cycle end; He hugged the Most
Beautiful shoulders of Nappinnaip piraatti; Who can see all His actions?
kaaNpaaraar? emmIsan* kaNNanai en_kaaNumaaRu,?*
ooNpEsil ellaa* ulakum Or _thuRRaaRRaa,*
sENpaalavIdO* uyirO maRRep porutkum,*
ENpaalum sOraan* parandhuLanaam eNGkumE.
8.Wh is capable of seeing my Sweet Lord KaNNan? Who can see Him? No one
can even think what He eats; Even the whole world is not for one munch
with His mouth. His Home is BEYOND all worlds; He is the One in
Everything; He is the One spread everywhere;
eNGkummuLan _kaNNaNnenRa* makanaikkaayndhu,*
iNGkillaiyaalenRu* iraNiyan thooNpudaippa,*
aNGku appozuthE* avan vIyath thOnRiya,* en
siNGkappiraan perumai* aaraayumsIrmaiththE.


9.PrahalAda, the son of HiraNyakasipu, said to his father " KaNNan is in

all places". When he was asked by his father "Doe He live in this pillar?"
and showed a pillar, PrahalAda said "Yes, Of course.". Our Lord made a

SUPERFAST move into the pillar before it was broken by HiraNya kasipu and
was killed by Lord NrsimhA. Is there any point in doubting His
capabilities? Is there any capacity for us to even get to knoe His powers?
sIrmaikoLvIdu* suvarkka_narakIRaa,*
IrmaikoL thEvar* naduvaa maRRep porutkum,*
vErmuthalaay viththaayp* parandhu thani_ninRa,*
kaarmukilpOl vaNNan* en kaNNanai _naan _kandEnE.


10.Emperumaan- the One who is the beginning and the end of Most wonderful
Paramapadham, Heaven and the Hell. He is the One who has all dEvAs. He is
the One who becomes the seed, the trunk, the branches and the finale for
everything; Such a KaNNapiraan- I HAVE SEEN HIM;
kaN thalangaL seyya* karumEniyammaanai,*
vaNdalampum sOlai* vazuthivaLa_naadan,*
paN thalaiyil sonnathamiz* aayiraththu ippaththum vallaar,*
viN thalaiyil vIRRirun^thaaLvar* emmaavIdE.
11.Our NammAzhwAr has sung 1000 pAsurams about the Lord Sriman Narayanan,
one who is the Black emerald and has got Red Lotus Eyes; Ones who read
these 10 pAsurams out of 1000 pAsurams are DEFINITE to get mOksham and
enjoy absolute Bliss.
emmaavItduth* thiRamumseppam,* nin
semmaa paathapaRputh* thalaisErththu* ollai,kaimmaathunpam* kadindhapiraanE,*
ammaa adiyEn* vEnduvathu IthE. 2.9.1
1. Oh EmperumaanE!the One, who removed the sorrows of GajEndrA! However
great mOksham may be, I have no interest in it; All that I wish is "You
shall always rest Your Feet on my head and save me". I want this only.
IthE yaanunnaik* koLvathu eNYNYaanRum,* en
maithOysOthi* maNivaNNa endhaay,*
eythaa _nin_kazal* yaaneytha,* NYaanak
kaithaa* kaalak kazivu seyyElE. 2.9.2
2. Oh PerumaanE! The dark hued, lustrous maNivaNNA! My Father! Even when
asked infinite times, my answer will still be the same. Give me a hand of
jnAnam (knowledge) to lift me up to reach Your Lotus Feet. (here jnAnA is
considered as another hand to lift . Embaar explains to aNdAAn that more
hands will only facilitate a person being lifted;)
seyyEl thIvinaiyenRu* aruLseyyum,* en
kaiyaarch chakkarak* kaNNapiraanE,*
aiyaar kandam adaikkilum* nin_kazal
eyyaathu Eththa,* aruL sey enakkE.


3. KaNNapiraanE! The One who has Divine ChakrA in His hands, showers mercy
on us and advises us not to commit sins. Even in the last dying moment,
when my throat gets choked up with phlegm, I should remember to pray to
Your Lotus Feet and You should grant me that, Lord.("appothaikku ippothe
solli vaithen"- )

enakkEyaatsey* ekkaalaththum enRu,* en
manakkE van^thu* idaivIdinRimanni,*
thanakkEyaaka* enaikkoLLum IthE,*
enakkE kaNNanai* yaan_koLsiRappE.
4. "At all times, I should
me and let me possess that
permanently in my heart. I
should take me in that way

be served"-like that, You should always advise

knowledge. EmperumaanE! You should always stay
should be only Your property (thanakkE) and You
to Your Feet. All that I need is that.

siRappil vIdu* suvarkkam _narakam,*
iRappil eythuka* eythaRka,* yaanum
piRappil* palpiRavip perumaanai,*
maRapponRinRi* enrum magizvEnE. 2.9.5
5. When the jeevan gets out of my body, whether I get mOksham or Heaven or
Hell- I do not bother. Let me not even get any of these. BUT, I WILL NOT
granting me to get out of these Births;
magizkoL theyvam* ulOkam alOkam,*
magizkoL sOthi* malarndha ammaanE,*
magizkoL sindhai* sol seykai kondu,* enRum
magizvuRRu* unnai vaNaNGkavaaraayE.
6. My Chief, My Lord! You created the dEvAs; You have spread among all
that one can see- chEthanAs and achEthanAs (sentient and non-sentient
beings); You have become the Sun and the Moon; Such a Great Lord, You areI should happily pray to You with my speech, mind and actions and You
should bless me with that.
vaaraay* un thiruppaatha malarkkIz,*
pEraathE yaan vandhu* adaiyumpadi
thaaraathaay,* unnai ennuL* vaippil enRum
aaraathaay,* enakku enRum ekkaalE.
7. You are not granting me the bhAgyam of staying at Your Feet and not
leaving that at all in future' You are not even letting me have You in my
heart for a day! Hence, You should come to me at all times, under all
situations, EmperumaanE!
ekkaalaththendhaiyaay* ennuLmannil,* maRRu
ekkaalaththilum* yaathonRum vEndEn,*
mikkaar vEtha* vimalarvizuNGkum,* en
akkaarakkaniyE* unnaiyaanE.
8. EmperumaanE!, the One who is worshipped by the Blemishless vedic
scholars! Oh the Sweetest Lord! ( "en akkArak kaniyE!). You should always
stay in my heart as my father. I WILL NEVER ASK YOU FOR ANYTHING ELSE.
yaanE ennai* aRiyagilaathE,*
yaanE en_dhanathE* enRirundhEn,*
yaanE_nI* ennudaimaiyum _nIyE,*

vaanEyEththum* emvaanavarERE.


9. I and my possessions are Your property and we are at Your service; I

did not have this knowledge and had a wrong knowledge- I had "I" and
"mine" attitudes, so long. Now I am Yours and my possessions are also
Yours; You are the Chief of NityasUris and our Chief!
EREl Ezum* venRu Er_koL ilaNGkaiyai,*
nIREseytha* nedunchudarchchOthi,*
thEREl ennai* un ponnadichchErththu* ollaivEREpOka* eNYNYaanRum vidalE. 2.9.10
10. You are the One who won seven oxen; You destroyed the lankA to ashes;
Oh my lustrous shining ParanjyOthi! PLEASE DO NOT BELIEVE MY PRESENT STATE
OF MIND AND LEAVE ME! I MIGHT CHANGE tomorrow and commit sins! Hence,
Please take me to Your Lotus Feet! PLEASE NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE. (How true
these words are!- they more applicable to us than to AzhwAr)

sakkaraththu * aNNalai, mEval*

vaNkurukoorch* sadakOpan_sol,*
aayiraththuL* ivaipaththum,*
vIduseyyum* kiLarvaarkkE.

11. Those who read these 10 pAsurams out of 1000 pAsurams (composed by
kurugoor sadagOpan), which have been sung on SarvEswaran, the One who has
Divine chakrA in His hands, are DEFINITE to attain the amrut (deathless)
kiLaroLiyiLamai* keduvathan munnam,*
vaLaroLi maayOn* maruviya kOyil,*
vaLariLam pozilsooz* maaliruncOlai,*
thaLar vilaraagich* saarvathusathirE.


It is wise to take shelter, without weariness, at MAliruncOlai, surrounded

by thriving young plants, where the wondrous Lord of increasing splendor has
made his abode before one loses his peaking lustrous youtfulness.
sathiriLa madavaar* thaazchsiyai mathiyaathu,*
athir kural saNGkaththu* azakar_thamkOyil,*
mathithavazkudumi* maaliruncOlai,*
pathiyathu Eththi* ezuvathu payanE.
It is to advantage to thrive by eulogizing the divine place,
TirumAliruncOlai, with the moon hovering over its peak, where Lord Alagar,
with the conch of thunderous sound, has made his abode, without caring for
the solicitude of clever young maids.
payanalla seythu* payanillai _nenchE,*
puyalmazai vaNNar* purindhuRaikOyil,*
mayalmiku pozilsooz* maalirunchOlai,*
ayanmalai adaivathu* athukarumamE.
Mind! It is useless doing unremunerative work. It is (remunerative) work
even reaching the hill neighbouring MAliruncOlai, surrounded by dense trees
bewildering others (non-devotees), where the Lord of the hue of rain-bearing

clouds has relished making his abode.

karumavanpaasam* kaziththuzanRuyyavE,*
perumalaiyeduththaan* pIduRaikOyil,*
varumazai thavazum* maalirunchOlai,*
thirumalaiyathuvE* adaivathuthiRamE.
It is but appropriate reaching that sacred hill, MAliruncOlai, grazed by
rain-bearing clouds, where the Lord who lifted the great mountain
(GOvardhana) dwells in all glory, (in order for us) to thrive doing service
freed from the bonds of karma.
thiRamudai valaththaal* thIvinai perukkaathu,*
aRamuyalaazip* padaiyavan _kOyil,*
maRuvil vaNsunai sooz* maalirunchOlai,*
puRamalai saarap* pOvathukiRiyE.
It is in the right direction to reach the hill beside MAliruncOlai,
surrounded by clean and copious streams, where dwells the Lord with the
discus avowed rigteousness by sweeping out cruel sins with appropriate
mights, in his hands.

_ninaimin* kIzmai seyyaathE,*

veNNey* undavan kOyil,*
piNaisEr* maalirunchOlai,*
athuvE* ninaivathu_nalamE.

It is bliss to think even of taking the path to MAliruncOlai, where the does
are in company with their young, the temple of Lord (Krsna) who ate butter
stored in swings. Consider this a good way and do not commit lowly acts.
nalamena _ninaimin* narakazundhaathE,*
nilamunamidandhaan* nIduRai kOyil,*
malamaRumathisEr* maalirunchOlai,*
valamuRai eythi* maruvuthal valamE.
Approaching in an appropriate manner, it is strengthening to be in the
vicinity of MAliruncOlai with blemishless moon, hovering over where dwells
eternally the Lord who pulled out the earth at one time. Think of this as
bliss without drowning (yourself) in this hell (of samsara).

vaikal* valaNGkaziyaathE,*
_aaya* maayavan kOyil,*
vaanOr* maalirunchOlai,*
_naaLum* maruvuthal vazakkE.


It is proper to stay and circumabulate daily MAiruncOlai, without losing

one's strength at any time, where celestials do likewise, the temple of the
cowherd of great deeds who gives stamina.
vazakkena _ninaimin* valvinai moozkaathu,*
azakkodiyattaan* amar _peruNG kOyil,*
mazakkaLiRRinam cEr* maalirunchOlai,*
thozuk karuthuvathE* thuNivathu soothE. 2.10.9

It is a ploy (to overcome mundane thoughts) to be in the fore front of

thinking of service at MAlirumcOlai with herds of young elephants, the great
temple graced by the Lord who killed the rakshasa woman (PUtana). Think of
this as proper custom without drowning yourself in intense sins.
soothenRu gaLavum* soothum seyyaathE,*
vEthamun viriththaan* virumpiya kOyil,*
maathuRu mayilsEr* maalirunchOlai,*
pOthaviz malaiyE* pukuvathu poruLE.
It is a goal by itself entering MAlirumcOlai, the hill of blossoming
flowers, where the peacocks and their mates meet, the temple relished by the
Lord who expanded the Vedas (into gita and such other treatises). Do not
commit thefts and robberies as being remunerative.
poruLenRu ivvulagam* padaiththavan pugazmEl,*
maruLil vaNkurukoor* vaNsadakOpan,*
theruLkoLLach chonna* OraayiraththuL ippaththu,*
aruLudaiyavan _thaaL* aNaivikkum mudiththE.
These ten of the 1000 uttered with conviction bynCatakOpan of lovely
KurukUr, without illusions, on the fame of the Lord who begot this world as
a thing to reckon (for the progress of cetanas), will end in lauding on the
feet of the graceful (Sundarabahu).
Note: This decad's english translation by BSS Iyengar

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