Pokemon Learning League Volume of A Rectangular Prism

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Pokemon Learning League

Volume of a Rectangular Prism

Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens with Ash, Pikachu, Iris and Axew

going down Route 39 on a clear, sunny afternoon.
Theres a nice breeze in the air and the grass
blows in it and the Sun shines down. Ash glances
over and casually speaks to the audience.)
Ash (casually): Oh, hi there guys.
Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu.
Iris: Hey, there.
Axew: Axew.
(Iris breathes in and gives off a sigh of comfort.)
Iris: Ahh. It really feel great out here today.
Axew (agreeing): Axew.
Ash: Yeah, it sure does.
Pikachu: Pika.
Ash: So, Iris, what have you been up to?
Iris: I went to Ecruteak City and saw the Burned
Tower, as well as the Bell Tower and met the
Kimono sisters.
Ash: Thats great. You know, those girls are tough
Iris: Oh, dont I know it.

(As they continue on along, they spot a Lopunny

and a Sylveon feeding their young Buneary &
Iris: Hey, Ash.
Ash: Yeah?
Iris: I was wondering, what it was like when you left
on the first day of your journey?
Ash: Ooh, boy, it was pretty interesting. Things got
off to a pretty rocky start.
Iris (curiously): Oh. How so?
Ash: Id got to Professor Oaks lab late and all the
starter Pokemon had all been taken.
Iris (understanding): Oh. That mustve been
disappointing for you.
Ash: It was. However, he said he did have one left.
He wasnt very sure about it, but I really wanted it,
so he gave it to me. And of course, it was Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu.
Iris: Thats good. Go on.
Ash: Well, when I first left Pallet, Pikachu wasnt
very friendly at first.
Iris (intrigued): Really?
Ash: Yeah. When I wanted catch a Pidgey, he
didnt want to help out at all. So, I tried to catch it

by myself, and it didnt go very well. After I tried

using a Poke Ball, I tried to throw my pajamas over
it and got hit with a Sand Attack.
Iris: That was a really stupid move.
Ash: Looking back at it, yeah, it really was.
Iris: Anyway, what else happened?
Ash: Well, I threw a stone at Spearow, and that led
to us getting attacked and chased by a whole flock
of them. And to make it worse, Pikachu got
severely injured by them.
Iris: Ooh, thats terrible.
Ash: It was. We jumped into a river, and thats
where we met Misty. She pulled us out and told me
where the nearest Pokemon Center was. Then, I
borrowed her bike to get away from the Spearow,
but then a storm came in and slowed us down.
Iris: Ahh.
Ash: It was after I tried to defend Pikachu from
them is where he decided to leap in and used his
Thundershock to defeat them. After the storm, we
saw Ho-oh flying over, although we didnt know
what it was at the time.
Pikachu (sentimentally): Pika.
(He snuggles Ashs face.)
Iris (impressed): Wow! Thats pretty amazing.

Ash: Yeah. Okay, my turn. What was your first

battle like?
Iris: It was an interesting one. It was me and
Drilbur against this guy named Phil. He seemed
like a nice guy.
Ash: All right, go on.
Iris: He called out his Gothorita and we started. At
first it was going pretty well. Drilbur was doing
great against it, but then things got much tougher.
Gothorita started using moves like Dark Pulse and
Grass Knot.
Ash: Thats mustve been unexpected.
Iris: It was. Drilbur and I continued on until it
finally got to the point where he was starting to get
worn out. I thought hed had taken enough and
was going to forfeit, but Drilbur didnt want to quit.
I didnt know why and wasnt sure about it, but he
was showing a very strong fighting spirit, so I let
him go on.
Ash: What else happened?
Iris: After that, he really started giving it his all, and
was even doing some of the attacks in ways I
didnt think were possible. Even Phil was
impressed by this.
Ash: Oh.

Iris: It was really close, but Drilbur finally beat

Gothorita. Afterwards, Phil came over and told me
that I had what it took to become a great Pokemon
Ash: Thats really cool. Do you think hes been
doing well since then?
Iris: He probably has.
(They continue on through. A few minutes later,
they arrive in Olivine City. The Sunlight glistens in
the ocean water. Wingull and Pelipper fly over.)
Iris: Doesnt the ocean look nice today?
Axew: Axew.
Ash: It sure does.
Pikachu: Pika.
(They head down into the city. Moments later, they
come to a restaurant, where they see Ada leaving
it. Shes wearing a bright yellow short-sleeved
shirt, long jean shorts and sandals.)
Ada: Hey, guys.
Iris: Hey, Ada. What are you doing here?
Ada: I thought itd be a nice day to come here and
Ash (understanding): Oh. Sounds nice. Where are
you heading to?

Ada: Im just about to head to the beach.

Ash: Oh, cool. Mind if we come with you?
Ada: Of course.
(They head down to the coastline.)
Iris: By the way, how are things back on Torom
Ada: Everythings been going well. Thereve been
big things going on.
Iris: Like what?
Ada: Siaras been working on the androids
articulations, Quinn & Diana have been designing a
new stage for the festival and Lex has been letting
Combusken help him out with his sculpture.
Iris: Thats pretty interesting.
(They come to the coastline, where they pass by
an amphitheater under construction.)
Ash: What do you think is going to be in there
when its finished?
Iris: Maybe some special Pokemon performances
will be done there.
(They continue on through.)
Voice (O.S.): So, what do you think of having it

2nd Voice (O.S): Sure, and we could add the

swimming area here.
(They stop to look over and see two trainers,
Pamela & Vincent, designing some blueprints for
an indoor pool. Pamela has light blue eyes, brown
hair, an orange short-sleeved shirt, a long skirt with
black stockings and flats. Vincent has red hair,
hazel eyes, a red-and-orange striped shirt, sweat
pants and sneakers.)
Iris: What do you think theyre working on over
Ash: I dont know, Iris, but lets go see.
(They go over to them. Now, we pan over to the
Pamela: Some of the Pokemon will be happy at this
end of it.
Vincent: Yeah, and well add shelves to make them
feel more comfortable.
(They spot and the others coming over to them.)
Pamela: Oh, hello there.
Ash: Hey. What are you doing there?
Vincent: Were working on an indoor pool area for
the new amphitheater.
Ash (intrigued): Really?

Vincent: Yeah. Im Vincent.

Pamela: And Im Pamela.
Ada: Please to meet you both. My names Ada.
Ash: Im Ash, and this is Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu.
Iris: Im Iris, and this is Axew.
Axew: Axew.
Iris: By the way, whats going to be performed at
Pamela: Oh, its going to be for some of the best
Ice and Water type Pokemon trainers and
performers in the world.
Iris (getting it): Ahh, that sounds good.
Vincent: Oh, its going to be.
Ash: So, whats the pool going to be for?
Pamela: You see, we thought itd be great if the
visitors could swim with or go ice skating with the
Pokemon, while having it simulate their natural
environment. Well have half the pool frozen on
one end for the ice skating.
Iris: Okay, but wont they get too cold in the water?

Vincent: We already thought about that. Well give

them wear special wetsuits, along with scuba
Ada: You guys really know what youre doing.
Both: Thank you, Ada.
Ada: Youre welcome. Hey, listen. If I could give you
guys a piece of advice, when youre designing the
area, try to make sure that theres enough volume
for everything you want to put in it.
Vincent: All right, then, but how do we do it?
Ada: The way to do it is actually really easy.
(She pulls out the Pokepilot from her pocket, turns
it on, and displays how to find the volume.)
Ada: To start with, you measure out the height,
width and length of the prism.
Ash: All right, now what?
Ada: Now, you multiply them together. Whats
interesting is that you can multiply them in any
order, and still get the same result.
Iris: Okay, whats left?
Ada: Finally, state the answer in cubic units. No
matter what unit of measuring you use, you always
state the answer in cubic units.
Pamela: Thats all we need?

Ada: Yep. Thats about it. What do you say I show

you something?
Iris: Sure thing.
Axew: Axew.
(Pan up to an upper panel displaying various
people loading different-looking rectangular
containers and each one have their
Ada: You guys ready?
Ash: You bet.
Ada: Okay, then. Here, this man is going to put
some of his vintage games into this box. How
much volume can it hold?
Iris: Hmm. About 2100 in3.
Ada: Very good, Iris. This girl has a tank meant for
aquatic plants and Pokemon. What is the volume of
Vincent: 280 ft3.
Ada: Okay, Vincent. This woman has a container
for all her Pokemon research. How much volume
can it hold?
Ash: 120 m3.
Ada: All right, Ash. Finally, this boy is going to pack
all his empty PokeBalls into the box. How much
volume can it hold?

Pamela: 84 ft3.
Ada: You got it, Pamela. You did great, guys.
Vincent: Thanks a lot, Ada.
Ada: No problem, Vincent.
(She turns the Pokepilot off and puts it back into
her pocket.)
Ada: So, guys you ready to give it a shot?
(They both nod their heads in agreement.)
Ada: Thats good, but before we do, lets see if the
audience wants to do it.
Ash: All right, Ada. (He glances over to the
audience.) Hey, you guys up for doing this? (He
casually waits for an answer from the audience for
one second.) Oh, okay then.
Vincent (off-putted): Uh, you guys do this often?
Ash: Yeah, we do, buts it no big deal.
Vincent: Oh, okay.
(Dissolve to the blueprints for the pool.)
Ash: All right, lets do it. How wide do you think it
should be? (She casually waits for an answer from
the audience for one second.) 50 meters. Sure,
why not.

Iris: Now, how long should it be? (She casually

waits for an answer from the audience for one
second.) 25 meters. Okay.
Pamela: How deep do you think it ought to be?
(She casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one second.) 7 meters. Very well.
Vincent: Lastly, what is the volume of the whole
thing? (He casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one second.) 8,750 m3. You got it.
(Dissolve back to the gang and Iris casually speaks
to the audience.)
Iris: Thanks, you guys.
Axew: Axew.
Pamela: Thank you for the helpful advice, Ada.
Ada: No problem, you two.
Ash: Well, lets get going.
Pikachu: Pika.
Vincent (curiously): Where are you heading off to?
Iris: Were just heading down to the beach.
Vincent: Oh, that sounds fun.
Ash: You want to join us when youre done?
Both: Sure thing.
Ash: Then, well see you later.

(They head on down to the beach. Its bustling

with people sunbathing, some are playing
volleyball with their Pokemon and others are
swimming in the ocean.)
Ash: Well, what are we waiting for?
Iris: Yeah. Lets go.
(They glance over to the audience.)
All: Thank you, you guys.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
Axew: Axew.
(Dissolve to a few minutes later, where theyre at
the beach. Theyre all in their bathing suits. Ada
lays out sunbathing, Ash and Iris are swimming
around and Pikachu & Axew are floating in swim
Iris: That was an interesting episode. Did you like
it? (She casually waits for an answer from the
audience.) Oh, all right.
(Ash playfully splashes her from behind.)
Ash (O.S): Got you!
Iris (playfully): Oh, youre going to get it. (She
glances over top to the audience.) Well, see you
guys later.

(She casually waves goodbye to the audience and

starts splashing Ash back. We then see Vincent
and Pamela coming over to join them. It irises in,
ending the episode.)

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