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LCN Again!

LCN Again!
Volume 4 Issue 1
January 2015

One Square Inch

One Square Inch of Silence is the quietest place in the United States. Located in the Hoh Rain
Forest at Olympic National Park

One Square Inch of Silence was designated on Earth Day 2005 (April 22,
2005) to protect and manage the natural soundscape in Olympic Parks
backcountry wilderness. The logic is
simple; if a loud noise, such as the
passing of an aircraft, can impact
many square miles, then a natural
place, if maintained in a 100% noisefree condition, will also impact many
square miles around it. It is predicted
that protecting a single square inch of
land from noise pollution will benefit
large areas of the park.

Park Service will promote relationships with individuals and organizations qualified to perform research,
and encourage them to direct their research toward park management objectives and the broader contexts
within which park resources exist
(Chapter 5.1.2 Independent Research).
Visits are made periodically to One Square
Inch to monitor for possible noise intrusions.
If noise intrusions are observed then an attempt is made to identify and contact the responsible party and they are asked to voluntarily quiet down. These actions are posted in the
News section of this website.

One Square Inch of Silence is an inde-

pendent research project. The National

Were Baaack!
In August of last year we decided to cease
publication of this newsletter. The call is
strong, so here we are again, again. We
cannot, not write about what moves us.
Hopefully others will find enjoyment in this
Mostly it will contain things that interest us
and things that I hope will interest you as

well. Not only interest, but move you

to be more involved.
Outdoor things, indoor things and
whatever makes you alive with wonder, gratitude and curiosity.
Wishing you and yours more good this
new year

Inside this issue:








Mission Statement
To Inform
To Entertain
Free to Lesbians Worldwide
$1 dollar suggested,
more if you can, less if
you cant
Live, Love, Laugh, Dance
and Hug!

LCN Again!

Page 1

Codependency Anonymous
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Until Sept. 30,
A group of Men and Women
whose common purpose is to develop health relationships and
overcome Co-Dependency. 12 step
program open to all. The Group
meets on Tuesdays from 7:00 pm
8:30 pm.
Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence. The following checklist is offered
as a tool to aid in self-evaluation. It may
be particularly helpful to newcomers as
they begin to understand codependency. It
may aid those who have been in recovery
a while to determine what traits still need
attention and transformation.

Denial Patterns
Codependents often. . . :
have difficulty identifying what they are
minimize, alter, or deny how they truly
perceive themselves as completely unselfish and dedicated to the well-being of others.
lack empathy for the feelings and needs of
label others with their negative traits.
think they can take care of themselves without any help from others.
mask pain in various ways such as anger,
humor, or isolation.
express negativity or aggression in indirect
and passive ways.
do not recognize the unavailability of those
people to whom they are attracted.
Low Self-esteem Patterns

Codependents often. . . :
have difficulty making decisions.
judge what they think, say, or do harshly, as
never good enough.
are embarrassed to receive recognition,
praise, or gifts.
value others approval of their thinking,
feelings, and behavior over their own.
do not perceive themselves as lovable or
worthwhile persons.
seek recognition and praise to overcome
feeling less than.
have difficulty admitting a mistake.
need to appear to be right in the eyes of
others and may even lie to look good.
are unable to identify or ask for what they
need and want.
perceive themselves as superior to others.
look to others to provide their sense of
(Contd on Pg 5)

Meals on Wheels Volunteer
Seniors First needs about 300
volunteers to deliver 5,020 meals
each week in Orange County.
Can you help? Volunteers are
needed Monday through Friday
during the hours of 9 am and 12
pm. Volunteers deliver a
nutritious meal, a warm smile
and a safety check that helps
keep our frail or homebound

Estimated delivery time is 1 to 2 hours,

between 9 am and 12 pm
Volunteers provide their own transportation. New volunteer orientation held
weekly (2 hours). Call to register,
Maura Hassey at 407-615-8969.
Create a Delivery Team
Adopt-A-Route is a simple way for corporations, church groups, social and service
clubs to work together to cover one meal delivery route. Your organization will take on
delivery requirements for one route, one day
a week (Mon-Fri). Seniors First will work
with your organization to create a tailored

meal route, and you will coordinate your

groups participation. Together, we help feed
our seniors.
Home Improvement Painting
Volunteers are needed to provide exterior
painting for our clients homes
Any day Monday Saturday, by appointment
Supervised on-the-job training
Office Volunteers During regular business hours, Monday through Friday, volunteers assist with data entry, bulk mailings and
other clerical duties.

Have fun and help us raise money

to provide services!

It has been a quiet winter so far;
mild temperatures and decent sunshine. The water barrels are full and
the compost bin is filling up.

carried out some plant surgery. Did

you know that it is possible to graft a
Christmas cactus inside/onto? Another cactus?

Still need to dig up the sweet potatoes and till under the dead things.

Simply make a slice into the cactus

and put the xmas cactus inside, holding it stable with a toothpick or
straightened paper clip. Give it a go.

The hardy plants, like the Chandelier plant and cacti are thriving, even

Volume 3 Issue 1


Page 1

by E.J. Rosetta in the PinkNews

Eleanor Roosevelt

The infamous American first lady, although

married, was known to have been permitted a
clandestine Boston Marriage by her straying
husband essentially a permitted affair and
chose reporter Lorena Hick Hickock
After her death, the speculation surrounding the
decades-long relationship between these two unearthed a series of letters between them. Although
most were destroyed by the Roosevelt family, the
ones that were uncovered revealed a tender and
indisputably romantic relationship between the
two women. There are whole books available of
the published collections. Its undeniable.
One reads I want to put my arms around you &
kiss you at the corner of your mouth and another
I cant kiss you, so I kiss your picture good night
and good morning and it is said that only Hicks
sister, Ruby, knew the true content of their first

years correspondence. Following Hicks death,

Ruby decided to throw the letters on the fire
after reading them, declaring this is nobodys
business. And I say good for her. My twin
sister and I have a Clear browser history on
death agreement, and I imagine this to be the
same sort of gesture.
Eleanor Roosevelt, a strong feminist, was the
first First Lady to actively engage in political
issues and was known to have a close group of
openly lesbian friends. On Inauguration Day,
Roosevelt wore a sapphire ring, given to her
by Hick. In a 1933 letter, Eleanor writes I
want to put my arms around you. I ache to
hold you close Your ring is a great comfort
to me. I look at it and think she does love me,
or I wouldnt be wearing it.. Which sort of
puts to bed any speculation that end, doesnt

Eleanor Roosevelt

Good Thoughts
The more man meditates upon good
thoughts, the better will be his world
and the world at large. -Confucius
Our prayers should be for blessings in
general, for God knows best what is
good for us.
Great minds discuss ideas; average
minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

" Don't think too much; don't wait for others to

certify you. If you are right... go ahead and just
do it." -Dr. Ujjwal Patni --- Submitted by
Submitted by Ashish Jain
" This is the key to life: To expect everything
to be given to you from above, yet to be genuinely surprised and forever grateful, when they
are. Expecting all good things to be yours,
while not knowing how to take anything for
granted. If there may be a key in life, this is the
key." -Author Unknown --- Submitted by
Mohammed --- Saudi Arabia

" If you're still

looking for that one
person who can
change your life,
take a look in the
Roman Price --Submitted by
George Wachirah

Jimmy Greene, the great
jazz saxophonist whose life
was shattered by the murder
of his beloved six-year-old
daughter, Ana Grace
Marquez-Greene, a victim of
the Sandy Hook school
shooting, has created much
triumphant, life-affirming
beauty out of that agonizing

loss by celebrating Anas

life in a new album titled,
Beautiful Life. A deeply
moving, eloquently expressive and light-filled
homage, the aptly named
CD was released November 25 on Mack Avenue
Records...and available at

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Volume 3 Issue 1
Page 1

Cannabis Corner drug news you can use

Next year, if all goes to plan, a dozen patients
with clinical depression will be invited to a UK
laboratory and given psilocybin the psychedelic ingredient found in magic mushrooms.
Over the next four or five hours, many of these
volunteers will experience dream-like euphoria
as colours, smells and sounds become more intense, perception of time distorts and their sense
of self dissolves. Some may feel a surge of
electricity through their bodies, sudden clarity
of thought or hilarity. Others may experience
anxiety, confusion or paranoia. These hallucinogenic effects will be short-lived, but the
impact of the drug on the volunteers could be
There is tentative evidence that psilocybin,
along with other psychedelic drugs, can "reset"
abnormal functioning of the brain if given in a
safe, controlled way as part of therapy. For
those raised on the post-1960s dogma that
magic mushrooms and LSD unleash mental illness, trigger flashbacks and cause personality
changes, the idea that they could actually cure

disorders of the brain is mind-blowing.

By the late 60s it was at the heart of a fullblown moral panic and the US government
cracked down on it.
Nutt, who was controversially sacked as
chair of the UK government's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs in 2009 for claiming that horse-riding was more dangerous than
ecstasy, says the justification for banning LSD
and hallucinogens was a "concoction of lies"
about their health impacts, combined with a
denial of their potential as research tools and
treatments. "It was unquestionably one of the
most effective pieces of disinformation in the
history of mankind," says Nutt. "It led to a lot
of people believing these drugs were more
harmful than they were. They are not trivial
drugs, but in comparison with drugs that kill
thousands of people a year, like alcohol, tobacco and heroin, they have a very safe track
record and, as far as we know, no one has

The best smoking cessation drugs are

only 35% effective. Some users of
magic mushrooms say it helps with
obsessive compulsive disorder. So far
there has been just one clinical trial,
involving nine people. The results
were again promising but larger
studies are needed.
There is also some evidence that it
can help cancer patients come to terms
with their condition.
According to Professor David Nutt,
the risks associated with magic mushroom use are relatively low compared
to drugs such as alcohol, tobacco or
heroin. On a scale of risk published in
the Lancet in 2010, magic mushrooms
came bottom out of 20 of the most
commonly used drugs.

teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons THC Oil (see recipe)
5 ounces semisweet chocolate,
Long before California first legalized medical chopped
cannabis in 1996, Mary Jane Rathbun
1 tablespoons light corn syrup
better known to her many admirers as
1 cup firmly packed light brown
Brownie Marytook the law into her own
hands (and kitchen), personally supplying
thousands of people suffering from AIDS,
1 tablespoon applesauce
cancer, and other serious illnesses with her
3 egg whites
namesake medicated desserts.
2 teaspoons vanilla
1. Preheat the oven to 350F.
1 cup all-purpose flour
2. In a small bowl, mix together the flour,
cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt,
cup unsweetened cocoa powder
and set aside.
teaspoon baking powder
Recipesfrom The Official Cannabis Cookbook

Around the House

Have a couple of wool rugs that need cleaning; this is the
suggestion I found online, perhaps you can use it too.

How To Wash Wool Area Rugs: Cleaning

Wool Rugs Naturally: When cleaning wool
rugs, consider how the sheep they came from get
clean. Thats right: they stand out in the rain.
Believe it or not, cleaning wool rugs outdoors is
both quick and easy, if you cooperate with
Mother Nature. Rain provides excellent care of a
wool rug, so plan on cleaning wool rugs on a
day when a storm is brewing. Before cleaning
wool rugs, wash off an area outside such as a
patio or driveway. Then spread the rug on the

newly clean outdoor surface and spray it down

with water. Then mix up a bucket of soapy water
and wait for the storm to come. When the first
drops begin to fall, run outside and dump the
soapy water on the rug. Then go inside and wait
for the rain to end.
When cleaning wool rugs outdoors, go outside
after the storm and dry the rug with old toweling
until it is mostly dry. Then move the rug to another clean part of the patio and let it finish drying. Dont let it get too hot, though, or the rug can
Sounds like a good idea, dont you think?

3. Pour the THC Oil and the

chopped chocolate into a double
boiler over high heat. As
the water boils in the lower pan,
whisk the chocolate and oil until
melted and smooth.
Remove from heat, and whisk in
the corn syrup, brown sugar, and
applesauce. Stir in
the egg whites and vanilla. Beat
the mixture vigorously until
smooth, then stir in the
flour mixture until well incorporated.
4. Grease a 9-by-13-inch baking
pan. Pour the batter into the pan.
Bake for 18 to 23 mins. Cool and

Volume 3 Issue 1
Page 5

Get Out!
Speaking of getting out...while
youre at it. Check out a new to
you group, do some community
service (I pick up trash as I ride
my trike around the neighborhood). Maybe start sweeping your steps right?
Geico informed me that I could
save as much as $500 if I cease
my gym membership. In place of
the gym; the yard, the living-room
and my neighborhood.
When I take a walk, Ill pick up
trash that I see...extra calories
burned and service done! Wed
like to hear about your workout.,
wont you share?

(Contd from Pg2)

have difficulty getting started, meeting deadlines, and completing projects.

have trouble setting healthy priorities and
Compliance Patterns
Codependents often. . . :
are extremely loyal, remaining in harmful
situations too long. compromise their own
values and integrity to avoid rejection or anger.
put aside their own interests in order to do
what others want. are hypervigilant regarding the feelings of others and take on those
feelings. are afraid to express their beliefs,
opinions, and feelings when they differ from
those of others. accept sexual attention when
they want love. make decisions without regard to the consequences. give up their truth
to gain the approval of others or to avoid
Control Patterns
Codependents often. . . :

It's time to begin an honest public education
campaign about the minimal risks presented
by marijuana. Let's allow science, not rhetoric, to dictate America's public policy regarding marijuana. As you will see, the facts
speak for themselves.
ALLEGATION #1 - "There is a serious
drug problem in this country."
ALLEGATION #2 - "Nationwide, no
drug matches the threat posed by marijuana."
ALLEGATION #3 - "60 percent of teenagers in treatment have a primary marijuana
diagnosis. This means that the addiction to
marijuana by our youth exceeds their addiction rates for alcohol, cocaine, heroin,
methamphetamine, ecstasy and all other

drugs combined."
ALLEGATION #4 - "We may never rid
this country of every crack pipe or marijuana plant. However, research proves that
we have made substantial success in reducing drug use in this country."
ALLEGATION #5 - "The truth is that
marijuana is not harmless."
ALLEGATION #6 - "As a factor in emergency room visits, marijuana has risen 176
percent since 1994, and now surpasses heroin."
ALLEGATION #7 - "Smoked marijuana
leads to changes in the brain similar to those
caused by the use of cocaine and heroin."
ALLEGATION #8 - "One recent study
involving a roadside check of reckless drivers (not impaired by alcohol) showed that
45 percent tested positive for marijuana."
ALLEGATION #9 - "The truth is that

believe people are incapable of taking care

of themselves. attempt to convince others
what to think, do, or feel. freely offer advice and direction without being asked.
become resentful when others decline their
help or reject their advice. lavish gifts and
favors on those they want to influence. use
sexual attention to gain approval and acceptance. have to feel needed in order to have
a relationship with others.
demand that their needs be met by others.
use charm and charisma to convince others
of their capacity to be caring and compassionate. use blame and shame to exploit
others emotionally. refuse to cooperate,
compromise, or negotiate. adopt an attitude of indifference, helplessness, authority,
or rage to manipulate outcomes.
use recovery jargon in an attempt to control
the behavior of others.
pretend to agree with others to get what
they want.
marijuana is addictive. Marijuana users
have an addiction rate of about 10%, and of
the 5.6 million drug users who are suffering
from illegal drug dependence or abuse, 62
percent are dependent on or abusing marijuana." see the NORML response and more..
Allen St. Pierre Executive Director
NORML Washington, DC July 21, 2005
This updated report is written, once again, by
NORML Senior Policy Analyst Paul Armentano with research provided by NORML Intern Paul Varnado (Duke University).
Important and timely reports such as this are
only made possible when concerned citizens
become involved with NORML. Please consider joining NORML or making a donation.

Pot Stories
Parrish woman long-suffering from
ALS says cannabis keeping her alive

PARRISH -- Cathy Jordan had to

prove to the government that she
was still alive after she passed her
"expiration date" in 1991. Twentythree years later, she's still going
strong, despite doctors diagnosing
her with Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis in 1986 and telling her
she only had five years to live.

Her secret? Smoking

Detractors' arguments
range from doubting
the medical benefits of
marijuana in general to
disliking specific ballot
language, such as no
age restrictions and the
wording being overly

The Jordans have become the faces of medical marijuana in Florida

and have grown their
own pot for 20 years to
treat Cathy's ALS, also
known as Lou Gehrig's
Read more here: http://www.

LCN Again!

Primary Business Address-----
Orlando, Florida
Phone: 555-URL-OVED
(not a real ph. Number)






Live, Laugh, Dance, Learn and Let

Grandma smoke pot.

Two Sisters
Were on the Web
After they keep your hands warm,
youve got lunch in your pocket.

Thank you Tom Thomas of air freight for this
great green idea. Working outside? With ungloved hands? Try this neat treat::
Microwave two white potatoes. Wrap in foil.
Place one in each in pocket. Voila!!
Ive made no resolutions for the new year except to be more compassionate than last year
and to eat a little healthier. Hope this info from
cookware-plastics-shoppers-guide-to-foodsafety?page=3, is helpful to you.
The FDA recently repeated its previous statements that current BPA exposures are safe.
However, the National Institutes of Health's latest review voiced "some concern" about BPA's
If you want to reduce your exposure to BPA,
there are some steps you can take:
Eat less canned food, and more frozen or
fresh food. In addition to avoiding BPA, you'll
also get more nutrients and less sodium -- both
steps toward a healthier diet.

Breastfeed your baby, or use powdered formula instead of cans.

Avoid bottles and plastic containers that are

made from polycarbonate (usually marked
with a number 7 or the letters PC) and if you
want to reduce exposure to phthalates, avoid
polyvinyl chloride (marked with a number 3
or PVC).
A handful of well-conducted studies have
questioned phthalates' safety. Higher levels of
phthalates in the body have been linked to low
sperm count and quality in adult men. In one
highly publicized study, pregnant women with
higher levels of phthalates were more likely to
bear baby boys with subtle genital changes -namely, a slightly shorter distance between
the anus and scrotum.
You can avoid any exposure to these chemicals by following these tips: Never preheat
your nonstick cookware on high. Empty pans
can reach high temperatures very quickl y.
Stick to as low a temperature as possible to
safely cook the food. Don't put nonstick
cookware in an oven over 500 degrees.
Run an exhaust fan over the stove while using
nonstick cookware.

Never cook on Teflon or other non-

stick cookware with a pet bird

in the kitchen. The fumes from
an overheated pan can kill a
bird in seconds.
Opt for cookware that is
made from safer materials like
cast iron.
Reduce your consumption of microwave popcorn and fast foods.
To reduce your exposure to the
chemicals in plastic, use these strategies:
Use a paper towel instead of plastic
wrap in the microwave.
Don't microwave food in plastic
containers (put food on a plate instead).
Use safer dishware made from materials like glass or stainless steel.
Plastics with the number 1
(typically used for water and soda

bottles) are single use only. Recycle after use. Use tempered glass
baby bottles instead of plastic.

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