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I was going through design of bottom heater of HFO storage tank.

There i have seen

value of heat transfer coefficient was taken and further then heat load calculation & steam
.flow rate to heat the HFO oil was calculated
My question is how can we get the value heat transfer coefficient for Steam & HFO oil.Is
.there any table , empirical chart or standard available
For condensing steam applications in coil heaters for tanks, the recommended HTC is

1500 Btu / h-ft -F (8500 W / m -K). This is as per the classical heat transfer book
"Process Heat Transfer" by D. Q. Kern. Chapter 20 , example 20.1 of this book mentions
.this value
.Following could be helpful in estimating overall heat transfer coefficient
Before the estimate, specify the temperature of the stored fuel oil to flow freely in suction
line (say ~ 220 cSt viscosity, to my opinion) and estimate max heat loss from tank to
ambient for the already specified fuel oil temperature (http://www.cheresour...for.tankvessel/)
A1. Assume a fouling factor for fuel oil, say 0.0010
m2*h*oC/kcal, http://www.engineeri...ng_factors.html. This value is also given by Perry,
7th edition (1997), Table 11-4. If you have a specific value by experience, so much the
A2. Formula for partial heat transfer coefficient has not been found in Perry, only a
reference (Stuhlbarg, D., "How To Design Tank Heating Coils," Pet. Ref, V. 38, No. 4, p.
.143, 1959). Data for rough estimate is as follows (U = overall heat transfer coefficient)
Perry 7th ed, Table 11-2, steam 110-140 psig / vegetable oil, no agitation, overall U = .110 - 140 kcal/m2/h/oC
http://www.spiraxsar...and-jackets.asp, steam 2-6 barg, heavy oils, overal U=70-96 .kcal/m2/h/oC
A3. Assume U=80 kcal/m2/h/oC, that is resistance 1/U = 0.0125 m2*h*oC/kcal. Even
though fouling factor and U may not be based on exactly same area, it seems that fouling
factor is the limiting stage in this heat transfer. Resistance from steam side 1/7320 =
0.00014 m2*h*oC/kcal; and (assuming 2" sch80 pipe) coil thickness / thermal
.conductivity =5.5E-3 m / 37 kcal/m/h/oC = 0.00015 m2*h*oC/kcal
A4. Consequently U~80 kcal/m2/h/oC. depending on assumed fouling factor. When the
coil has been "cleaned", much higher heat transfer rate will occur. Steam supply can be
.controlled by stored fuel oil temperature
.Notes: -Fins on the steam coil are not judged suitable, due to scales
Steam coil design, supply & installation is undertaken here by specialized firms, having .the necessary design tools for precise data

Editing note 7 Dec 11: Statement for fouling factor corrected, as it actually represents
.~8% of overall resistance (not 80%)
Process Heat Transfer by D. Q. Kern (McGraw-Hill, 1950) was found and example 20.1
in Chapter 20 was looked into. It is noted that a fuel oil tank has no mechanical agitation
.and is heated through a steam coil close to bottom by free convection
Example 20.1 does not correspond to the fuel oil tank configuration, since it is about a .1
small jacketed tank with paddle agitator. Kern's Fig 20.2 on previous page indicates heat
transfer coefficient from coil, but for agitated tanks (sort of agitator?). Steam side reported
heat transfer coefficient = 1500 Btu/ft2/h/oF = 7320 kcal/m2/h/oC can be generally used.
It is not controlling heat transfer (especially in case of fuel oil), thus precise value is not of
Kern's heat transfer coefficient to the liquid (forced convection) has the form
Nu=Re^(2/3)*Pr^(1/3)*(/w)^0.14, =0.36, = bulk liquid viscosity, w= viscosity at
metal temperature (Re=modified Reynolds No). A local University book extends the
formula, giving =0.36 - 1.50 for jacket or coil under agitation (formula by Chilton, Drew,
.Jebens, as generalized by Achley)

For free convection Kern (p. 721 & 215) advises approximate outside coefficient .2
h=0.50(t/d)^0.25 for horizontal pancake coils (t oF, d=outside diameter in, h
Btu/ft2/h/oF). This seems not appropriate for the case, giving low values of h (e.g. for
t=60oC & d=2.375", h=6.3 kcal/m2/h/oC). One has to search for correlations developed
after 1950, e.g. by Stuhlbarg, or roughly estimate overall heat transfer coefficients from
.examples for cost estimation only. Refer to post of 29 Nov 11 by kkala
It is again noted that design & supply of heating coil(s) can be implemented by a .3
specialized firm. The heating coils are often placed in pairs (one operating, the other
standby), each one covering whole tank bottom. At any case estimation of necessary
stored fuel oil temperature and heat losses from the insulated tank have to be made by
.the Engineers of the company owning the tank
Several issues of fuel oil tank design and its heating can be found .4
. in http://www.cheresour...il-tank-design
In addition to keeping constant fuel oil temperature balancing heat losses, tank heating
may also intend to heat stored fuel oil from t1 oC to t2 oC in so many hours. This option
usually requires higher heat supply compared to the conditions stated in para 3 above, or
in the post of 29 Nov 11. See Perry, 7th edition (1997), p. 11-20 to 22, Thermal design of
.tank coils

As far as i know, centrifugal pumps can be able to transfer the fluids with the viscosity of
as much as 700 cS and lower. This limitation value can be increased up to 1000 cS using
.special designed impeller

In fact, for the fluids more viscous than water there are the curves by which the correction
factors (for flow, efficiency and head) can be found using them the corresponding flow,
head and efficiency based on water are to be calculated. Then the customer can select
the proper pump inside vendor catalugue in which the pumps are normally
.presented based on transferring the water


By virtue of their favorable properties (little pulsation, no safety valve
needed as with positive displacement pumps, simple flow control)
the use of centrifugal pumps is being increasingly extended in the
chemical industry and refineries to high-viscosity media (up to about
1000 _ 10_6 m2/s), although an efficiency lossmust be taken into account
compared with positive displacement pumps with the same service data.
The economical application limit for centrifugal pumps is about (150
to 500) 10_6 m2/s; this limit very much depends on the pump size and
application. The use of a centrifugal pump is possible up to about
1500 _ 10_6 m2/s and even above. Tests are available with viscosities
up to 3000 _ 10_6 m2/s. Reciprocating or rotary positive displacement
pumps are employed for still higher viscosities (Fig. 2.29).
Due to increased losses, higher NPSH must be made available when
pumping liquids with viscosities appreciably higher than cold water.
The pressure losses in the impeller and diffuser channels of centrifugal
pumps, the impeller friction and internal leakage losses, depend to a
large extent on the viscosity of the pumped liquid. Consequently, the
characteristics ascertained for water lose their validity when pumping
.liquids of higher viscosity, such as oil

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