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Republic of the Philippines


San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte
2nd Grading Exam in Values Education 4
Test I. TRUE or FALSE. Write ERICH if the statement is true and RICHO if the statement is false.
1. In Epicureanism, a person desires for pleasure because it is considered good.
2. Epicureanism simply states that if I will have to undergo a surgical operation in order to remove a malignant tumor, then it is
evil because it is painful.
3. Common to Epicureanism and Stoicism is their consideration of emotion or feeling in determining the morality of an action.
4. Since Epicureans consider pleasure as good, then drinking liquor must also be good.
5. This simple understanding of goodness or evilness as explained by Epicurus can be applied today in all situations without
getting in conflict with the norms and standard of our present society.
6. Granting that Epicureanism will be observed by everyone as a norm or moral standard, peace and order can be assured.
7. One problem with Epicureanism is that while an act may be pleasurable for someone, that such same act may also be
painful for the other.
8. If I drink and drink and drink liquor until I vomit is in line with the saying be merry for tomorrow you shall die.
9. The pleasure that is meant in Epicureanism refers to physical pleasure only.
10. For epicureans, tooth extraction in order to get rid of decayed tooth is evil.
Test II. Determine the moral standard that is applicable to the given situations. Draw



1. I study very hard because of my love for my parents.
2. As much as possible, I must avoid being attracted to material things because it will only cause me suffering.
3. I am not duty-bound to help those people who do not work hard for themselves.
4. Inflecting pain on others is evil.
5. As long as you can still help me, then we can be friends.
6. Men who have no heart for the children will not help them in their needs, which is evil.
7. Old people are sent to the home for the aged since they are considered burden to their children.
8. You work hard, you get much; you work less, you get less.
9. I should not be affected with any feelings to make sure that my decision is objective.
10. We should not be bothered with problems; life is just too short to be spent or wasted on problems.
11. In time of crisis, I must save myself first before I help others.
12. Our national heroes offered their lives for love of their country.
13. We must not crave for craving is the root of evil.
14. We work hard to enjoy life.
15. We should work hard to achieve our dreams in life.
16. I destroyed my laptop out of anger.
17. I am already a degree holder and yet I am still dependent to my parents.
18. Divorce is convenient for many of the married couples who could no longer live with each other.
19. Killing is not always evil, sometimes it is allowed depending on the situation.
20. Life is beautiful!
Test III. Multiple Choices. Choose the best answer. Write the letter only.
1. If my ignorance is invincible and then its type is gross, my attitude will be;
a. Well, I have not studied hard so I have not learned about this thing;
b. Hmp! I will not learn cooking. I will be in-charge in cooking once I learn the skill;
c. Ows! I am an engineer and yet I do not know how to compute this one!;
d. Only a and b
e. None of the above

Ignorance is the absence or lack of knowledge about something. Such ignorance erases our responsibility if
a. In my internship at the hospital, I tried to learn how to apply CPR but I just could not master the skill;
b. My father instructed me how to drive but I refuse to learn because I am afraid of accidents;
c. It is impossible for me to learn about music because I am deaf;
d. It is impossible for me to know about American culture since I have not been there.


Gross and affected ignorance differ in terms of degree of responsibility because in affected ignorance responsibility is
greater when
a. Myla tried to learn the skill but she simply could not master it;
b. Greg intend not to learn to drive because he hates it;
c. Meriam was absent from the class because she attended a birthday party;
d. Only a and b and not c


We will know that the ignorance is crass ignorance and NOT gross ignorance when
a. a driver of a passenger bus does not know traffic rules and road courtesy;
b. a Speech teacher learns only a little in manipulating the gadgets at the Speech Laboratory;
c. vendor purposely refuse to know the law thinking that he can use it as an excuse;
d. all of the above


The difference between vincible ignorance and invincible ignorance is

a. while there is responsibility in vincible, there is none in invincible;
b. while vincible ignorance has three sub-types, invincible has none;
c. while vincible has varied degree of responsibility, invincible has ony two;
d. while vincible ignorance can be overcome, invincible ignorance cannot be overcome;
e. only a and d;
f. only a and c;
g. a, b, and d.


Ignorance is invincible if
a. No matter how much Anna will try in order learn playing the piano, she cannot;
b. Martin reads all the books and yet he cannot still know what is beyond the universe;
c. Rouella has learned to play the guitar during childhood but has already forgotten it due to lack of practice;
d. Bobby, a one year old boy does not understand what is good and what is evil.


Ignorance increases responsibility of a human act when

a. great damage is caused because of such ignorance;
b. it is within a persons duty to know about it and yet fails to know about it;
c. a person, within a normal circumstance could have known about it but refuses to know;
d. all of the above;
e. only a and b, but not c.


Ignorance decreases responsibility of a human act if

a. despite the effort of knowing has been exerted, still there is lack of knowledge;
b. no effort is exerted in order to overcome such ignorance;
c. the knowledge of something is beyond the capability of the person;
d. all of the above;
e. only a and c, but not b;
f. only a and b, but not c.


Ignorance exempts responsibility if it is

a. supine or gross
b. crass
c. affected
d. invincible

10. Gross ignorance and affected ignorance differ in as much as AFFECTED ignorance occur when
a. a classmate of yours who was absent did not care to ask about the assignment to be submitted that day;
b. a classmate of yours who was assigned to read an article refused to read;
c. a classmate of yours who was chosen as the leader of your group and yet does not know his duties as a leader;
d. a classmate of yours who was assigned to study a particular chapter and only learn a little from his readings.
Test IV. Identification. Write the answer to the following questions.
1. What is the morality of an action if one of the constitutive parts of the human act is not good?
2. What is that concupiscence that occurs immediately after the stimulus is felt?
3. When is concupiscence considered to be act of man?
4. When is concupiscence considered to be human act?
5. What is that concupiscence where that action can be evaluated if it is good or evil?
6. What is that concupiscence where action is amoral?
7. What is that concupiscence when someone feels hatred to somebody?
8. What is that concupiscence when someone gets anger because his cell phone was stolen?
9. In concupiscence, when is it considered that reasoning or reflection and planning sets in?
10. If you were to determine, on what classification of concupiscence is love?
Test V. Essay.
1. You have learned that for an action to be good, all the constitutive parts must be good: the end, means, and
circumstance. Give an example where the action is considered evil even if the end and means are good because the
circumstance is evil.
2. Danny was drowning while swimming in a lake. Ted was with him, and Danny shouted for help. Ted would have
wanted to help Danny but he was afraid that there might be a snake in the water. Ted was not able to rescue Dan, so
Dan got drown and died. Can we trace responsibility on Teds part over Dannys death? Yes or No? Why?
3. Queenie discovered that her father Manuel has an illicit affair with their house help Minda. Knowing that her mother
Alma will surely get angry if she will know of that affair, Quennie is in a dilemma.
a. What possible course of action will Quennie take so that it will be considered evil? Why is it evil?
b. If you are in Quennies place, how are you going to deal with the problem? What course of action will you
4. In the Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand, it is said that maximizing the potential of a person is an important principle.
You have a close friend who wants to borrow money from you because he wants to buy something. Your money is the
product of your labor while your closes friend has no job.
a. Based on the principle of Ayn Rand, will you give in to the request of your close friend?
b. If that friend of yours has a job, will your answer be the same? Why?

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