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Erosional Velocity
See the blog post at
Gas Specific Gravity
Liquid Specific Gravity
Fluid Absolute Temperature
Fluid Absolute Pressure
Compressibility Factor
Gas to Liquid Volume Ratio
Erosion Velocity Coefficient

322 K
200000 Pa
183 kg0.5 m0.5 s1

Fluid Density

702.69797 kg m3

Erosional Velocity

8.4215501 m s1

note that 1 lb0.5 ft0.5 s1= 1.2199 kg0

e-erosional-velocity-with-excel.html for more detail


ft0.5 s1= 1.2199 kg0.5 m0.5 s1

Calculate Erosional Velocity with Excel

This Excel spreadsheet helps you calculate erosional velocity in Excel. The offshore oil industry often
The American Petroleum Institute have guidelines (see API RP14E) for the flow velocity below which

where is the gas/liquid density at the flow temperature and pressure, C is an empirical constant, a

If is in lb ft3 and V is in ft s1, then C has units of lb0.5 ft0.5 s1. API RP14E recommends that C=100 lb

However, recent studies have recommended that higher C values are used, with values of 887 for 13C

This Excel spreadsheet implements the API RP14E equation to calculate erosional velocity. If you ente

Excel. The offshore oil industry often requires the transport of liquid, gas and solids in long distance pipelines. This causes the pipe surface to erod

E) for the flow velocity below which erosion damage is minimized. This maximum flow velocity is a function of velocity and density, and given by th

ressure, C is an empirical constant, and V is the maximum recommended velocity. This equation is only valid for horizontal flow with shear stress as
API RP14E recommends that C=100 lb0.5 ft0.5 s1 for continuous service of liquid with solids, or C=125 lb0.5 ft0.5 s1 for intermittent service (or values

s are used, with values of 887 for 13Cr piping for "clean gas service" (see the paper "Improved Procedures for Estimating the Erosional Rates in High

alculate erosional velocity. If you enter the specific gravity of the liquid and gas components, the gas/liquid volume ratio, the the absolute tempera

This causes the pipe surface to erode, with the rate of erosion increasing with the flow velocity.
velocity and density, and given by this equation.

or horizontal flow with shear stress as the limiting factor

s1 for intermittent service (or values of up to 200 lb0.5 ft0.5 s1 if the pipelines are corrosion resistant).

stimating the Erosional Rates in High Offtake Gas Wells: Applications of University of Tulsa Flow Loop Derived Correlation" for more detail).

lume ratio, the the absolute temperates and pressures, and the compressibility factor, the Excel spreadsheet will calculate the mixture density for

orrelation" for more detail).

will calculate the mixture density for you. Note that the spreadsheet expects all values to be in SI units, including the erosional velocity coefficient

ng the erosional velocity coefficient C (a conversion factor is supplied in the spreadsheet).

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