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The Word of God1 at the Feast of the Saint Martyr Mina2

(Translated by I.A.)
I am the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let the sons of the garden of the Word hear.
Let the gatekeepers hear and open to the Lord, as the Word comes to Israel; the Word God comes
to speak over the earth. The Lord comes from heaven on the earth to be with the man, as it is not
good for the man to be alone, but it is good for him to be with the Lord. Amen.
Peace to you, little garden of the word, which comes from heaven, which comes with the
clouds, as it is written! Peace to you, anointed sons from the garden! Stand awake before Me, for
I come and work a fresh word over the earth, a word of new age. I have been pouring out the
grace of My word over Romania for seven years, to start with it a new age on the earth, but
Gog and Magog have opposed Me. Be awake, anointed sons, so that you may stand before the
word. I become fresh word over all Romania and I tell to My trumpet to prepare you so that you
may stand before My word. (See selection topic: The apocalyptic trumpets3, r.n.)
Oh, Verginica, here I am with you in your book. We come in to prepare the sons of My
garden beautifully, as they are the messengers of heaven on the earth; they are placed on the earth
during the time of today to testify about Gods voice, the word of God, the Son of God, Who
comes, Verginica. Here I come; here is how I come, but is there someone on the earth to understand
My coming? I am the Word; I am He, Who is; I am He, Who comes. Amen.
Oh, You are the One Who comes with the saints, Lord, with the tens of thousands of
saints, as it is written into the Scriptures, Lord. I am Your trumpet and I am in Your coming; I am
in You, Lord, and You announced Me to the multitudes that I am Your trumpet, but do the multitudes know to understand Your coming with the saints? It is written that he, who believes in You,
will be alive even he dies. And You believed in me, Lord, and You came to life in me, and You had
been speaking from within me for twenty five years on the earth, and You called a people to You,
the people that Your Father gave it to You, to have it for Your coming in the word. And You became
word from me, Lord, and the sons of the word testify about Your coming in the word. I was Your
tabernacle among the people, the tabernacle of Your word, and if You took me into heaven, You
also came back with Me to Your people, to my people, and You speak with it and command me to
become word from You as well, so that the earth may know that You have me as Your trumpet,
Lord; to know that in the time of my body the heaven joined to the new age, to the new age and
the new earth that are, Lord. Your sons wait for Your promise, the new heaven and the new earth,
the heaven and the earth of peace and righteousness, Your peace on the earth; Your peace, not the
peace of the people.

Gods Word in Holy Citadel New Jerusalem monastery, Glodeni Romania, redactor note.
Or Menas; 285-309 A.D.
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I gather the chickens under my wings; I gather them under Your wing, to be protected by
Your peace, as the peoples peace it not peace. The people do not have You within their peace; the
people are full of the spirit of wisdom on the earth; the people are full of spirits; they are not poor
in their spirit for the kingdom of God to have room in them, so that You may have where to bow
down Your head in the mans body, in the spirit and the soul of the man, Lord, and You are the
One Who has been wondering away for seven thousand years. The people have their gods; they
have their spirits; they have their own spirits, but I cleansed a people and I made him poor in the
spirit, so that You may have room with Your kingdom in them, and to be, Lord, to be with the man
on the earth, as it is not good for the man to be alone, alone without God, without Gods word, as
You have always been speaking with the man, always, with the man who has been hearing Your
voice, Lord, and You have reached to me, to Your people, who is Your son, and You speak from
above him, and he listens to You, Lord, and he does Your will, the will of Your word. I gather my
chickens under the wings as a hen, good Lord; I teach them to eat from Your fist; I teach them to
share You, Lord, so that the nations may have light on the earth, as You are light; light and word.
Sons from the garden, stay under the hen; be the hen with the golden chickens4; be of gold;
be golden vessels, useful to the Master; be trumpets from trumpets, as God, the Word, is being
poured out, sons. The sower sows the word. Keep your little fists open to receive seed and to sow
upon the earth, sons, sowers. Seed the word of God over Romania. Be awake, as the Lord is coming
and is speaking in the garden for Romania. Take the Lords book and stay with it open before Him
as the Lord becomes word into His book; (See the selection topic: About the Book of the Lamb The Book of Life, r.n.) He becomes word in Romania, and you will go as peace messengers in
the midst of the multitudes and will sow God and Gods voice, and you also will seed the grace
from above in the people.
You, Lord, have come with Your grace into the sons of the garden and made them sowers
and gave them Your power, to tread on serpents and vipers, and that they may not be harmed. Oh,
give Your grace to the people, Lord. Sow Yourself in the people with Your grace, as it is not good
for the man to be alone, alone without God. It is not good for the Lord to be alone, alone without
man. The people are idol worshippers, Lord. The people are idols for themselves, and they make
a carved image for themselves and bow down to themselves, Lord. (See the selection topic: About
the graven image and the sign of the cross, r.n.) Give the people Your grace. Make the man again;
make man out of man, Lord, as You came from heaven to be with the man, to be word, as all are
made by the word, by You, Words of the Father. I pray to the Father in You, Lord, as he who
worships the Son, worships the Father, for the Father is in His Son. Amen.
Oh, Father of the Son, receive me from Your Son, Father, as I pray for the man, Father,
Who are in the Son. I pray from the son before You, as You are in the Son, and I am in the mystery
of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and I testify about it on the earth, so that the
man may know about the heaven of the saints of God, as the Son of the Father became flesh, and
the Father is in His Son, and the saints of the heaven worship Him. Amen.
Sons from the garden, be in the Son of the Father, as Father is in His son, sons. Worship
the Father in His Son, sons of the garden of the word. Amen, amen, amen.

Reference to the Treasury from Pietroasele The Hen with the Golden chickens, a symbol of the Romanians,
not understood by now, as how the hen gathers her chickens (Matthew: 23/37; Luke: 13/34), the same way the
Lord gathers His chickens, as pure as gold in the fire of Gods love. See about the treasury on:, r.n.


The Lord is coming from heaven on the earth to be with the man, as it is not good for the
man to be alone; it is good to be with the Lord. The Lord comes from heaven on earth. Amen,
amen, amen.
Peace to you, sons anointed in the garden of My word! Peace to you, little garden of the
word! Anointed sons, welcome My word, so that I may come and work fresh word upon the earth,
word of new age, manna from heaven, honey and milk from heaven on earth, bread, sons, bread
from heaven as food to the multitudes, which do no longer know what bread is. I have been pouring
out the grace of My word over all Romania for seven years to start with it a new age on the earth,
but God and Magog have been opposing Me.
I am Who I am; I am the One Who comes. I come with a new heaven and a new earth
which are. I come with the peace and justice in the work of a new heaven and a new earth, for the
mens peace is not peace. The people are full of the spirit of earthly wisdom; the people are full of
spirits; they are not poor in their spirit so that the kingdom of heaven may have room in them, for
behold, I, the Lord, have been wondering since seven thousand years and I have nowhere to bow
down My head, but I have cleansed a people and make it poor in his spirit, to have room with My
kingdom in him and to be with the heaven on earth, for it is no good for the man to be alone, alone
without God, without the word of God. I have always spoken upon the man who heard My word
from heaven and I have reached this day, and I have My people, who is My son, and I have been
speaking above him, and he has listened to Me and done My will, the will of My word, and I have
taught him to share Me, so that the nations from the earth may have light, for I am the word and
the light. Amen. I have chosen golden vessels from the sons of the church that do not mess up
with the worldly affairs, vessels for Gods service, so that the Lord may enter the Jerusalem
and to make Jerusalem from man, to make a church from man, a living sacrifice before God,
a burning sacrifice, living, living burning in man. (See the selection topic: The true church5,
The sower seeds the word. Sons from the garden keep your little fists open for Me to pour
out and to seed over the earth, sons, sowers. Sow over Romania the word of God. Go as peace
messengers into the midst of the multitudes and sow God among into the people. The people have
their grace. Sow My grace in the people, so that they may understand the work of My word and
that the people may eat bread from heaven, to eat My word so that I may be sown in the people
with My grace, as it is not good for the man to be alone, alone without God. The people worship
idols. The people are idols for themselves. The people make from themselves a carved image and
worship themselves; they worship their own wills, their own conscience, as they do not love God
with their mind and with their heart and with their virtue. Give them My grace to the people, sons,
sowers. Give them My word, to make the man again, as I came to be with the man, to be word, as

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all are made by the word, by Me, the Word of the Father. I want to take the spirit of the world from
the earth and to replace it with My Spirit; to put Gods Spirit on the earth, as behold, the world
does not know to love you, My messengers into the world. Oh, if you were from the world, the
world would love you, as everyone loves what belongs to him, but I love you because you are
Mine, for everyone loves what belongs to him, and you love Me, as I am your love. The time
comes for the people with human and earthly wisdom to follow you seven times seven, and they
will sell out their possessions to buy My name from you and to bear it, so that they may have a
name, as it is written in the Scripture which says: Fall on us mountains and hide us from the
Lords wrath!. But then you will not be able to witness that someone is Mine, but only the
one that you will know that does My will into My name.
My people, why does the man do not believe this word? He does not believe because he is
not good, and if he is not good, he hides under disbelief, for the man to clear oneself of his stature,
as it is written: The fool says into his heart; there is no God. It is not the good one who says
so, but rather the fool speaks against God.
Oh, God calls you, man! Do you hear My voice? Your creator calls you, your Shepherd, your Teacher. Oh, you wonder away because you do not have any shepherd, but the word
from heaven comes and speaks upon you, and the word becomes deed upon you, as that is why it
speaks: to fulfill itself.
I have knocked at your gates, Romania. You are My country; you are My coming back
from the Father to the people. Do you really know your mystery? Do you really believe what I say
to you? Can I really find faith on My coming back to the people? I have called out at your gates,
My country; I have cried over your rulers to make peace with Me, and they, hearing, did not hear
Me, and seeing, they did not see Me that I came with a calling over them. I told them to take home
the chrism of Romania and they did not do this, and I took them their service, and their share is
with the unfaithful that, hearing Me did not hear Me; however, Romania will not be resurrected
before Me without her chrism.
Romania, those who ruled over you are sorry; they are sorry because they did not fulfill
My word to bring your chrism home and to put it on your head. They would have made a name
for themselves before Me, if they had listened to Me, but the man is not good, and he says into his
heart that there is no God. Romania, you are the fishing net thrown into the sea and in which all
kinds of fish are caught, small and big, so that the good fish may be selected, and the bad one to
be thrown into the sea; however, if you do not make peace with God, you will not please God. If
you do not take My word on you as garment, as clothing with God to help the Lord over the
nations, you will not be pleased before Me; on the contrary, I will reprimand you like a daughter
to your resurrection in Me. Let the man make peace with God, as there will be left no lawlessness in you, and the holy laws of the Lord will no longer be crushed within you. (See selection
topic: Romania The New Jerusalem The New Canaan6, r.n.)

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Oh, daughter Romania, do no longer trample under your feet the feasts of the heaven on
the earth, (See the selection topic: The changing of the holidays renunciation of faith, r.n.) as
the saints are above you with Gods heaven on the wings of the Holy Spirit, on the wind of Holy
Spirit. Search into your laws from before the storm (Before the Second World War, and then of the
instauration of the dictatorship of the communist red beast, r.n.), and come back with your face to
the parents, so that your parents may also turn with their faces to you, as the prayers of My anointed
sons, who I come to you with, will be fulfilled in front of My eyes. My word will be fulfilled as
the preached word has power in it. First, it is the word, and then its face comes, as this is how it
has been worked through the word.
I have preached the word upon the shepherds of your church, Romania, and hearing, they
did not hear Me and did not believe Me, and if they do not repent of their wicked deeds without
God, their service will be taken away and they will be with the unbelievers. The shepherds of
the church extol those that know to speak beautifully in the way of the man, those that know to
sing beautifully; they praise those that are skilful in their science, with their gifts, but do not praise
those who know to live beautifully, beautifully in Christ. Christ is lived by My people, and I
made him light on the earth; I put him in the candlestick and I give light with him before the
people, as I am spirit and truth; God is body and word.
Let the man make peace with God and let him be the Lords church! The man seeks the
church, but this is written for you, people, who seek: The kingdom of God is in you. You will
not find a church nowhere but in you if you build it in you. The church is nothing else but the
Christians body, the clean body in which the Lord comes in a clean way. If the Christian does
not come clean to the wall church in order to take the Lord as a body and word; that of walls is not
a church.
Oh, people, you build churches of walls in vain if the Christians do not come in with
their clean bodies and hearts. Let the man make peace with God! Let the man kneel down
and make a real cross upon his body, utter a prayer of repentance, cleanse himself by remorse, put upon him the promise of the resurrection from the dead, and let him take God in
him only this way, for reconciliation to God, to the everlasting unity with God. Let the man
forgive one another, for many things which are forgiven on earth shall be forgiven by God.
Let Christ be lived by man and the man live in Christ, for the wisdom from heaven is one, and this
is: Let the man deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me on the earth and in heaven,
through the world and in the church. Amen.
But you, Romania, are a country without shepherd, and I came to shepherd you. I am the
Word of God. I call out the shepherds who stay over you, to call them into account of your life, of
your blood, of your church, as having you do not have; you do not have shepherds. Your shepherds
live lawlessness before Me and before you, and you do not have, you do not have shepherds to
bind your wound and Mine. They graze themselves not you, My love. Oh, My day will come as
in the time of Noah, and I will find you drinking and eating and going to weddings and you
will be taken by surprise if you do not want to hear the voice of My word as in the time of
Noah. (See selection topic: As in the days of Noah7, r.n.) Noah saw his salvation but the world
did not see Noahs salvation. Noah saw the Lord on His coming, but the world did not see God,

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and rather it saw the day of disbelief coming on them. The man who saves his life will see the
One Who is and Who comes. The man who does not save his live will not see God on His
coming, for I will come as in the time of Noah, and I want to have you at the wedding, as I took
My bride out of you, and I call you to the wedding. Come to the wedding, country of My wedding!
Change your garment and take on a wedding garment; take on you a garment of pure linen and let
your priests shepherd you to the light.
Oh, your priests deceive both you and Me, and the Lords altars became heavy because of
their transgressions. Let them wake up with repentance and cleanse themselves of their iniquities;
let them give up drunkenness and tobacco and let them bring before Me holy chrism and incense,
as the church is the house of prayer, and not a house of robbers. The church is the house of God,
the house of Gods sons, but will the Lord find a church of His at His coming? Behold, I come and
call out only the scattered sheep. Let the scattered sheep hear Me and let them gather together at
the voice of the Good Shepherd, as the Lord comes from heaven on earth to be with the man, as it
is not good for the man to be alone, but rather it is good for him to be with the Lord. It is good for
the man to be with God; it is not good for the man to be alone, alone without man. Let the man
make peace with God! Amen.
I have been pouring out My grace for seven years, Romania, to begin a new age with you
on the earth, but God and Magog have stood against Me in you. (See the selection topic: The
antichrist and the apocalyptic beast8, r.n.) Let no enemy be hostile to you and Me. Let My peace
be with you, for the peace of the people is not peace. The men are full of spirits; they are not poor
in their spirit so that the kingdom of heaven may find room in them, for behold, I wonder and have
no room in man and I have no church where to bow down my head and find My day of rest. Oh,
daughter of Romania, come so that I may woo you to be a resting day, as My people chosen from
you is for Me, a resting day and a bride for My coming, for I am the word, and all are done by
word again; and there will be a new heaven and a new earth from you, Romania, for this is how I
am well pleased, and the Father is well pleased with Me. Amen.
I am the good Shepherd Who is laying His life for His sheep, Who gives His body as food
for His sheep, for this is what My life given to the sheep means, so that My sheep may have life
and have it abundantly, but you should learn to be a church; you, man, should learn what
Jesus Christs church means; you should learn from Me, for I am the body and word in the
church, the spirit and truth, as it is written in the Scriptures.
I became flesh in the Virgin two thousand years ago and I have dwelt among the people
as a body that came through the Virgin, and now, after two thousand years, My Father made Me
the word in you, daughter of Romania. Do you hear the Word? I am the Son of My Father, the One
Who is. I am the One Who is, as My Father is. Come to be, daughter of Romania, for the one who
is, is in Me, and the one who is, is no otherwise. Come to be in Me; come to make you a body into

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My holy body, for I am the body and word in the church; I am the church of My Father, for
My Father is in Me. Come to be My church, for I am in you and I speak from your midst
upon you. The Lord is coming from heaven to you to be with you, for it is not good to be alone,
My love, alone without the Lord. Receive Me, for the one who does not believe in Me and in
My coming, that one has part with the unbelievers.
Come daughter Romania, at the feast of the heaven on the earth, as I have been spreading
the table in you for forty years, and you have been hiding so that you may not know. Oh, do no
longer hide under your guilt, but rather give it away from you by being sorry and make peace with
the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit, because you are My daughter, and you have in
your root a foundation of waivodes and you are noble. Be a church to Me and sing before Me a
song of memorial of your waivodes, who cry for you before Me. You are anointed with chrism,
daughter Romania. Where is your chrism from Me on your head? Where is your anointed,
daughter, Romania? (The King Michael, r.n.). I have called him and his far, as you are far from
him. I have called you from near so that you may hear Me and to pray so that I may lift up your
curse from your land and to replace it with a peace covenant with Me, for the peoples peace is not
peace. My peace is peace, daughter Romania, and I chose you to be a garden of My coming back,
to be My glory seen before the nations on the earth. Do you hear My voice? Do you hear My word?
I am the Word of God. I come from heaven on the earth to be with you, to sow Myself in you with
the word of life, as I have come so that you may have life and to have it abundantly. I have a field
with a treasure in it. This is My news upon you. Stay before Me as a field to be sown, as you are
the Fathers plan in My hand. I am body and word. I came to embody you into My holy body and
to give you birth by the word, as I came from the Father. I came to give you birth at My word, a
word of a new age, as it is written into the prophets: A voice, a noise from the citadel: the voice
of the Lord! and you will give birth to sons of My word, as it is written: No sooner had she
travailed than she already gave birth to sons. You are My new tidings over the peoples and I
announced you as Mine. Let your watchmen hear, and let your gates be lifted up so that I may
enter them to you! Let your gates be renewed and strengthened before Me! Amen.
Oh, people from the gates of Romania, (The rulers of Romania, r.n.), let yourself be woken
up at My voice and wake up Romania, as she is My glory for My coming, and all the girls and all
the sons of the people will greatly love her. Lift up you, gates of Romania, so that the word of God
may come in, as the Lord comes from heaven on the earth!
I am the way, the truth and the life. I am your peace and your life, daughter Romania. Let
him, who has ears to hear, hear the word of God, which comes from heaven and is heard on the
earth to your blessing, daughter Romania! Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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