Tems Mobileinsight 2.0 Datasheet

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TEMS Mobileinsight 2.

Product: Benchmarking & Monitoring Tool






Network Optimization Benchmarking Subscriber In-building

Rollout QoE

TEMS mobileinsight A NON-INTRUSIVE,

Mobile network operators used to be able to maintain a strong position in the
market based on the differentiators of price and coverage area. However with
a multitude of new competitors, products, and technologies hitting the market,
these differentiators are no longer by themselves sufficient.
The key to maintaining and growing a subscriber base now lies in a new domain,
the domain of customer experience management (CEM). This means knowing
what subscribers want and need without asking, being proactive around managing their problems and expectations, and using existing resources more effectively, to make a difference where it counts the end users perception.
To help operators to achieve these goals in a cost effective and efficient manner,
Ascom Network Testing has introduced TEMS MobileInsight, a tool that can easily
be used for real-time VIP monitoring, corporate QOS assurance, dropped call and
congestion hot spot identification, and general network optimization.
TEMS MobileInsight employs the crowdsourcing method of data collection,
enabling operators to gain insight into the subscriber experience without the need
for extensive drive testing. TEMS MobileInsight can deliver detailed statistics and
failure information directly from subscribers handsets wherever these subscribers
go, which allows an operator to monitor the true, real-world customer experience.
An agent is loaded onto a supported handset which logs information about
events that negatively affect the subscribers experience. When an event such
as an abnormal call termination occurs, the GPS coordinates, serving cell, signal
strength, and more are captured and sent to the TEMS MobileInsight event processing server.
Due to its cost effectiveness, TEMS MobileInsight is an attractive proposition
for operators, regulators, tower infrastructure providers and other types of organizations that require detailed network performance data and KPIs, but do not
want to be tied a specific vendor or use specialized network equipment. It can
run on most mainstream smartphone platforms.


Collect Priceless Information Without the Costs
Reduce Churn
Deploy and Use Quickly and Easily
Deliver Value Across the Organization

Subscriber Experience Monitoring: Collect
real-time data from subscribers smartphones or
Windows-based PCs in the form of key performance indicators (KPIs) to get an intimate and
empathetic look at the subscribers real-world
Network Optimization: Use the high-level data
from TEMS MobileInsight in combination with
trace-level data from other TEMS network optimization tools for a comprehensive, end-to-end
view of service and network performance.
Initial Troubleshooting: Observe service deterioration in its early stages, and combine data
from other TEMS network optimization tools, to
troubleshoot network problems effectively and
get an end-to-end view of service performance.
Site Survey Testing: Run tests, including
speed-test, to quickly assess that services are
working and performing as expected. With TEMS
MobileInsight, test cases can be preloaded on the
phone and then run with a single click.
Market Research and Analysis: Gain insight into
market trends, most popular applications, and
Web sites by demographics, device type, and
market. Use this data to make correlations between operating systems, devices, demographics
and user behavior to understand the drivers of
subscriber loyalty and better target service offerings to subscriber needs.


Collection Automatically and cost-efficiently

Analysis Analyze and present information

Change Rapidly improve QoS and provide

collect QoE data from opt-in subscribers as

within seconds on a modern and secure Web

the best possible service to end users via

they move about the network.


customer-centric KPIs and root-cause analysis.

Data Security/Secure Web Based Interface

All communications and collected data are
encrypted to ensure security, while back-end
processing is protected through firewalls and
authentication. The tool GUI is Web-based,
allowing operators to monitor network
performance 24/7 from any Internet enabled
PC or laptop. Full security is catered for to
control what level of access each user is

Fast, Fully Automated Data Collection

Fully automated software, control procedures and workflow mean there is no need to
use highly qualified drive test teams or special hardware. The software once deployed
requires no input from the end user and is
non-intrusive. Speed of collection, analysis,
report generation and presentation is vastly
reduced due to superior real-time processing. No other product provides countrywide
real-time customer fault information and

Multitechnology Support
Full support for 2G, 3G, CDMA, and LTE is
built into the TEMS MobileInsight solution
ensuring that the tool is forward compatible.
Ascom is continuously adding to the list of
supported devices and KPIs measured. The
solution is also vendor equipment agnostic,
which benefits operators that do not want
to be tied a specific vendor or use specialized
network equipment, especially when testing
in heterogeneous environments.
On-Device Functionality
All functionality required enabling the QoS
and optimization testing is internal to the
handset and removes the need for drive test
vehicles and personnel to gather data. The
collected data is a true reflection of the enduser experience and network performance
Customizable Reporting and Analysis
As data is collected, it is pre-processed on
the subscribers handset and sent back to
Ascom servers, where it is analyzed and
presented on a secure Web interface within
seconds of being collected. Display of all data
captured is available online and immediately,
and is presented in a variety of formats from
high-level management KPI and comparative
reports to detailed engineering drilldowns
that assist in root-cause analysis.
Subscriber Privacy Assurance
Subscribers opt in as part of the operators
crowdsourcing program and TEMS MobileInsight does not collect any content or details
of what the customer is saying or typing. It
can be run in a completely anonymous mode
and it is possible for the subscriber to disable
the data collection (incognito) directly from
the main screen.

Ascom Network Testing

1943 Isaac Newton Square
Reston | VA | 20190-5006 | USA

Support for All Standard KPIs

Industry standard KPIs are supported and
reported on. These include dropped calls, call
setup success, blocked calls, signal strength
and various others.
VIP Follow Feature
Engineers and planning staff can subscribe
to real-time notifications of failures experienced by VIP customers.
Auto Detection of Poor Quality Areas
Using sophisticated algorithms, areas of
common and exclusive poor quality and
coverage are automatically identified and
reported on.
Alarming Module
Operators can receive real-time alarms for
faults detected in the network, and these
can be fully customized.
Surveyor Live Testing Module
This feature allows engineers to initiate live
analysis on any TEMS MobileInsight enabled
handset for an individual, group of subscribers or geographic location for live network
fault finding.

Wide Range of Supported Devices

TEMS MobileInsight offers support for most
mainstream smartphone types including iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Symbian
and Windows Mobile devices. Ascom is
constantly updating releases to support new
devices and technologies making the tool
one of the most comprehensive in terms of
device support on the market .
Simple Network Integration
TEMS MobileInsight requires only a single
interface into the network which drastically
simplifies deployment and reduces costs
compared with competing products.
Fully Hosted or Locally Deployed
The solution has a flexible architecture that
is easily scalable and lends itself to a fully
hosted or locally deployed implementation.
High Speed of Deployment
Due to the simplified integration and intelligent design of the solution, TEMS
MobileInsight can typically be deployed in
days, and can be fully supported remotely
with minimum input from operator staff.

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