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: Morning.


: Expressives (greeting)

Andrew greets Margaret.



: You have a conference call in 30 minutes.


: Representatives (Informing)

Andrew informs Margaret that she has a conference call in 30 minutes.



: Yes. About the marketing of the spring books. I know.


: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she knows the conference call is about the marketing of
the spring books.


: Staff meeting at 9.00.


: Representatives (informing)

Andrew informs Margaret about the staff meeting.



: Did you call... What's her name? The one with the ugly


: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whether he has called someone with the ugly hands.


: Janet.


: Representatives (informing)

Andrew informs Margaret the name of the one with the ugly hands.


: Yes, Janet.


: Representatives (retelling)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Margaret retells the name that told by Andrew.



: Yes. I did. I told her that if she doesn't get her manuscript
in on time you won't give her a release date.


: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he had called Janet and told her that if she doesnt get
her manuscript in on time Margaret will not give her a release date.


: Your immigration lawyer called. He said it's imperative...


: Representatives (informing)

Andrew informs Margaret that her lawyer called.

10. Margaret

: Cancel the call, push the meeting to tomorrow, keep the

lawyer on the sheets. Get a hold of PR, have them start
drafting a press release.


: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to cancel the call, push the meeting, keep the
lawyer on the sheets, and have the PR to start drafting a press release.
11. Margaret

: Frank is doing Oprah.

: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that Frank is doing Oprah.

12. Andrew

: Wow. Nicely done.

: Expressives (compliment)

Andrew praises Margaret.

13. Margaret

: If I want your praise, I will ask for it.

: Commissives (refusing)

Margaret refuses Andrews compliment.

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14. Margaret

: Who is... Who is Jillian? And why does she want me to

call her?


: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew about Jillian.

15. Andrew

: Well, that was originally my cup.

: Representatives (informing)

Andrew informs Margaret that was originally his cup.

16. Margaret

: And I'm drinking your coffee why?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks the Andrew why she drinks his coffee.

17. Andrew

: Because your coffee spilled.


: Representatives (informing)

Andrew informs Margaret that her coffee spilled.

18. Margaret

: So, you drink unsweetened cinnamon light soy lattes?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whether he drinks unsweetened light soy lattes

19. Andrew

: I do. It's like Christmas in a cup.

: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he drinks the unsweetened light soy lattes and its like
Christmas in a cup
20. Margaret

: Is that a coincidence?
: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whether it is a coincidence.

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21. Andrew

: Incredibly, it is. I wouldn't drink the same coffee that you

drink just in case yours spilled. That would be pathetic.


: Representatives (stating)

Andrew states that he wouldnt drink the same coffee that Margaret drinks just
in case hers spilled, that would be pathetic.
22. Andrew

: Have you finished the manuscript I gave you?

: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret whether she had finished the manuscript he gave her.
23. Margaret

: I read a few pages. I wasn't that impressed.

: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that she read a few pages but she wasnt impressed.
24. Andrew

: Can I say something?


: Directives (requesting)

Andrew requests to say something.

25. Margaret

: No.
: Directives (forbidding)

Margaret forbids Andrew to say something.

26. Andrew

: I've read thousands of manuscripts; this is the only one

I've given you. There's an incredible novel in there.


: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that he had read thousands of manuscripts and this is the only
he had given to Margaret.
27. Andrew

: The kind of novel you used to publish.

: Directives (suggesting)

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Andrew suggest Margaret to publish the novel

28. Margaret

: Wrong. And I do think you order the same coffee as I do

just in case you spill, which is, in fact, pathetic.


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that she thinks Andrew orders the same coffee as she does
just in case his spill, which is in fact, pathetic.
29. Andrew

: Or impressive.
: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that Margaret impressive

30. Margaret

: I'd be impressed if you didn't spill in the first place.

: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts she would be impressed if Andrew didnt spill in the first
31. Margaret

: Remember, you're a prop.

: Declaratives (declaring)

Margaret declares that Andrew is a prop.

32. Andrew

: Won't say a word.

: Commissives (promising)

Andrew promises not to say a word.

33. Margaret

: What's his twenty?

: Directives (command)

Margaret commands to Andrew to looks what is Bob doing.

34. Andrew

: He's moving. He has crazy eyes.

: Representatives (informing)

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Andrew informs Margaret that Bob is moving and has crazy eyes
35. Margaret

: What was it?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew something.

36. Andrew

: Youtube
: Representatives (informing)

Andrew informs Margaret.

37. Margaret

: Have security take his breakfront and put it in my

conference room.


: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to have security to take Bobs breakfront and put
it in her conference room.
38. Andrew

: Will do.
: Commissives (promising)

Andrew promises Margaret that he will do Margarets order.

39. Margaret

: I need you this weekend to help review his files and his


: Directives (ordering)

Margaret orders Andrew to help her to review Bobs files and manuscript.
40. Andrew

: This weekend?
: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret about her order.

41. Margaret

: You have a problem with that?

: Rogatives (asking)

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Margaret asks Andrew whether he has a problem with her order.

42. Andrew

: No. I... just my grandmother's 90th birthday, so I was

gonna go home and... It's fine.


: Representatives (stating)

Andrew states that this weekend is just his grandmothers 90th birthday and he
was going home.
43. Andrew

: I'll cancel it.

: Commissives (promising)

Andrew promises Margaret that he will cancel it.

44. Andrew

: You're saving me from a weekend of misery, so it's... Good

talk, yeah.


: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that Margaret saving him from a weekend misery.

45. Margaret

: Was that your family?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whether it was his family who was talking with him on
the phone.
46. Andrew

: Yes
: Representatives (informing)

Andrew informs Margaret that was his family who was talking with him
47. Margaret

: They tell you to quit?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whether his family tell him to quit

48. Andrew

: Every single day.

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: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts to Margaret that his family asked him every single day to quit.
49. Andrew

: Bergen and Malloy want to see you upstairs.

: Representatives (informing)

Andrew informs Margaret that Bergen and Malloy want to see her upstairs.
50. Margaret

: OK. Come get me in ten minutes.

: Directives (ordering)

Margaret orders Andrew to come with her in ten minutes.

51. Margaret

: We've got a lot to do.

: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that they have got a lot to do.

52. Andrew

: Okey-doke.
: Commissives (promising)

Andrew promises that he will come to her.

53. Andrew

: Sorry to interrupt.
: Expressives (apologizing)

Andrew apologizes to interrupt.

54. Margaret

: What?
: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew what is happen.

55. Andrew

: Mary from Ms Winfrey's office called. She's on the line.

: Representatives (informing)

Andrew informs Margaret that Mary from Ms Winfrey office called and shes
on the line.

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56. Margaret

: I know.
: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she knows that Marry called.

57. Andrew

: She's on hold. She needs to speak with you. I told her you
were otherwise engaged. She insisted so...


: Representatives (stating)

Andrew states that shes on hold and needs to speak with Margaret.
58. Margaret

: Come here!
: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to come to the office.

59. Margaret

: We're getting married. We are getting married.

: Declaratives (declaring)

Margaret declares that she and Andrew are getting married.

60. Andrew

: Who is getting married?

: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret who is getting married.

61. Margaret

: You and I. You and I are getting married! Yes.

: Declaratives (declaring)

Margaret declares that they are getting married.

62. Andrew

: We are.
: Representatives (retelling)

Andrew retells Margarets statement.

63. Margaret

: Getting married. We are getting married. Yes.

: Declaratives (declaring)

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Margaret declares that they are getting married.

64. Margaret

: What?
: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew.

65. Andrew

: I don't understand what's happening.

: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he doesnt understand whats happening

66. Margaret

: Relax. This is for you, too.

: Directives (suggesting)

Margaret suggests Andrew to relax.

67. Andrew

: Do explain.
: Directives (command)

Andrew commands Margaret to explain whats happening.

68. Margaret

: They were going to make Bob chief.

: Representatives (informing)

Margaret informs Andrew that they were going to make Bob chief.
69. Andrew

: Naturally I would have to marry you?

: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret why he should marry her.

70. Margaret

: And what's the problem? Like you were saving yourself

for someone special?


: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whats the problem if she asked him to marry her.
71. Andrew

: I like to think so. Besides, it's illegal.

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: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that likes to think so and actually it is illegal.

72. Margaret

: They're looking for terrorists, not for book publishers.

: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that theyre looking for terrorist, not for her.
73. Andrew

: Margaret.
: Representatives (calling)

Andrew calls Margaret.

74. Margaret

: Yes?
: Representatives (answering)

Margaret answers Andrew.

75. Andrew

: I'm not gonna marry you.


: Commissives (promising)

Andrew promises Margaret that he is not going to marry her.

76. Margaret

: Sure you are. Because if you don't, your dreams of

touching the lives of millions with the written word are

Bob is gonna fire you the second I'm gone.

Guaranteed. That means you're out on the street looking for

a job. That means the time that we spent together, the lattes,
the cancelled dates, the midnight Tampax runs, were all for
nothing and all your dreams of being an editor are gone.

: Directives (warning)

Margaret warns Andrew that if he not marries her, his dreams of being an
editor are gone.

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77. Margaret

: Don't worry, after the required allotment of time, we'll get

a divorce and you'll be done with me.


: Commissives (promising)

Margaret promises Andrew that they will get a divorce after the required
allotment if time.
78. Margaret

: But until then, like it or not, your wagon is hitched to

mine. OK? Phone.


: Directives (warning)

Margaret warns Andrew that his wagon is hitched to her whether he likes it or
79. Margaret

: This way.
: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to follow her by this way

80. Andrew

: Margaret.
: Representatives (calling)

Andrew calls Margaret.

81. Margaret

: Come.
: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to come.

82. Andrew

: Thats the line.

: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts to Margaret that is the line.

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83. Margaret

: OK... so, what's gonna happen is we will go up there.

We'll pretend we're boyfriend and girlfriend, tell your
parents we're engaged.


: Representatives (predicting)

Margaret predicts what is going happen is they will go up there, pretend they
are a couple and tell Andrews parents theyre engaged.
84. Margaret

: Use the miles for the tickets.

: Directives (ordering)

Margaret orders Andrew to use the miles for the tickets.

85. Margaret

: I guess I will pop for you to fly first class.

: Representatives (predicting)

Margaret predicts that she will pop Andrew to fly first class.
86. Margaret

: But make sure you use the miles. If we don't get the miles
we're not doing it. Please confirm the vegan meal.


: Directives (requesting)

Margaret requests Andrew to confirm the vegan miles.

87. Margaret

: 'Cause last time they actually gave it to a vegan and they

forced me to eat this clammy, warm, creamy salad thing,
which was...


: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that last time, when she flies, they actually gave it to a vegan
and they forced her to eat something clammy, warm, creamy salad.
88. Margaret

: Hey, I'm... Why aren't you taking notes?

: Directives (command)

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Margaret commands Andrew to take his notes.

89. Andrew

: I'm sorry, were you not in that room?

: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret whether she was in that room or not.

90. Margaret

: What? What?
: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew what he is talking about.

91. Andrew

: The thing you said about being promoted?

: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts to Margaret about the thing that she said about promoted.
92. Margaret

: Genius! Genius. He completely fell for it.

: Expressives (compliment)

Margaret praises Andrew that he was so genius because Mr. Gilbertson

believes him.
93. Andrew

: I was serious. I'm looking at a $250,000 fine and five

years in jail. That changes things.


: Representatives (affirming)

Andrews affirms that he is looking at $250,000 fine and five years in jail.
94. Margaret

: Promote you to editor? No, no way.

: Commissives (promising)

Margaret promises that she will not promote Andrew as an editor.

95. Andrew

: Then I quit, and you're screwed. - Bye-bye, Margaret.

: Commissives (promising)

Andrew promises Margaret that he will quit from his job.

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96. Margaret

: Andrew !
: Representatives (calling)

Margaret calls Andrew.

97. Andrew

: It really has been a slice of heaven.

: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that it really has been a slice of heaven.

98. Margaret

: Andrew, Andrew! Fine, fine.

: Representatives (calling)

Margaret calls Andrew.

99. Margaret

: I'll make you editor.

: Commissives (promising)

Margaret promises Andrew that she will make him as an editor.

100. Margaret

: If you do the Alaska weekend and the immigration

interview, I will make you editor. Happy?


: Commissives (promising)

Margaret promises Andrew that she will make Andrew as an editor if he does
the Alaska weekend and the immigration interview.
101. Andrew

: And not in two years. Right away.

: Directives (command)

Andrew commands Margaret that she must make him an editor not into two
years, but right away.
102. Margaret

: Fine
: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she agreed with Andrews command.

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103. Andrew

: And you'll publish my manuscript.

: Directives (command)

Andrew commands Margaret to publish his manuscript.

104. Margaret

: Ten thousand copy first...

: Commissives (offering)

Margaret offers to publish Andrews manuscript ten thousand copy first.

105. Andrew

: Twenty thousand copies first run. We'll tell my family

about our engagement when I want and how I want. Now,
ask me nicely.


: Directives (commands)

Andrew commands Margaret to publish twenty thousand copies first and

they will tell his family about their engagement when he wants and how he
wants and he commands Margaret to ask him nicely.
106. Margaret

: "Ask you nicely" what?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew about what does he means with his statement to ask
him nicely.
107. Andrew

: Ask me nicely to marry you, Margaret.

: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to ask him nicely to marry him.

108. Margaret

: What does that mean?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew about his order.

109. Andrew

: You heard me. On your knee.

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: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to ask him on his knee.

110. Margaret

: Fine. Does this work for you?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew does this work for him.

111. Andrew

: Oh, I like this. Yeah.

: Expressive (compliment)

Andrew praises Margaret because she is kneeling.

112. Margaret

: Will you marry me?

: Directives (requesting)

Margaret requests Andrew to marry her.

113. Andrew

: No. Say it like you mean it.

: Directives (command)

Andrew commands Margaret to say it like she means it.

114. Margaret

: Andrew?
: Representatives (calling)

Margaret calls Andrew.

115. Andrew

: Yes, Margaret?
: Representatives (answering)

Andrew answers Margaret.

116. Margaret

: Sweet Andrew?
: Representatives (calling)

Margaret calls Andrew.

117. Andrew

: I'm listening.

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: Representatives (stating)

Andrew states that he is listening to Margaret.

118. Margaret

: Would you please, with cherries on top, marry me?

: Directives (requesting)

Margaret request Andrew to marry her.

119. Andrew

: OK. I don't appreciate the sarcasm, but I'll do it. See you
at the airport tomorrow.


: Commissives (promising)

Andrew promises to marry Margaret.

120. Andrew

: So, these are the questions that INS is gonna ask us. Now,
the good news is, is I know everything about you, but the
bad news is that you have four days to learn all this about


: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he knows everything about her, but Margaret knows
nothing about him.
121. Andrew

: So, you should... probably get studying.

: Directives (suggesting)

Andrew suggests Margaret to get studying everything about him.

122. Margaret

: You know all the answers to these questions about me?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whether he knows everything about her.

123. Andrew

: Scary, isn't it?

: Representatives (affirming)

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Andrew affirms that it is scary that he knows everything about her.

124. Margaret

: A little bit.
: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that it is a little bit scared that Andrew knows everything
about her.
125. Margaret

: What am I allergic to?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew what is her allergic to.

126. Andrew

: Pine nuts. And the full spectrum of human emotion.

: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that Margaret allergic to pine nuts and the full spectrum of
human emotion.
127. Margaret

: Oh, that's... that was funny.


: Representatives (affirming)

Margaret affirms that was funny because Andrew knows what her allergic.
128. Margaret

: Here's a good one. Do I have any scars?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew does she has any scars.

129. Andrew

: I'm pretty sure that you have a tattoo.

: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he is pretty sure that Margaret has a tattoo.

130. Margaret

: Oh, you're pretty sure?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whether he is pretty sure about the tattoo.

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131. Andrew

: I'm pretty sure. Two years ago, your dermatologist called

and asked about a Q-switched laser. I Googled a Qswitched laser and found that they, in fact do remove
tattoos. But you cancelled your appointment.


: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he is pretty sure about the tattoo.

132. Andrew

: So what is it? Tribal ink? Japanese calligraphy? Barbed



: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew about the kind of her tattoo.

133. Margaret

: You know, it's exciting for me to experience you like this.

: Representatives (affirming)

Margaret affirms that it is exciting for her to experience Andrew like that.
134. Andrew

: Thank you.
: Expressives (thanking)

Andrew say thanks to Margaret.

135. Andrew

: You're gonna have to tell me where it is.

: Directives (suggesting)

Andrew suggests Margaret to tell him where the tattoo is.

136. Margaret

: I'm not.
: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she is not tell him where it is.

137. Andrew

: They're gonna ask.

: Representatives (predicting)

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Andrew predicts that the immigration officers will ask him about the tattoo.
138. Margaret

: We're done with that question.

: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to stop talking about the tattoo.

139. Andrew

: We're done with that question.

: Representatives (retelling)

Andrew retells Margaret statement.

140. Margaret

: On to another question. Let me see, let me see. Oh, here's

one. Whose place do we stay at, yours or mine? That's easy.


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that they stay at her place.

141. Andrew

: And why wouldn't we stay at mine?

: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks why they wouldnt stay at his place.

142. Margaret

: Because I live at Central Park West. And you probably

live at some squalid little studio apartment with stacks of
yellowed Penguin Classics.


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that Andrew probably lives at some squalid little studio
apartment with stacks of yellowed Penguin Classics.
143. Margaret

: Andrew... Andrew. Andrew!

: Representatives (calling)

Andrew calls Margaret.

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144. Andrew

: Please, don't do that.


: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to stop kick his foot.

145. Margaret

: You didn't tell me about all the family businesses, honey.

: Representatives (affirming)

Margaret affirms that Andrew didnt tell her about all his family businesses.
146. Margaret

: That is your home? Who are you people? Why did you tell
me you were poor?


: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew about his life.

147. Andrew

: I never said I was poor.

: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that he never said he was poor.

148. Margaret

: But you never told me you were rich.

: Representatives (affirming)

Margaret affirms that Andrew never told her that he is rich.

149. Andrew

: I'm not rich. My parents are rich.

: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he is not rich, but his parents are rich.
150. Margaret

: OK, you know what? That's something only rich people



: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that is something only rich people say.

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151. Margaret

: Why didn't you tell me you were some kind of Alaskan



: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew why he didnt tell her that he was some kind of
Alaskan Kennedy.
152. Andrew

: How could I? We were in the middle of talking about you

for the last three years.


: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that they were in the middle of talking about her for the last
three years.
153. Margaret

: OK, know what? Timeout, OK? This bickering Bickerson

thing has to stop.


: Directives (ordering)

Margaret orders Andrew to stop talking.

154. Margaret

: People need to think we're in love. So let's...

: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that people need to think theyre in love.

155. Andrew

: That's no problem. I can do that. I can pretend to be the

doting fianc. That's easy.


: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that no problem with him, because he can do that. He can
pretend to be the doting fianc.
156. Margaret

: When are you going to tell them we're engaged?

: Rogatives (asking)

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Margaret asks Andrew when he is going to tell his parents about their
157. Andrew

: I'll pick the right moment.


: Commissives (promising)

Andrew promises that he will pick the right moment to announce their
158. Margaret

: So, you haven't been home in a while.

: Representatives (affirming)

Margaret affirms that he has not been home in a while.

159. Andrew

: I haven't had a lot of vacation time the last three years.

: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he has not had a lot of vacation time the last three years.
160. Margaret

: Stop complaining. Don't look, OK?

: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to stop complaining and ask him for not look at
161. Margaret

: Are your eyes closed?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whether his eyes are closed or not.

162. Andrew

: Completely.
: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that his eyes are completely closed.

163. Margaret

: Are you sure?

: Rogatives (asking)

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Margaret asks Andrew whether he is sure or not that he closes his eyes.
164. Andrew

: Yes, I'm sure.

: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he is sure.

165. Andrew

: Can we just go to sleep?

: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to go sleep.

166. Margaret

: Fine.
: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she agreed to go to sleep.

167. Margaret

: Well. Looks like I won't be getting much sleep with the sun
streaming in.


: Directives (ordering)

Margaret orders Andrew to close the curtain because she wont be getting
much sleep with the sun streaming in.
168. Margaret

: Thank you.
: Expressives (thanking)

Margaret says thanks to Andrew because he closes the curtain.

169. Margaret

: Andrew. Phone. Andrew! Crap. Andrew, Andrew, phone.



: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to pick up the phone.

170. Andrew

: Yeah... right.
: Representatives (affirming)

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Andrew affirms that it is right that the phone is ringing.

171. Margaret

: Andrew, where is it?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew where the phone is.

172. Andrew

: Purse, side pocket.

: Representatives (informing)

Andrew informs Margaret that the phone is in purse, side pocket.

173. Andrew

: What the hell are you doing?

: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret what does she is doing.

174. Margaret

: Oh, my God. Your grandmother was completely right. The

eagle came and tried to take the dog. But then I saved him.
Then it came back, and it took my phone.


: Representatives (affirming)

Margaret affirms that Andrews grandmother was completely right about the
eagle which is came and tried to take the dog.
175. Andrew

: Are you drunk?

: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret whether she drunk or not.

176. Margaret

: What? No! I'm serious. He's got my phone, and Frank's

calling me on it.


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that she is serious.

177. Andrew

: Relax, all right?

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: Directives (suggesting)

Andrew suggests Margaret to relax.

178. Andrew

: We'll order another phone, same number. We'll go into

town and get it.


: Commissives (promising)

Andrew promises her that they will order another phone with the same
number; they will go into town and get it.
179. Margaret

: Oh, OK. All right.

: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she agreed with Andrew.

180. Andrew

: Well, you can go then. You have to get ready.

: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to go and get ready.

181. Margaret

: For what?
: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew why she should get ready.

182. Andrew

: Going out with Mom and the girls.

: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to going out with his mom and the girls.
183. Margaret

: I don't wanna go.

: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she doesnt want to go.

184. Andrew

: Shopping, sightseeing. And a surprise.

: Directives (ordering)

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Andrew orders Margaret to go for shopping, sightseeing and a surprise.

185. Margaret

: I hate shopping. I hate sightseeing.

: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she hates shopping and sightseeing.

186. Andrew

: You'll love it. You're going.

: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret that she will love it and she is going.
187. Margaret

: I don't wanna go. I'm not.

: Commissives (refusing)

Margaret refuses to going out.

188. Andrew

: You're going. You are. Give me a hug. Don't want them to

think we're fighting.


: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to going and to give him a hug.

189. Margaret

: I don't want to touch you. No, I...

: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she does not want to touch Andrew.

190. Andrew

: Come on. Hug time. Hug time.

: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to hug him.

191. Margaret

: I don't wanna... Andrew.


: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she does not want to hug him.

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192. Andrew

: There we go. Yeah, that's nice. Yeah. That's nice. There

we go.


: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that is nice when they are hugging.

193. Margaret

: Yeah. If you touch my ass one more time, I will cut your
balls off in your sleep. OK?


: Commissives (threatening)

Margaret threats that she will cut Andrews balls off in his sleep if he touches
her ass one more time.
194. Andrew

: Yeah.


: Representatives (stating)

195. Margaret

: Yeah. Such a good fianc.


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that Andrew is such a good fianc.

196. Andrew

: What the?
: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret.

197. Margaret

: Oh! Why are you naked?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew why he is naked.

198. Andrew

: Oh, my God! Why are you wet?

: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret why she is wet.

199. Margaret

: Oh, my God. Don't look at me.

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: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to not look at her.

200. Andrew

: I don't understand.
: Representatives (stating)

Andrew states that he does not understand.

201. Andrew

: Why are you wet?


: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret why she is wet.

202. Margaret

: Why are you naked?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks why he is naked.

203. Margaret

: Don't look at me.

: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to not look at her.

204. Margaret

: Oh, God! You're showing everything.

: Representatives (affirming)

Margaret affirms that Andrew is showing everything.

205. Margaret

: Cover it up, for the love of God! Oh, God, not the Baby
Maker. Explain yourself please.


: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to cover his body and explain himself.

206. Andrew

: Explain myself?
: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret why he should explain himself.

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207. Margaret

: Yes, explain yourself.


: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to explain himself.

208. Andrew

: I was outside.
: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he was outside.

209. Margaret

: Really? You didn't hear me?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whether it is true he was outside and he didnt hear
210. Andrew

: I was listening...
: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he was listening

211. Andrew

: What are you doing home?

: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks what she is doing in home.

212. Andrew

: Then you just, jump me out of nowhere?

: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that Margaret just jump him out of nowhere.

213. Margaret

: What's that? I didn't mean to jump you. Your dog was

attacking me, and I had to run, and I ran into you.


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that she didnt mean to jump Andrew. His dog was
attacking her and she had to run thats why she ran into him.

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214. Andrew

: What is it with you and this dog?

: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret what it is with her and that dog.

215. Margaret

: Just, you know, just... go. Go...

: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to go.

216. Andrew

: Fine.
: Representatives (stating)

Andrew states that he agreed to go.

217. Margaret

: Go take a shower. You stink.

: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to go take a shower.

218. Andrew

: Fine. Nice tattoo, by the way.

: Exprssives (compliment)

Andrew praises that Margarets tattoo is nice.

219. Margaret

: What? See? See? Exactly. You see that?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks whether Andrew saw her tattoo or not.

220. Andrew

: So. So naked.
: Representatives (concluding)

Andrew concludes that they were so naked.

221. Margaret

: Can we not talk about that, please?

: Directives (requesting)

Margaret requests to stop talking about that.

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222. Andrew

: Just sayin'
: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that he is just saying.

223. Margaret

: So, what's the deal with you? and your father?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew about the deal between him and his father.
224. Andrew

: I'm sorry. That question is not in the binder.

: Expressives (apologizing)

Andrew apologizes because he does not want to talk about that.

225. Margaret

: Oh, really? Well, I thought you were the one that said we
needed to learn all this...


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that he was the one that said they needed to learn all those.
226. Andrew

: Not about that, I didn't.

: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that he didnt say they needed to learn about the deal
between him and his father.
227. Margaret

: But if the guy asks...

: Representatives (predicting)

Margaret predicts that the guy will ask about that.

228. Andrew

: Not about that, Margaret.


: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that the guy will not ask about that.
229. Margaret

: I like the Psychic Network.

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: Representatives (affirming)

Margaret affirms that she is like the Psychic network.

230. Andrew

: What?
: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks what she is talking about.

231. Margaret

: Not in the "ha-ha, isn't that funny, she likes that trash"
kind of way. I actually quite enjoy it. I took disco lessons in
the sixth grade. My first concert was Rob Base & D.J. E-Z
Rock. I think Brian Dennehy is sexy. Don't like flowers in
the house, 'cause they remind me of funerals. Never played
a video game. I read Wuthering Heights every Christmas.
It's my favourite book. Haven't slept with a man in over a
year and a half. And... I went to the bathroom and cried
after Bob called me a poisonous bitch. And the bird tattoo?
They're swallows. Got them when I was 16...after my
parents died. Stupid. I'm sure there's many, many other
things, but that's all I can come up with right now.


: Representatives (informing)

Margaret informs Andrew all about herself.

232. Margaret

: You there?
: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whether he is still there and listen to her.

233. Andrew

: I'm here. Just processing.

: Representatives (affirming)

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Andrew affirms that he is still there and listens to her.

234. Andrew

: You really haven't slept with anyone in 18 months?

: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret that is it true she hasnt slept with anyone in 18
235. Margaret

: Oh, my God. Out of all that, that's all you got?

: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that out off all thats all he got to asking.
236. Andrew

: That's a long time.

: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that is a long time for havent not slept with anyone.
237. Margaret

: Yeah, well, I've been a little busy.

: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that she has been a little busy.

238. Andrew

: Yeah... Who's... Rob Base and D. J... E-Z Rock?

: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret who Rob Base and D.JE.Z Rock is.
239. Margaret

: Yeah. You know. No. They were good. (Sings the song of
Rob Base and D.J E.Z Rock)


: Representatives (affirming)

Margaret affirms that they (Rob Base and D.JE.Z Rock) were good.
240. Margaret

: What?
: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks why Andrew becomes silent.

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241. Andrew

: Nothing. I know who they are. I just wanted to hear you

sing it.


: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he knows they are. He just wanted to hear her sings it.
242. Andrew

: Margaret?
: Representatives (calling)

Andrew calls Margaret.

243. Margaret

: Yes?
: Representatives (answering)

Margaret answers Andrew.

244. Andrew

: Don't take this the wrong way.

: Directives (forbidding)

Andrew forbids Margaret to take this the wrong way.

245. Andrew

: You are a very, very beautiful woman

: Expressive (compliment)

Andrew praises Margaret that she is a very beautiful woman.

246. Margaret

: Andrew! Andrew! Andrew! Andrew! Andrew, your

mother's at the door. Get up! Get up here!


: Directives (command)

Margaret wakes Andrew because his mother comes and commands Andrew
to get up to the bed.
247. Andrew

: Oh, God.
: Representatives (stating)

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248. Margaret

: Not the baby blanket. Get it off, get it off, get it off. OK, all


: Directives (command)

Margaret commands Andrew to get the baby blanket off.

249. Margaret

: What? What?
: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew why he is looking her like there is something wrong.
250. Andrew

: Are you wearing makeup?

: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret whether she is wearing makeup or not.

251. Margaret

: What? No. Of course not.

: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that she is not wearing makeup.

252. Andrew

: OK, what do we do? All right. Just spoon me, spoon me...
: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to spoon him.

253. Andrew

: Oh, my God. When my mom finds out that this whole thing
is a shame she's gonna... she's gonna be crushed, and my
grandmother's gonna die.


: Representatives (predicting)

Andrew predicts that his mother is going to be crushed and his grandmother
is going to die when they find out that this whole thing is a shame.
254. Margaret

: Your mom's not gonna find out.

: Representatives (asserting)

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Margaret asserts that Andrews mom is not going to find out their lies.
255. Andrew

: My father. What's with that? The wedding thing? Where'd

that come from?


: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks what is wrong with his father.

256. Margaret

: She probably got him worked up into it. It's fine. She's not
gonna find out. They're not going to find out.


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that his mom probably got his father worked up into it.
Theyre not going to find it.
257. Margaret

: Andrew, they're not gonna find out, OK? Just relax. It's
gonna be OK. It's not like we're gonna be married forever.


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that Andrews parents are not going to find out their lies.
258. Margaret

: We'll be happily divorced before you know it.

It will be

fine. It will be fine.


: Representatives (predicting)

Margaret predicts that they will be happily divorced before he knows it and
everything will be fine.
259. Margaret

: You OK?
: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whether he is ok or not.

260. Andrew

: Yeah.
: Representatives (asserting)

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Andrew asserts that he is ok.

261. Margaret

: Get us some coffee.

: Commissives (offering)

Margaret offers to get them some coffee.

262. Margaret

: So, would you like a cinnamon soy latte?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whether he wants a cinnamon soy latte.

263. Andrew

: You're right, you know...Get a quickie divorce, we'll be



: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that Margaret is right. They will be fine after get a quickie
264. Margaret

: Absolutely.
: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that it is absolutely right that they will be fine.

265. Andrew

: Gonna be fine.
: Representatives (predicting)

Andrew predicts that everything will be fine.

266. Margaret

: Everything is going to be great. But this little missus better

learn how to cook, so she can take care of her husband.
Keep my man happy. I don't want him leaving me for
another woman.


: Representatives (asserting)

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Margaret asserts that everything is going to be great, but she is better

learning how to cook so she can take care of her husband and keep her man
happy. She does not want he leaves her for another woman.
267. Andrew

: Come on. Haven't left you yet, Margaret. You all right?
: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he has not left her yet.

268. Margaret

: Yeah... You know what? I'm gonna go.

: Representatives (informing)

Margaret informs that she is going to go.

269. Andrew

: Where?
: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret where she is going.

270. Margaret

: I just kinda feel like going outside.

: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that she just feel to going outside.

271. Andrew

: All right. That's the bathroom

: Representatives (informing)

Andrew informs that is the bathroom.

272. Margaret

: Oh, yeah. I know. I'm just... I'm gonna go to go to the

bathroom, and then I'm gonna go out, outside.


: Representatives (affirming)

Margaret asserts that she knows, she is just going to the bathroom and then
going outside.
273. Andrew

: Whatcha doing?

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: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret what she is doing.

274. Margaret

: You know, your Gammy wanted me to, you know, chant.

Chant from the heart.


: Representatives (informing)

Margaret informs that his Gammy wanted her to chant from the heart.
275. Andrew

: Balls? That's what came to your heart?

: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks is that ball what came to Margarets heart.

276. Margaret

: You know, it went with the beat.

: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that it went with the beat.

277. Andrew

: Your phone arrived. I'm gonna go into town.

: Representatives (informing)

Andrew informs that her phone is arrived and he is going into town.
278. Andrew

: Wanna come?
: Directives (inviting)

Andrew invites Margaret to come with him into town.

279. Margaret

: Oh, yes, I want to go. I want to go.

: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she wants to go with him.

280. Andrew

: You're a freak!
: Representatives (stating)

Andrew states that Margaret is freak.

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281. Margaret

: Shut up. Would you, please?

: Directives (requesting)

Margaret requests Andrew to shut up.

282. Andrew

: OK. So when it runs out, it gives you a warning. Just put

in more dimes. Here you go.


: Representatives (informing)

Andrew informs Margaret when the computer runs out, it gives her a
283. Andrew

: I'll be outside.
: Commissives (promising)

Andrew promises her that he will be outside.

284. Andrew

: Yell if you need me.

: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to yell if she needs him.

285. Andrew

: You'll be fine.
: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that she will be fine.

286. Margaret

: But what am I supposed...OK, I can figure this out. I'm an

intelligent woman.


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that she can figure this out because she is an intelligent
287. Margaret

: So, it was nice to see Gertrude, huh?

: Representatives (asserting)

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Margaret asserts that it was nice for Andrew to see Gertrude.

288. Andrew

: Yeah.
: Representatives (stating)

Andrew states that it is true that it was nice to see Gertrude.

289. Margaret

: She looked really pretty today.

: Representatives (affirming)

Margaret affirms that Gertrude looked really pretty today.

290. Andrew

: Yeah, she did.

: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that Gertrude looked really pretty today.

291. Margaret

: Must be nice to see each other again and just catch up.
: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that must be nice to see each other again and just catch up.
292. Andrew

: It's definitely good to see her. It's......definitely, yeah. It's

been a long time.


: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that it is definitely good to see Gertrude and it is been a long
293. Andrew

: What... Mind telling me what the hell's wrong?

: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to tell him what is wrong.

294. Margaret

: I needed to get away from everybody.

: Representatives (informing)

Margaret informs Andrew that she needs to get away from everybody.

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295. Andrew

: What's wrong?
: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret what is happening.

296. Margaret

: Nothing! Just stop talking, please!

: Directives (requesting)

Margaret requests Andrew to stop talking.

297. Andrew

: Would you mind telling me what's happening now?

Margaret. Margaret!


: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to tell him what is happening.

298. Margaret

: I forgot, OK?
: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that she forgot.

299. Andrew

: You forgot what?


: Rogatives (asking)

Andrew asks Margaret what she forgot about.

300. Margaret

: I forgot what it was like to have a family! I've been on my

own since I was and I forgot what it felt like to have people
love you and make you breakfast and say, "Hey! We'd love
to come down for the holidays." And I say, "Well, why don't
we come up and see you instead?" And give you necklaces!


: Representatives (informing)

Margaret informs Andrew what is happening to her.

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301. Margaret

: And you have all that here, and you have Gertrude, and
I'm just screwing it up!


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that Andrew has all that here, he has Gertrude and she is
just screwing it up.
302. Andrew

: You're not screwing it up! I agreed to this! You were

there, remember?


: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that she is not screwing it up because he agreed to this.

303. Margaret

: Your family loves you. Do you know that?

: Representatives (informing)

Margaret tells Andrew that his family loves him.

304. Andrew

: I know that! Yes!

: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he knows his family loves him.

305. Margaret

: You know that? You're willing to put them through this?

: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that he is willing to put them through this.

306. Andrew

: They're not gonna find out!


: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that his family is not going to find out.

307. Margaret

: How do you know?


: Rogatives (asking)

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Margaret asks Andrew how he knows that his family will not find out their
308. Andrew

: Because you said so yourself.

: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts he knows because Margaret said so.

309. Margaret

: But what if your mother...Oh, my God, if your mother

found out... Oh, my God! What if Gammy finds out?


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts what if Andrews mother found out that they are lying.
310. Andrew

: The boat is moving!


: Directives (warning)

Andrew warns Margaret that the boat is suddenly moving.

311. Margaret

: If Gammy finds out, she's gonna have a heart attack!

: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that if Gammy finds out, she is going to have a heart attack.
312. Andrew

: Stop! It's gonna be fine!

: Directives (command)

Andrew commands Margaret to stop talking about it.

313. Margaret

: She's gonna have a heart attack!

: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that Andrews grandmother is going to have a heart attack.

314. Andrew

: Will you calm down? Hold on!

: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to calm down.

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315. Andrew

: I don't think that hijacking a boat is a proper way to

express your frustration! Now... Oh, great. Now you decide
to shut up! Margaret?


: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that hijacking a boat is a proper way to express her

316. Margaret

: Andrew!
: Representatives (calling)

Margaret calls Andrew

317. Andrew

: Margaret?
: Representatives (calling)

Andrew calls and finds Margaret.

318. Margaret

: Andrew!
: Representatives (calling)

Margaret calls Andrew and asks a help from him.

319. Andrew

: Margaret!
: Representatives (calling)

Andrew calls Margaret.

320. Margaret

: I can't swim!
: Representatives (informing)

Margaret informs Andrew that she cannot swim.

321. Andrew

: Margaret! To the buoy!


: Directives (command)

Andrew commands Margaret to go to the buoy.

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322. Margaret

: What?
: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew what he is talking about.

323. Andrew

: To the buoy!
: Directives (command)

Andrew commands Margaret to go to the buoy.

324. Andrew

: All right, come on! Give me your hand! Hey! Give me

your hand! Margaret! Give me... Come on, give me your
hand! Come on, come on. I got you. I got you. I got you.
Come on. God, what the hell were you thinking? Could've
gotten you killed.


: Directives (command)

Andrew commands Margaret to give her hand in order to help her.

325. Margaret

: You turned the boat and made me fall in, you jackass.
: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that she fell because Andrew turned the boat.
326. Andrew

: You let go of the steering wheel, Ahab.

: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that he does it because Margaret let go off the steering wheel.
327. Margaret

: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

: Expressives (apologizing)

Margaret apologizes to Andrew for letting go of the steering wheel.

328. Andrew

: All right, come here. You've got to get warm. Come on.
Come on. It's OK. That's OK. It's OK.

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: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to get closer to him so that she will get warm.
329. Margaret

: So. You sure about this?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whether he is sure or not about their marriage.

330. Andrew

: Not really.
: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he is not really sure about their marriage.

331. Margaret

: I mean, I am very appreciative of what you've done, but I

think that...


: Representatives (affirming)

Margaret affirms that she is very appreciative of what he has done.

332. Andrew

: You'd do the same for me. Right?

: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that Margaret will do the same thing for him.
333. Andrew

: If I don't go with her, she's just gonna...

: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he should go with his gammy.

334. Margaret

: Come right back.

: Directives (ordering)

Margaret orders Andrew to come to his gammy.

335. Andrew

: Yeah. See you in the morning?

: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to see her in the morning.

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336. Margaret

: Yeah.
: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she is going to see Andrew in the morning.

337. Andrew

: Margaret...
: Representatives (calling)

Andrew calls Margaret.

338. Margaret

: Andrew, this was a business deal, and you held up your

end, but now the deal is off.


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that their marriage was a business deal, and he held up his
end, but now the deal is off.
339. Margaret

: I'm sorry.
: Expressives (apologizing)

Margaret apologizes to Andrew.

340. Andrew

: Hey.
: Expressive (greeting)

Andrew greets Margaret.

341. Margaret

: Andrew. Why are, why are you panting?

: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew why he is panting.

342. Andrew

: Because I've been running.


: Representatives (informing)

Andrew informs Margaret that he is panting because he has been running.

343. Margaret

: Really. From Alaska?

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: Rogatives (asking)

Margaret asks Andrew whether he is running from Alaska.

344. Andrew

: I need to talk to you.


: Directives (ordering)

Andrew orders Margaret to talk with him.

345. Margaret

: Yeah? Well, I don't have time to talk. I need to catch a

5.45 to Toronto.


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that she does not have time to talk with Andre because she
needs to catch a 5.45 to Toronto.
346. Andrew

: Margaret.
: Representatives (calling)

Andrew calls Margaret.

347. Andrew

: Margaret! Stop talking! Gotta say something.

: Directives (command)

Andrew commands Margaret to stop talking because he is going to say

348. Margaret

: OK.
: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she is agree to stop talking.

349. Andrew

: This will just take a sec.

: Representatives (asserting)

Andrew asserts that it will just take a second to say something to Margaret.
350. Margaret

: Fine. What?

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: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she is agree to listen to Andrew.

351. Andrew

: Three days ago, I loathed you. I used to dream about you

getting hit by a cab. Or poisoned.


: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that three days ago he loathed Margaret and he used to
dream about her getting hit by a cab or poisoned.
352. Margaret

: Oh, that's nice.

: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that is nice to hear Andrews statement.

353. Andrew

: I told you to stop talking. Then we had our little adventure

up in Alaska and things started to change. Things changed
when we kissed. And when you told me about your tattoo.
Even when you checked me out when we were naked.


: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that they had their little adventure up in Alaska and things
started to change. Things changed when they kissed and when she told him
about her tattoo, and when she checked him out when they were naked.
354. Margaret

: Well, I didn't see anything...

: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she didnt see anything.

355. Andrew

: Yeah, you did. But I didn't realise any of this until I was
standing alone. In a barn... wife-less. Now, you can imagine

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my disappointment when it suddenly dawned on me that the

woman I love is about to be kicked out of the country.

: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that Margaret saw it. But he didnt realize any of this until
he was standing alone in a barn, wife-less.
356. Andrew

: So, Margaret. Marry me. Because I'd like to date you.

: Directives (requesting)

Andrew requests Margaret to marry him.

357. Margaret

: Trust me. You don't really want to be with me.

: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that Andrew does not really want to be with her.
358. Andrew

: Yes, I do.
: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he wants to be with Margaret.

359. Margaret

: See, the thing is, there is a reason why I've been alone all
this time. I'm comfortable that way. And I think it would just
be a lot easier if we forgot everything that happened and I
just left.


: Representatives (asserting)

Margaret asserts that there is a reason why she has been alone all this time.
She is comfortable that way and she thinks it would be just be a lot easier if
they forgot everything that happened and she just left.
360. Andrew

: You're right. That would be easier.

: Representatives (asserting)

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Andrew asserts that Margaret is right, that would be easier.

361. Margaret

: I'm scared.
: Representatives (stating)

Margaret states that she scared.

362. Andrew

: Me, too.
: Representatives (stating)

Andrew states that he is scared too.

363. Margaret

: Aren't you supposed to get down on your knee or



: Directives (ordering)

Margaret orders Andrew to get down on his knee and ask her nicely to marry
364. Andrew

: I'm gonna take that as a "yes".

: Representatives (affirming)

Andrew affirms that he is going to take that as a yes

365. Margaret

: Oh, OK.
: Representative (stating)

Margaret states that she agreed.

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