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Villanueva, Christine Joy D.


The ChinaPhilippines relation refers to the bilateral relations between the People's Republic of
China and the Republic of the Philippines. Relations between the two countries gradually
improved over the years since the initiative of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos. However
in diplomatic relations between the two countries suffered due to worsening South China Sea
Several major bilateral agreements were signed between the two countries over the years, such
as: Joint Trade Agreement (1975); Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreement (1978);
Postal Agreement (1978); Air Services Agreement (1979); Visiting Forces Agreement (1999);
Cultural Agreement (1979); Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (1992); Agreement
on Agricultural Cooperation (1999); Tax Agreement (1999); and Treaty on Mutual Judicial
Assistance on Criminal Matters (2000). In May 2000, on the eve of the 25th anniversary of their
diplomatic relations, the two countries signed a Joint Statement defining the framework of
bilateral relations in the 21st century. Bilateral relations between the Philippines and China have
significantly progressed in recent years. The growing bilateral relations were highlighted by the
state visit to China of Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on 2931 October 2001.
During the visit, President Arroyo held bilateral talks with top Chinese leaders, namely President
Jiang Zemin, NPC Chairman Li Peng, and Premier Zhu Rongji. President Arroyo also attended
the 9th APEC Economic Leaders Meeting held in Shanghai on October 2021, 2001, where she
also had bilateral talks with President Jiang. During President Arroyo's visit, eight important
bilateral agreements were signed.
In 1999, China's Ministry of Agriculture and the Department of Agriculture of the Philippines
signed the Agreement on Strengthening Cooperation in Agriculture and Related Fields. In 2000,
relevant government agencies signed an agreement whereby China offers the Philippines 100
million USD credit facility. In March 2003, China's aid project the China-Philippines Agricultural
Technology Center was completed. With its successful trial planting in the Philippines, China's
hybrid rice and corn have been growing over large areas in the country. In 2004, both sides
signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Fisheries Cooperation. In January 2007, Chinese
and Philippine Ministries of Agriculture signed Memorandum of Understanding on Broadening
and Deepening Agriculture and Fisheries Cooperation.
In August 2003, the two countries signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in
Constructing the Northern Luzon Railway Project. In April 2005, the two countries signed the
Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the field of Infrastructure between the
Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and the Department of Trade and
Industry of the Republic of the Philippines.

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