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March 16, 2013

Course: PGDM, IMI-D

CAT: 92.01
X: 85.06
XII: 84
Grad: 63.13
Work Ex: 17 Months, ACCENTURE

Interview timing was 8:30,but I woke up at 7:30

...I stay far,so had to
hurry.Thankfully it was a saturday morning,so didnt encounter any traffic..From the
bus stop ,did an Usain Bolt stint till the centre .Reached the centre exactly at
8:35,panting,but was glad I made it .After that,we were made to sit according to our
respective panels....At around 9:10,we had our WAT..Topic was-Women should be
encouraged for socio-economic progress....Then had the psychometric test..Marked
without hesitating and thinking much..I was number 7 in the panel,and each interview
was on an average of 20 minutes..At around 12:10,I went in for the interview.
The interview:
The PI panel considered of 3 member-P1,P2 and P3-all male..i din't know who they
were..Later,when I reached home,I opened the IMI site and I came to know one of
them was Pritam Singh (the Director),and the other one looked like Sanjeev
Goenka,not sure though.Panel 1 ppl,pls confirm this.The third interviewer was a
professor in the college,Abhishek Nirjar.
All of them were really cool.
The interview was very general.They want to understand you.
I was first asked to introduce myself.I explained,how I want to start something on my
own.How I want to conquer the world:p
All get shocked by the world conquer.
I justified on this part..About my pans,the tactics I will follow.
All look impressed.
I was questioned mainly on this part .I donno how,but I gave really good
answers.They were very friendly.So I opened up to them,spoke good points ,which I
dint think would come out from my mouth otherwise
All seem very impressed.
The professor ,with a smile,said"I believe that you will make it.I know that"

Then there were questions on my strengths and limitations.We were having a fun
time about my limitations
Then it was extempore time.I was told to choose any topic of my own.Spoke on a
topic for 10 minutes.They listened keenly.I stopped.They said it was really nice to
meet you,have a great day ahead.I wish them the same.
There were toffees and biscuits on the table,but I wasn't asked for any :p
Overall,It wasn't like an interview at all.It was like an interaction,like speaking to your
friends.A really cool panel,class apart.

Date: 14th March

Venue:Hotel Monarch Luxor, Bangalore
CAT: 93.47
X - 87.8
XII - 81.2
Grad - 81.45
Extra-Curriculars: Lots
Work-Ex: 18 months Ericsson Global

Essay: 20 Minutes, 200 - 250 words

Live In relationships : The in thing of the current generation.
I beamed when this topic was announced and the prof who discloed the topic looks
at me smiling. I ask for other topic as well just for option and he says this one will go
away and we all have a hearty laugh :D
Psychometric Test: Just put down what you feel you would have preferred.
The panel consisted of a young lady prof(YL) and a middle aged lady prof(ML).Both
VERY jovial and cracked jokes a lot.Meant to put you at ease as much as possible.

As soon as I enter :ML: So you like to have aternatives in life(starts laughing)?

Me: With a grin
ML:Continues on this topic for 3 mins and in the end mentions ( Oh you're from Delhi
, so its normal )- Grins all around!
ML: Give us your intro
Me: Blah blah...

ML :Im very scared of you after looking at your weaknesses ... :P

Me: No need mam, blah blah... she smiles..

ML: So when you were a teenager did you listen to your mother/what did she scold
you for?
Me: Blah blah... we all laugh... a few follow up questions on that..

ML:Are you patient, do you get angry often?

Me: A little/ no anger :S

ML: So I'll try to get you angry ...

Me: Sure , give it your best shot ! :)

ML : Good you realise her contributions in your life... :D

Me: :D

YL:Tell me 2g/3g/4g from a layman's perspective.

Me: Told

YL: Why Sony-Ericsson split?

Me: Told

ML:(Comes in and tries to rag) What about Sony,Apple,Samsung,Nokia,Blackberry

Me: Answered ... blah blah... (Looked satisfied)

ML:Which spec and super spec:

Me:Marketing, Brand Management..

ML: What is account planning?

Me: Told a little bit what I knew (looked ok)

YL: So tell me 2 important happenings in Indian Eonomy and politcal scenario :

Me: Budget(blah blah) + GDP(blah blah) + Modi(blah) + Nitish Kumar(blah)

ML:(Comes in).. So Narender modi issue as PM ... Godhra issue... blah blah..
Me: Yes I agree and gave my 2 cents.... a couple of follow up questions on this..

They look happy... :)

Extempore topic: It's high time India moves from Party politics to individual people
politics(Like in USA)..
Spoke for a bit..
Seemed satisfied.
YL: Anything you want to ask us?
Me: Mentorship program...
YL/ML:Told a bit..
ML: Which all calls do you have and rank them?
Me: Told
Me: Told Bombay vs Delhi advantage..(Debated a bit of pros and cons ... )
YL: Good, atleast someones taking Mumbai's side.. :)

Together: Good job, ALL the best for the result :D

In all about 30~35 mins interview.. completely chilled out... best panel till date :D
All the very best to everyone.....

Date: 13th MarchVenue:Mumbai

Course: PGDM
CAT: 92.27
X - 85.16
XII - 79.5
Grad - 8.11(CGPA) converted to 81.1
Extra-Curriculars: Cricket
Work-Ex: 22 months TCS
Essay: 20 Minutes, 200 - 250 words
Should we include spiritual education in the modern education system to avoid personal
Psychometric Test: Just put down what you feel you would have preferred.
The panel consisted of a an old gentleman and a middle aged lady.
1) Tell something about yourself
2) You have written Leadership skills as your strengths, elaborate with an example
- cited one example, - What difference did you bring in to the process ? - told
3) Do you read newspapers ? Which one ? What columns you prefer reading ?
Do you read business column ? (intention was to find out topic for extempore)
4) What specialization would you like to go for in MBA ?
5) You have selected for Kolkata and Bhubaneshwar campus as well, how serious are you
about joining them ?
6) What other calls you have got and which one would you prefer to join and why
Finally----- would you like to ask us any question ?

Extempore: How Dhoni's popularity has affected the economy of Jharkhand ?

(as I'm from Jharkhand and mentioned about my involvement in the sport).
It was a good experience, they were very friendly and tried to make the interview more
comfortable, but don't take this for granted, prepare well...
All the very best to everyone.....

Date: 13th March

CAT: 97.3
X - 89
XII - 87
Grad - 65
Extra-Curriculars: social service, entrepreneurship, art, sports
Work-Ex: 2 months TCS

Essay: 20 Minutes, 200 - 250 words

Should we include spiritual education in the modern education system to avoid
personal stress
Psychometric Test: piece of cake
The panel consisted of a middle aged lady and a young gent. The lady seemed a
little strict but they both turned out to be friendly.

-Tell me about yourself
-You have such good marks. You can apply for PGDM. Then why PGDM-HR?

-What are the functions of HR?

-Do you like reading? Which books have you read?(I said Rashmi Bansal)

-Which book of her did you like the most? (Connect the dots cz its the story of
amateurs who made it big without any formal business training)

-Then why are you getting a formal training?(blaah blaah)

-Basic questions on bharatnatyam(my hobby)

-Do you like maths? (yes) then solve this problem? (the problem was more of logic.

-who was homi bhabha?Name any Indian who won the nobel prize

-Do you follow economics or politics? (politics)

-Views on Raj Thackeray

-Views on Facebook case after bal thackerays death

Extempore:Should martial arts be taught to women in corporate?

Overall it was a good experience.More like a friendly chat. Confidence is the key I
feel. Most of the questions they asked were out of my form itself.
All the best to everyone!!

Date: 12th March

Venue: Monarch Luxor, Bangalore
Course: PGDM, IMI-D
CAT: 99.0x
X - 82
XII - 84
Grad - 72
Extra-Curriculars: quite a few
Work-Ex: 27 Months in IT(TCS)
Prior to the beginning of the process, we got clear instructions from a Professor.
Made life easy. Divided into 4 Panels - 2 of 19 each and 2 of 18 each. No idea how
many turned up.
Essay: 20 Minutes, 200 - 250 words
Intelligent youth who have high morals must enter politics to remove corruption
Pretty decent topic. Not tough to write, but quite hard to elaborate as it was only
corruption. Managed to write a decent essay.
Psychometric Test: something different from other B Schools.. . Finished it on
PI: Was 2nd in panel 4. So happy to be 2nd . The girl before me was interviewed
for an hour. Was starting to feel bad about guys at the end.
Panel had 2 Middle Age Men and a Lady, who seemed to be a Prof in Marketing. A
dude seemed to be a Prof in Finance.
Q: Tell me about yourself. (So tired of answering this)
A: told
Q: So your Dad is highly educated?(mentioned it in Intro)
A: Yes mam. I am the Dumbo. Dad from NITK and NITIE. Uncle and Aunt CA, CFA,
ICWA, etc. Me the dumb chap.. . Everyone laughed.

Q: What do you in TCS?

A: Work. Panel laughed. I explained in detail. Few more questions about my latest
project, what I do and don't do.
Q: What is Insurance?(My domain in TCS)
A: told in detail. Cross questioned.
Q: What is Re-insurance? (My domain in TCS)
A: told. again asked a few more questions.

Q: What is sub-prime crisis? Impact on India?

A: told. finance dude very excited. asked quite a few questions.

Q: What is CRR, SLR, Repo, Reverse Repo, LIBOR, MIBOR?

A: told everything. again loads of question, which I was happy to answer as I had told
them I wanted to major in Finance.
Q: So your strength is Analytical Skills?
A: Told. was grilled on it for a couple of minutes as what is the use, how I intend to
use it.
Q: Then you got more in VA than QA. Don't you think its a contradiction?
A: explained. seemed satisfied.
Q: Few questions on Weaknesses and why and how of it. Example.
A: answered properly.
A: only explained GPS since I couldn't answer much about the former as I had no
idea .
Q: Geography related questions - about 6 of them.
A: answered them properly
Q: Questions on Hobbies, Interests, etc.
A: answered them clearly.

Q: What other calls you have? Which interviews over? Priorities? Where does IMI
A: told.
Q: Why IMI? Why not IMT?
A: blah blah
Q: What do you intend to do with PGDM?
A: told similar to 'Why MBA?'.
Q: What if you get bored of Finance? You didn't work in the field you did your
Bachelors. (my Grad is in ECE)
A: tried to justify my stance. was partially successful.
They were many more questions in between. Dont remember all.
Duration: 25 - 30 minutes.
Extempore: was initially given Geographical take on any Natural disaster. Asked for
a different topic. Was given: Bangalore 10 years ago, presently, 10 years from
now. Not a bad topic. Spoke for more than 2 minutes, closer to 3 minutes.
Bottom-line: Overall a good PI, Extempore and Essay. Hoping for the best.

Date- 12th March,2013

Slot-8:30 Am
Cat percentile-97.48
XII marks-84.2
X marks-85.6
work ex-20 months
PT Exp:- Just gut feeling
Essay Topic:- Intelligent youth should step out and join politics to remove corruption
in politics.
Think for 4-5 mins before putting your pen down, you will have ample points:

PI-(Haha, they actually made me sing , Roadies chal ra hai kya, neways chill people
in the panel)
1 Lady Prof(arnd 50) , 1 Male prof(around 35)
L.P- So Piyush tell me about yourself?
ME- told
As I mentioned Jaipur as my native place
L.P - Tell me the history of Jaipur, who founded? Evrything what you know.
ME- Easy one, told her(Some more questions she asked about the developments in
L.P - So you have experience around Supply Chain Management ,
tell me about the 2 big companies with the best suppply chains?
ME- told about walmart and Dell
L.P.- What about UPS?
Me- It is the third one in terms of revenues having very robust supply chain and
oustanding growth.
L.P - So you have done a lot of extracurricular activities, tell me about them?
Me- told them, mentioned dance somewhere
L.p - Tell me what all dance movies you have seen , n which one is favourite and y?
Me- told
M.P - So you like football as well, watching also?
Me- I like to play , but not following regularly from past 2 years but I get updates.
(Asked me about the recent
Champions League status- piece of cake)
M.p - Which position do u play and what is your role in that position?
Me- Told
M.p- What all scams happened last month?
Me- Told about Helicopter deal but L.P interrupted and asked in detail
, told them in bits n peices as they were asking figures.
M.p- What about MGNREGA and scam related to that?
ME - I explained MGNREGA but din know about the scam.
L.p- so what are your hobbies?
Me- Said I like to write songs
M.p - What words do you use in it ? (Whatttt!!!Tapega kya mere songs!!)
L.p- Wait, OK sing any 1
(both giggling among themselves)
Me- Sang (L.P toh maha impress, expression toh aise hi de ri thi)
L.P- pretty sure you have written it for your GF?
ME- Yes mam, still she refused

(Laughed for another 10 seconds, both of them)

L.p - Ok Piyush , we are done , do you have any questions
Me- Asked about the centre of Manufacturing and supply Chain in IMI.
L.p - elaborated nicely.
Extempore topic:- Relate Dance with Management.
Grade your PI on scale of 5 - I would say 4.5 out of 5, coz I answered most of
them(correct in my knowledge), felt like an actual interview unlike IMT, new IIMS .

Date- 10th March 2013, Sunday

Center- Mum
Slot- 08:30 AM
Cat percentile- 95.2
Infy work x - 32 months

Essay: Coalition Politics is hampering Socio-economic development of India

PT Exp : 25-30 mins

Panel - All 3 guys

P1(on extreme left) Tell me sumthing abt u ?

Me: Started and then said do Kickboxing and Theatre
Then 15 min discussion on kickboxing and theatre with P1 and P2(Guy in the
middle). P3 was not at all interested
Extrempre: Theatre v/s Cinema
P1: U from Gwalior?
Me: yes
P1: Sumthing spl abt gwalior?
Me: told and den has discussion abt Scindia's and wat did dey did.
P3: What is cloud computing?
Me: told

P2: Give one eg. ?

ME : told
P2: Which newspaper ?
Me: Hindu
p2: Why?
Me: Gyaan
P2: Editor ?
Me : Told
P2: Other newspaper from this publication?
Me: No idea
P1: Tell any news?
Me: Told Abt Bitty Mohanty case..
P1: So shud we publicize more or not ??
Me: All gyan abt it shud we till some level ..blah blah...
Then All smiles and I left the room.
Be cool. Interview will go as u like.

Date- 10th March 2013, Sunday

Center- Chennai
Slot- 08:30 AM
Cat percentile- 94.48
XII marks- 90.4%
X marks- 93.4%
PT Exp:- it was good..20min given..completed in 10 min
Essay Topic:- Crime rate is growing due to ineffective police and legal system.

panel had two professors one was from hr and other i think from operations.

started with tell me about yourself..asked technical questions(instrumentation).was

able to answer only few..then asked about my hobby reading..then 'today what you

read in newspaper'...grilled on why mba ?why now?why not aftr work experience and
why imi?
asked some basic questions about my native role model ? asked what is
fiscal deficit?
panel was friendly.....NO EXTEMPORE for me...could have performed better in

Hello everyone ...had my interview at chd on 7th march's the experience
Essay topic child labour- a necessary evil and its social impact
Physchometric test- my only advice would be tick whatever comes to your mind and remain
CONSISTENT with your answers. According to me, there were similar questions that would
ask you the same thing, but in a different matter. So try to maintain consistency in your
My pi panel had 3 members, prof J.d.singh(p1), another senior prof(p2) and a third young
prof ( was a passout from MDI, P3)
I go in and wish good morning to everyone.
P1: amrinder , tell me what college did satinder sartaj go to ?
Me: PU,chd
P1: not Punjabi uni, Patiala
Me: no sir, he went to PU but performs in a no. of colleges
P1: ok ....have u heard and so singer?
Me: no sir, not into sufi music
P1: ok, what kind of music do u like ?
Me: in eng, the rap of 90s, reggae and soul music of the 70s and 80s (and p1 did knew
some real shit about this, i must say !) hindi , kishore kumar and other Punjabi
...mainly folk
P1: whats the difference between bhangra and malwai giddha?
Me: told, also told that i had performed both
P1: i know.....i got to know from your body language back in the room when i was introducing
abt collg....tell me apart exactly are your feet when you perform malwai giddha?
Me: umm.....3 feet ?
P1: stand up .....take the giddha stance ...and see for urself was about 2 feet
P1: 18 inches ...thats the standard....
P2: you completed your graduation in june , what have been doing till now

Me: got placed in IBM ...didnt join they were supposed to give me a sales profile ...but
were assigning the profile of an analyst ...wanted to go for mba prepared for cat
P2: do you regret it ?
Me: naa......i see that most of my friends who started working aren't happy i think i am
better off
P2: u mean ex is not a good thing?
Me: it does provide you maturity in terms of handling things ....but i believe few work-ex
people have the zeal to study ....they only consider mba as a means to get outta the job
....blabbed something abt ....them considering ROIs first.....(was grilled on tht a bit)
P2 : was btech ...a choice or a forced decision?
Me: did the obvious choice was btech ...didnt want to follow the
took biotechnology
P1: so you rejected the post of analysis ......gave me a stats problem then and there.....(this
dude is really something !!! 28 years work ex....could formulate that problem with 4 diff
statements pertaining to all branches of btech !) .....asked me questions on that.....was able
to solve some ...
P2: what other calls do u have ?
Me: imt-g, mdi
P1: write down the different criteria are going to use to decide which collg you'll
choose......was grilled a bit on this
P3: what is central tendency ?
Me: the no repeated max time ......
P3: elaborate.......blabbed something
P1: converted that question again into a math stats problem ....spoke a few numbers .....and
said ....these are the sizes of pair of shows being sold in a shop...what size should he make
the shoe ?
Me: answered......was asked for reasoning
P2: you've mentioned man-management as your strength .....what does that mean ?
Me: sir, i was the team captain for the football team .....being a defender ....organized my
P2: football ?? thats the sole reason ?
Me: no sir....i was also the discipline head of collg festivals...had some 40-50 students
working under me
P1: okay......but the other strengths and weaknesses you've mentioned aren't serious ....u've
just written them .......w/o thinking
Me: tried to justified ....but p1 explained what he meant
P1: whats the currency of mexico ?
Me: ummm.....mexican dollar??

P1,p2, p3: ahahahha

P1: where is mexico??
Me: below US
P1: what do u mean ...below US
Me: i meant on the world map
P1: ok...what abt ..on a globe
Me : (dafuq .....) same sir
P1: neighbouring countries ?
Me: us , cuba
P1: have u heard the currency lira ?
Me : yes sir...cant remember which one though :p
P1: its Italy....and Mexican currency is peso
P1: get a bit serious don't want to pursue biotech ....and now you want to go for
mba get organized and familiar yourself with global matters ....
P3: extempore topic: emerging trends in biotech
Me: stood up and spoke
P1 : hmmm.........thats it .....we liked talking with you have good acads....and u did grad
from a decent uni..we see potential in you ...and think you have a great personality
Me: thanks.....(insert sheepish smile)
P1: anything you'd like to ask
Me : no sir.....thnks
Thats it ! .....on the whole of my beter interviews was more of an interaction
session ....i kept nodding and smiling through the interview ....and agreed with them .....while
they were imparting gyaan ....the faculty was top-notch ....esp prof j.d.singh.....hoping for a
convert .....would come down to Imt-g and imi-d ...i think !!!
Tips- for essay writing : take about 4-5 minutes to think over it ......the word limit was 200-250
words(though hardly anyone was sticking to it) .....optimally i think should be 3-4
paras .....just focus on one main point in each para
For PI: i know its going to sound like a clich .....but yourself .....fill the form
carefully and wisely ......have examples from your daily life or work back up your
strengths and weaknesses. Do prepare ....why IMI ....its a certain question ....go through the
website ......
Hope that helps .......all the best to everyone !!!! cheerio !

Date- 8th March 2013, Friday

Center- IMI Kolkata
Slot- 08:30 AM

Cat percentile- 96
XII marks- 78.2%
X marks- 89.2%
work ex- nil
extracurriculars:-lots in robotics
PT Exp:- lol...
Essay Topic:- Higher education should be free of all governmental controls..

pi-lasted for 5-7min

two madams(m1,m2),chilled out panel

m1-how do u pronounce ur name(same q asked in last 4 interviews)

m2-what is its meaning,heared it first time
m1-tell us something about urself
m1-so why not doing a job before mba?(seedhe pooch lete why mba)
m1-what is the diff between electrical and electronics,explain with 1 example each?
m1-so led is an electronic device,what is mobile charger?
m2 comes in
m2-what is crr?
m2-ok u have read,so what is trade deficit,who is the chairman of planning
commission,who is nandan nilekani?
thank u...
and I did take the print out of wbut conversion certificate there but the lady said
during the verification as it is not official,it is not going to be considered and she just
multiplied my dgpa by 10.

Hey puys, just got back after my interview.. posting my experience for the ppl waiting eagerly
to know abt the interview experience.

Date- 8th March 2013, Friday

Center- IMI Kolkata
Slot- 08:30 AM
Cat percentile- 93.01
XII marks- 84.4%
X marks- 87%
work ex- 43 months
extracurriculars:PT Exp:- pretty good. nothing to worry about. :)
Essay Topic:- Higher education should be free of all governmental controls.. Everyone in my
slot unanimously agreed over the topic.
PI- I was 6th in my panel n was interviewed for 20-25 mins.
Three panel members, one lady P1(left), two gentlemen P2 (middle) and P3 (right)
P2 - Hello! can i have your form please.
me- yes sure sir!.
P2 - tell me about yourself
me - told.
P2- few questions about my present work profile and company profile
me - told
P2 - concepts of welding, different types of welding we do in our company, advantage of
CO2 welding, about series motor motor and shunt motor.
me - told
P1 - difficulties faced in the work process
me - told
P1 - you are from chhattisgarh so what are the tourist places der?
me - told
P1 - endangered species of animals in India?

tigers , lions... dats all i cud thnk of.. told about tiger reserves n d campaigns n the

prob of poaching.
P1- where have you worked as a team leader, advantages and disadvantages of working in a
team, situation where team members dint do there part of the job n how did u manage?
me- told
P1 - what u wanna specialise in marketing or finance or HR since u hv worked in marketing

field as well.
me- told my preference and justified it
P1- why mba?
me - (was waiting for this question) told
P1 - social problem that India is facing?
me- told about women safety issues and what can be done.
P3 - job profile of ex company
me - told
P3 - why gap in between grad n MBA? why work ex?
me - told
P3 - will u take placement or join family business?
me - told
P3 - which places u hv visited outside India, within India??
me- told
P3 - do you watch movies?
me- yes but not much.
P3 - ok.. i was about to ask you about the oscars bt never mind. Ok, tell me one quality of
yours because of wich we should take you.
me- told
P1, P2, P3, - all smiled n sed ok thank you.
me - thank you :)
PI was decent enuf i feel.. was not interrupted by any of the panel members. nor did they
seem annoyed.. hoping for the best.. fingers crossed... :)
Extempore topic:- No extempore for me
Grade - 4/5


Panel members were super nice..One lady and a gentlemen..

asked me about me,my hobbies , my additional subject( i got 99 out of 100 on my
boards!),favorite subject at school,gave me a problem on mechanics,asked me technical
questions on Instrumentation Engineering..
asked me why MBA,BUDJET 2013-2014,AAP,non profit assets,what other calls,why not IMI
kolkata,bhubaneshwar,which business leader u follow(i told em in 'why mba' dat i was
intrigued to see how companies grew n reaped profits)..
Overall PI was a good experience..dont care if i get selected or not.. i am happy ..:)

DATE - 6th march ,

VENUE - IMI kolkata
CAT %TILE - 97.16 ( qa - 97.5 , va - 91.83 )
XII - 81.4%
X - 87 %
WAT TOPIC - Food shortage in india is man made ( 200-250 words ) 20 min
WAT EXP - an average essay . wanted the second topic personally , but had to go
with the majority ..
PI - panel 2 . two lady professors
P1- IMI kolkata faculty
P2- IMI delhi faculty
was the 13th one in my panel . had to wait very long . finally my turn came around
3:10 after waiting for 5 long hours
opened the door . may i come in

p1 , p2 - yes please .
went inside and while closing the door banged the door by mistake .
me- sorry mam
p1,p2 - it is fine arindam . please have your seat
me- thank you . good afternoon mam s .
p1 ,p2 - good afternoon
(p1 asked for the form and after i gave it to her , she started checking the form )
p1 - you really have a good percentile in CAT
me - (really mam!! thanks . i was so feeling morally down when i only met 98.5 +
people in the VGSoM interview yesterday ) thank you mam
p1 - u must have other calls right ? what other calls do you have ?
me - i have the new iims , iit madras , vgsom and imt call
p1 - imt and iit kgp are done with their interviews ?
me - yes mam (hesitating to answer as i knew the WHY IMI question was round the
but i m so happy they skipped the question
p1 - you seem like you have not slept in a while .
me - no mam i am very fine . it is just that i have not had my lunch so maybe .....
p1 - but we have a very good canteen here at the IMI campus
me - yes mam i am sure the canteen is great , but i did not feel like having lunch
p2 - why ?
me - i was waiting for my turn to come up .
p2 - so anxious to give the interview ( smiled , dont know whether her smile was the
"we like anxious people type" or the rather common " you are screwed type " )
p1 - so arindam , tell me do you know about any other arindam ? who has been in a
controversy ?
p2 - he remains in controversy most of the time :P
me - yes mam . the (great ) arindam chaudhuri of ****
p1-what was the controversy?
me - had no clue . so remained silent
p2 - did you follow the recent budget ?
me - yes mam i did , but i am not so good with numbers , so i tend to mix the
numbers .. )
p1- ok leave the budget . you are preparing for the interviews , so there must be
some business topics you have prepared . tell us one of those
me - can i please talk on the budget ?
p2 - yes sure . tell us three important points of the union budget
me - answerd ( in the middle p2 tried to correct a figure i said , but p1 said p2 that i
was right )

p2- and you say u r not good with numbers ?

me - smiled
p1- what are suv? muv ? ( i mentioned suv in the budget )
me - answered
p1- what car do you have at home ?
me - none
p1- then how do you commute ?
me - by the trains
p1 - so who is the railway minister ?
me - ansrd
p2 - so you are from electrical . tell me what is the difference between electrical and
me- answered
p2- what is a fan ? electrical or electronic ?
me - answered
p2 - what is an washing machine ?
me - was not sure . so kept quite
p2 - ( smiled and said ) neither do i know that just check it when u reach home
me - sure mam
p1 - so arindam , what is the major company that sells electrical good ?
me - talked about BHEL
p1 - what does it manufacture
me - said
p1 - have you ever visited the site of BHEL ?
me - no mam :(
p1 - what was the recent block buster ?
me - nowadays , every movie seems to be a blockbuster
p1 , p2 - laughed for a while
me - kai po che , based on three mistakes
p1 - so you read chetan bhagat ?
me - yes mam
p1 - tell me any one of the three mistakes
me - rememberd none at that moment . :(
p1 - who was the opposition of barak obama?
me - answered
p1- who is bill clinton ?
me- answerd
p2- who is montek singh aluwalia ?
me - answered
p2- which film won the best film in the oscars ?

me - argo
p1- caan u narrate the story of argo ?
me - sorry mam , i have not seen the movie till now
p1 - where was the oscar held ?
me - answered

mean while a guy enters to give tea .

p1- do you want tea?
me - np mam , thank you
p2 - ( pointed toward the hide n seek biscuit) u must have this , u did not have lunch
me - was seriously tempted , but somehow managed to say , no mam , i m fine ,
thank you
p1- r u sure ?
me - yes mam

p1 - suppose you are to start a new company , how will you market that company ?
me - gave 2-3 points
p1 -anything more?
me - repeated the same points . gave a real life example
p2 - do you like shahrukh khan ?
me - yes mam
p2 - then wont u request him to endorse ur brand ?
me - yes mam
p1 - then why did u not say that?
me - i wud not have called in a celebrity at first . that was definitely a future plan
p1 - why ?
me - too much expenditure
p1- so u have budget related problems right ? say it . thats with every new company
p2 - which brands do sharukh khan endorse
me - answered a few names
p1 to p2 - do u have anything more?
p2 - no
me - mam can i ask a question ?
p1 , p2 - yes sure
me - asked
p1- gave a thorough explanation
me - thank you mam
p1 - smiled

p2 - nice to meet you

me - thank you mam :)
PI EXP - it was great . thought that i would not even last 10 minutes inside the room ,
but ended up staying 25 minutes . the panelists were so cool . they were just
conversing . it was a great experience . but dont know whether i will get the call :-/
ALL THE BEST to all the guys and girls whose WAT , PI s are yet to be over

experience WAT/PI:venue : IIM Ahmedabad

date: 5th march,2013 9:00 am slot
panel 1
wat topic: is parliamentary democracy an obstacle for a growth of india?
.It was easy to wright abt it in20 min
psychometric test
PI experience:
Panel of 2 member.
P1 imi delhi prof (Shrewd as he has to be) , P2 imi kolkata prof.,(Good as a person).
P1: So Mr. Parekh Tell me abt ur self.
P1:Stopped me in b/w & asked abt my job role.
P1: How vague is it like ur an engineer and ur calculting NPV(Net Present
Value),IRR(Initial Rate of Return) at ur company (Although I told them abt all d
technical stuffs I'm doing at my company and told them that I'm calculating npv,irr
only under cost saving activities)
Me:Gave them a small example & finally he was convinced.
P1: Tell me abt time value of money (As I've already touched upon finance which
they liked & was successful in not making the discussion much more technical as
they would hate it if I would hv talked abt d thing which they didn't know and
obviously I ws d 3rd last in d panel so wanted to make it easy for them)
Me:Told. (But touched upon two different things inflation and interest rates to explain)
P1: For calculating time value of money will u consider inflation or interest rates?
Me: Told abt net actual gain and then told exactly what he needed and finally he
was convinced.
(Though have got d actual concept at that time only , actually
they hv made me think and I hv thought in ri8 direction that's why I can say P1 was
really shrewd)..
P2: So what do u generally read in a newspaper?
Me: (Wanted to say everything
) told them abt business news and sports news.

P2: Any business news u wold like to explain.

Me:Was telling Abt SAHARA Group of companies' NEWS meanwhile P1 interrupted.
P1:What is Optional Fully convertible debentures ?
P1:What is the time period to convert them in to equity?
Me:Told them as per company and SEBI guidelines.
P1: So what ws d period 4 SAHARA deal?
Me:I didn't have surfed too much abt d deal(Aur vaise bhi u were asking me abt news
& news me ye sab technicality nahi aati hai bhai!!!! )
P1:Ok then explain types of debentures ?
Me:Told (First time P1 was nodding like he has found something mellifluous-Fully
convinced & P2 was wandering what's going on )
P1: Tell me something abt rules of Chess at National & international levels.Are they
similar?(As I ws d chess champ of my college)
Me: Yes they are similar.
P1: No.
Me: I don't know then as I do play it and don't watch national & international
P1:Tell me abt castling
P1: Is long castle permitted in India?
Me: No Idea and told them that at our college and the state level competitions in
which I've participated I used to do long castle and no1 has stoppe me to do so.
(Now P1 got confused so he asked me d final question )
P1: Will u join IMI as U've got these much higher percentiles?( This was the real que
of d PI i suppose)
Me: Told them abt very few colleges I've applied and explained hw important IMI is 4
P2: Don't u go behind brand name IIM?
Me: Explained abt how good IMI is complete GYAAN...
P1:Any question?
Me:When can I expect the results?
P1: Calculated as if he was solving a QUANT question and finally gave me a long
range i.e. 1st or second week of April!!!!
Me:OK sir.
P1:Any other query?
Me:No sir.
P1:U may leave now.
Me:Thnak u sir...
P2&P1;:Thank you....

Personal experience:It was a healthy discussion but still I think they had 1 thing in
their mind i.e. my higher percentiles on which they can make me out. Hoping 4 d
Best of Luk Puys who hv their PIs pending....

WAT /PIVenue - IMI kolkata

Date - 6th march
WAT Topic:Food shortages in India are man made
Psychometric Test: 20 mins given but I think most of us finished within 10-15 mins.
PI-Panel 4
P1-A middle aged professor
P2-A white haired professor
P2-Tell me abot urself
Me told about my hobby singing then P2 asked
P2:Why didnt you try Indian Idol or Saregamapa till now?
P2:Why you opte for interviews in Kolkata while you work in Chennai
P2:What other calls do you have
P2:Why HR
P1:Which news paper you read
P1:How much is current fiscal deficit
P1:Who is finance minister and ex finance minister
P1 What is Pranab Mukherjee now
P1:When told President he asked what he is presiding over
Extempore-Tell abot any situation in your company where for your mistake your
company had to face any difficulty
P2:Draw your company structure
P1:What are your weaknesses
P1:What are the 3 adjectives your friends will use to describe you(Grille on this for a
P1:Why should we take you over others
Overall Interview was around 17-18 minutes.
Overall PI rating-3.75/5
Fingers crossed

WAT /PIVenue - IMI kolkata

Date - 6th march
WAT topic: Food shortages in India are man made (had so many points written in
rough, unfortunately could not incorporate all in 20mins)

Psychometric test- Don't even think they really evaluate it that seriously.

Interview- Two lady panelists, sweet types, looked like my next door aunties haha

First ten minutes of the interview I was grilled on my work, my company, and the
nature and details of my work. Expanding on this will be difficult, questions were
mainly to do with ERP implementation in my organisation and how logistics,
inventory, etc etc can be controlled.

Then I was asked about my hobbies. Talked about dancing :D

Then I was asked on current affairs.

Which party does Obama belong to? How many kids he has?
WHo was his opponent?
How does his re-election afffect India?
How has the IT industry of India affected by US?
What is Euro Zone crisis?
Do you think the bail-out was the right step?
What was IMF's role?
PGDM HR is a very specialized course, we need people with intrest only in HR and
U r from manufacturing background, are you sure u are ready for this... (last

venue :Chandigarh

date: 6th march,2013 8:30 am slot

panel 3 (each panel had 15-17 candidates)

wat topic: food shortage in india is man-made.Your Views.

200-250 word..20 min

psychometric test: 20 mins given (all finish in 10-15 mins)

PI experience: panel of 2 member...
p2lease tk ur seat
me:thank you
p1: ok so you are from Infosys , many ppl r coming from infy...(then a bit of smiles)
p2: ok tell us about your work .
me : explained abt my project and work i m doing in my project.
p1: so you will leave your company for Mba.
me : I have 2 options : 1) either to leave it or 2) I'll go for sabbatical option.
p2: so u have this option , then it seems you want backup wid u.
me : yes , but i would say if company is having such policy to retain its talent then y
not to opt for that as...
p1 (intervene in b/w): it means you are not confident enuf to find a place for u after
mba in corporate that you r gng for backup.
me: its not about lack in confdence , its like if you are taking risk analysis measures
as we do in our project i.e we do negative testing and other example is like a
manager has to think all the aspects like if something go wrong then he should
always have plan b in mind.
p1: what is beta testing ?
me :
i have read about alpha and beta testing , its kind of negative testing only,
but hadve read during 3rsd yr of college in Software engg..dont have exact
p1: pgdm and pgdm hr both u have ticked . y?

me : i have aplied for both.

p1: again a backup. HR...hahaa..
me(abe bas kro back up backup...:( ): Hr is also a gud option as it bla bla bla...
p1: if u r not selected in PGDM the wil u go for HR?
me: I will get selected.
p1: if u not then?
me: thenI'll go for PGDM in IMT ...1st is PGDM IMI then IMT and then HR in IMT...
p1: ok
p2: some current news , who died recently in venezuela?
me: President hugi chevas.
p2: where is venezuela?
me: mm,,..south america i guess..
p2: which other section u read in newspaper?
me : sports section, yesterday only india won match gainst aus.
p2: how many matches did dhoni won as captain n bla bla bla on cricket n ind aus
me: 22 and gave his answers.
p2: who is your fav author?
p1( comes in b/w): I guess he dont read books n al
me: right sir, not much into novels n al..but i believe its ok ..if I have not much
interest in novels.
p1: yea yea thats fine i was just guessing after looking your profile.
p1: ok ...Black n White

me: extempore..?
p1 : yes
me (stand in front of them )..said iabout nth black n white is there, its always grey
area , you have to take pros from both side ..n bla bla..
thats it.
p2: its not even 1 min now...
me:(smiled a bit)..then gave a vagues sa example and then just said thats it ,
(that was the worst experience i had in Extempore...just got short of words and
everything just flash off...:(:( )
p1: ok ..thanks alot...
p1: do u want to ask any question and how do u feel abt this interview.
me: no ques sir, and reg interview apart from extenpore , it was fine.
p1: it was black or white?(hahaha)
me : hahaha...if white is gudd then its white if u include extempore then its grey.....:)
overall I wud say not that good for things wnt against me whthr it was
extempore or confident vala line ki u always luk for backup n al......:(
Lets hope for guudd...
best of luck who r next to go..:)

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