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1. reckless boldness; rashness; foolish bravery.
2. a willingness to take bold risks.
3. effrontery; impudence; insolence.
Etymology: late Middle English temeryte < Latin temerits, hap, chance,
rashness, equivalent to temer(e), by chance, rashly.
1. the highest point or part, as of a hill, a line of travel, or any object;
top; apex.
2. the highest point of attainment or aspiration.
3. the highest state or degree.
4. the highest level of diplomatic or other governmental officials.
5. summit meeting.
6. of or relating to a summit meeting.
7. to take part in a summit meeting.
8. to reach a summit.
to become young again.
Etymology: from Latin vernalis, from vernus, of the spring, from ver,
the ability to feel, perceive, or to experience subjectivity; having sense
perception; conscious; experiencing sensation or feeling; an awareness of
ones environment and ones own existence, sensations, and thoughts.
Etymology: from Latin sentins feeling, from sentre to perceive.

1. intended for instruction; instructive.
2. inclined to teach or lecture others too much.
3. teaching or intending to teach a moral lesson.
Etymology: from Greek didaktiks, apt at teaching, instructive, equivalent
to didakt(s), that may be taught.

1. the state of glowing or starting to glow with heat.
2. the state of being white hot; incandescence.
3. characterised by or emitting light.
Etymology: from Latin candescere, from candre, to be white, shine.

very worthy; having worth, merit, or value; useful or valuable; extremely
honourable; admirable.
Etymology: Latin per, very + - dgnus, appropriate, fitting, worthy, meet.
1. Music: a) a gradual, steady increase in loudness or force. b) a musical
passage characterised by such an increase. c) the performance of a crescendo
2. a steady increase in force or intensity.
3. the climactic point or moment in such an increase; peak.
[adjective & adverb]
4. gradually increasing in force, volume, or loudness (opposed to decrescendo
or diminuendo ).
5. to grow in force or loudness.

Etymology: Italian, literally growing, from Latincrscendum, gerund

of crscere, to grow.

a nest.
Etymology: ultimately from Latin ndificre, to build a nest.

Quattuor ourgos
to tie together; to restrain; to bind.
Etymology: from Latin religatus, past participle ofreligare, fasten, bind

eternal; infinite; unbounded or unlimited; boundless; endless.
Etymology: from the Hebrew olam, world.

1. a pause in a line of verse dictated by sense or natural speech rhythm
rather than by metrics.
2. a pause or interruption, as in conversation.
3. in Latin and Greek prosody, a break in a line caused by the ending of a
word within a foot, especially when this coincides with a sense division.
4. Music: a pause or breathing at a point of rhythmic division in a melody.
Etymology: from Latin caesura, metrical pause, literally a cutting, from
past participle stem of caedere, to cut down.

1. a minimal unit of a writing system; a letter in an alphabet.
2. a unit of a writing system consisting of all the written symbols or
sequences of written symbols that are used to represent a single phoneme.
Etymology: from Greek graphma, a letter, from grph(ein), to write.
1. the state or quality of being true; accordance with fact or reality.
2. something that is true, as a principle, belief, idea, or statement.
Etymology: from Middle English < Latin vrits, equivalent to vr(us), true.

the right or opportune moment (the supreme moment); a propitious moment for
decision or action. In rhetoric,kairos is a passing instant when an opening
appears which must be driven through with force if success is to be achieved.
Etymology: Greek literally opportunity, the God of Opportunity.

1. Latin: New Life, also La Vita Nuova - The New Life.
2. a text written by Dante Alighieri in 1295 - it was an expression of the
mediaeval genre of courtly love in a prosimetrum style (a literary piece made
up of alternating passages of prose and poetry).

valiant nature or quality; valour; bravery; boldly courageous; stouthearted; worthy; excellent.

Etymology: from Old French vaillant, from valoir, to be of value, from

Latin valre, to be strong.

SURSUM[combining form]
upward; ascension.
Etymology: from Latin sursum, under, from below, upwards.

Etymology: from Latin oror, I rise, get up; I appear, become visible; I
am born, come to exist, originate.
1. a composition for one or more solo instruments, one of which is usually a
keyboard instrument, usually consisting of three or four independent movements
varying in key, mood, and tempo.
2. a one-movement keyboard composition of the baroque period.
Etymology: from Italian sonata, from the feminine past participle
of sonare (modern suonare), from Latin sonre, to make sound.
the condition or quality of being in a place or being located or situated;
whereness or ubication.
Etymology: from Modern Latin ubietas, from Latin ubi, where.


1. determined by or from the stars; guided by the stars.

2. of or pertaining to the stars.
Etymology: from Latin sdereus, from sdus, star.
proceeding by inquiry; investigating.
Etymology: from New Latin, from Greek zttikos, from zte, to seek.

1. involving great effort.
2. industrious; diligent.
Etymology: from Latin opersus, painstaking, from opus, work.
1. to know in advance; foresee.
2. to notify in advance; forewarn.
Etymology: from Latin praevidre, to foresee, from prae, before + vidre,
to see.
sharp; perceptive; shrewd; acute; sagacious.
Etymology: Latin argutus, from past participle of arguere, to make clear.
1. a change or variation occurring in the course of something.
2. interchange or alternation, as of states or things.

3. vicissitudes; successive, alternating, or changing phases or conditions, as

of life or fortune; ups and downs.
4. regular change or succession of one state or thing to another.
5. change; mutation; mutability.
Etymology: from Latin vicissitudo, change, from vicissim, on the other hand

of flesh and muscle.
Etymology: ultimately from Greek sark-, sarx, flesh.

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